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Accountability, reciprocal
Achievement gap
Action: strategic; theories of
Active listening
Activities: artistic; data analysis; debriefing; directive coaching; in documentation and reflection log; elbow teaching; facilitative coaching; field tripping; guided imagery; high-leverage; learning; lesson planning; metaphor exploration; modeling; North, South, East, and West: Compass Points; observation; on-the-spot coaching; positive self-talk; role-playing; “Shaping your reality,”; shared reading; storytelling; surveys; time management; unit planning; videotaping; visual; visualization; writing; ZPD and
Administrators; data on; office; tips for. See also Principals
Adult learning, lens of; for conversations; for facilitative coaching; for listening and questioning; for reflection; trust and; for work plan
Ana (principal)
Analytical capacities, honing
Angel (student)
Annenberg Foundation for Education Reform
Arc, of conversations
Argyris, Chris
Artistic activities
Assessment: reflection and; self-assessment; of trust
Attachment: listening without; to outcome
Attainable goals
Audio journals
Audio recording
Authoritative stance
Background information
Ball, Frank
Barth, Roland
Behaviors: data-related; identified; transformational coaching of
Being, transformational coaching of
Beliefs: basics about
Birch, Marco
Block, Peter
Boyatzis, Richard
Carla (principal)
Catalytic approach
Cathartic approach
Challenges, helpful responses and: for conversations; for directive coaching; for exploration stage; for facilitative coaching; for listening; for questioning; for reflection; for trust; for work plan
Change: beliefs about
Churchill, Winston
Clarifying questions
Classroom management: coaching areas and; struggles with
Classroom observation tool
Clients: first meeting with
Coachees. See Clients
Coaches: beliefs of; defined; documentation and reflection log of; formal agreement with; goals of; hiring of; journaling by; knowledge needed by; as learners; literacy; optical refractor for; PD and; personal transformation of; readiness of; reflective prompts for; responsibility of; self-awareness exercises for; self-reflection by
Coaching: agreement
Coaching conversations. See Conversations
Cohn, Carl
Cohn, Debbie (teacher)
Collective leadership
Commitments, keeping
Common Core State Standards
Communication: improvement of; nonverbal; role-playing and
Conclusions, Ladder of Inference and
Confrontational approach
Constructivist listening
Consultancy protocol
Conversations: aim of; arc of; challenges and helpful responses; closing; coach's responsibility during; debrief; directive coaching; facilitative coaching; informal; lenses for; logistics during; planning; record of; reflective; rubric domain of; when and where; about work plan
Conzemius, Anne
Core content knowledge, expanding
Core values
Covey, Stephen M. R.
Coyle, Daniel
Criteria, in work plan
Critical feedback
Cultural competence
Dance, coaching
Daniela (principal)
Data; analysis; in directive coaching; in exploration stage; feedback grounded in; formal; on staff; on students; tools for gathering; for work plan
Davontae (student)
Debriefing: activities; conversation
Delgado, Mr. (teacher):Delgado, Mr. (teacher): classroom management by; debrief conversation with; optical refractor used by
Delpit, Lisa
Directive coaching: activities; challenges and helpful responses; confrontational approach in; conversations; data in; defined; informative approach and; lenses for; mental models and; prescriptive approach and; race and; for systems change; usefulness of; webs of belief and
Disciplinary measures
Documentation and reflection log
Documents, in exploration stage
Drucker, Peter
Dyads, for practicing listening
Echeverra, Rafael
Echo processing
Elbow teaching
ELLs. See English language learners
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emotional intelligence, lens of; for facilitative coaching; for listening and questioning; for reflection; trust and
End-of-year reflection
End-of-year report
English language learners (ELLs)
Equitable goals
Equitable schools
Essential frameworks
Exploration stage: beliefs about change and; challenges and helpful responses; data in; documents gathered in; farming metaphor; fires in; formal interviews in; informal conversations in; knowledge, skills, and passions uncovered in; lenses useful for; observation in; personality and psychological self-assessments in; planning and; role of; self-awareness exercises in; steps of; surveys in
External goals
Facilitative coaching: activities; catalytic approach and; cathartic approach and; challenges and helpful responses; conversations; defined; lenses for; supportive approach; surveys in
Facilitative stance
Farming metaphor
Feedback; critical; from observation
Field tripping
p; Fires, looking for
First meeting
Five whys
Focus: of observation; of PD
Formal agreement
Formal data
Formal interviews, in exploration stage
Four Ts
Gallwey, Tim
Gladwell, Malcolm
Goals: coach's; conversation about; external; reflection on; SMARTE; working toward; writing about
Goleman, Daniel
Guided imagery
Habits, of mind
Hargrove, Robert: on coaching; Masterful Coaching by
Harrison, Cindy
Helpful responses. See Challenges, helpful responses and
Heron, John
High-leverage activities
High-leverage area
Hiring, of coaches
ICF. See International Coach Federation
Indicators, of progress
Inference, Ladder of
Informal conversations
Informative approach
Inquiry, lens of; for conversations; for directive coaching; in documentation and reflection log; in exploration stage; trust and; for work plan
Institutional change
Institutional mind-sets
Instructive coaching. See Directive coaching
Intentional listening
International Coach Federation (ICF)
Interviews: formal, in exploration stage; questions in
Isabel (principal)
Jackie (principal)
James (principal)
Jones, Dewitt
Jones, John E.
