Trouble Brewing (In Ashwood Book 2)

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Trouble Brewing (In Ashwood Book 2) Page 19

by Kinney Scott


  Dashing up her stairs, she slammed the door. Leaning against the solid wood, she felt as if she was holding a tide of emotion at bay. Her head tipped back as her body shook. Fingers quaking she spun the lock, attempting to shut out her confusion. She needed time before running into Steven. It occurred to her that she had not talked to him since breakfast this morning. Perhaps, if she was lucky, he had gone to Portland for the day.

  She closed her eyes and touched her lips lightly with her fingertips. Wade’s heat still lingered. That kiss, Wade’s intimate touch - had been simmering between them since they met in Vegas. Why had he chosen this moment to act? Or, did she choose?

  She could still feel his warmth where their bodies had pressed together. Each word, each longing expression played again in her mind. Ravenna knew she wanted this to happen, but not now. Not when they were both tied to other people.


  Taking a moment to center himself, Wade found his way into the large storage room at the furthest corner of the brewery. Bags of grain and malt stacked on palates, surrounding him in sights and scents that helped to clear his mind. By flooding his senses with the familiar, he found a meager replacement for the visceral sensation of Ravenna’s sensuous kiss.

  Every bone in his body ached to find her and prove to her that the desire they shared was not a mistake. They were as inevitable as tonight’s sunset, and the pull of the tides. His hands tingled recalling her soft skin, as he tightened his grip to hold onto the recent memory a bit longer. Her voice echoed in his head. “If only we had met years ago.”

  So many times their paths had nearly crossed. He had frequently visited Leo over the years, and was aware that he had a daughter. Her feminine evidence had been all around his friend’s home. Small shoes in the entry, a petite jacket hanging on a peg, her picture over the fireplace mantle depicted a grown woman, but her belongings were so small, so delicate, it seemed she was a nymph.

  Then his words invaded, “When I think about how close we came…everything could have been so different.” His world had shifted with that kiss - Ravenna’s presence was transformational. But, he couldn’t let go of her regret. Her stunned reversal was a blow to his ego. “I’m so sorry, Wade. We…shouldn’t have.”

  Yes, we should! Everything about Ravenna called to him. Ravenna created emotions that he had not known existed. Her passion cut fresh channels into his soul - no one else could fill the chasm.

  As he spun toward the door to find her, Linnea collided into him. “Good Lord, there you are! I can’t find half of our family! Have you seen Amanda or Ravenna? We are swamped out here!”

  Wade shook himself. Their timing was off…again. He followed his sister. Rounding the corner the sound of the band washed over him. The din of conversation pulsed with the excitement of the event. As another enthusiastic guest begged for his time, Wade struggled to listen to the words of congratulation.


  Danielle spoke evenly, “Unfortunately, he’s correct. As a representative of Coalition, he is entitled to disclosure of financial documents pertaining to the investments. However, the warning of breach of contract is an empty threat.” Her lawyer’s expression focused on Steven, daring the arrogant ass to press her further.

  “Seth, you are within your rights to call the Sheriff, he was trespassing, but it appears that nothing was tampered with.”

  Steven stood. “I’d like my jump drive back please.” Seth’s steely gaze met his smug expression.

  Taking his time, Seth made a copy of the stolen files. He pulled the drive from his computer and placed it on the surface of the desk. When Seth stood, he created a wall that Steven had to move around to retrieve his device. Kent and Ben also refused to budge from their positions, as immovable as trees. Steven snaked his way around all three, on his way out the door.

  Once he had cleared the threshold of the shop, everyone took a collective breath. “None of this leaves this room until after the grand opening,” Seth directed. “Wade worked too hard to have this day tainted by that miserable snake and the corporation he slithered from.”

  “Should we try to keep Steven, Ravenna and Leo away from Wade?” Amanda blurted out angrily.

  Natalie took a step back, shocked by the implication. “Certainly you don’t believe the Silvestre’s have anything to do with this?” Natalie challenged.

