The One Percent

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The One Percent Page 51

by Tara Wimble

  Bella decides to move forward. Jacque’s thigh jolts up between her legs, jerking the bubbles around them and Bella’s hands to her shoulders.

  Exchanging kisses against soapy skin and Jacque’s hand slips over Bella's stomach. The wetness makes her feel untouchable. Her hand is new against her body each time and the sounds Bella makes, sighing into her, bounce off the water as well as her mouth.

  The message is clear. Don’t cool it.

  When it’s received Jacque finds that inkling upper hand and has Bella straddling her lap. Bubbles lap at the small gaps between them as the water turns lukewarm and their bodies gasps for a satisfaction that water cannot sate.

  Jacque kisses just below her breasts and goes to move her head back but the shock of her lips there has Bella holding the back of her head there. Her curls are wet and both of them gasp at Bella’s boldness.

  Boldness inspires greater embraces. Jacque peppers kisses against her wet skin. Bella’s chest heaves with tiny ‘oh’s popping from her lips. The desire pin points and aches with Jacque’s flickering gaze to her eyes before her mouth covers a hard nipple. Her wet tongue laps over it and Bella doesn’t hold back the vocal ‘yes’ that slips in response. Nor does she let go of Jacque’s wrist when she guides it between her legs.

  “Fuck.” Jacque repeats over and over until she’s cupping her more firmly. “Get out,”

  “What?” Bella presses her forehead to Jacque’s.

  “Out of the bath.”

  Soapy foam sticks to their bodies as their scramble to climb out tempers when they press against each other again. The want is still there. The intent in Bella’s mind hasn’t wavered and increases when Jacque’s haze of arousal is made all the more clear when Bella teasingly passes her a towel.

  All of it is a front because when she leads them back into the bedroom, to the side of the bed, and turns, everything that was waiting for her to catch up finally falls into place.


  Bella hooks her fingers under the folded towel and it falls to the floor. She presses her fingers just where against Jacque’s collar and confidently murmurs. “Get on the bed.”

  Jacque, despite the amusement that comes with Bella being the one giving her direction, does as she’s told. It’s a simple give that makes Bella more confident. And that’s what it’s all about. Feeling good about this. Feeling good and feeling happy.

  And sex.

  By the signals she’s getting, Bella eagerly straddling her hips and continuing what they started in the bathroom, that’s something that they’re currently speeding towards.

  Every step is familiar but paved with a new glow. She’s actually touching Bella’s body rather than trying to memorize it. It’s different now, to know that this isn’t going to disappear in a flash. Jacque holds her lightly rather than worrying Bella is about to fly away from her. Maybe she’s trusting too quickly, too soon, but Bella isn’t giving her any reason not to.

  She’s kissing her soft and sweet and littering the air of their bedroom with tiny gasps of delight. It’s the little things from there.

  The guttural sound that she makes when Bella tempts her into rolling her hips and she feels how wet she is. The white marks her fingers leave and how they fade against Bella’s waist. Bella pushing her onto the pillow with a wry grin that says there’s more to come.

  She expects there will be and not just in the here and now. They’re writing something new together and Jacque’s chest swells with so much emotion that she breathes in sharply when Bella’s lips fall to her neck.

  “You okay?”

  She nods quickly. “Keep going.”

  Don’t stop. Definitely don’t stop. Bella murmurs something between kissing her neck and her chest. She can’t hear the words but they’re promising and happy. That’s all she needs. Apart from the friction that Bella seems to be working down her body towards. And that’s even more promising.

  How they’ve gotten here, with Bella tying her hair back of all things while she bumps Jacque’s legs open, from making out like overcharged teenagers in such a short time escapes her at the moment. All hope is lost when Bella actually gets down, kissing the inside of her thigh, and with a motion for Jacque to feel free to tangle her hand in her hair she-

  “Oh, fuc-ck.” Her weak grip in Bella’s hair tightens without a doubt the minute Bella drags her tongue over Jacque’s wet slit.

  ‘Oh fuck’ is definitely all she can think of. Apart from a guilty surprise at how Bella’s eagerness is matched by the fact she’s fucking good at this.

