Trouble Brewing (In Ashwood Book 2)

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Trouble Brewing (In Ashwood Book 2) Page 17

by Kinney Scott

  They piled in Linnea’s car. “When do you start interviewing for taproom positions?” Amanda asked from the back seat.

  “Next week, I hope to find a couple people who aren’t just looking for free beer.”

  “How many applicants did you get?” Amanda worried, hoping her friend Annie could capture one of the sought after positions.

  “Over thirty. It surprised me. We’ve selected ten to interview. A few are locals, and some are from as far away as Portland.”

  “Are the Portland candidates willing to relocate?” Amanda asked, wondering if a hot new guy could be among the new recruits.

  “The people we have chosen to interview seem willing to make the move. The next few weeks will be insane.”

  Rick could see the excitement in Linnea’s face. All of her dedicated hard work would be on display at the grand opening of the taproom. She had been putting the final touches on the press release, sending out invitations to fans, patrons, and a wide swath of bar owners within a two-hundred mile radius. Just watching her enthusiasm brought a smile to his face.


  All week long Wade looked forward to putting miles between himself and one of the biggest assholes he had ever tolerated. At some point Wade wondered if the guy had a clone. Every time he turned around this slick slice of the city had his nose shoved where it didn’t belong, right up Wade’s ass.

  From the brewery to the taproom, he was an ever-present stench. His cologne muddied up the smell of hops and grain that usually brought Wade a sense of calm. Just when Wade thought he could look forward to a break, Steven found a way to insert himself into the first scheduled festival. Fortunately, he was too refined to stay on site with the crew.

  Steven had a room for himself and Ravenna booked at a nearby bed and breakfast. Of course, this ass would choose a place with white down comforters, vases filled with flowers, and cups of watered down tea.

  What does Ravenna see in this dick? He obsessed as he drove the first leg of the trip. Wade turned up a hard rock station until his ears buzzed with the extreme volume. Miles ticked by, radio stations with a solid signal changed from rock to country and back to rock again, as the suburbs of Sacramento came into view.

  By the time his small fleet of trucks and trailers pulled into their spot at the event, his head was in the game. It was finally time to put a new summer beer in front of the public, alongside his established brews. To hell with Coalition, this part of the business was ingrained in his psyche.

  Opening day progressed with flawless ease. The smell of hops, fried food and coconut sunscreen dissipated, after the last in the endless line of enthusiastic patrons finished a final beer. Meticulously cleaning the last tap, Wade still buzzed with the excitement of the Friday Night kick off. Sweet Venom had created such a stir, Wade’s only worry was whether he had brought along enough kegs of the blackberry summer beer.

  “We have it all set for tomorrow, Wade. Why don’t we call it a night?” Erik and his wife Trisha stocked the last of the merchandise for morning, before heading to their getaway set up in the back of their trailer. They’d never been bothered by the cramped sleeping quarters, it was part of the game.

  “Thanks, I’ll see you around seven-thirty.” Several of the vendors would be working for the next few hours. Wade wandered among the booths, looking for old friends and familiar faces. He didn’t get far before Ravenna and Steven caught up with him.

  “I need to have a word with you, before we leave for our bed and breakfast,” Steven insisted. Ravenna looked pained. Wade steeled himself against the voice that set his teeth on edge.

  “Sweet Venom has caught on here. You should be proud of your achievement, but…we need to temper your success. Your beer won’t be allowed to outshine our more established Coalition Craft summer favorites.” He hissed, with a sneer on his face.

  “Is that so?” Wade would not give this dick the satisfaction of riling him.

  With an evil gleam he added, “Absolutely, as our IPA guy, you need to push Double Deet. That product fits perfectly into our offerings. Coalition can’t have our brewers competing against each other for the same market share.”

  This ultimatum caused Ravenna to step away, the shock clear on her face. “Why have I not been included in this decision, Steven? This is precisely why I am here.”

  “Yes, normally. But, Mosquito Brewing is unique. We all know flexibility is required in uncharted territory.” His cool tone sent a chill down her spine.

