What Hurts The Most

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What Hurts The Most Page 21

by Cheyenne Barnett


  The past few months have flown by! I have finally gotten my house the way I want it. I did a little yard work, tweaked a few things, and finished decorating. It looks more like me and there’s a lot less empty wall. I’ve put up some family photos and some landscapes, overall the décor looks very rustic, kind of like back home.

  As for Logan and I, we’re doing very well. I feel like I can be myself around him, I don’t get nervous or feel as if I should watch what I say. I can just be… Me. Honestly, I don’t just think of Logan as my lover. I think of him as my best friend. We’ve been with each other through a lot and even now, I can say that maybe Nick was right…

  Maybe I was never meant to marry him. As he said, maybe he was just filling the shoes of my soul mate until they came along. Ever since Nick passed away, I always wondered why I had to go through such a tragedy so young. Now, I know that if that didn’t happen, I wouldn’t have met Logan and that would have truly been a tragedy in itself.

  “Caroline, you’ll never guess who’s coming to visit in a few weeks!” Logan says, walking into the living room from the basement stairwell.


  “My mom and Alex are flying in for their vacation.”

  “Is that who called you?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “Actually, that was the General, but then mom beeped in. She said she’s very excited to see your new house.”

  “How long will they be staying?”

  “A week, I think, why?”

  “Why don’t they stay here with me? There’s plenty of room.”

  “I was just going to have them stay with me at the base, but if you really want to put up with them…”

  I shrug. “I don’t mind. It’ll give me some company while you’re at work.”

  “Hey, I offered to buy you a dog.” Logan laughs.

  “I don’t want a dog, Logan, I like to socialize with people every now and then, you know?”

  “I’m just joking, I’ll run it by them tomorrow and see what they think… So, you know how I said the General called…” He smirks wrapping his arms around me.


  “Well… He was confirming my vacation for the next week…”

  “You’re on vacation?” I ask, excitedly.

  “Starting tomorrow, I will be… Do you remember a certain promise that I made to you a few months ago? If I do recall,” He smiles, evilly. “It had something to do with a certain beach house…”

  My eyes go wide as I yell, “We’re going to the beach house?!?!”

  He nods as I can barely contain my excitement. “Tomorrow? We’re going tomorrow?”

  He chuckles, “Yes, Caroline, we leave in the morning.”

  “Seriously? You’re not joking around with me? We really are going?”

  “Yes! Tomorrow morning, I promise.”

  “How long are we staying?”

  “However long you want, I just have to be back by next Sunday.”

  “It’s almost dark… I’ve got to pack!”

  “You go do that, but be prepared… I have a very special date planned for tomorrow night.”

  I smirk. “Oh, really?”

  “Uh-huh… I do hope you enjoy it… I’ll be here early, I’ll call before I leave, be ready. Night, Princess.”

  As soon as he was out the door, I began packing. I was in a complete frenzy but I was pretty certain that I had everything I needed. The next morning, Logan picked me up early and we set off for a little vacation. The trip wasn’t as long as I expected. I didn’t think it would be as close as it was. I thought it was a few states over, but no, it was only about an hour drive from base. It sat on the border of Virginia and North Carolina. I couldn’t believe that Logan had never even mentioned this place until recently. If I had a beach house, I’d probably never leave.

  Soon, the beach house comes into view. It’s even more beautiful than I expected! It sits alone in between a few small trees. It looks to be two stories, but by the looks of the small window on the second floor, it’s probably just a loft. White siding lines the outside of the house along with navy blue shutters and a matching door. It also seems to have a wraparound porch.

  “And why don’t you live here?” I ask curiously as Logan parks the car in the gravel driveway.

  He chuckles, “Well, base is an hour away, so it makes more sense to live there. Besides, I’ve been a grief counselor for a while. I didn’t really have a specific place to call home.”

  We get our luggage and walk up onto the porch. Logan fumbles with his keys a moment before finally unlocking the door. It’s a bit stuffy inside but then again, it has been locked up for quite some time. “Take a look around, I’ll take our stuff to our room,” Logan mutters before disappearing down the hallway.

  I walk around the living room, taking in my surroundings. The room is painted the palest of blue, the furniture is mostly white with hints of blue in certain fabrics. On the wall, I see a line of framed pictures. I walk over to them, examining each one.

