A Highlander to Have and to Hold: Brides of Scotland

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A Highlander to Have and to Hold: Brides of Scotland Page 7

by Andresen, Tammy

  She pulled the tail of his shirt from his pants. “We do so much better when we keep our communication simple.”

  He laughed lightly. “I’ve certainly allowed my thoughts to get in the way.”

  “Me too,” she said, sliding her hand under the linen, touching his bare skin and gasping in unison with him. “So what does yer body tell ye to do tonight?”

  Chapter Eleven

  It wasn’t her body only but her heart too that wished to speak. And what they both wanted to say involved the language of love. “I want to be here with you.”

  She stilled her fingers on the skin of his abdomen, then caressed them along the soft hair and rougher skin, feeling the ridges of his muscles beneath. “Your skin is so different from mine.”

  In response, he began removing the gown she wore. “I’d like to test that information fer myself.”

  She smiled and stepped back, carefully pulling the sleeves of the dress down her arms. It was Lily’s after all and there would be hell to pay if she ripped the fabric. She shimmied the gown over her hips and Colin’s eyes darkened in response.

  He pulled her against his chest again, kissed her once more, her mouth yielding under his as his tongue touched hers. He untied the laces of her short corset, and in moments, it was off.

  In response, she pulled at the hem of his shirt and he shrugged it over his shoulders.

  Rose stopped, staring at his broad shoulders, muscled arms, and tapered waist. He looked like a statue she’d once seen in a garden chiseled from stone. “You’re so beautiful,” she murmured, reaching out to trace his collarbone.

  He chuckled as he grasped on end of the tie to her chemise. “I’m not sure that’s the word I was looking fer, but I’ll take it all the same.” He lightly stroked the skin of her neck. “Ye, fer example, are beautiful. From yer silky hair to yer crystal-blue eyes, to the pink of yer lips. I am far harder and craggier than ye.”

  She ran a finger over the hard ridge of his bicep. “Like a statue of a Greek god or…” She skipped over to his chest, running her palm up his chest muscles and nipple. He sucked in his breath and she smiled with satisfaction. “Men have their own beauty. But let’s call it ruggedly handsome.” She brushed his neck and then buried her fingers in his sandy hair streaked with blond.

  He picked her up, her body pressing to his. With so little clothing between them, she gasped in delight as she dug her fingers into his scalp. “I like that better,” his voice was rough as he reached the bed and slowly laid her down. With the dexterous fingers of a sailor used to working knots, he untied her boots and took them off her feet. Her pantaloons came next and the feel of his hands skimming along her body made her shiver in delight.

  But when he rolled down her silk stockings, Rose felt her first flutter of nervousness. No man had ever seen her skin like this. What if he didn’t like her? What if it hurt? What if…

  “Rose,” he called bringing her attention back to him. “What’s wrong?”

  “I…” She realized she had looked toward the wall and she brought her gaze back to his. “I’m a bit nervous.” She realized her palms were sweating. “The last time I did anything like this, I wasn’t a willing participant and…”

  His hands stilled. He gently brought his torso on top of her hers, his weight soothing rather than confining. “I need ye to know that anytime ye want to stop, we can. This is yer choice. Always.”

  She gave a quick nod. “I’m not afraid of you. I just…the act itself…”

  He kissed her, a tender touch that made her relax all the way down to her toes. “Tonight, let’s ferget about the act. There are so many other things we can do that won’t hurt and ye’ve no need to fear.”

  “Really?” Her hands came into his hair again. “Such as?”

  He pulled his head back a bit. “We can use our mouths, or our hands to give each other pleasure.”

  Any fear she’d been feeling evaporated. This man was so much more than she’d ever dreamed of. Kind, considerate, and strong, she knew she’d never meet a better one. “Show me,” she whispered.

  He reached down, and grabbing the hem of her chemise, slid the thin fabric up her thighs and over her hips. When it reached her belly button, he rose, pulling her to sit, and tugged the garment over her head. She sat before him in nothing but her stockings, though she didn’t feel afraid any longer.