  Watching her carefully, every bone in his body wanted to put himself between Ravenna and this snake-like creature. Bile rose in his throat as he pictured her soft lush body lying in bed with Steven. He pushed away the thought of this man’s fingers coiled across her delicate skin.

  Wade moved away, fighting his instinct to step forward. “Obviously I’m going to need some written clarification on Coalition’s new goals. Until then, I will proceed as planned.” He spoke carefully, masking visible evidence of his mounting rage.

  “You can count on our goals to be clear. Crystal Clear.” Steven growled.

  To drive his possession home with a gleam in his eyes, he added, “Ravenna let’s go. I need to get you to bed.” Wade’s fists clenched in tight rock-like knots, his knuckles white with tension.

  Her mind felt unhinged, and could not respond to the voice telling her to move. When her feet remained planted, he drew to her side and sank his fingers into her upper arm, steering her with firm pressure. Hot tears threatened. Her mouth went dry. Steven was using her to get to Wade, and there was not a damn thing she could do about it. Not yet.

  Wade looked at Ravenna, hoping she would give him anything. With one look or a single word, he would take her from Steven’s side, and protect her from this polished snare. Her gaze flicked up to Steven, as she followed him from the venue, and Wade stood powerless to act.

  Once they were out of sight, Wade grabbed his phone and placed a call. “Hey, Seth, I need a favor.”

  Seth could hear the anger in his cousin’s voice, “Anything, what’s up?”

  “I’ve hit a snag here in Sacramento. Natalie’s lawyer, the woman in Seattle, could you set up a meeting?”

  “You bet. When?”

  “How about early next week?”

  “Consider it done.”

  “Thanks, Seth.”

  “No problem, if you need anything else, just ask.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Wade’s only option was finding a way out of this suffocating quicksand. It was time for action.


  She sank into the lavender scented water but peace would not come. Ravenna could not face Wade after last night. Steven had humiliated her with his overpowering display of dominance. Fortunately, her boyfriend had planned to visit a few breweries in the area, leaving Ravenna time to regain her equilibrium.

  Wrapped in a fluffy cotton robe, she decided to send Natalie a text. Focusing on the details of her friend’s wedding plans seemed like a perfect distraction. She lost herself in reception menu options, centerpiece details and ideas for creative gifts for the guests.

  Pictures of flowers, food, and wedding cakes helped her detach from the stress that loomed ahead for the remainder of her evening. In a few short hours, she would return to the festival at Steven’s side, her happy business persona in place.

  The desire to push back against his overpowering behavior clashed with her need for information. For now, Ravenna set her personal life aside to help Wade Michaels.


  Natalie called Linnea the moment she received Ravenna’s first text. “Has something happened at the Sacramento Festival? Last night Seth sent an email to my lawyer. It sounds like Wade needs to meet with her after he returns.”

  Linnea shut the office door before continuing the phone conversation. “Yes, Wade didn’t elaborate, but he asked me to send contracts to your lawyer this morning.”

  Natalie sighed, “Ravenna must be caught in the middle. S
he’s busy sending me pictures of wedding ideas. While I appreciate her help, I know she’s only trying to distract herself from something upsetting.” Linn could hear Nate typing, responding to another message from their mutual friend.

  Linnea worried, “Let’s keep in touch about this until it blows over. I’m concerned about Ravenna.”

  She wasn’t sure how much Natalie knew about the difficult position Ravenna was in, between Coalition and Mosquito brewing, but that didn’t matter. For the moment, Linnea knew she could count on Natalie to help their troubled friend.

  “I’ve got an idea. Could you help me plan a birthday party for her? Just us girls. After the trip to Sacramento she might welcome a break from the battle going on between the men.” Natalie asked already mentally planning a simple menu.

  “Perfect. Stop by the Mosquito office later. I’ll be happy to help.”


