Like Magic

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Like Magic Page 5

by Shea Balik

  A snort greeted them. “Please,” Chadwick deadpanned. “He’d be happier sleeping outside in the dirt with nothing more than the stars to keep him company.”

  Chadwick was hauled into Saber’s arms, a hand swatting his ass. “Watch it, brat,” Saber warned with a mock growl. “Or I’ll make you join me and we all know how much you would hate that.”

  Chadwick visibly shuddered at the threat. “Not happening. My idea of roughing it is a hotel with no cable.”

  That didn’t make any sense to Ryland. “But you’re a shifter. Shouldn’t you love the outdoors?”

  Chadwick glared at him and flipped him off. “There is a lot you need to learn about shifters, human.” Chadwick emphasized the last word derisively, eliciting a warning rumble from Draco, who tugged Ryland into his arms protectively.

  But Chadwick didn’t seem the least bit worried as he rolled his eyes at Draco. “God save me from alpha-types.” That earned him another swat from Saber, but Chadwick didn’t seem the least bit fazed. If anything, he pushed into Saber’s hand as if he’d known it was coming. “Just as you don’t like being told you’re inferior to shifters, we don’t appreciate the stereotypes about our kind.”

  That made sense. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” Even prior to his captivity, Ryland had assumed a lot about shifters based only on what he knew of his friend. Danny had loved the outdoors. There were times he hadn’t wanted to shift back into his human form and return home because his wolf was so happy to be outside.

  He received a nod from Chadwick. “And you are partially right. My mountain lion loves being outside, running, chasing prey, but when I sleep, give me a pillow top mattress and eight hundred thread count sheets and I’m a happy man.”

  “I’m just the opposite,” Ryland admitted, although he wasn’t quite sure why he was volunteering the information to people he really didn’t know. “I would rather sleep under the stars with the crickets lulling me to sleep.”

  “Sir,” Gerald came into the foyer, his gaze scanning every corner as if looking for someone. If Chadwick had to guess, it was Keira. The jerk. “Dinner is ready.”


  Saber gave Gerald a nod that he’d heard and Gerald hurried away, most likely to go in search of Keira. Ryland needed to get back to his room and make sure she remained hidden. “I should go,” he said without explaining why.

  But before he could even disengage from Draco’s arms, Saber asked, “Despite what Refugio did to you, you are not our slave. Please, we’d like for you to join us for dinner.”

  Touched, he wanted to say yes, but Ryland needed to check on his sister first. Thinking fast he glanced down at his still bare chest. “I need to put on a shirt.” Then he raced from them, not giving anyone a chance to stall him any longer.

  But before he’d completely disappeared, Draco called after him. “Make sure to invite your sister. I would like to apologize for scaring her earlier.”

  The knot that had been forming in his stomach moments before about how to keep his sister safe started to ease at the realization that he might not have to do it all by himself. He had Draco, and even though he wasn’t quite sure about mating him, he did believe that Draco wouldn’t allow anything to happen to him or Keira. He was actually pretty certain none of the men he’d just left would let someone as innocent as Keira be harmed under their watch.

  Just as he turned down the hall where his bedroom was, he saw Gerald approach his door, sniffing at it as if checking to see if Keira might be inside. He must have scented her for he put his hand on the doorknob.

  “Gerald,” he called out. “Is there something I can help you with?”

  The guard didn’t even seem to care that he’d been caught. When the man tried the knob and found it locked, he threw his shoulder against the door, forcing it open. His only acknowledgement that Ryland was there was to sneer at him and say, “If you know what’s good for you, you will turn around and forget I was ever here.”

  There was no way Ryland was going to do that. “That might be difficult to do since the Chief Council requested that Keira and I join them for dinner.”

  He really should have thought to bring Draco with him, for it only took one punch from Gerald for a roar to ring in his ears that he could have sworn would bring down the entire castle and then his world went completely black.


  The moment Ryland turned the corner and disappeared from sight, Draco started after him. He didn’t know if he sensed something was wrong, or it was the mating heat, but he couldn’t stop himself from following his mate.

