Religious Liberty On Trial

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Religious Liberty On Trial Page 10

by Debbie Lawrence

  Tina rolled her eyes and Daisy laughed. Tina spent about 30 seconds brushing out her long dark lashes. Then she turned back to Daisy.

  "No wonder the girls hate you, you even have beautiful fucking eyelashes you bitch!" Then she giggled.

  Tina gave Daisy another deep hug. They couldn't kiss because they didn't want to mess up each other's make-up. Just then Alice knocked. "It's Alice, can I come in yet?"

  Tina opened the door wide and stood still, with a sweet smile.

  Alice was stunned. "Oh my God! You are the hottest lipstick lesbian I have ever met! God you're beautiful!"

  Tina giggled, "Come on in. I'm glad you like the look! Thank you for the blouse by the way!"

  Alice gave Tina a warm passionate hug, and discretely pressed her legs between Tina's thighs.

  "Are you SURE you don't want to step out for a while. Just get a few minutes of fresh air or something?"

  Daisy joined in "God yes! You are so beautiful it's a shame to just hide in your room all night."

  Alice clinched it "My room's much bigger, and my room-mate's out of town."

  Tina finally broke down. "OK, we can go to your room."

  Daisy cheered "Goody, grab your purse and we'll go!"

  Tina stopped short "I don't have a purse".

  Daisy looked around the room. She found a small camera bag "This is good enough for now, we'll get you a purse when we go shopping."

  Alice piped in "I've got one you could use, I have more than I need, and I'd love to give it to you."

  Tina was terrified. What would happen if anybody recognized her? She froze at the door-frame.

  Alice held her hand "Come on Tina, we'll slip downstairs then go outside so that it looks like you're a friend visiting."

  Tina pulled the door shut, locked the door, and put the key in her "purse". Daisy had filled it with his ID, some money, some lipstick, and a few coins for good luck.

  The staircase was only 10 feet away, and they quickly made their way down the stairs. Alice was surprised to see how easily Tina was handling the three-inch heels. They were as quiet as they could be, until they got outside and behind the building. Then Tina started to giggle.

  Daisy caught it first "What's so funny honey?"

  Tina squealed quietly "This is what it's like to be free?!?"

  Alice clicked next "Oh, is this the first time you've ever been outside your room?"

  "No, I used to do housework dressed as a girl. But I only left the house once, a boy saw me, and I got beat up so bad I never did it again."

  Alice began to realize how much courage it took to take this little walk, and they had barely walked 50 feet. Tina was desperate to be free. Now Alice and Daisy had to protect her and make sure she was safe.

  They walked around the co-ed dorm and into the girl's dorm. Alice spoke "Daisy is from Pan hall, and my friend Tina is visiting from out of town.

  The guard was mesmerized by the six beautiful legs. "Wow, three gorgeous babes, welcome Tina, let me know if you need anything."

  Alice laughed "Down bruiser, she's with me tonight. Be nice."

  Tina smiled "Pleasure to meet you sir"

  The guard smiled "You go on in now, be careful. Don't want anybody getting hurt."

  They went upstairs to Alice's floor. They walked down the hallway and there was no-one out, but just as they were about halfway down, Anna opened her door and came out. She saw Daisy and Alice.

  "Hi Daisy, Alice! I thought you were going to be with Ted tonight? Who's your pretty friend."

  Alice did the introductions, "Anna, this is Tina, Tina is visiting this weekend."

  Tina smiled "It's a pleasure to meet you Anna"

  Something in the voice was familiar. She looked closer, and then it clicked.

  Anna whispered "Teddy, is that you? Come into my room, away from prying ears and eyes"

  Alice stepped in "We were about to go to my room; you could join us if you'd like?"

  Anna nodded "Let me get my coffee and I'll join you in a second."

  Daisy whispered "Not a word, to anyone, got it!"

  Anna nodded "Got it. I'm just amazed."

  They got to Alice's room without further incident. Alice turned on the lights. The pink bedspreads and drapes gave the room a certain cheer. There were stuffed animals on both beds.

  Tina was overwhelmed "It's beautiful! It's so sweet. And the bed pets are so cute!"

  Alice took Tina's hand. "Look at the mirror on the door. What do you see?"

  Tina stared for a minute. "Is that really me? You're beautiful, but I already knew that, I just had no idea that I was pretty."

