Stolen Lies (Truths and Lies Duet Book 2)

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Stolen Lies (Truths and Lies Duet Book 2) Page 18

by Nikki Ash

  “The plane is totaled,” he says then stays quiet, listening to whoever is on the other line. I’m curious as to who he’s speaking to since all of Kostas’s men already know the plane is totaled.

  “The bitch and the baby? That’s going to cost you big time. Last time I checked you don’t have that kind of money. If you want me to grab them, I’m going to need to see the money first.”

  Oh my God! The bitch and the baby? There’s only one bitch around here with a baby, and that’s me. I consider sticking around to hear whatever else he’s going to say, but decide I’ve heard enough to know this guy is bad fucking news. It’s why he doesn’t give a shit about anything Phoenix or Kostas threaten. He’s not working for them… He’s working for Aris. He’s a damn rat!

  Needing to get to my daughter and mom to make sure they’re safe, I turn and run back into the house and up the stairs. The first thing I need is my gun. There’s no way I’m chancing that asshole kidnapping Zoe and me and bringing us back to Aris.

  Since my bedroom is before Zoe’s, I pop in there to grab my gun from the nightstand. But as I’m grabbing it, I hear footsteps behind me, and a chill runs up my spine. Somehow Fowler knows I heard him.

  Not chancing him either killing or kidnapping me, I quickly flip the safety off and turn around with the gun aimed directly at him. He has his aimed at me as well.

  “Easy, girl,” he starts, an evil glint in his eye as he steps forward.


  I choke on a gasp as the blood swells, blooming like a flower. Holy shit. His eyes widen as he grabs his side. He wasn’t expecting me to be packing and he sure as hell didn’t expect me to shoot. He should’ve, though. I’m married to the most powerful mob boss in the country. Of course he’s going to make sure I can defend myself.


  I waste no time squeezing on the trigger again. This bullet goes through his arm and he drops the gun.

  We both go after it at the same time, but as I’m diving down to grab it, Fowler drops to the ground. When I look up, I find Phoenix standing in the doorway with a gun in his hand.

  “Thank you,” I breathe. I glance over at Fowler and he’s knocked out, the side of his head bleeding. Phoenix must’ve hit him with the butt of his gun.

  “I’ll always have your back, sis,” he says, reaching his hand out to help me up.

  “How did you know?” I ask, standing and handing him the gun.

  “Overheard him talking on the phone. Saw you listening as well, but I didn’t want to draw attention to you. As soon as you ran, he turned around, and I knew he saw you.” He kicks Fowler in the stomach so he rolls over onto his back. He’s bleeding heavily onto my carpet. Great, I’ll probably never get that stain out.

  “I’m so glad you’re here.” I run into Phoenix’s arms.

  “Eh, looks like you were handling yourself just fine.” He kisses the top of my head.

  “I need to go make sure Mom and Zoe are safe,” I tell him. “I don’t know who we can even trust. I’m going to have her lock herself in the room. Can you tie this fucker up and call Kostas?”

  Phoenix’s lips curl into a wide grin.

  “What?” I ask, confused.

  “Nothing.” He shakes his head. “I just hope one day I find a woman like you. Kostas got himself a good one. He better treat you right.”

  “He more than treats me right,” I tell him. “He treats me like his queen.”

  When I get to Zoe’s room, the door is closed and locked. “Mom,” I call out.

  “Talia! I heard a gunshot! Are you okay?” she says through the door.

  “Yes, I’m okay. You can open the door.” I want to make sure nobody is in there. I knew something was up with Fowler. Who knows who else is a rat.

  When she opens the door, I sigh in relief at the sight of my daughter bouncing up and down in her crib. “Go ahead and lock the door again. Phoenix has Fowler, and Kostas will be on his way shortly. Don’t open the door unless it’s one of us.”

  “Okay, be safe, sweetheart.” She gives me a kiss on my cheek.

  I get back to the room to find Phoenix has Fowler propped up in my reading chair and has used my robe belt to tie his hands. He’s awake, but his head is hanging down. I bet he has a massive migraine. The thought makes me laugh. When my husband is done with him, a migraine will be the least of what he feels.