  Pushing back from the table Ravenna sighed happily. “Natalie, thank you. I can’t remember the last time I had a ravioli that rivaled by grandmother’s.” Linnea wandered into Natalie’s kitchen and brought out a small beautifully frosted cake with a single candle burning on top. Amanda and Natalie led the song, slightly off key.

  Her cheeks colored as happy tears pressed hot at the back of her eyes. “Birthday cake! Oh - I can’t wait to taste it.” Ravenna smiled. “Is this the flavor you’ve decided on for your wedding?” she asked.

  Natalie nodded, “Yes, thanks for all your help last week.”

  “Make a wish first,” Linnea said placing the cake in front of her friend.

  Ravenna smiled, and chose a silent wish for the man who needed an extra measure of good luck this week, as she blew out her candle.

  Amanda sliced the decadent buttery cake. “Maggie sure knows how to please,” she said, as she served the first piece to Ravenna.

  “Oh, Lord, this is delicious. I will miss Goldfinch Bakery when I move from Ashwood, almost as much as I will miss all of you.”

  From a small pile of gifts, Natalie handed her friend a beautifully decorated bag, filled with handmade lotions and soaps. “Seth buys my body lotion from this shop in Portland. I noticed you often wear a citrus perfume. Amanda and I had these made especially for you.”

  Opening a bottle, she sniffed the lovely aroma and smoothed the creamy citrusy lotion on her hands and arms. “This is perfect. It smells like the lemon orchards that grow near Ravenna Italy.”

  “Here - open this next,” Linnea said with a slightly uncertain smile. In a flat slim box, Linnea had wrapped a delicate silk scarf. The deep hues set off the caramel color of Ravenna’s eyes. She circled the filmy fabric round her neck and sighed. “Thank you so much. I could not love this more.”

  Linnea handed her the last small box left on the sideboard. “This is from Wade,” she said with a smile in her eyes. “He asked me to bring it over today, and give it to you.”

  Ravenna’s mouth dropped slightly open, she didn’t expect this, and did not know what to say. “What is it?”

  “I don’t know, open it and see.” She slid her fingernail under the gold medallion sticker that held the slim square box closed. Removing the lid, and peeling back the glossy tissue, she found a delicate cuff-bracelet laying inside.

  The slim design wove silver and deep blue enamel with an intricately carved raven. The pale metal almost glowed with a frosted white brilliance set off by the deep-blue background. Her eyes flicked up at the three women as she slid the loop of metal past her hand. Holding her hand aloft, she looked at each pair of eyes as they locked onto her stunned expression. “Isn’t this beautiful?” She whispered with barely controlled emotion, staring at the gleaming silver raven wrapped round her wrist.


  Leo arrived a few days prior to the taproom opening. Ravenna rushed to meet her papa the moment he pulled into the lot. As his daughter flew toward his truck. He was aware that he had never seen Ravenna so openly thrilled to greet him. And this concerned him, because their phone conversations of late had filled him with worry.

  Wade watched from inside, as this beautiful petite woman fell into her father’s embrace, and for a moment, appeared like a child. He looked forward to spending time with Leo again, a man he deeply respected. After taking a moment to drink in the emotion of their exchange he turned away, trying not to intrude.

  Across the shop, standing in the shadows, he spotted Steven watching the same interaction with barely veiled disdain. Leo still held a spot on the Coalition Craft Corporation Board. As a founding member, his vote held almost no power. However, his history in the company still influenced. While most respected Leo’s standing in the industry, Steven looked forward to the day when the old guard would be swept away from the board.

  “Papa, I’ve missed you - so much.” She said holding on to this solid comforting man who centered her world.

  “Ravenna, what is it?” he had detected her shift from joy to sadness instantly.

  “Nothing that will last, Papa. Just having you here gives me strength.” He held her a short distance away, giving himself room to study the beautiful face that owned much of his soul. “You are small, but you are mighty.” He smiled.

  She hugged him again. This declaration over her had been his constant mantra, and she loved to hear it again, spoken with fatherly conviction.

