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Claimed Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  He kicked off his boots and removed his pants.

  Landon now stood before her naked.

  “You’re going to make me fight for it?” he asked.

  “You think you can come in here, order me around, and what, I’ll do whatever you say? You’ve got to be freaking kidding me right now. I don’t do as I’m told.”

  “You don’t?”

  “Hell, no. It’s not the way it goes.”

  “I guess you really don’t know how any of this goes then.” He stepped right up to her, banding his arm around her waist and drawing her close. “I’m not stupid, Anna. I know you want me.”

  “So. You think because I like the feel of your dick inside me, I should bend to your will? I’m not some whore you keep on tap and pay to please you, Landon.”

  “No, you’re no whore. Otherwise I’d already be balls deep inside you, and every single other brother would want a taste of your hungry cunt, but you and I both know it’s not going to happen. You’re mine.”

  “Your ego is starting to really show. You should get that checked out.”

  “I will.” He slammed his lips down on hers. At the same time, he cupped her ass, squeezing tightly to the point she knew he’d leave bruises on her skin. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, and she moaned, tasting him.

  As she sank her fingers into his hair, there was nowhere for them to go.

  He broke the kiss and pushed her up against her chair. She often sat in it to finish off some hand stitching, but tonight, Landon spun her around so her ass was presented to him. She let out a moan as he lifted up her negligee to find her without any panties on.

  She moaned as he cupped her between her thighs. His fingers moved between her slit, stroking over her sensitive flesh. He brushed across her clit, and she spread her legs wider.

  Two fingers filled her pussy, and she gasped at the sudden penetration.

  “For a woman who doesn’t want me, you’re sure soaking wet for me. I think you’re lying a little too much for my liking.” With his other hand, he pulled down the strap of her negligee and her breasts popped out.

  The hand between her thighs moved, and he cupped her tit, teasing the nipple. She felt how wet she was, not just between the thighs, but now on her tit, as he used the hand he’d been teasing her with to now touch her body.

  He fingered her nipples, tearing at the negligee until it fell on the floor around them.

  “I liked that one.”

  “I’ll get you a new one, maybe.”

  She looked over her shoulder. “Maybe?”

  He stroked his fingers across her ass. “I like you like this. Naked.” He spread the cheeks of her ass. “Open. All mine. I like this, and I’ve got no plans to share you. Not even with clothes.”

  She didn’t know what had driven him to her door, but she wasn’t going to complain, not as he began to tease her cunt, stroking in and out, making her ache in all the right places. He moved from her pussy to her tits, keeping her locked in place over her chair.

  She held herself up, and as he began to tease her entrance with the tip of his dick, she was more than ready. He hadn’t let her come, and right now, she just needed to feel him inside her.

  There was no denying in this moment, she had to have him. She was desperate for him.

  He pressed in an inch, and she moaned.

  “Fuck, you feel good,” he said.

  He pulled out so only the tip of him remained and she whimpered, but he didn’t make her wait long. The grip he had on her hips tightened, and she gasped as he fucked her hard and fast, going as deep as possible. The pleasure was intense, and he suddenly slowed down, making her take every single inch, and this, it was on the verge of pain he was so big.

  Sliding her hand between her thighs, she stroked over her clit as he pounded her pussy. He’d alternate between slow and deep to fast, and he hit parts of her pussy that only served to send her higher.

  She felt the first stirrings of her climax, so close.

  Flicking her clit, she came hard, clamping on his dick as he rode her. He held her in place, using her for his own personal pleasure, and she loved it, relished it. When he came, she felt his cock jerk within her as he swelled up, filling her pussy.

  Seconds passed.


  They were both panting for breath.

  “We didn’t use a condom,” she said.

  “Fuck, I know. I wanted to feel you wrapped around my dick.”

  He stroked over her back, gliding delicate circles across her skin.

  She pushed her hair over one shoulder. “I hate to break it to you, handsome, but I’m not on the pill.”

  “You’re not?”


  “Don’t worry about it. We’ll deal with it.”

  She didn’t think he even knew how to deal with something like this.

  “Are you clean?” she asked. “I hate asking this, but seeing as you didn’t use a condom, I kind of need to know.”

  “I’m clean. This is the first time I’ve not bagged it.”

  “How charming,” she said with a chuckle.

  “Are you clean?”


  “This couldn’t be more awkward.” He laid a kiss to her back. “Wait here.”

  He pulled out of her, and she did exactly as he said. There was no point in moving. She stretched her arms out wide and released a yawn. She didn’t want to turn him down. She rather liked his dominance, coming into her apartment, taking her. Of course, she’d wanted to be taken, but that was beside the point.

  Landon returned seconds later with a cloth and placed it against her tender flesh, wiping away the remnants of his lovemaking.

  When he was done, she stood up.

  “Would you like a drink?” she asked.

  “Love one.”

  Nodding her head, she walked over to her kitchen, not bothering to put on any clothes. There was no point. He’d seen all the goods anyway, and she didn’t mind walking around her apartment completely naked.

  Tucking her hair behind her ear, she couldn’t help but glance back at Landon. He’d not put clothes on either and followed her.

  This was turning into a rather interesting night.


  Landon rather liked Anna’s small apartment. It was neat and clean, but he also happened to notice there were no distractions from the outside world. He liked that there was no television set. He’d had to replace the one in his own apartment as Maya had destroyed it during one of her hissy fits.

  Thinking about Maya, it made him ache inside and not in a good way. He felt a little sick to his stomach.