  She’ll never voice that surprise if she wants this to happen again but her smile rises and only falls when Bella’s tongue presses against her clit and that ache starts to turn the right way to pleasure. The comfort comes later, much later when Bella brings makes her cum with a practiced ease and she’s kissing her wet mouth, that she teases her.

  Whoever said laughter had no place during sex probably wasn’t getting it good enough.

  The joy is what makes this. What makes sense of Jacque flipping Bella onto her back and thanking whoever sent this girl back her way with the feelings she has and the love Jacque wants to give.

  The laughing doesn’t subside but it’s fought off with moments of clarity. The clearness Bella sees in Jacque’s eyes when she slips her hand down and pushes two fingers inside her, slowly, carves it all deeper.

  Maybe it’s a small moment of selfishness that has Jacque bringing Bella to the edge, right to the moment she can predict Bella is about to cum, before she kisses her jaw and tells her that she loves her. “So much.”

  But nothing fazes her. Bella arches and crumbles in a beautiful avalanche. In her arms, panting and flushed, Bella opens her mouth and a wordless gesture is returned. It’s returned in the desperate kiss, the way their hot skin starts to stick together and only peel away when Jacque teases her clit again.

  Seeing her break over and over becomes a thrilling rush that Jacque can’t see enough or feel enough of. Bella holds out as long as she can, protesting and teasing her own hands over Jacque’s body, sometimes she wins but the end always sees her on her back and muffling her moans against Jacque’s shoulder.

  Mockingly Jacque pulls out Bella’s hair tie and throws it across the room. They’ve been still a while now tangled but with a thin sheet thrown over their lower bodies. Jacque almost didn’t notice Bella pulling it up. The rest of the room is a haze, a blur, in contrast to the vividness of Bella. Of her eyes, her face-

  “You know,” Bella tugs Jacque’s hair playfully. “You can blink.”

  “I could.” Jacque mutters. “But I’m basking.”

  The word basking makes Bella laugh and launches a pillow-talk conversation about ice cream and what they’re going to cook later when they eventually leave this bed. Against the purple pillows Bella giggles and steals flighty kisses while Jacque lays it all on thick because this is the moment when she’s allowed to.

  But even Bella has her limits for fluff and she wraps her arms around Jacque’s neck, scratching her head through her thick hair. “Stop.”


  “You ass-” Is said with affection, she’s sure.

  “You’re calling me this after everything that’s just happened in this bed-”

  Bella smirks and trails her hand down Jacque’s back and just grabs- “I appreciate you very, very much.”

  Jacque rolls her eyes but stops when Bella starts pushing for her to lie on her back. “And if you shut up for a second-”

  “A second?”

  Bella balls up the sheet in her hands and holds it behind her waist. Jacque can see everything. “Are you gonna fight me on all of this or are you gonna let me go down on you?”

  Well, there’s a simple answer to that.

  The complicated answer rears its ugly head about halfway to fucking bliss when there’s no mistaking the sound of the front door slamming shut. Jacque is so close to crying even though Bella stops and throws the sheet off her head out of self-preservation. �
��Was that the?”

  Jacque bites down on her knuckles miserably and nods.

  “Who’s gonna-”


  Bella looks into her eyes, seeing the sexual frustration there no doubt, and the same thought passes through both of their heads. Shit.

  Sadie Fucking Marsh.

  “Bathroom-” Bella jumps to her feet and spins the sheet around her. “Get in the bath, I’ll go-”

  Jacque whispers in protest. “The water will be freezing! How is that helping the situation?”

  Bella is a step ahead of her, snatching a pair of shorts from the floor and putting them on. She throws Jacque a transparent look. “How is it hurting the situation?”

  There’s no time to argue as footsteps get closer so Jacque slips inside the bathroom and locks the door, hoping that Bella finds a shirt before Sadie decides to spring the door open on the scene.

  “Sadie!” She hears yelled out, followed by the sound of bodies colliding and a shout of surprise. Maybe that’s them hitting a wall? God, is she killing her. For a second as she presses her ear against the door the possibility crosses her mind.

