Religious Liberty On Trial

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Religious Liberty On Trial Page 17

by Debbie Lawrence

  Kelly smiled "A future you are considering?"

  Tina chuckled "I don't think any of the few women at the Academy are looking for a housewife. Too bad, I'd be a good one."

  Kelly was confused "Wait, you're into girls?"

  Tina nodded "Yes, I prefer women to men."

  "But I don't understand, why are you dressed like a girl then?"

  "Because that's what I am on the inside. I was NEVER much of a man, but I'm much happier as a girl."

  Kelly was steaming "You and your girly friends accused Tom of rape! He was arrested, his career would be destroyed. He's a senator's son."

  Tina nodded "Tom hasn't raped anybody, but he has made bets with other Cadets that have resulted in sexual assaults."

  Kelly was confused "What the hell are you talking about."

  "Tom made a bet with a cadet named Alex that he couldn't get into my pants. Alex put his hand up my skirt and groped my underwear and hit me when he realized that I didn't have what he was expecting."

  Kelly was sick "How do you know that."

  "Alex told me. I realized that Tom had made a sucker bet. Tom figured Alex would never collect because he wouldn't want to admit groping a guy's crotch. Not like there was much to grope." Tina held her fingers an inch apart.

  Kelly started to laugh "That must have been interesting!"

  Tina nodded "For both of us. Anyway, I made Tom pay the $100 bet by telling Tom that Alex DID get into my pants, but without telling anyone what Alex found. Tom was mad."

  Kelly nodded "I bet he was. His dad's loaded, but that's still a lot of money. Why did you toss his clothes?"

  Tina was still "He was rude and abusive, so I left. My friends caught up with me, and it turned out that Tom has used similar assaults to go after a few of my friends, including Sarah, who still struggles with her sexuality because of being violently raped. Like most sexual assaults, Tom was trying to get revenge on girls who refused to have sex with him. He asked me to take him to my room, so I had to explain why that wouldn't be a good idea."

  Kelly was still angry "But that's no reason to humiliate a future officer, and a Senator's son!"

  Tina nodded "So that's it. You want to keep the Senator happy! The good news is that none of the girls, including me have any interest in pressing formal charges, but Tom needed to be publicly embarrassed in the same way that he had tried to humiliate all the women who said no."

  Kelly nodded "Maybe you should press charges."

  Tina shook her head "I don't think the Jury would be sympathetic to me as a victim, and it would involve getting others in trouble. They lost their bets, which was their lessons."

  Kelly was confused "Wait, you said Alex won his bet."

  Tina nodded "But Tom didn't expect him to collect, and he certainly didn't expect me, a transsexual girl, to admit that I'd been groped by a cadet on the dance floor, especially since he knew I was a lesbian."

  Kelly jerked "Wait, you're a lesbian? I don't understand."

  Tina held her fingers an inch apart "Not terribly useful as a man, but I have two hands and a mouth, and I make love to a woman like a woman makes love to a woman."

  Kelly was disgusted "You are one sick twisted freak. I don't know what to do about you, but I assume that the Academy can ignore what Tom did?"

  Tina nodded "That's up to you and the Academy. You know the facts now, and I can provide a lot of witnesses who were aware. He did make violent verbal threats to Sherry. If Alice and I hadn't been there, I think he would have hurt her. Is that really what the Air Force wants as officers?"

  Kelly was still "I guess boys will be boys?"

  Tina shook her head "You really don't get it. These boys were making bets on whether they could get away with sexual assault. But I suppose you'll white-wash this like you white-washed the shit in Nam."

  Kelly froze, his face stone "What are you talking about?"

  Tina "Is it true that you shot babies, and kept it secret?"

  Kelly fumed "Listen, you stupid bitch, I did four tours of Nam, those baby's we killed, were strapped to their mother's backs, with a claymore mines pointed out to the baby. Anyone who moved the baby would kill everyone within 50 to 100 feet. The mothers had died charging the defense perimeters."

  Tina was touched "God, that must have been horrible! It must have been so hard to kill a baby knowing that it was the only way to save people's lives."