  Not even Chadwick’s snarky comment about a panting dog after a bone fazed him as he went after Ryland. He became concerned when he noticed his mate had started running at some point. Not that it was difficult to keep up with him, but Draco feared the reason Ryland felt it necessary to run.

  Then again, he could just be overreacting. Just as he was having a difficult time being separated from Ryland, his mate would be feeling the same effects and might be rushing to get back to him. But Draco didn’t think so. At least, not this time.

  He had just turned another corner when he saw the guard, Gerald, punch Ryland. Rage burned through Draco unbidden. There was no stopping his animal from punching through its restraints and forcing him to shift.

  The manor shook with each step he took toward Gerald, who was frozen in place as he took in Draco’s animal charging toward him. The sharp ammonia scent of urine filled Draco’s nostrils as he reached for Gerald when the man pissed himself.

  “Holy fuck, he’s a dragon,” Chadwick said from somewhere nearby.

  But it was Saber’s words that stopped Draco from ripping Gerald’s head from his body. “Draco, stop. Your mate needs you.”

  Draco glanced over at where his mate lay unconscious on the floor, a bruise already forming along his jaw where Gerald had hit him. As much as he wanted nothing more than to shred the guard to pieces, Saber was right, Ryland needed him.

  With a flick of his wrist, he tossed Gerald down the hall to land in a heap at the other end, right in front of Saber and Chadwick, who, much to Draco’s pleasure, kicked the guard.

  Draco had picked up his mate and cradled him close even as Draco shifted back to his human form. He sat on the floor with his back against the wall just in time to see Saber give Chadwick a look of disapproval for what he’d done to Gerald.

  But Chadwick didn’t look at all contrite as he shrugged and said, “What? I was just checking to see if he was dead.”

  Saber shook his head. “Yeah, right. And I’m the Pope.”

  But Chadwick being Chadwick didn’t stop there. “Really? Then maybe you could tell me if Jesus was a man of peace, why there are so many wars being fought in his name?”

  “Is he going to be okay?” a soft voice asked from the door Gerald had busted open.

  Draco looked over to find Keira standing there wringing her hands with tears in her eyes as she stared at her brother. “He’ll be fine,” Draco reassured her.

  At least Draco prayed he was right about that. Ryland’s pulse was strong and steady, so he assumed his mate had just been knocked out. If it was more than that, no one, not even Saber, was going to stop him from tearing Gerald apart piece by piece.

  “This was all my fault,” Keira whispered as those tears started to fall down her face. “Ryland wanted me to hide in his room to be safe from the guards, but I knew Gerald wouldn’t be deterred.” Fearful eyes darted to where Gerald was moaning but still curled up in a ball on the floor. Of course, it probably didn’t help that Chadwick kicked the man every once in a while.

  “Wait a minute,” Chadwick said, from where he stood above Gerald. “Are you saying this piece of shit was here because he was going to force you to have sex with him?”

  Keira froze for a moment, then slowly nodded.

  Chadwick’s next kick had Gerald screaming in pain and Draco was sure he heard a bone or two snap. “Kitten,” Saber said as he dragged Chadwick away from Gerald. “
As much as this piece of shit deserves everything that happens to him, we need to have him face the Council for his crimes.”

  “Crimes?” Keira tilted her head to the side as her brows furrowed together. “Don’t get me wrong, I hated that Gerald and a few of the other guards forced me to have sex with them, but Refugio gave me to them when he grew tired of me.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Saber swore quietly. “I swear, killing that man once wasn’t enough.”

  A soft moan from Ryland made Draco’s heart beat faster. His gràdh was waking up. He sent up a silent prayer. Long thick lashes fluttered open to revel amber eyes and Draco knew he’d never seen a more beautiful sight. “What?” Ryland’s brows drew together as if he were trying to remember what had happened.

  Then he suddenly sat up, panic in his eyes until they landed on his sister. “Keira, are you okay?”