  Alice put her arm around Tina's waist "You're not just pretty, you are a beautiful sexy woman!"

  Tina turned sideways "I look OK?"

  Daisy laughed "Look OK! You're a knockout. I'm actually jealous!"

  Anna knocked on the door and Alice let her in.

  "Shit, we thought you were joking! Let me look at you, turn around, walk to the window and back! That's amazing, you're beautiful, graceful, elegant, and sexy. I hate you already" Anna giggled. "Just kidding about hating you."

  Tina was awestruck "Thank you Anna, I'm so glad you like it?"

  Anna shook her head "I have a million questions; do you mind if I ask a few?"

  Tina smiled "No, I can't promise I can answer all of them, but I'll be as honest as I can."

  Anna looked skeptical. "There's something different, you're not making it a joke, no clowning. What gives?"

  Tina nodded very serious "I'm not wearing my mask!"

  "Mask, what are you talking about? Wait, this is the REAL you, isn't it? You pretend to be Ted or Teddy, and make people laugh so they think you're joking, so they won't see Tina, right?"

  Tina held her hands up, “Guilty as charged!”

  Alice couldn't help herself "Anna, you are anything but a dumb blonde"

  Tina piped in "Anna is quite brilliant actually and she's an amazing singer!"

  Anna laughed "I think I really LIKE Tina! This explains a LOT of things!"

  Daisy was curious "Like what?"

  "Most guys stare at my boobs; they can't stop themselves. But when I would talk to Ted, even if I was wearing a low-cut blouse or had the top buttons undone, Ted would look for about 3 seconds, and then look me in the eye the rest of the time. In fact, the only time he didn't look me in the eye, was when I was dressed up! Oh, my god, you were checking out my wardrobe, weren't you?"

  Tina smiled "Clothes, make-up, hair, sometimes I'd notice what color bra you were wearing, but I was more interested in you as a person. If I asked you where you got your blouse, I would have given myself away."

  "I saw you walking in those heels, you weren't awkward at all. In fact, you walked better in them than I do. How long have you been Tina?"

  Tina smiled "I've always been Tina on the inside. She didn't have a name until recently, but she's always been there. I'm always Tina, I just wear the mask very well."

  Anna looked pained "But why? Tina, you're a beautiful person, even as Ted, the love of people, the kindness, and the nurturing shows through. Why do you hide?"

  Daisy was pained. She didn't know if she could stand to hear it again. "Because they beat the shit out of him!"

  Anna was bewildered "What are you talking about? Who beat the shit out of him?"

  Daisy was silent, she nodded to Tina.

  "Until first grade, I played with girls all the time. I liked to play hop-sketch, jacks, jump-rope, dolls, Barbies, and even traded clothes. One day, I was at my friend's house with 4 other girls. We tried on each other's clothes, and the girls put me in a very pretty dress, then they put her mom's wig on me. When her mother came home, she freaked out. She thought I was molesting her daughters and making her dress me up. The next day, the teacher made me play with the boys and they threw rocks at me. For eight years, I'd get beat up by a dozen boys three to five times a day. Dressing up was the only way I could be a girl anymore"

  Anna hugged Tina, "I had no
idea. So, that's why you wear the mask. You're terrified that if anyone finds out you'll get beat up again?"

  Tina nodded "Or something else terrible. When mom found out, she told me I couldn't tell anyone or something really terrible would happen."

  Alice nodded. She knew about those horrors. She decided this was not the time to share that.

  Tina went on "When I told my mom I wanted to be a girl, she taught me how to do housework. I got so good at it, that she could get a full-time job she loved. Of course, when I had the house to myself, I would do the housework dressed up in my mom's clothes that she was going to give to charity. Dad didn't want to waste money on girl clothes I could never wear anywhere. She would take me shopping because I had an uncanny sense of fashion. She got lots of compliments on the clothes I recommended. Anyway, that's why I'm so good in heels. I did housework in heels and pretty clothes."

  Daisy wanted to make sure that Anna understood the importance of keeping quiet.

  "Tina, how many times did you end up in the hospital?"

  "Over sixty. The had to keep me for two weeks each time to make sure there was no organ damage and heal what was damaged"

  Anna was in shock "I had no idea! I'll keep your secret, but I wish that Tina could somehow be in our lives more often. You're a special gift and I already like Tina way more than Ted."