  Kelly nodded "I have a lot of penance to do! When I finished my last tour of Nam, I talked to the chaplain, he handed me off to the cardinal, who told me that my penance would be to turn my back on war, and teach girls here."

  Tina smiled "That cardinal was pretty smart. He has you teaching at the one place where war stories won't impress the students."

  "When they made the movie about us, I wanted to make sure that one of the key players, someone I loved like a son, got killed in a horrible way. Stories of war are told by the survivors, who don't like to remember the hundreds fighting next to them who were killed, some within seconds of seeing their first encounter with an enemy."

  Tina nodded "Colonel Kelly, I will leave it up to you how much to tell the Air Force, but I can tell you that I will not be filing any charges, and none of the others will do so either. Hopefully Tom has learned a valuable lesson, without the consequences an actual rape or conspiracy to commit rape might have caused."

  Kelly smiled for the first time "Are you sure you're a guy? You look like a girl, talk like a girl, and even think like a girl."

  Tina giggled "I'm NOT a guy, but I do pretend to be one. It came with the little bump in my pants."

  Kelly laughed "And you're not gay?"

  Tina giggled "I AM gay, I'm a Lesbian."

  Tina went down the stairs.

  Kelly called the Academy.

  "Gordon, good news. I talked to Tina and it seems that neither she nor her friends intend to press formal charges. You should subject Tom to some KP or something, he needs to learn some manners. Also, he needs to give you the names of all the guys he made "crotch bets" with, so they can be corrected as well."

  "Great Kelly! Good to hear it. I'd love to hear the whole story, but at least for now, we can handle this internally."


  Tina went to dinner and met with her friends. Everybody was already there. When she arrived, Alice and Daisy made room for her between them.

  Alice looked at Tina's legs "Damn, you're so hot, I gotta check this out. Tina smiled as Alice caressed her left leg."

  Daisy saw Alice's move "Yeah, you even got my motor running" and caressed Tina's right leg."

  Tina blushed "Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying. Daisy, won't Mohammed get jealous?"

  Daisy grinned "Mohammed had a meeting in Denver. Seems his parents are having some concerns about our marriage"

  Tina nodded "What, they don't want you two to get married?"

  Daisy shook her head "No, they just don't want me to be first wife! It seems his parents had arranged a marriage before he went to school but didn't tell him. They also want me to convert to Islam"

  Tina smiled "Do you have a problem with that?"

  Daisy grinned "Not a bit. I’ve been reading the Quran and it makes sense to me. Besides, if that's what it takes to marry him, then I don't mind."

  Tina smirked "I can't imagine you being second wife. You like being bossy too much."

  "Mohammed wants me to be his first wife. That's why he's going to the Airport, to talk to his brothers."

  Tina gave Daisy a big hug "I hope it all works out for you. You so deserve to be happy."

  Mike Donner chimed in "Ted, I can't believe you. She slept around with half the guys at school, including me, and you never had sex with her, and yet you never got jealous, you're not even jealous now! Don't you have any balls at all?"

  Tina glared at Mike "First, it's TINA, not TED. The reality is that I have always been Tina, even if she didn't have a name until recently. Daisy named me."

  She calmed "And Daisy didn't sleep with half
the guys on campus, she slept with ALL of the straight ones, and a few bisexuals. They didn't seem to mind their one-night stands, why should I."

  Tina flirted "Besides, what makes you think we didn't have sex? Just because I didn't poke her with my teeny weeny peeny, doesn't mean that we didn't have a good time together that involved sexual satisfaction. Why do you think she was with ME every night?"

  Tina turned to Alice "Besides, Daisy gave me the greatest gift she possibly could, she introduced me to Alice, who is absolutely amazing, and I love her very much."

  She leaned in and giggled "Besides, I'm a girl, and I am a..."

  The whole table chorused "LESBIAN!"

  Mike started cracking up. "I believe you Tina, I don't want to get on your bad side. I've heard about what you do to guys who cross you up."

  Alice giggles "Word travels fast doesn't it?"

  Shelly smiled "Well it has been a whole week."

  Tina laughed "Even Colonel Kelly got the word. He started to chew me out, but once I gave him the facts, he seemed to calm down."

