
Home > Romance > Claimed > Page 1
Claimed Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Published by EVERNIGHT PUBLISHING ® at Smashwords

  Copyright© 2019 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-0-3695-0083-0

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I want to say a big thank you to Rhonda and to everyone in my Facebook group for their continued love and support right now. You guys mean the world to me. Thank you all so much and I hope you enjoy Landon's story.


  Trojans MC, 10

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2019

  Chapter One

  “You brought me to a biker bar?” Anna Rose asked, turning to her friend Misty. “Seriously?”

  “What? What is so wrong with the bar?”

  “There are so many things wrong with it, I can’t even begin to describe … it’s a biker bar!” Anna couldn’t believe she was even having to explain this situation to her friend, supposedly her best friend. Not that Misty could really be called a best friend, but she was the only person who asked her out for fun and to go shopping. Anna never bought anything, but that wasn’t the point. She made all of her own clothes from beautiful fabrics she selected for herself. Moving on, her friends didn’t want to hear about how she loved to go shopping for fabrics, and take the time to make a dress or a pair of trousers. Right now, she would rather be at home with her sewing machine than outside a biker bar. The dress she wore was one of her own creations, not something she’d bought off a shelf.

  “Yeah, because you, missy, need to get out more. You’re twenty-five years old, and you’re not even dating anymore. It’s sad.”

  “Do not make this about Eric, please,” she said. Eric was her boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend, she had a long time ago. They were together from the age of sixteen, through to twenty-two. They broke up after he cheated on her with some random girl who apparently meant nothing.

  Again, she had gotten over it.

  She hadn’t shed a tear at his loss, which had to say a great deal about how the relationship was going if she didn’t even care enough to cry, or at least feel heartbroken. The relationship had been a comfort thing, something to do with high school, and it had only extended from there. Anyway, Eric had been a lot of her firsts, but she’d dated and had some fun since then. The only difference between her and Misty, she didn’t brag about it. Anna kept her private business exactly that. There was no way she was going to tell any friend she slept with random guys for fun. That was her personal business. She didn’t share anything like that. Nor did she like it when other women told her about their sex life.

  “I’ve got to wonder if you’re still pining after him.”

  “I’m not pining after him. I’ve never heard anything so ridiculous in my life. I’m not even in love with him, okay. You thought I was cold because I didn’t cry.”

  “I think you’ve got a lot of repressed feelings.”

  “And bringing me to a biker bar is going to help with that. You forget I live in Vale Valley and have for a couple of years.”

  “You’ve never once mingled. You stay in front of your sewing machine or where is the place you work…” Misty clicked her fingers. “Where is it you work?”

  “I’m starting to wonder why I’m even your friend right now,” Anna said.

  “Where do you work?”

  “I’m going to ignore that. You can figure it out yourself.” She opened the door, a little annoyed with her friend. She worked at the tattoo parlor. She had tried to work at the library, but the scent of the books made her sneeze. Then of course the diner, and well, serving up burgers and fried chicken was not her thing. Next, she’d tried to work at the local lawyer’s office, didn’t stick either. So her next endeavor was the tattoo parlor. She didn’t ink any of the clients, but she took down their ideas, booked appointments, handled beverages, and the money was good as well. She couldn’t complain.

  She was a little pissed because Misty had gotten a tattoo a couple of months ago with her employee discount, and she didn’t even remember.

  Folding her arms, she stared at the biker bar. It was a clubhouse that liked to party and rave, or so she’d been told.

  It was Friday; she had the weekend off, and Misty felt it was time for her to mingle with the opposite sex.

  She’d much rather be making clothes right now.

  Several men and women were outside, making out, and some in different forms of dress. One woman had her legs wrapped around a man, and they were clearly having sex with the way he was grinding against her.

  Anna loved sex. Misty would be in complete shock by her admission, but she did. She loved sex, fucking, and just letting go. Again, she’d not done it in a couple of months, but that didn’t mean she was immune to what she saw.

  “Try to have fun and relax.”

  “You’re treating me like I’m some kind of prude.”

  “You’ve kind of turned into one.”

  “I don’t like you right now,” she said.

  Misty laughed. “I need to get some action tonight. I am tired of this dry game. Any man who looks at me like he wants my pussy, I’m his.”


  They entered the bar, and Misty headed straight for the bar. She ordered herself a beer, and Anna asked for a bottle of water. The guy behind the counter had a prospect badge on his jacket, and he gave her a weird look.

  “A bottle of water is too much to ask?”

  “No, coming right up.”

  You’re being a bitch.

  The guy put down the bottle, and she paid him. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I don’t usually snap or freak out, or behave like a bitch.”

  “It’s fine. We’re all good.”

  “Thank you. This is my first time here.”