  “Ow!” Nope, still very much alive. “What the hell, Bella.”

  She waits, still hearing incredulous voices, before looking at the cold tub of water. Cool her jets in-fucking-deed.

  She puts a finger in the tub. Actually no, that’s legitimately ice cold. And sort of gross. She haphazardly pulls the plug instead. She’s a thirty year old woman, that’s old enough to grab a towel and go out there and act like everything is normal. Like she just got out of the bath or something.

  It’s a real thing.

  So she unlocks the bathroom door and walks out and is greeted with, honestly, a fairly typical scene. Sadie’s looking at Bella like she’s an insane person. Bella who, Jacque can’t help but notice in wake of current events, didn’t manage to find a bra before she threw on a shirt and she thinks maybe if she moves a little bit to the left she might be able to see in this side-

  Bella sees her looking at crosses her arms over her chest, glaring as Sadie looks suspiciously around the house.

  “Jacque, thank the lord.” Sadie exclaims as she finally notices her standing there basically naked outside of the bathroom. “This one.” She points back at Bella. “Has lost her mind.”

  Jacque smiles in solidarity. “Don’t I know it.”

  Sadie nods along like, finally, someone is coming around to my way of thinking.

  Bella’s responding glare indicates that Jacque might have to do a little bit of groveling later, but if that groveling can take any form of the course they were on before, she’s happy for it.

  Suddenly Sadie scrunches up her face. “Hey, do you guys smell that?”

  Bella chokes on nothing, sputtering, and Jacque contemplates the physics of disappearing into the wall.

  “Nope.” Bella squeaks out. “That’s all you, bud.”

  “Are you sure?” She flips around to Jacque. “Do you smell it?”

  “I’m with Bella--I mean, not with her. That’s not what I mean.” Bella’s exasperated look behind Sadie has her feeling like she’s flailing. “I have to go take a bath.”

  Sadie scrunches up her face. “You just came out of the bath.”

  “Right.” Jacque remembers her cover. “That’s true. You’re so correct. Um, I’m going to go nap.” She pulls a badly executed fake yawn. “Later.”

  She rushes back to the bedroom, past Bella who she’s pretty sure gives her a bump on purpose.

  Moments later she hears Sadie yell from the bathroom. “What the hell happened in here?! There’s water everywhere.”

  Jacque buries her face in the pillow, at least Sadie’s leaving in a few days and then they’ll get all of the alone time until the end of December.

  That’s her battle cry.


  They’ve been planning this trip to Hawaii with Kathryn, Sadie, and Oliv for a couple months and it’s the perfect send off before a busy 2015 and it solves the problem of getting them out of cold as fuck Chicago during the worst time of the year.

  They may be four and a half fifths Canadian but that doesn’t mean that every Christmas needs to be a white Christmas.

  Also, the prospect of Bella in a bikini. Taking Bella’s bikini off. Naked Bella.

  It’s that train of thought that delays her packing approximately an hour or so because now that they’ve had sex it’s like they have to make up for the years that they didn’t. And it’s the best game of catch up ever.

  In a way it’s a blessing that they have the apartment to themselves because even brushing up against each other too closely in the kitchen leads to sex against the fridge. Laying down to watch TV together turns into sex on the couch and really Jacque is going to have to put an end to the TV being on during the syndicated shows because she’s now slightly more turned on by the sound of the Friends theme song than she ever really wanted to be.

  Packing does eventually happen after a few more pleasant roadblocks and in a miraculous feat they do manage to make their plane on time, even more miraculous, it leaves the airport on time.

  Off to Hawaii they go.

  It’s only when they’ve made their connecting flight in LAX and they’re flying over the Pacific Ocean, Bella leaning across Jacque’s body to look at the view, that it hits her. They don’t know what it is exactly that they’re doing and now that it’s physical and there’s feelings it’s something unavoidable.

  There’s no dancing around it anymore and they’re literally flying into a lions pit of some of the people that know them best.