  His sister rushed to Ryland’s open arms, even though he was still sitting on Draco’s lap. Thankfully, that didn’t seem to matter to Keira because Draco wasn’t sure he’d be able to let Ryland go anytime soon.

  Clearly uncomfortable watching brother and sister crying, Saber cleared his throat. “Why don’t Chadwick and I go find a cell for Gerald until we can have a trial tomorrow.”

  Chadwick forced Gerald to his feet, making sure to kick him once more when he reached down to grab him. The grunt of pain wasn’t exactly enough to satisfy the rage that still burned within Draco, but it didn’t hurt either.

  “Chadwick,” Saber sighed. “Stop kicking the guy.”

  “What?” Chadwick widened his eyes in innocence. “I tripped.”

  Saber planted a light kiss against his mate’s lips. “What am I going to do with you?” he teased.

  Chadwick grinned and winked at Saber. “I have a few things in mind but they are going to have to wait until after dinner.” He patted Saber’s chest. “You’re going to need the strength.”

  Saber chuckled, but it was Ryland’s gasp that had Draco’s attention. “Dinner?” Ryland squeaked out. “I didn’t make dinner.”

  Saber waved off Ryland’s concern. “We don’t expect you to cook for us. Some of the guards volunteered.”

  Ryland gulped audibly. “Which guards?”

  Draco frowned at the question. “What difference does it make?”

  His mate’s amber eyes blinked at him. “Because some of the guards have a plan to murder all of you. I wasn’t sure how they thought they could beat you in a fight but…”

  “Poison would be far easier,” Saber finished. Cocking his arm back, Saber punched Gerald, knocking him out cold to ensure he didn’t go anywhere. “We’ll have to deal with him later,” he said, even as he raced down the hall toward the main part of the house.

  Draco should have left Ryland behind as there was no telling what would happen when they confronted the guards who had planned to kill them, but he just couldn’t put him down. Ryland could have died if Gerald had hit him any harder. Plus, they were going to need Ryland to tell them who the culprits were. At least, that’s what he told himself so he didn’t feel quite so guilty for taking him into danger.

  They burst into the dining room to find the entire Council sitting there with plates of food in front of them. “It’s about time,” Marlow Dunn said. “The food is getting cold and I, for, one, am hungry.” Marlow picked up his fork and stabbed a piece of meat, bringing it to his lips.

  “Stop,” Saber yelled. “We think the food has been poisoned.”

  Just then, all hell broke loose. Four guards suddenly had guns in their hands, pointed right at the heads of the nearest Council members. But these men and women hadn’t won their seats on the Council by being stupid or inept.

  Quick as lightening, they moved, the bullets meant to kill not even touching them.


  Chaos erupted all around them as Draco placed Ryland by the door with instructions to stay out of harm’s way. Like he planned to get in harm’s way. Ryland was not a fighter, at least, not a physical one.

  He was great in a verbal confrontation, but as soon as punches were thrown, he was out of there. That it was shifters doing the fighting made Ryland rather be anywhere but there. If only that had been an option, then maybe the one man meaner than even Refugio wouldn’t have caught him unprotected.

  A hand wrapped around his body, yanking him into a wall of hard muscles as a second hand cruelly covered his mouth and nose, cutting off Ryland’s ability to breathe. But as terrifying as that was, the sinister voice in his ear was far worse. “I was afraid I’d have to leave without you, my pet.”

  Ryland’s heart sank, his knees buckling as realization of who held him sank in. Garian.

  A chuckled that should have belonged to the devil himself sounded in his ear. The same one Garian gave when he bit Ryland as he fucked him. The majority of Ryland’s scars came from this one man.

  Garian gave the word sadist a whole new meaning as he’d come up with new and inventive ways to torture Ryland whenever he got the chance. When Garian had disappeared after Refugio had been killed, Ryland had foolishly believed he would never have to see the man again.