  Tina gave Anna another hug, she was starting to tear up "Thank you Anna, that means so much to me."

  Anna smiled "Now I know why you're not into guys! Wait a minute, that means YOU REALLY ARE a LESBIAN!"

  Daisy smiled big "Oh yes she is!"

  Anna was stunned "So Daisy, you're????"

  "Bisexual - Tina's my lesbian lover"

  Alice grinned big "Lesbian too!"

  Anna smiled "I knew about you Alice, you had a few girlfriends over last year and were quite noisy about it."

  Alice smiled "Guilty! Might get a bit noisy tonight if we're lucky!"

  Tina just giggled.

  Anna felt moved and touched "Thank you so much for letting me be part of this wonderful experience. I'm sorry I've taken so much of your time, but I'm honored by what you've shared with me."

  Anna hugged all three of them. "I need to go to bed now, but you guys have fun!"

  Daisy smiled "Oh, we WILL!"

  Anna left quietly and went back to her room. She had to go to bed early because her boyfriend was coming to pick her up at 6AM for a trip to the mountains.

  Daisy sighed "I thought she'd never leave!"

  Alice was excited "I'm glad I got to hear that. This answers so many questions I'd been wanting to ask myself. It was obviously painful for you to recall it. You're so brave for even doing this much. I admire your courage Tina. We'll do everything we can to make sure that you don't regret it."

  Tina turned to Alice and started to cry. "I'm so sorry you had to hear all that. I love you both so much. Thank you for setting me free, even if only for a while!"

  Daisy came up behind Tina and hugged her too. "We both love you too! Now, I want a great big wet sloppy kiss!"

  Alice smiled and said, "Me too!"

  Daisy smiled "I've always wanted to do this!"

  Daisy grabbed Tina and pulled her in and gave her a forceful kiss. Pressing her up against the wall.

  Alice could see how Tina responded, melting into Daisy's arms, surrendering all control.

  Daisy broke off the kiss, "Now, go kiss Alice!"

  Tina smiled "Yes ma'am"

  Alice seized the moment, she was just as forceful, and she pressed her thigh between Tina's legs, holding her arms above her head by Tina's wrists. There was no resistance, just sweet surrender. "On the bed bitch"

  Tina could barely breathe "Yes ma'am".

  Alice took charge. “Daisy since you and Tina have some history and know how to please each other, I'll focus on your breasts and kisses, while Tina focuses on your legs and clit."

  Daisy slid down her underwear. "Ready!"

  That's when Tina and Alice both realized that Daisy wasn't wearing panty-hose, she was wearing stockings and a garter belt.

  Alice got even more excited. She began unbuttoning Daisy's blouse. Tina undid her skirt and pulled it down. Then she began to tease Daisy. Alice watched, intrigued as Tina took her time, there was no rush, and she was very deliberately delaying the satisfaction. Alice could already see that Tina was no man sexually. She thought of her own experiences with other women, and loved the way Tina took her time, caressed Daisy's legs. Did Tina have any idea how sensuous that was? How wet both women were getting?

  Alice did a little teasing of her own, kissing Daisy deeply, and then caressing her waist and her outer breasts, but avoiding the nipples, just barely brushing them with her satin blouse. They both played and teased for about 45 minutes when Daisy pleaded "please stop teasing me, I can't take anymore"

  Tina giggled and went directly to pleasing, and almost instantly, Daisy began to climax. Alice increased the intensity on Daisy's breasts. Soon, the two of them had Daisy going from one peak to them next with very little let-up. After an hour, Daisy shouted "Strawberries! STRAWBERRIES!" And went limp.

  Tina stopped immediately. Alice looked to Tina "Safe-word?"

  Tina giggled "I should have told you earlier. She passed out, didn't she?!"

  Alice looked down and sure enough, she was out. "What do we do now?"

  Tina moved up to the top of the bed. "Cuddle her, when she comes out of it, she'll be confused and scared. She also shivers. Just hug her and tell her everything's all right.

  After about 5 minutes, Daisy snapped out of it. She turned to Tina, who kissed her forehead "Everything's all right, you're with me and Alice. You're safe. Do you need anything?"

  Daisy just said, "Hug me!" She started to shiver.