  Holiday Vacation 2014 just got way more interesting.


  It’s a disaster as soon as they get to the hotel because they walk into Oliv yelling at the lady working customer service at the desk and Kathryn alternating between laughing and try to film the scene.

  Sadie’s standing by on the side with her hands on her head and Jacque decides that’s probably where the story is going to come from.

  She walks up next to her and Sadie glances over, smiling at her arrival. “What the hell is going on?”

  “They messed up the reservation. Two rooms, not three. One room only has a king bed and the other is just two Queens.” Sadie crosses her arms over her chest. “Those two morons decided they could handle it on their own.”

  “Yeah, it seems to be working out well.” Jacque looks over and Oliv is gesturing pointedly and it looks like managerial staff has now been summoned. “What are the odds we get kicked out?”

  Sadie laughs. “I currently figure it’s about four to one but if one of these new guys manages to offend Kathryn and take her out of fun mode I’d be willing to knock that up to two to one. Wanna bet?”

  Bella decides to pop up at that point, having paid the cab driver and lugged their bags over. “Bet what?”

  “Nothing because we need to save our money for last minute hotel rooms.” Jacque jokes and just manages to catch herself before she slings her arm across Bella’s shoulder. Sadie is luckily looking towards the calamity at the desk so her slip up goes unnoticed.

  For now.

  In what can only be classified as a minor miracle they do not end up getting kicked out of the hotel, they however also do not end up getting their room situation rectified and that’s how she and Bella end up sharing a room with Kathryn.

  Not off to a great start.

  Especially not when Kathryn just tosses her bags on the far bed and then tackles she and Bella onto the bed closest to the door and lays on top of them. “Vacation roomies!”

  Jacque manages to groan a little bit from underneath while Bella actively tries to escape.

  Kathryn keeps them down, laughing like the adopted little sister that she is. “We are going to have so much fun, you don’t even know.”

  “I don’t even want to?” Bella pipes up but Kathryn just smiles and kisses them both goofily on the forehead before snuggling down.

  “Lies, all lies.”
Kathryn jokes and laughs when Jacque begrudgingly puts an arm around her back, Bella follows suit soon after.

  Kathryn can’t see it because her eyes are closed but Bella manages to peek her head up in Jacque’s line of sight and mouth ‘help’.

  It’s not exactly the start they’d envisioned for their first holiday as a real entity.


  Everyone else went out snorkeling and so they’d taken it as an opportunity to actually spend some time alone. And that time alone had obviously turned into time alone actually enjoying their comfy bed without Kathryn trying to cuddle with them or Oliv trying to drag them out or even Sadie trying to get them in on her jam sessions.

  They had some actual time alone and they planned to use it as responsibly as possible, namely, in pursuit on their ongoing quest to get to know every inch of each other’s bodies.

  And they were off to a great start. Jacque had Bella pushed face first up against the wall, fucking her from behind when a knocking, no, a persistent slamming against the door started.

  “Ignore it.” Jacque rasped in Bella’s ear, like she needed a reason despite the two she’s already been given, to not give a fuck about housekeeping or room service or the apocalypse. Whatever was at the door could wait.

  “I know you’re in there!” Is the yell that accompanies the pounding and it’s Oliv, trying to get the gold medal for world’s most successful nuisance. “I need to use your bathroom.”

  “Don’t move or I stop.” Jacque growls and Bella doesn’t move, she presses harder up against the wall even, letting Jacque take control.

  The pounding on the door somehow gets louder. “I’m counting to five and then assuming you’re dead and breaking down the door.” She pauses for effect and Jacque slows down, resting her forehead in Bella’s hair. “Five...four...three…”

  “Fuck.” Bella gasps and goes to the door reluctantly. Jacque trails just behind her.

  Bella leans against the door, opening it just enough to see Oliv’s frustrated looking face. “I’m actually just in the shower right now- so I can’t-”

  Oliv rolls her eyes. “Bella, I’ve seen more of your body in the last few years than I think Sadie has seen mine, can you just let me in so I can use the sink and the mirror. I promise I won’t look.”


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