  Sarah was quiet "I hope they burn his ass"

  Tina was surprised "Sarah, you seem upset, what's the problem?"

  "Tom was at a dance last year. I was a freshman and a virgin. He asked me to go to my room, and I told him I didn't want to do that, because I was a virgin and saving myself. He made a bet with Tony, an Italian Stallion, that he couldn't get into my panties. Tony got me to go for a walk out to the quad. The next I knew, Tony shoved me into the bushes and raped me. He told me about Tom's bet, $300, and bragged about how my blood would be proof that he "did it".

  Tina was stunned. "That's terrible! Tom set you up to be raped!"

  Sarah nodded "Yeah, talk to the girls in the girls' dorm. Tom set up at least a dozen of them."

  Tina nodded "Sara, could you tell Colonel Kelly what you just told me? I think Tom needs to be stopped before he hurts even more girls."

  Sarah nodded "Yes! I'd love to stop that creep!"

  It turned out to be another wonderful weekend, and Tina was herself the entire time. She had a great time. The girls painted her nails, Shannon styled her hair, and Sarah helped her accessorize her wardrobe.

  Shelly giggled "OK, now that you're all dolled up, we've discussed it among ourselves. We made you an honorary Mu Phi Epsilon but didn't make it official, because you were a boy. HOWEVER, now that you're a girl, we want to make you a FULL MEMBER!

  Tina started to tear up. "Oh my gosh, THANK YOU! I've always wished I could be a member for real. I love what you girls do!"

  Shelly giggled "Not so fast, you still have to do all the things that the other girls had to do as pledges."

  Sarah squealed "Like wear a dress or skirt mid-thigh every day for a month!"

  Shelly nodded "And keep your hair pretty, your nails manicured, and look like a professional woman at all times."

  Tina froze "But they might kick me out of school!"

  Shelly grinned "I've talked to the Music department and Daisy's talked to the Theater department. You may have to shift to directing rather than performing, but you seem to be going that direction anyway."

  Anna winked "And everybody already knows you're a girl, between the dance and the weekends, the word has traveled quickly. You might as well be a girl all the time!"

  Tina giggled "But what about stage crew?"

  Anna smiled "Got that covered, wear this over your overalls, you'll be adhering to the code." She pulled a pink Denim Apron out of the drawer. Everybody started laughing at once.

  Tina held the apron to herself "I'll DO IT!!! The boys on stage crew will go nuts. But I love it!"

  Daisy laughed "I think they've already figured it out! Mike D has told just about everybody on stage crew. Liz and Terri backed you up!"

  Anna held her finger up "One more thing! As you know, we often perform for school functions, dances, and special events. You have to perform with us, in your skirt!"

  Tina got worried "But I sing bass, everybody will know I'm a guy!"

  Shelly smiled "You'll blend in and stand in the back row. Everyone will hear many voices, but they won't be able to isolate yours. Besides, I'll be making it LOOK like I'm singing bass. I already sing tenor at these things!"

  Tina nodded "OK, I'll do it! I'll sing with you too. When do we rehearse?"

  Anna put the music on her electric piano "I'm so glad you asked. I know you can sight read. I'll give you the bass notes every couple measures and we'll see how you do."

  Two hours later, Tina had learned 5 numbers, all of which would be performed at the dance next week.

  Shelly smiled "Dress for the event is LBDs, do you have one?"

  Alice piped in "She's got three so far."

  Shelly giggled "Now you get to dress her up pretty. Can you do an up-do Alice?"

  Sarah smiled "I could do it for her. I think I have some nice ideas. I need you in my room at 4pm Saturday, Alice, you should come too."

  On Monday, Tina was shaking. She had put on her skirt and blouse as agreed, and had fixed her hair and make-up. But his first class of the morning was acting. She had directed one of the scenes, and had performed her scene last week.

  When Tina got into the classroom, there were a few heads turning, but most were waves, cheerful hellos.

  JT, one of the stage hands just said "Dude! Nice legs! Takes a lotta balls to wear a get-up like that."

  Tina grinned "Actually JT, balls are a liability in a skirt this short, but it takes a lot of COURAGE for ANY girl to wear a skirt like this."