  Then Kent stepped up to fill in the blank, “This is theft, Natalie. I don’t know about Leo, but Ravenna had the passwords. She knows our computer system. Steven must have had her help.”

  “Impossible. She’s helping Wade to…” Natalie stopped herself short, as her eyes met Seth’s.

  Few people knew about the risk Ravenna was taking for Mosquito Creek Brewing. The information she continued to hand over might help Wade escape this net that entangled him. Unfortunately, until they learned all they could, Ravenna needed to appear loyal to Coalition.

  Natalie huffed in frustration. “I don’t believe it. Ravenna has become a close friend.”

  “She’s not family.” Amanda added with the unspoken sentiment - that Natalie wasn’t family either…not yet.

  Seth stepped between his sister and the woman he loved. “Amanda, that’s enough. We all need to get back over to the brewery.”

  “What about Steven? Do we need to keep an eye on him?” Just as Kent finished speaking Ravenna’s rental Jeep peeled out of the lot, bailing south, out of town. Steven sat behind the wheel, with no sight of Ravenna. Kent grumbled, “I guess he found what he was looking for.”

  Amanda sank onto the worn leather couch, feeling violated by the entire event. “Are we seriously going to pretend like this didn’t happen, like it doesn’t matter?”

  Kent fell to her side, and she leaned into his strength. Finally, Ben spoke up, “Natalie, do you want to head back with me? Amanda, I know I’m sort of an outsider here, but Seth is right. Now is not the time to expose Steven. Wade has more than enough to worry about today.”

  “I know. I just feel so violated. We trust everyone in Ashwood. Why did he have to destroy our trust?” She said softly as Kent laced his fingers through hers.

  “Amanda and I will hang out here for a while.” Kent intended to give her all the time she needed to recover.

  “I’m sorry, Natalie,” she apologized - then remembered, “Oh I almost forgot, Linnea sent me here over an hour ago to find tape for the cash register. She’s probably pulling her hair out by now.”

  “I’ll take it to her.” Natalie said, quickly locating the tape in the storage closet. Ben followed his sister out.

  Before she went back to the party, Danielle Evert turned to Seth. “Please let me know if you need my help.” She was genuinely saddened that she could not have delivered better news.

  “I’m sure Wade and I will be making an appointment this week, thank you for today. You have no idea how much you have already helped.” He followed her out, closing the door behind him.

  Amanda curled up as Kent pulled her into his lap. His strong hands stroked the stress away. Each caress transforming anger to a different kind of tension, stoking a simmering passion that Kent intended to keep in check. Even the warmth of Amanda’s breath puffing across his neck did not break the control that Kent carefully kept in place. Every muscle in his body tightened like a vice, because he knew how easily she would fall apart beautifully in his arms if he allowed it.


  Ravenna could not believe he was gone. Steven had stormed into the tiny house, and swiftly packed his slacks and crisp shirts into his sleek luggage. “Where are you going, Steven? In fact, where have you been all day?”

  He responded with a cold as ice reply, “Accomplishing in twenty minutes what you could not do in more than two months.”

  “What have you done, Steven?”

  “I downloaded financial files and found out where Wade got his financial backing. I followed the money.”

  “Where? How?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I have what I came fo
r. Just stay here, and do your job. I’ve managed to accomplish the difficult portion for you. What is left should not be too challenging. I’ll see you in Chicago - in October.” He turned to gather his tablet, a charger and headphones, sliding them into his slim black satchel.

  Ravenna felt nothing as she determined never to see Steven again.

  “I’m not coming back to Chicago, at least not to you.” She barely recognized her own voice as her cold words slipped across her lips.

  “Of course you are. You have an apartment, a job, a life there.” His eyes challenged hers.

  “That’s none of your concern, Steven.”

  “You are making a serious mistake.” He said calmly.

  Ravenna pulled her shoulders up, trying to look taller than her five feet three inches and spoke. “My biggest mistake was ever trusting you.”