  Alice pressed in from the back. "Everything's fine honey. You just went into lesbian overload. Take a few deep breaths. That's better"

  Tina smiled "So you've seen this before?"

  Alice smiled "Yes, usually when it's a girl's first time with a lesbian, but you've seen this before too haven't you?"

  Tina nodded "A few times. Usually she uses the safe-word before she hits that point."

  Alice's eyes widened "She safe-words or passes out every time?"

  Tina nodded "Yes. Is that bad?"

  Alice laughed a second "No honey, that is VERY good!"

  Daisy had recovered enough. "Your turn Alice!"

  Alice nodded "One thing though. Tina, come here."

  Tina followed Alice into the bathroom. Alice put a drop of perfume on each wrist and her neck.

  "I love the smell of a feminine perfume for this, it really gets me in the mood."

  Tina giggled, "Yes ma'am. Your turn?"

  Alice smiled "So obedient, so submissive. I don't even have to break you. You're amazing."

  Tina smiled "Thank you ma'am"

  Alice smiled "I wish I'd worn stockings too, I love the sensation, but for now" and she pulled down her pantyhose and stepped out of her shoes. "Let's see if Daisy has passed out."

  Tina nodded "Do you have a safe-word?"

  Alice smiled "Thank you for asking, we can stick with strawberries, though I doubt I'll need it. I'm not exactly a beginner, am I?"

  Daisy was alert and ready "I'll take top, Tina, you take bottom again?"

  Tina smiled "Yes ma'am, that would be wonderful. She'll use strawberries as a safe-word too."

  Alice pushed down her skirt and laid down on the bed. Daisy unhooked her bra and worked it loose, Tina took care of her panties. Soon Daisy was teasing and so was Tina. Alice lasted almost 30 minutes before she cried out "Please stop teasing, I can't take it anymore!"

  Tina giggled and proceeded to push Alice to her first orgasm. Just as Alice was coming down, Daisy pinched her nipples gently, sending her up again, then Tina inserted two fingers and crossed them.

  Alice gasped "The dyke's pistol. I'm dead!" That was the last thing she said for the next 90 minutes. The rest was screaming and moaning very
loudly, and one orgasm after another. Finally, Alice cried out "STRAWBERRIES"

  Tina came up and hugged Alice, while Daisy cuddled from behind. Alice was shivering and convulsing and held Tina like her life depended on it. Daisy pressed in closer on her side too. Alice took deep breaths and after about 5 minutes was calm "I could really get used to this! I have NEVER had anything like THAT before. That was amazing. Tina, you're wicked!"

  Tina giggled "Yes ma'am" and winked!

  At that point, Alice decided it was time for revenge. She slid herself over Tina's right arm, then put her arm under Tina's shoulder and grabbed her right wrist. "You smart ass little bitch, you need to be punished, and I know just how to do it. Daisy you take the bottom, I'll make sure she doesn't get any ideas about shifting the focus to someone else."

  Alice used her free hand to caress Tina's breasts. She unbuttoned the blouse enough to get her hand in, then pushed the bra up so she could reach Tina's real nipples. Tina just gasped.

  "That's right. You can't move so you have to lay there and surrender to being pleasured, don't you?"

  Tina just gasped "Yes ma'am"

  Alice slapped his face gently "That's yes Mistress!"

  Tina could barely breathe "Yes Mistress!"

  Daisy was enjoying the experience. She decided to get revenge herself, by teasing Tina the same way Tina had teased them. Taking him close, but not too close. She caressed Tina's legs, still encased in the pantyhose. She was very careful not to go too close to the shaft, avoiding it.

  Daisy got into the spirit "You like to be such a tease, but do you like being teased?"

  Tina could barely breathe, let alone speak. "Yes ma'am"

  Daisy slapped his thigh "That's Mistress Daisy to you bitch!"

  Tina heaved "Yes Mistress Daisy"

  It was nearly an hour before Tina finally cracked "No more teasing?"

  Alice smiled "You want to cum?"

  Tina nodded "Yes Mistress Alice"

  Daisy started to caress Tina's shaft, very slowly.

  Tina shook her head "Oh no! Oh" the disappointment was clear in her voice.

  Daisy stopped "Done?"

  Alice smiled. "Tina, don't move or you will be punished, got that?"


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