Journey, as destination
Karen (teacher)
Killion, Joeleen
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Klink, Steve
Knowledge: coaches needing; core content; uncovering
Kratz, Lettecia
Krishnamurti, J.
Kristina (coach)
Ladder of Inference
Leadership: collective; impact of; team
Learning: activities
Lenses: application of
Lesson planning
Lisa (principal)
Listening: active; without attachment; beliefs and; challenges and helpful responses; in coaching dance; constructivist; dyads for practicing; intentional; lenses for; listening to own; questioning and; quiet; refining; to silences; stories collected in; in transformational coaching; trust and; for whole-school transformation
Literacy coaches
Lopez, Barry
Lorde, Audre
Lucinda (teacher)
Manifesto, transformational coaching
Marcus (student)
Masterful Coaching (Hargrove)
MBTI. See Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
McKee, Annie
McNeil, Patricia
Measurable goals
Measurement tools
Meetings: dyads in; first; logistics of; observation of; planning for
Menninger, Karl
Mental models
Metaphors, explored
Michael (teacher)
Michelle (teacher)
Midyear progress report
Midyear reflection
Mind, habits of. See Habits, of mind
Mindfulness practices
Models, coaching
Monthly progress report
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
National Equity Project (NEP)
NCLB. See No Child Left Behind
NEP. See National Equity Project
Nhat Hanh, Thich
No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
Nonverbal communication
North, South, East, and West: Compass Points activity
Note taking
Oakland Unified School District
Observation: activities; of client; debriefing; in exploration stage; feedback from; focus of; of meetings; tools
Office administrators
Olalla, Julio
O'Neill, Jan
On-the-spot coaching
Ontological coaching
Oppression, systematic
Optical refractor: for coaches
Outcome, attachment to
Passions, uncovering
PD. See Professional development
Perseverance (Wheatley)
Personal transformation
Personality self-assessments
Planning: conversations
Plettner, Leslie
Positive psychology
Positive self-talk
The Power of SMARTE Goals (O'Neill and Conzemius)
Prescriptive approach
Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence (Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee)
Probing questions
Professional development (PD): coaches and; first meeting questions about; focus of; learning activities for; planning; reflective practices; rubric and; for teachers
Program enforcement
Progress: end-of-year report; indicators; midyear report; monthly report
Psychological self-assessments
Question stems
Questioning:Questioning: in beginning of relationship; challenges and helpful responses; clarifying; in interviews; lenses for; listening and; probing; in transformational coaching
Quiet listening
Race; directive coaching and; systematic oppression and; transformational coaching and
Rachel (teacher)
Ravitch, Diane
Reading: diagnostics; shared
Reciprocal accountability
Reflection; Ana and; assessment and; challenges and helpful responses; in documentation and reflection log; end-of-year; on goals; lenses for; midyear; self-reflection; systems change and
Reflective conversations
Reflective journal
Reflective practices
Reflective prompts
Relationships: beginning; management of; rubric domain of; staff, survey on
Research, on coaching
Resources, compiled
Responsibility, of coaches
Results-based goals
Rilke, Rainer Maria
River stories
Rubric: domains; PD and; transformational coaching
Rut stories
Safford, Victoria
Schools: coaching transforming; equitable; expectations of; readiness of
Self-reflection, by coach
Self-talk, positive
Seligman, Martin
Senge, Peter
“Shaping your reality” activity
Shared reading
Silences, listening to
Site, readiness of
Skill gaps, in reading
Skills, uncovering
SMARTE goals: in progress report; in work plan
Smith, Ms. (teacher)
Social awareness
Specific goals
The Speed of Trust (Covey)
Staff: data on; relationship, survey on
Standards: Common Core State; in work plan
Stevenson, Adlai
Stoltzfus, Tony
Stories: collecting; river; rut; telling; tranquilizing; victim; “Why bother?”
Strategic actions
Strategic design, of coaching
Strategic goals
Structural oppression. See Systematic oppression, lens of
Students: data on; survey for; teacher-student interaction tracking tool and
Supportive approach
Surveys: debriefing; in exploration stage; in facilitative coaching
Susan (office administrator)
Symbolic thinking
Systematic oppression, lens of
Systems change: coaching for; reflection and
Systems thinking
Systems thinking, lens of; for conversations; in exploration stage; for reflection; work plan and
Tania (teacher)
Teacher-student interaction tracking tool
Team: importance of; leaders; participation
Technical tips: closing conversations; coach's responsibility during conversations; logistics during conversations; planning for conversations; scheduling; tricks of the trade
Teresa (teacher)
Theories of action
Thich Nhat Hanh. See Nhat Hanh, Thich
Time: change requiring; management; wait
Time-bound goals
Tina (principal)
Tools: in coaching tool kit
Tranquilizing story
Transformation: personal; time required for; whole-school
Transformational coaching: of beliefs, behaviors, and being; defined; diagram of; end-of-year report; fearlessness and faith in; feelings developing in; for institutional change; listening in; manifesto; midyear progress report; monthly progress report; questioning in; race and; road ahead of; rubric; schools transformed by; for systems change
Trust:Trust: assessment of; background information for; challenges and helpful responses; clients developing; in coaching; commitments and; confidentiality and; connections and; defined; importance of; lenses for; listening and; openness and; paraphrasing and; permission and; planning and preparing for; steps to building; thin cord of; validation and
Turning to One Another (Wheatley)
The Art of Coaching Page 38