  Apparently, Garian had only left so he could plot against the new Council. How could he have been so naïve as to believe Garian would just walk away? The man had constantly boasted that one day he would kill Refugio and become the new Chief Council.

  There was no way Ryland was just going to allow Garian to get away with this. He needed to get to Draco. To warn him, but Garian’s hold was just too tight.

  Ryland fought for all he was worth, but that hand stayed right where it was, blocking his airway. Spots danced in front of his eyes, but Ryland refused to give up. He knew his life would be over if Garian took him.

  “It’s good to see you’re excited to see me, pet. I’ll be sure to remind you who you belong to before the night is over. But for now, it’s time for you to go to sleep.” Even as Garian spoke, blackness enveloped Ryland as the lack of oxygen took its toll.

  He tried once more to fight, but he could barely move. He felt his body slump against Garian. His mind screamed for Draco, but it was too late. The darkness surrounded him too quickly.


  “What do you mean he’s missing?” Draco roared in anguish as the entire manor had been searched and there was no sign of his mate. He refused to believe Ryland would just leave him. They may not have completed their mating but Ryland seemed to be warming up to the idea.

  He had to find Ryland.

  Draco ignored the useless excuses given by the guard who’d come back with the news that Ryland was missing and went back to the last place he’d left his mate. Sniffing the air, he smelled a presence he didn’t know. “Who else was here?”

  Lowell and another guard came over to where he stood. Their faces drained of all blood when they sniffed the air. Both men stared at each other, looking as if they were ready to faint.

  Draco didn't care what had these men terrified. All he knew was that he needed to find his mate. He grabbed them both by their collars and lifted them high into the air. "Talk," he ordered.

  Both men started stumbling over their words. "I thought he left," Lowell said. The other one insisting, "It had to have been Garian who came up with this plan. The others just aren’t smart enough."

  Draco shook them to get their attention and stop them from babbling. "Tell me where he took my mate."

  It was the only thing that really mattered. Who this Garian was or why he did it was irrelevant. Draco just needed to know where he was so he could kill him.

  Lowell shook his head. "You don't understand. Garian is evil."

  The other guard nodded in agreement. "He was the one who did everything Refugio wouldn't do himself."

  Lowell actually looked ready to piss himself just talking about this Garian person. "He was Refugio's assassin, doing things that even the devil himself wouldn't have done."

  None of that mattered. "I don't care what he did. He will die for taking my mate. Now, where is
he?" Draco roared.

  Lowell now gazed at Draco in terror as if he had something to say that he really didn't want to. Draco could actually see the battle within his eyes, like he was deciding between life and death itself. "You need to know, Garian's favorite person to torture was Ryland. Garian is the reason for all of those scars." Lowell appeared ready to die for what he told Draco. He wasn't far off. Draco was in a killing rage.

  He dropped both men onto the floor. There was no stopping the shift from taking over. In seconds Draco went from human to a twenty foot Dragon with brilliant blue scales covering his body. The manor, as enormous as it was, was no match for his sheer size. Screams could be heard as people scrambled to get out of the way, not only from his animal, but from the walls and ceiling crumbling around them.

  Saber ordered men to open the doors, not that it would help. There was no way Draco could get out those doors at this point. "Draco, you have to shift back," Saber ordered.

  That wasn't going to happen. Draco needed to save his mate. Until then his Dragon was there to stay. He leaned down his snout, getting close to the two guards who had given him the information about Garian. In his dragon form he couldn't speak but then again he didn't need to. They knew exactly what he wanted.

  "I - I - I - I don't kn-know wh-where he is," Lowell said.

  The other guard shook his head also agreeing with the first one. But it was from an unlikely source that he found his information. Keira came right up to him and put her hand on his snout, her eyes pleading with Draco. "There's a cavern that Garian used to take Ryland to. I can show you."

  As much as Draco did not want to take Ryland’s sister into danger, he also needed to find his mate. If anything happened to Ryland, Draco didn't know if he would survive. He wasn't sure the rest of the world would survive, for he knew his grief and rage would take over until everything near him was destroyed.


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