  “What the fuck are you laughing at?” Fowler hisses. “You think tying me up is going to stop Aris from getting to you again?” He laughs wickedly, and I take a step back. Gone is the pervy flirt, and present is a ruthless mobster. “That man is on a revenge mission, and he ain’t gonna stop until he has everything Kostas cares about. Mark my fucking words.”

  The room chills several degrees like a cold storm has surged into our bedroom, ready to destroy everything in its path.

  “My brother will get to my wife again over my dead fucking body,” Kostas says, entering the room. He saunters over to Fowler like he doesn’t have a care in the world. But I can see the darkness in his usually light eyes. He’s pissed and he’s going to make Fowler pay…after he makes him talk.

  “We can make this easy or difficult. Are you going to tell me where my brother is, or am I going to beat it out of you?” Kostas cracks his neck to one side and then to the other, the bones popping in an intimidating way.

  Fowler laughs. “I’m not saying shit.” He spits at Kostas. “I already know my death warrant’s been signed. I’m not going down a fucking rat.”

  Kostas glowers at him as he sheds his jacket and rolls up his sleeves. “The hard way it is.” He turns to me, and I give a look that tells him I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be damned if I don’t get to see this asshole get what’s coming to him. Kostas simply shakes his head, not even bothering to argue.

  Kostas unbuckles his belt and pulls it through the loops. For a second, I wonder if he’s going to whip Fowler with his belt, but instead he wraps it around his neck, tightening it so tight, Fowler’s veins in his neck and face bulge. He doesn’t stop until Fowler’s face is bright red.

  “This is for teaming with the wrong side.” He tightens it some more, and I worry he’s going to kill him before he gets any information out of him.

  “And this is for even thinking you would try to take my daughter and wife from me.” Kostas tightens the belt, and Fowler’s survival instincts kick in. He tries to wriggle his body to get free. His head lashes back and forth as his face color turns to a deep crimson.

  “Sis, you sure you wanna be here for this?” Phoenix asks, his tone laced with worry.

  “She’s not going anywhere,” Kostas says, answering for me. “Your sweet little sister has quite the dark side in her.” While still choking Fowler, he looks back and shoots me a knowing smirk, causing my belly to flutter with butterflies. Jesus, I think I might be as crazy as my husband.


  When I’d gotten the text from Phoenix, I’d seen red. But thankfully, Talia’s brother is one of the few people I can trust around here. He’d been onto Fowler’s bullshit already and had his eye on him. And when the fucker thought he could hurt my fucking wife, she shot him.

  Good girl.

  Good goddamn girl.

  The prick is whining and hissing against the leather belt that has him in a chokehold, but all I can do is admire my wife. She looks borderline angelic in her yellow sundress and sunny hair that hangs down her back in what she calls beach waves. Even the smile on her plump red lips is serene. It’s the eyes, though.

  Brilliant and blazing.

  Wickedly blue.

  A monster who teases my own.

  If I didn’t have this dickhead to torture, I’d bend her over my bed right now and take her bloody cunt. I’d smack her ass in the way bad girls get their reward and use my crimson-soaked dick to push between her cheeks, taking her where she doesn’t bleed but sure as fuck will feel like it.

  Having a hard-on with a rat in my presence is inconvenient.

  “Take him to the garage
. This shit is going to get bloody.” I nod at Phoenix. “Don’t kill him yet.”

  While Phoenix handles him, I grab Talia’s wrist and haul her into our giant closet. I close the door and then pounce on her. My lips crash to hers as I grab her ass.

  “I was fucking terrified something happened to you,” I growl, nipping at her bottom lip. “And here you are, ruling over your mere mortals like the queen you are. You make me proud, zoí mou.”

  She kisses me hard and works at my tie. “You can’t wear your good tie to cut off limbs, husband.”

  “And sundresses are meant for the beach, not stabbing rats,” I tell her, ripping at the fabric and pulling it down one shoulder so I can kiss her bare skin. “As much as I want to fuck my gorgeous wife, I need to get down there and find answers.”

  She grumbles as she grips my dick through my slacks. “You can’t go down there with this.” She squeezes me. “You’ll accidentally poke someone’s eye out.” When she drops to her knees, I groan in pleasure. Her wicked grin is back as she tugs at my zipper and reaches into my boxers to free my cock. She pulls it through the zipper hole and admires it with exaggerated excitement.