  Steven set his suitcase and the sleek leather satchel on the floor. Stepping into her space, he grabbed her shoulders with a vice-like grip. Twisting his hand through the strands of her hair, he forced her eyes to meet his, and bent to claim one final, punishing kiss.

  Ravenna didn’t move, didn’t even give him the satisfaction of a struggle. But when he tried to pry her lips apart with the hard edge of his tongue, the lips that had just been caressed by Wade, she opened her mouth just far enough to bare her teeth and bit his lower lip. Hard.

  His hand tightened in her hair, pulling her away by the sensitive tendrils at the nape of her neck. In pains response, her mouth popped open releasing his lip, the tangy taste of his blood on the tip of her tongue.

  “You bitch,” he seethed. He left, leaving the door swaying on its hinges.


  Dipping behind the counter, Natalie handed Linnea the register tape. “Amanda said you were about to run out.” Her smile was pasted on, and if Linnea hadn’t been so busy she might have noticed.

  Surrounding them, the celebration continued. Ben found a worthwhile distraction as he asked Kelsey to dance. He had missed her this summer and plied her with questions about her growing eco-tourism company.

  Natalie helped customers find the right sized tank tops, hats and t-shirts. Everyone wanted a souvenir from this hot brewery, sure to take the western half of the nation by storm.

  Iris kept her staff busy, but beneath her efficient exterior, her mind spun with questions. She filled orders, prepared drinks and kept her work area spotlessly clean. His betrayal stung. Was that kiss I witnessed between Wade and Ravenna their first? How could I be so blind? The smile on her face physically began to hurt, as she fought back her need to cry.


  The numbers dropped with the setting sun as the chill of early summer pushed any remaining people from the white canopy to the taproom. Foundry tore down their sound equipment, and loaded their van. “The music was awesome, guys, thanks for sticking around longer than planned.” Wade said as he settled up what he owed for their extra time.

  “No problem. Please give us a call again when you need live music. And thanks for the free beer!” His friend said as he slammed the door of the van. The parking lot was nearly empty, only the cars of close friends and family remained.

  Among the vehicles, was Iris’ little green beetle. Wade grinned at the strangely fitting transportation choice for a woman who battled snow covered winter roads. Iris emerged from the building, carrying the last box of catering utensils. He automatically closed the distance, taking the load from her.

  “Thanks,” she said, as she opened the trunk of her little car. Placing her gear inside, she slammed the lid, and circled to the driver’s side door. She waited to open it, leaning her hip on the cool metal.

  Wade hesitated, suddenly unsure about how he should say goodnight. Before he got a single word out she looked up, speaking with a hardened tone. “I wanted to wait until after the grand opening…until life settled down a bit.” He knew what was coming before the words left her lips. “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you Wade. You’re exactly the kind of man I admire…”

  He listened and absorbed her letdown, “but I’m thinking we both know we aren’t meant to be together for the duration.” Her statement while true, still stung. Even if it did let him off the hook.

  He exhaled a puff of tight air. “I know Iris. I had hoped we could develop into so much more.”

  “It’s ok. I’d like to end this - before one of us gets hurt. In a town this size…” she shrugged leaving the phrase hanging between them on an invisible string.

  He knew it might take time, but they would remain friends. She slid into her car, and started the engine. Before she left, the electric hum of the window pulled Wade in.

  For a moment, he wondered if she wanted a kiss goodbye. Instead, she added, “I’ll leave your stuff in my office at the Northside. If anyone asks…Wade - we broke up yesterday.”

  Wade started to speak, to ask why, but she reached up and covered his lips with her fingertips. He knew. She had spotted him with Ravenna. Iris had let him down easy.

  A small trail of dust kicked up as her car left the lot. Staring at the haze of grey, a sick pit stung his gut with regret. He’d lost an amazing woman, and despised himself for the pain he’d inflicted.

  Behind him, a door shut. The voice of his old friend followed. “Wade, I haven’t seen Ravenna in over an hour, and her car is gone. Did she have an errand to run?” Leo asked, worry evident as he searched for his daughter.