  “This isn’t an AA meeting,” he said. “Are you lost?”

  “No, she’s not lost, handsome. She’s here to have some fun,” Misty said.

  “Figures, most chicks are,” the guy said.

  “What’s your name, sexy?” Misty said.

  “Matthew and not interested.” He moved away, and Anna pressed her lips together before glancing back at her friend.

  “His loss.”

  “You’re really going to sleep with one of these men?” Anna asked.

  “One will be a failure. I want to have my pussy banged tonight, and I’m going to have as many men as I wish. This is going to be a party.” Misty threw her arms up in the air and gave a little twirl. Anna noticed several men watching her friend.

  “Go for it. Just don’t do anything stupid.”

  “Come on. Come and dance with me.”

  “I’m going to just watch, you know. Check it out. Take my time. I’ll be fine. I’ll be right here. You know. Cool as can be.” She winked at her friend.

  “You know, you are a little weird when you do that.”

  “I’ve been told. Don’t make me stop you. Please, head on out and enjoy the big wide world.” She was just speaking for the sake of it now. They were in a town, not the city, and there was no way she had any intention of experiencing the big wide world.

  “Cool. Wish me luck. I’ll be back.”

  She didn’t know if she should remind Misty that the word cool wasn’t cool anymore.

  Sipping at her water,
Anna did a quick perusal of the bar. It wouldn’t matter if she stuck around or walked for a little while. When Misty was on a mission, there was no telling what would happen.

  Taking another long sip of her water, and seeing there was nothing dangerous about to happen, she got up from her seat. She’d heard so many rumors about this club in town that it kind of scared her a little. She knew a lot about nothing really. The Trojans MC were a dangerous bunch, and from what she saw of them, they were a little scary. The women not so much, but they tended to stick together like a flock.

  She kept her distance as she watched the dance floor. Misty already had three men around her, all of them wearing the distinctive leather jacket with the Trojans markings. In the far corner past the dance floor she noticed a couple getting it on, and they were not being subtle about it either. Her shirt was down as she rocked against the man. Anna didn’t know any of them. She’d seen them but not taken the time to really get to know any of them.

  “Wow,” she said, not meaning to speak.

  There was a chuckle just behind her, which made her freeze into place.

  “Don’t worry, this is all a little tame,” the rough voice said.

  Okay, she didn’t want to turn around to see who had heard her, but now it was next to impossible not to. She had to know who owned that voice. He sounded really sexy, and well, she liked it.

  Glancing over her shoulder she spotted him sitting on a lone table, near the wall, sipping at a beer. His leather cut hung open, but it didn’t hide the body beneath. This man was tall and muscular, she was sure of it. Straight out of a bad boy book. His head was bald, and she caught a few tats hinting through.

  “Do you like what you see?” he asked.

  She quickly turned back to look at the dance floor. She shouldn’t be ogling anyone.


  This woman was no club pussy or some random chick looking for a good time. Landon was sure of it. He’d had his fill of both of them, and well, he could easily spot one a mile off. This woman stood out, not like a sore thumb, but with her dress and flat shoes, she didn’t exactly blend. It was nice to see a woman a little different, and he’d bet money she was a friend of someone who intended to fuck herself a club brother. He liked the look of her. Curves in abundance and a nice ass that the dress couldn’t hide. She possessed a nice big set of tits as well. He was a man who could appreciate a nice set of thighs, and she had them as well, ones that he could imagine wrapped around him.

  Getting up from his spot on the table, he walked toward her. She leaned against a post and tried to look all calm and cute. Really sexy look she had going on, and he adored it. Resting his hand above her head, he leaned on in.

  “You think this is wow, you should see us when we’re not trying to be nice.”

  “This is you guys trying to be nice? They’re practically fu—having sex over there.”

  He chuckled. “They are close to it, but no. If this was a real party, they wouldn’t be holding back. Cathy is a brand-new club whore. She’s been here for a couple of months, and believe me, she is trying to get as much dick as she can.”

  “You do know I’m a woman,” she said, tilting her head to the side, and he glanced down at her.

  “You’re not offended by what I say.” If she was, he’d have gotten a slap by now, and he’d had his fair share of them as well.

  In his experience some women knew what they wanted out of life and from a man. Like Cathy across the room. She didn’t want to be anything but a fuck toy for all of them. From what she’d told him, she’d divorced a boring man, and now she wanted to live a little. She was in her forties and helped around the clubhouse. She never made a play for any of the married men. The old ladies were more than happy about that.

  Rarely did a club pussy care if a man was taken or not. There were some men who wouldn’t give a fuck about being married, but in the Trojans, Landon had yet to see a guy who didn’t take his vows seriously.