  Little brat.

  Playful and sexy in a time where we need to be ruthless and evil…and yet I want to make them wait for five goddamn minutes so my wife can suck my dick.

  Her pink tongue darts out, wetting my tip, and she circles it in a teasing way. I grip a handful of her blond hair and pin her with a fierce stare.

  “Wrap your fat lips around my dick,” I growl.

  She scowls. “Fat?”

  Oh, Jesus, fuck.

  “Plump. Juicy. Perfect. Your lips were made for sucking dick, Talia. Fucking own it.”

  This earns me a smile and then she wraps those lovely lips around my thick, veiny cock, ravishing me with her hot mouth. I grunt and flex my hips, slightly fucking her mouth. Her teeth scrape along my flesh and her blue eyes dart up to mine, a warning gleaming in them. I take her challenge and buck again. She gags and purposefully drags her teeth up my shaft to the crown. Her cheeks indent as she sucks on the crown, hard and unyielding, as though she can bleed me dry of cum with such a simple maneuver. It nearly fucking works. A growl rumbles through me and I thrust again. Her throat constricts when my tip slides into its tight, warm depths.

  She’s so fucking pretty when her blue eyes water when she tries to swallow me whole.

  “I’m going to come down your throat and then tonight I’m going to come in your ass,” I tell her smugly, daring her to challenge me.

  She doesn’t because it’s hard to argue with a nine-inch dick for a lollipop down your throat. Her slender fingers massage my balls before she twists slightly, reminding me of the fact that just because she’s on her knees, it means nothing.

  She. Fucking. Owns. Me.

  Seeing her so goddamn powerful on her knees with a monster’s balls in her grip has me snarling with my release. She takes me deeper in her throat the moment that first burst of cum hits her throat. I hiss as my dick is swallowed down her needy throat. I flex my ass cheeks as I milk the rest of my cum into her hot mouth and then I pull away abruptly.

  Talia rises to her feet and kisses my lips as she tucks my wet cock back into my slacks.

  “Good boy,” she purrs. “Now let’s go torture that motherfucker.”

  It’s true love with this one.

  Talia leans against the wall, quietly watching, while Phoenix paces the floor in front of Fowler. Adrian has Fowler’s phone and is already tracing numbers to locations. He’ll work his tech side to get information while Phoenix and I do it the good old-fashioned way: by brute force.

  Fowler’s shirt has been removed and someone poured superglue in his gunshot wounds to keep him from bleeding out. That shit has to hurt like a bitch. Exactly what we wanted, too. It’s only going to get worse from here.

  “Where’s Aris?” I ask coolly, fiddling with the tip of my knife.

  He spits at Phoenix’s feet. “Fuck you.”

  Phoenix bitch slaps him, making Fowler cry out in surprise. These men can take punches, but a slap to the face like a fucking girl is jarring to them. He gapes at Phoenix incredulously.

  “You tell me where my brother is and we’ll let you live.” I snort. “Man, I can’t even say that with a straight face. How about this? We’ll let you die quicker if you tell us where he is.”

  “I won’t tell you shit,” Fowler snaps.

  “So you don’t need your tongue then?” I step forward, loving the way his eyes widen marginally so.

  “He didn’t get a chance to tell me before your cunt wife—” Fowler starts.

  Phoenix bitch slaps him again and snarls at him. “Her name is Talia. Use her name.”

  Fowler is pissed, but he rethinks his fight because he grits out his words. “Talia interrupted.”

  “Give us something,” I say calmly. “Anything.”

  “What will you give me?” Fowler attempts to negotiate. “Maybe I’ll tell you what I know, but I need something in return.”

  “You give me the information and I will cut you loose.” I smirk at him. “Trust me?”

  “I don’t trust you, though,” he says, scowling.

  “You don’t have many options,” Talia reminds him.

  Fowler snaps his head her way and glowers at her, but not before raking his eyes boldly down her body. This fucker has a death wish. He thinks he has the upper hand. That if he’ll be openly salacious against her, I’ll just end him now and put him out of this misery. When he licks his lips suggestively, I consider it, but Phoenix bitch slaps the look right off his face.