  Colin reached for her, gently pushing her back down as his hands traced every curve and hollow of her body. “Beautiful.”

  She might have laughed but tingling heat was spreading through her. And when he brushed the sensitive flesh between her thighs a gasp parted her lips. When he repeated the touch, she moaned. “Oh Colin,” she started not sure how to explain how good his touch felt. “I didn’t realize it could feel so…”

  “Shhh.” He leaned closer to kiss a trail down her neck. “No need to explain. Just enjoy.” Then he began a slow rhythmic brushing of her most sensitive flesh that had her straining against his hand in minutes. But he didn’t stop there. Soon, his lips found the sensitive nub of her nipple and when he sucked it into his mouth, she cried out, digging her fingers back into his scalp. And when he kissed lower…her entire body tightened in anticipation.

  Never had she imagined a man’s mouth on her most intimate parts, but when he kissed her there, she nearly convulsed from the pleasure. He was going to be her husband. The man she shared her life with. That had never sounded sweeter.

  * * *

  Colin closed his eyes, his senses overwhelmed by the feel and taste of the woman in his bed. Rose was everything he’d ever dared wish for. He reached for her hip and held her tight as though, if he didn’t, she might float away.

  He’d do nearly anything to keep her here with him. He wasn’t sure he cared about the right or the wrong of it. The alternative was too painful to imagine.

  Her body tensed and she twisted, making little whimpering noises. He increased the pressure, knowing her finish was close. His cock throbbed and he used his free hand to push down his trousers. She needn’t be burdened with his pleasure. Today was about her. Making certain she left his room happy with him as her choice for husband. No matter what the future brought.

  Her cry of pleasure made his body throb as she fell over the edge, her body shuddering with her climax. Satisfaction washed through him as he slid up her frame, kissing a path as he climbed. She slid her hands down his back and then between their bodies until she’d grasped his cock in her little hands. He couldn’t see them but he could imagine them wrapped around him and he could certainly feel her delicate fingers. He throbbed harder as she tentatively explored his flesh.

  But when she dipped her hand lower, to cup his sack, he nearly came undone. “Love,” he heard the tone of begging in his own voice. “Just like that.” This wasn’t supposed to be about him. But he couldn’t stop the tension building in his body as tingling eruptions built in his sack.

  Rather than be upset, she smiled, nearly purring. “You like when I touch you?”

  His eyes rolled back in his head. “Like it? I love it.” He loved her. Colin didn’t care right now that he’d stolen her. He’d have fought off the whole of the British Navy to keep her in this bed.

  She grew more confident, each stroke becoming more rhythmic and his body ratcheted tighter with pleasure and tension. He leaned down to kiss her, and the brush of her tongue was his undoing. With a wrenching moan, he came apart.

  Rose kissed his face, her hands still holding his manhood as she whispered sweet words that he didn’t process but still soothed him immensely. Stroking her cheeks with his thumbs, he knew he’d never want more than he had in this moment. But would he be enough for her?

  Chapter Twelve

  Rose woke to the sun shining through the windows of the cabin. She blinked her eyes, surprised by the light. Normally their room was much darker with only their porthole for light.

  A motion behind her made her eyes pop open as an arm plopped over her, drawing her back against a warm bod
y. “Good morning,” Colin rumbled behind her kissing the back of her neck. “How did ye sleep?”

  “So well that I forgot where I was.” She snuggled deeper into his body. He was large, hard, and yet so warm and comfortable. “I could get used to waking up like this.”

  His arm tightened. “Like what?”

  Rose realized her mistake. He was sensitive about the fact that he would have to leave her. “With the sun so bright. My room below deck is a cave.”

  “I thought ye were going to say you enjoy waking up in me arms. And I enjoy that too.” He nuzzled her neck. “But it also makes me worried fer our future if I can’t finance the purchase of the farm.”

  “I know you’re worried,” she whispered as she turned to look at him. “But we’ll find the path together no matter what the future holds. It’s what couples do.”