  “Show me this place. I have heard so much about it from you, and from Wade.” He said as she held his hand and led him through the wide open door of the taproom, and the brewery beyond.

  “Have you been talking with Wade?” she said, surprised.

  “Of course, he is one of my past students, and I consider him my lifelong friend. I am always happy to assist when asked.” Mutual respect also grounded their unique connection.

  He spotted the tall Michaels man, waiting patiently. “Wade, it’s been too long, my friend, far too long.” Wade’s lengthy strides took him to Leo. Towering several inches over the compact Italian man, Wade still felt like a gangly youth in his solid hug.

  “Let me look at you, your hair, it is long! Looks like this brewery has put some wisdom and wrinkles in those eyes.”

  “Yes, it has sir, and some mileage.” The men shared a laugh together.

  “You know better than to call me sir. I’m always Leo, simply Leo. Thank you for allowing me to stay at your little home here on site.”

  “Happy we could have you here…I hope you find it comfortable. And you will be close to Ravenna during your stay.”

  “Perfect.” He said as his eyes skirted the room, taking in the big picture.

  “You’ve done it Wade. This is far more grand than anything I was able to piece together. Congratulations!” He slapped him on the back, proud of Wade’s accomplishment.

  Looking around he also saw bits of the familiar, reflected in his daughter’s touches. “Ravenna I see your hand on the place as well. Beautifully done.” He smiled. His eyes passed from Ravenna to Wade - and back to his daughter again. He sensed a deep connection between them. Something he planned to examine during his stay.

  Snapping a staccato beat across freshly finished wood floors, Steven’s self-assured strides brought the executive to Ravenna’s side. The slide of his hand to the center of her back pulled her from her father. “Leonardo Silvestre, nice to see you again.” He held out his hand and Leo took it, shaking it firmly.

  “Steven. Interesting to see you here. Taproom openings aren’t your usual haunts.”

  “Ravenna and I spent her birthday together. I’ve decided to stay a few extra days and enjoy the party,” he said.

  “That reminds me, dear. Mama sent up a few packages for your birthday, but one needs to find its way to your kitchen.”

  “Not Tiramisu?” Ravenna almost leapt with joy when he nodded. She dashed off to his car to gather her birthday treat. Steven followed behind, thankful for the escape from a man he tried to avoid.

  “Well, Wade, I have lost my daughter to a sweet dessert and birthday gifts. Why don’t we start with the br
ewery? Ravenna can find us later.”

  Wade followed Leo as he asked questions about the latest technology. These updates made brewing far more efficient, while also removing some of the guesswork - but Leo wondered if it also removed a bit of the artistry.

  Soon, Linnea, Erik and Trisha joined the two men. Eventually, the remaining brewery staff Kyle, Dillon, and Annie shadowed the group, hoping to meet Leo, a legend in the brewing world. In addition to his reputation, his magnetic presence drew everyone in.

  The tour of the taproom ended with a thorough tasting of each beer. Later that evening Wade and Leo needed rides to Northside Grill for the large celebration dinner. Iris set aside a section of her restaurant anticipating her boyfriend’s large group. More than twenty people sat together. Iris joined them, sliding in next to Wade.

  “Leo, I’d like you to meet Iris,” Wade said, placing his arm around this stunning woman he was growing closer to each day. “She owns this fantastic bar, and is one of the smartest, most beautiful women I know.”

  “Iris, pleasure to meet you, and thank you for your grand hospitality.”

  She liked Leo right away. “We are so pleased you could be here for the grand opening of the taproom and brewery. It’s an honor to meet you.”

  Easy conversation and pitchers of beer, paired with well-prepared food entertaining everyone. Even Steven allowed himself to relax as he sat next to Ravenna, his arm stretched over the back of her chair.


  Finding time to visit Seattle during the busiest week of his life was chaotic but essential. Seth and Natalie came along, partially for support, but also to remove the last of her grandfather’s belongings from the retirement condominium that recently sold. Ben and Natalie planned to sort through the boxed up memories carefully, once her brother’s job slowed from the current hectic pace.


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