  The girls nodded "Right on!", "Tell it sister!"

  The teacher walked in right at the top of the hour. "I see we have a new person in class. You must be this Tina I've heard about. Can you stand up in front and tell us a little about yourself?"

  Tina stood up and walked gracefully to the front of the room.

  "Hi class, my name is Tina, I've been here the whole semester, but I've kind of been hiding out if you know what I mean" and did a bashful shrug, which got the class laughing.

  "Fact is I've been hiding out a LONG time, since I was a little girl about 6 years old and they told me I couldn't play with the girls anymore." She made waving gestures with her hands.

  "I tried to hide and pretend to be a boy, but I didn't do a very good job of it. The boys didn't like me so they would punch me and kick me as hard as they could, usually a dozen or so at a time"

  The class was stock still.

  "I even spent several years in acting classes learning to act like a boy" making a silly butch voice and macho muscle gesture. Suddenly the room was laughing again.

  "When I came to LoHi, I wanted to be one of the girls. Most of the girls thought I was just a gay guy friend." She smiled sweetly.

  "Most of the guys thought so too" JT burst out.

  Tina gave an embarrassed giggle and blushed "Thank you JT, that's so sweet of you to notice". Another burst of laughter.

  Tina went on "That's when I met Daisy. She didn't know what I was, but she quickly found out that I'm a ..."

  "Lesbian" half the girls chorused on queue.

  Tina smiled "Enough said about that. There might be children in the room. Or at least guys that act like children." All the girls giggled.

  "Daisy asked me to talk to her friend Alice, and we became really good friends, and more."

  Anna chirped "You can hear them from anywhere on third floor girl's dorm!"

  Tina tried to look sweet and innocent, wide-eyed "Who me, I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about!" Then smiled and nodded with an evil smile. Again, the class burst out!

  Tina nodded to the teacher "Tom, is there anything else you'd like to know?"

  Tom nodded "What was the hardest thing about pretending to be Ted?"

  Tina paused a moment "Puberty! That was so hard! I didn't have nuts when I was little, and by the time they came down, I knew what they would do, turn me into a man. I dreaded the thought."

  The class was still again.

  "I tried
to get rid of them. I poured boiling water on them, I tied them with string or rubber bands, and I even tried to crush them with a board and a sledge-hammer"

  Several of the boys in the room folded and groaned in pain.

  "When I found out I was a bass, I did the only thing I could do, I got drunk and tried to kill myself! I tried a bunch of times. I tried to overdose on drugs, I even walked in busy traffic, wearing all black so that the drivers wouldn't see me on the dark road. I don't know how they kept missing me."

  Again, the class was silent. Several of the girls were starting to tear up and dabbing with tissues.

  "When I met Daisy and she accepted me as Tina, it was like the first day of my life. For the first time in a very long time, I wanted to live, I wanted to get up and live!" Her hands expressed her passion, her vitality.

  "Alice introduced me to Nancy, who asked me a bunch of questions and realized that I was transsexual, a girl trapped in a boy's body. She told me I should dress as a girl as often as I could. I've been Tina most nights and all week-ends."

  JT shouted "That WAS YOU! You're HOT!"

  Tina winked at JT, "Sorry, not really into guys."

  "Anything else Tom?"

  Tom walked to the front of the room.

  "Tina, that was the most authentic and sincere I have ever seen you. This is who you really are! It's so REAL, and you were so natural! You WERE a girl! I INSIST that you do a scene from Virginia Wolf!"

  Tina snickered "As George?"

  "No as Martha! I want to see that authenticity and I think a role like that will bring out your toughness and your compassion. I also want you to DIRECT it!"

  Tina gawked "You want me to direct myself? Isn't that a no-no?"

  Tom shook his head "Normally I wouldn't do this, but you have done such an amazing job with the scenes you have directed that I'm going to assign you more directing. But I want to see more of what TINA can do as an actress! Understand?!"

  Tina was in shock "Yes sir."

  Tina was assigned to direct two more scenes. She was going to be a busy girl.

  After a light lunch, Tina had her dance class. Nothing unusual, but a couple of girls notice her nail polish, make-up, and that her hair was pulled higher.


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