  He nodded without responding and then kissed her one more time before rolling to the edge of the bed. He stood and looked out the window for a second as she propped her head up on her elbow staring at him. When they touched, they were in complete unison. But when they talked…

  He tossed her a glance over his shoulder. “Well, we’ll have to figure it out together soon. We’ve reached Scotland.”

  “We have?” She sat up, bringing the blankets with her. “When will we dock?”

  He rubbed his neck. “This afternoon.” He turned back to her. “We’ll stop by the parish court to declare our marriage as soon as we dock.”

  “Declare our marriage?” She reached out her hand to him, hoping he’d take it. This conversation would feel more natural if he did.

  He nodded. “We can post the bans and marry in the church as well. But here in Scotland all ye need do to be wed is declare yer intent, ye don’t even need witnesses. Ye have to pay a fine, of course.”

  And then he stepped back over to the bed and took her hand, raising the back to his lips. “But I’d rather marry today.”

  She relaxed then and rising up on her knees, she tilted her chin toward his. “As would I.”

  He leaned down to kiss her, one hand wrapping about her waist while the other held her face. “Do ye feel more secure about our physical relationship?”

  She nodded, then kissed him again. “Most definitely.” Then she rubbed her nose to his.

  He held her for another moment before he eased back. “We’ll get ye dressed then. I’ve a great deal to do to prepare to dock. Once we’ve landed, however, we’ll see about our wedding.”

  She let him pull her from the bed, held her arms up as he helped her dress. She hadn’t lied, she did want to be his wife, but somehow, squeezing their wedding into his workday left her feeling empty.

  She returned to her cabin and blessedly, though her sisters gave her several long stares, they didn’t ask questions.

  She watched as the ship skimmed along the Scottish coast, taking note of her new home. Then, an inlet appeared and as the ship tacked in, she realized they’d dock soon. That was when a knock sounded at the door. “Captain says ye ladies can come up to watch us dock.”

  Lily jumped from her bed. “Thank goodness.”

  Daisy crossed the room to open the door. Shamus, the old sailor stood just outside. Daisy clicked her tongue. “It’s that crusty old sailor who tried to get me in trouble.”

  “Daisy,” Rose admonished, but Shamus only fixed her with a glare.

  “It is, and he’s here to see the little thief with a fancy fer weapons.” He crossed his arms.

  Daisy grinned. “I thought you were supposed to give me shooting lessons.”

  “Aye, I will. But I can’t have ye firin’ on the boat. Ye’d probably put holes in it and sink us all.”

  Daisy laughed out loud. “I find I quite like you.”

  Shamus gave her a side-eyed glare. “I like ye too. Ye remind me of me daughter.”

  “You don’t remind me of my father.” Daisy leaned against the door. “He was a shell of a man even before he was gone.”

  Rose grimaced. That was likely true. He’d stopped participating in life after their mother’s death. “Shall we head up for a bit of fresh air?”

  “Oh let’s.” Lily gave Daisy a bit of push to move her through the door. “Between the seasickness and the small space, my legs need some activity.”

  Rose fell in behind her sisters as nerves pulsed through her. She was both excited and a bit anxious to see Colin. She still wasn’t certain if he was happy about their union.

  She received no answers as they moved onto the deck of the ship. It was a flurry of activity as sailors called to one another, hustling to pull rigging and swing sails. Shamus led them to the bow of the boat where they watched the sailors work or the shore beyond, growing ever larger and teeming with activity.

  Rose watched her soon-to-be husband issue commands, while working alongside the men. He never looked at her, which was liberating in its own way. She was free to watch the easy grace of his body, the strength in the arms and chest. He wasn’t smiling, but still the lines of his face and the ease in his voice spoke of kind authority that the men followed without question.

  Her own chest swelled with pride.

  This man would be her husband. She hoped. Honestly, every time they grew closer, something seemed to pull them apart again.

  * * *

  Colin was working hard to ignore Rose’s presence on deck. His gut clenched. He hadn’t looked at her but that meant little. He’d been aware of her every subtle gesture and her gaze on him had been heating his skin for the last hour.