  She didn’t say anything, merely turned back to the scene before them.

  “There would be men and women fucking all over this clubhouse right now, even outside.”

  “So why aren’t they?” she asked.

  “The kids are right upstairs.”


  “Yep. There was no babysitter, and so, they still have to keep the noise down and the sexy things need to stay at a reasonable level.”

  “This doesn’t seem tame to me.”

  “It is. So, why are you here?” he asked.

  She turned, leaning against the post. He noticed how long her brown hair was, down to her waist with a slight curl to it. She wore no makeup, and her brown eyes, were beautiful.

  “To have fun.”

  “Try again, sweetheart. If you were here to have fun, you’d be on that dance floor right about now, getting it on the only way people who are having fun do.”

  “You’re not very trusting, are you?”

  “I’m not that kind of guy.”

  “You’re a member of the Trojans?” she asked.

  “Yep. Doesn’t the jacket give it away?”

  “A little, yes.” She sipped at her water.

  He chuckled. “The water also gives it away.”

  “Why does it?”

  “Simple, no one else is drinking water here.” Landon liked this woman. She was a little different from other women, and rather than finding her dull, he found her charming. A breath of fresh air, and right about now, he really needed something like that.

  “I’m the driver. I’ve got to keep my head on.”

  “Which one is your friend?” he asked. He knew exactly who her friend was as he’d spotted the two of them the moment they entered the club. The raven-haired girl surrounded by three men, and it looked like four now, was after some serious action. Even on the dance floor she was rubbing two of the men’s cocks.

  “Misty. She’s harmless most of the time. She is looking for a good time.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “To keep an eye on her, really. It’s what I do.”

  “I know what you mean.” He looked at the dance floor to see his current problem and why he hadn’t left to go home.

  Maya Abelli, Holly’s half-sister, and his current pain in the ass problem. Gone was the young woman who kept to herself, was silent, scared of everything including her own shadow. In her place was a woman who drank, smoked, partied, and he’d caught several men in his apartment as well. None of them club men, but since she had turned twenty-one years old, it was like a switch had snapped in her brain, and he wasn’t about to complain to Duke about it either. His club President didn’t need to know he couldn’t handle a single woman.

  He could.

  She was like a sister to him.

  Only, he couldn’t bring himself to spank the shit out of that woman. She’d been through a lot, and so, wherever she went, he did too, in order to make sure she didn’t make stupid fucking decisions. Maya was fine, unless she had a serious attitude or drank. The drink helped her to make those bad decisions.

  Just then the crowd parted, and two outsiders were dancing with her. Their hands were on her body. He wouldn’t draw attention to her now, but he really wanted to go home, lie down, and sleep. He’d been on the road for the past three days, and he was exhausted.

  “She your girlfriend?”

  “Hell, no, I do not have me one of those. They are way too complicated to deal with.”

  The woman chuckled, and it was such a sweet sound, he wanted to hear it again. “You don’t have to panic. What is she?”

  “A pain in the ass.”

  Another chuckle. “What else?”

  “My friend, who likes to make the wrong choices.”

  “I know what you mean. You want me to go over there and befriend her? I can tell the boys to get lost.”

  “You would?” he asked.


  “What do you want out of it?”

  “Nothing.” She frowned. “Why would you
assume I want anything from you?”

  “I know the world, and no one does nothing for anyone.”

  “You’ve been living in a cruel world. There are people out there who are willing to do a lot of good deeds for nothing in return. You shouldn’t be so negative.” She patted his chest and handed him the bottle of water.

  “Be careful, she likes to shout and scream a lot.”

  “Got it.”

  This mystery woman walked through the dance floor, dodging men and women who were having a good time, and standing close to Maya.

  Maya had stopped going by her alias, Winter, and now anyone who dared to call her that got into a shouting match with her. Most of the time Holly ignored her, as did all the men, but Landon felt responsible for her.

  If he didn’t know so much of her past, and hadn’t held her to help her go to sleep, he’d have kicked her ass out of his apartment years ago. As it was, he couldn’t do it.

  Every time he looked at her, he was still reminded of the sweet young woman who’d had her innocence stolen from her, torn away by her animal of a father.

  A rage he was all too familiar with struck him hard. He squeezed the bottle of water, and some spurted out of the top.

  Counting to ten inside his head, he watched this woman as she began to dance with Maya.

  This was new.

  Maya wasn’t screaming or shouting. She was laughing, and the men, she shoved them aside and started to dance with the new arrival.

  Who was this woman?

  No one made a move on her, but Landon took his sweet time checking her out. The dress she wore, it complemented her figure beautifully, and from this angle, whenever the floor cleared, he got a good view of her plump, round ass. She had some curves on her, and Maya showcased them as she put her hands on her.



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