  “What the fuck man?” Fowler bellows. “Stop fucking slapping me.”

  Phoenix smirks at me. “This is the most fun I’ve had…ever, frankly. Every time you open your bitch-ass mouth to spew more bullshit, I’m gonna slap the words right out of it. Man the fuck up, Fowler. Tell us what you know and you’ll die like you have a pair of balls between those legs.”

  “Agia Fotia. There’s a hotel there that the Galanis used to hide out in. You know it?” Fowler asks.

  I give him a clipped nod and then cut my eyes over to Talia. She slips from the room, hopefully to pass on the news to Adrian.

  “Yeah, I know it. Is he there?” I demand, stepping closer.

  “Fuck if I know, but he mentioned a hotel there in our last conversation. Didn’t say if he was going there or not because your cunt—”

  I press my blade to his lips, glaring down at him. “Careful, rat. We’re not done talking and if you keep calling my wife a cunt, I’m going to cut your tongue from your throat. I’ll make you learn goddamn sign language to finish this conversation. Don’t fucking test me.”

  Blood trickles down his chin and I pull the blade away.

  “We never got to finish our conversation,” he gripes, before licking the new cut on his bottom lip.

  Talia returns and gives me a nod before mouthing, “Adrian,” to me. At least he can be checking our contacts there before this dick sends us on a wild goose chase.

  “What’s he planning next?” I ask.

  “I don’t fucking know.” Fowler glowers at me.

  “What do you know?”

  “Nothing else.”

  Well, I guess our time here is over.

  “Look at my wife,” I order.

  Now the greasy motherfucker tries to disobey me. Phoenix steps behind him and grabs his hair, yanking his head to the side.

  “Boss says look,” Phoenix growls, “you fucking look.”

  “And when Boss says keep your eyes to yourself, you keep them to your fucking self.” I whistle for Talia. “Come here, woman, and hold my knife.”

  I sense her hesitation, but she won’t undermine me now. She walks over to us and takes the knife from me. Fowler watches her with pure hatred that burns hot through my veins. He thinks I’m going to make her cut him or stab him. She’s not fucking touching him.

  “Like what you see?” I purr, my voice deceptively

  “Looks like a spoiled, used cunt—AHHH!”

  I dig my thumbs into his eyes hard, cutting past the inner membrane inside his lower eyelids. His screams are otherworldly as he thrashes in his chair. Phoenix holds him in place as I rip through the flesh beneath his eyeballs. Vomit spews out at me when I pull my thumbs away and blood gushes down his cheeks. I flip my palms up and push three fingers into each hole beneath his eyeballs before curling them up around the back side of his eyeballs. He sputters and gurgles and hisses. With a hard yank, I relieve him of his wandering eyes, leaving two bloody, gaping holes in his head.

  Talia has retreated, her back now against the wall. Good. I want her away from this sick fuck. I open my palms to look at the rat’s eyes. Beady and fucking useless now. I toss them on the ground and Phoenix stomps them with his combat boot. Fowler has officially been renamed Howler because he’s crying out like he’s a fucking wolf lost from his pack.

  Adrian enters the garage and his dark eyes gleam with approval. He hates this fucker too. When he nods at me, I know the intel is good. We’ll need to leave soon.

  “Toss me the knife,” I say to my wife.

  She throws it at me and it clatters at my feet. I pick it up and then begin sawing Howler free. He squawks and carries on like the little bitch he is.

  “What now?” Phoenix asks, violence gleaming in his eyes that match Talia’s.

  “A promise is a promise,” I reply, shrugging. “I told the fucker I’d cut him loose if he gave us information.” Then, I grin at Phoenix. “But you, man, you didn’t promise him a damn thing. He’s all yours. I need you here protecting Melody and Zoe. Talia and I are going on a second honeymoon.”

  After we showered, changed, and packed some weapons, Talia and I headed out to Agia Fotia Beach with Adrian following behind in his new Jeep. Fucking Phoenix corrupted him with that corny-ass Jeep shit. But, since my wife smashed Adrian’s car, it was only fair I bought him a new toy. Even if the toy is meant for a man twenty years his junior.


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