  “Have you checked her house Leo?” He asked as his eyes scanned the lot looking for her missing Jeep.

  “I was just going that direction. Would you mind watching for her? Perhaps she’s somewhere on the property.” Leo said as his pace picked up, heading in the direction of the tiny homes.

  “I will start looking and send a text.” When her immediate reply didn’t come, be went inside to look for Ravenna in the brewery.

  Raised tense voices met his ears as he entered Mosquito Creek Taproom. Wade was shocked to see his family squared off in heated argument. So much for a night to lay back, have a few beers, and bask in the success of the grand opening.

  Wade raised his voice over the din. “Hey, I could hear you all from outside. What has everyone so worked up?”

  Seth turned, “Why don’t we take this to the office. Wade we need to talk.”

  “What the hell is going on Seth? Spill it. From what I can tell I’m the only person in the dark.”

  Amanda began delivering the shocking news. “This afternoon, I went into Whitewater’s office to grab supplies for the cash register. I found Steven at the computer copying financial files.”

  Wade’s fists clenched. “Amanda, did he do anything to you?” Her safety his primary concern.

  “No, nothing like that, I texted Seth and Kent.” She added as her brother filled in the remaining details. As each layer of information stacked upon the next, Wade’s anger grew.

  “I can’t believe this mess. Does Ravenna know? Is she okay?”

  Linnea finally spoke, “Wade, I don’t think she had any part of this.”

  Amanda could not keep still. “You can’t be serious! Ravenna’s deceived both of you! Of course she helped him.”

  The argument Wade had walked in on, boiled over again, voices echoing over one another in a desperate attempt to be heard. Wade found himself stepping back from the snarled conversation when he felt the buzz of a text in his pocket. Ravenna had finally responded - Dad found me Wade. Sorry if I worried anyone. Not feeling well. Calling it a night.

  Seth finally reigned in the confrontation. “I know we are all concerned about what happened today. Wade and I need time to look over the information Steven accessed before we decide what to do.”

  “And I need to talk with Ravenna.” Wade added, drawing a glare from Amanda.

  Linnea spoke with her characteristic calm. “Nothing can be resolved tonight. Tomorrow, Mosquito opens to the public. The trouble Steven caused won’t change that fact.”

  Wade added, “Can I count on everyone to keep this quiet? At least
until we sort out our options?” He looked carefully at each person standing in this circle of discontent.

  Rick took Linnea’s hand. “You can count on us Wade.” He pulled her aside, “Linn, let me know what I can do to help you finish up here tonight.” He longed to find at least one moment to spend with her before the end of this exhausting day.

  Amanda looked at her brother Seth. His level gaze prompted her to agree to keep this news from becoming wild fire in Ashwood. She left with Kent as he followed her next door to lock up Whitewater’s office.

  Wade stood alone with Natalie and Seth. He asked for a favor. “Hey, can I stay at your place tonight. Maybe we can talk some of this out?”

  “Sure, we would be glad to have you, Wade. Would you like to invite Iris?” Natalie added.

  “No, we aren’t together any longer.” He mumbled, barely loud enough for them to pick up. Seth wasn’t surprised. He was among the few who had spotted Wade and Ravenna.

  His cousin would never go home with Iris, following that kiss. “Go ahead, you two - and take off, I’ll be a few more hours here. Don’t wait up.” He added. He might choose to crash on the couch in his office.

  As much as he longed to talk with Ravenna, that had to wait. Leo would be leaving in the next day or two. Once Wade could get Ravenna alone, he planned to take time and sort out this unholy mess.

  Linnea and Rick moved in unison together, tidying up the taproom, stacking t-shirts, and loading the dishwasher with the last of the pints. Seeing them together, Wade smiled, thankful that his sister had found a man who matched her stride.

  Today Rick had been introduced as a good friend to Linnea’s father. He paid a quick visit for the grand opening, but hurried back to Yakima after only a few hours. Rick could not shake the feeling that her father had an uncanny ability to watch, like a hawk, from a distant perch in Yakima.


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