  They’d finally docked and the sailors began the offload, the last of their crates to be unloaded here.

  Tomorrow the ship would be reloaded and for the first time in a long time, Colin wouldn’t return to London. Instead, he’d escort Rose to see her aunt if she was inclined. If she wasn’t, then they’d spend a little time together before he took to the sea again.

  His work finally done, he crossed the deck to where the three women stood. Rose took his breath away. Her blue eyes flashed in the sun and streaks of subtle blonde and red glistened in her hair. He had a vision of making love to her in a field of heather under just this sort of sunlight.

  She gave him a shy grin, her cheeks coloring. He’d like to pull her into his arms again. He wanted to tell her how he’d discussed alternating trips with Shamus. Then both men could spend more time with their families. That still didn’t make him a lord, but hopefully, it made him a better husband. One that had a chance to keep his wife content.

  Reaching out his hand, she slipped her fingers into his. “Are you ready?”

  She gave a nod, her smile growing wider. “Ready.”

  “Ready for what?” Daisy asked.

  Colin cocked a brow. She hadn’t told her sisters?

  “Colin and I are getting married this afternoon.” Her eyes sparkled as she stepped closer. “We don’t need witnesses apparently, but I thought you would like to join us anyhow.”

  “I hope that’s an invitation fer me too,” Shamus grunted. “Haven’t been to a wedding in years.”

  Colin chuckled. “Of course it is.”

  “Where are we going? The blacksmith?” Shamus held out an elbow for both Daisy and Lily.

  “No, I thought we’d go straight to the parish court. Then we can both be wed and pay our fine in one stop.”

  Shamus raised a brow. “Yer marryin’ a practical man. Know that.”

  Rose squeezed his hand. “I think it’s marvelous.”

  He relaxed, pulling her just a bit closer. He worried she wanted more from him and he wasn’t helping by taking all the romance out of their wedding. But he had a driving need to make her his before she realized she should choose a richer, better man.

  They chattered as they walked down the busy streets of Greenoch, enjoying the activity after days and weeks of being confined.

  “I shall like living in Scotland,” Lily gushed.

  Colin looked back at his soon to be sister-in-law. “Ye’ll like Glasgow.”

bsp; “Is that where we’ll live?” Rose grinned up at him, excitement dancing in her eyes.

  He shook his head. “No, my family home is here in Greenoch. It’s the base of my business. But I thought we’d travel to Glasgow to see yer aunt. I know ye no longer need her support but—”

  Daisy reached for his other arm. “We might still need her help. We don’t expect you to provide for all of us.” She gripped his sleeve tighter. “But I appreciate you knowing that we’d have to make the journey and for accompanying us. Truly, you have been a star of good fortune for the Morningstars.”

  He stopped, staring at Rose’s younger sister. He’d needed those words. Lily let go of Shamus’s arm and wrapped him in a hug. “We are blessed to know you, Captain.”

  Rose stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. “Indeed, we are.” Then she came back down on her feet. “And I am thrilled to call Greenoch my new home. It’s a lovely city and the perfect place for a fresh start.”

  He grimaced. “Can I confess to ye ladies that I’ve always preferred the open land?” He looked down the busy streets. “But it provides convenience and allows me to operate the business.”

  Daisy tilted her head to look at him. “Why not sell the shipping company then?”

  He shrugged outwardly, but inside he cringed. “With the amount of land I could afford, I wouldn’t make close to what I do now. I’d need a swath of land big enough to rent out parcels. And that requires a great deal of starter capital.”

  Daisy looked thoughtfully up at the sky. “Every night, I would wish upon a star that we’d be saved.”

  Rose drew in a gasp. She was so quiet, he was sure he was the only one that could hear her little noise.

  Daisy certainly didn’t and continued. “Then one day, my wish came true.”

  He blinked. “Are ye talking about me?”

  Daisy nodded. “So now, I shall wish for you and your dream.”


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