  The first is of a young woman, probably around the age of eighteen in a graduation gown. She has short brown hair and green eyes. It must be Julie. The next one is of her and Logan on their wedding day. Julie is wearing a simple, short white dress and Logan’s in a tux. It’s funny, the background looks just like this house…

  “Julie and I actually got married right outside. She wanted something small and she loved this place so much, she decided it was the perfect setting for a wedding.” Logan adds from behind me.

  “She’s very pretty… So, why aren’t you in the graduation picture?” I ask, pointing to the photo beside of me.

  He smiles, “We did have a picture taken together but it was kind of blurry so she put up this one instead. I always hated looking at myself in pictures so most of them are just of her… So, want to go for a walk?”

  “Sure.” We head out the back door as the ocean comes into view. The sun is positioned directly on the horizon as the waves crash quietly against the sand. Logan and I walk down the beach hand in hand.

  “So, didn’t you promise me a date?” I ask.

  “Well, this is kind of it.”

  “Kind of?”

  “Well, yeah… You see I have to ask you a question before we can actually have the other part of the date.”

  “Oh, well, what’s the question?”

  He stays quiet a moment almost as if he’s lost in thought. “Okay, I want you to turn around and close your eyes.” He instructs.


  “Just do it.” Okay? I turn toward the sun and shut my eyes. “Don’t turn around until I tell you, alright?”

  “Okay…” I hear him shuffling around sand behind me. “Are you going to scare me or something?” I ask nervously.

  “No, just keep your eyes closed.” I wait another minute before he finally gives me the okay. “Alright, turn around.” He adds nervously as I do as he says. “Caroline Woods, I have loved you since the first day I met you. You and I have been through a lot together but even in those bad situations, we made the best of it and no matter what is to come, I hope that you will always be by my side. I never thought I’d be doing this again after I lost Julie but you’ve certainly changed my mind and I couldn’t imagine what life would be like without you… Caroline, will you marry me?” He’s down on one knee, holding a ring, beside of a message written in the sand with the words ‘Please say yes.’

  I start to become a little emotional, I had no idea he was going to do this. But what a wonderful surprise! “Hello? There’s a really nervous guy here that’s kind of holding his breath for an answer.” Logan adds, making me snap out of my daydream.

  I chuckle, “Yes, Logan. I would love to be your wife.”

  Caroline Cook… I think it has a certain ring to it, don’t you think? I can’t believe I’m getting married, again, but for real this time. Looks like I’ll have to dig out all my wedding planning books…

  I would love to know what Nick w
ould say right now. I know he would be happy because I’m happy. I just wish that his life didn’t have to be taken for all this to happen, but all things happen for a reason.

  Isn’t it funny that the thing that hurt me the most, made me stronger and also brought my soul mate into my life?

  You know, society has given kids the wrong idea about true love. You don’t always find it, sometimes, it finds you.


  Thank you so much for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, won’t you please take a moment to

  leave me a review at your favorite retailer? The sequel, You’re Still the One, is now available!


  Cheyenne Barnett


  To my loving family, thank you for supporting me on what seemed like a never-ending journey. To momma and daddy, for allowing me to be myself and encouraging me to do what I love best. To granny and papaw, for raising me to be a strong willed woman.

  To Heather, for answering the phone and listening to me babble on and on about each chapter. For being there when I needed her and supporting me in my odd dream.

  To all my wonderful fans on Wattpad, for giving me the chance to tell Logan and Caroline’s story and always encouraging me to continue.

  And lastly to you, the reader, you are the reason I’m here, today and tomorrow. Without you, there would be no Cheyenne Barnett, the author. I cannot thank you enough!

  About the Author

  Cheyenne began writing at an early age. When she was just 11 years old, she began posting fanfictions online, but it wasn't until she was 17, that she finally ventured out and started her very first fiction novel called, What Hurts The Most. She published the army romance novel on Wattpad and it became an instant hit with army wives everywhere. Now, 19, Cheyenne has begun her six-year journey through college, in hopes of becoming a Nurse Practitioner.

  Discover Other Titles by Cheyenne Barnett

  You’re Still The One

  Don’t You Remember

  Heartbreak Warfare

  Connect with Cheyenne

  Friend me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CheyenneBarnettAuthor

  The sequel, You’re Still The One, is now available!


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