  “You okay?” Anna asked.

  “Not really.”

  She put a steaming mug of tea down on a small cabinet.

  “You got anywhere more comfortable to sit than the chair?”

  “My room?”

  “That’ll do.”

  She led the way, and they both sat against the pillows. He released a little sigh, feeling the knots begin to ease in his tense body.

  When he was like this, he never looked for a willing female to spend his time. He usually went to one of the club brothers, determined to deal with his anger in the good old-fashioned method; a little pounding never hurt anyone.

  Glancing over at Anna, he knew she was different, important.

  He loved how she didn’t hide her body from him. Right now, she sat with her back against the pillows, her knee propped up while the other lay straight down, and she was sipping her tea. Her long brown hair ran down her body, but she didn’t move it out of her way. Some of the strands opened around her tits, and he wanted to lick them all over again.

  “I had to make a decision tonight I’m not proud of making.” He took a sip of the sweet tea, waiting for her to ask questions.

  When he chanced another look at her, she was watching him, but waiting.

  “You’re not going to ask me what it is?”

  “You’ll tell me when you’re ready.
I know it can be difficult at times for some people to open up.”

  “This isn’t about me opening up. It’s club business.”

  “And you can’t discuss club business with a stranger, right?”

  “Not even a little.”

  “Well, whatever is bothering you, I hope you figure out a solution. I don’t like to see you so upset.”


  “You’re welcome.”

  She offered him a smile.

  It was so genuine.

  His feelings for her.

  The way he liked being around her, even the sex was smoking hot. He’d broken every single rule so far. He never fucked a woman more than once. She could have gone down on him, but he’d wanted to be inside her, and now he’d done so without the use of a condom. He was a freaking idiot.

  “It’s Maya,” he said, blurting the name out.

  He didn’t have to tell her every single little detail, but he could at least explain the cause.

  “The girl from the party?”


  “Is everything okay?”

  “No. It’s really not. She won’t be around much for some time.”

  “You haven’t killed her, have you?”

  Landon frowned, looking toward her.

  “You’re scary biker dudes, and isn’t killing all part of the … outfit? I have no idea what I’m saying. I’m sorry.”

  “We haven’t killed her. She’s been acting out, and we think we know the cause. She’s going away to deal with the problems she’s facing.”

  “Do you want me to talk to her?”

  “Did she ever call you?”


  “Then no. If she’d reached out to you, maybe. I don’t know what I’m going to do. She’s been with me now for a couple of years, and I don’t want to lose her, but I know I’ve got no choice. Not after tonight.” He didn’t mention how she came onto him, grabbing his junk and trying to seduce him.

  “Send her my love, will you? Tell her to get better from me.”

  “You barely know her.”

  “I don’t know her, but I saw the pain in her eyes. I don’t understand it, but it doesn’t mean I don’t have compassion for what she has going on.” She put a hand on his arm. “I’m glad you came to me to talk.”

  He put his hand over hers, offering her some comfort, or trying to at least.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Yes, why?”

  “You didn’t come to the party tonight.” He’d missed her, and of course, he’d been pissed as he’d hoped she’d come to him.

  “I don’t always like to party. Besides, there’s nothing in the rule books that says I have to do exactly as you say.” She finished off her tea, placing the empty cup on her bedside cabinet.

  “Oh, no? You’ve not heard the rules about how you must follow everything a Trojan does?”

  “Nope.” She giggled. “Nothing in the noticeboard or the town board. Why? Have I been naughty?”

  He put his cup down and placed his hand on her hip, pulling her close. “Very naughty. What should I do with you?”

  “What do you usually do with naughty women?”

  He kissed her hard, biting down on her lip, sucking it into his mouth, and she let out a moan. He swallowed it down as he pulled her close. Gripping the soft flesh of her ass, he gave her a little spanking. She let out a yelp, and he spanked her again.

  “Bad girls need a spanking, and tying up.” He climbed off the bed, and went to her drawers. Pulling out a pair of pantyhose, he held them up. “I think these will do nicely.”

  “You’re going to tie me up?”

  “I’m going to tie you to the bed, and fuck you again.” He moved toward her, straddling her on the bed as he lifted her hands above her head, securing them. “There, all better.”

  He rolled her over so her face was between the cushions and her plump ass was in the air.

  Grabbing a generous handful, he spread the cheeks apart, staring at her puckered anus and cunt.

  Letting them go, he slapped the rounded curves, three times, being careful not to hurt her.

  After only three times her pale flesh was a nice shade of red.

  He turned her again so she was facing him. Her face was the same color as her ass. Spreading her legs wide, he cupped her pussy, sliding a finger inside her.

  Landon needed the distraction more than anything. He had to be inside her again, and not thinking about Maya and if she was fighting Duke and the others. If she was trying to seduce them. Would she run?

  It wasn’t safe.

  Maya was a Trojan woman now, whether she liked it or not. She had to do as she was told no matter what.

  Sliding two fingers deep into Anna’s wet cunt, he bent down and stroked his tongue across her swollen clit. She let out a moan, and he sucked the hard bud into his mouth, using his teeth to cause a little more pain than she was used to. She cried out, and the sounds echoed around the room.

  Holding her ass cheeks, he ravished her pussy, licking her clit, moving down to her cunt, plunging inside before moving back.

  She’d already come on his cock, and now he wanted her to do so all over his face. He loved the taste of her, and knew he’d happily go down on her.

  Anna cried his name, and as she came, it was the most beautiful sight in the world, but he wasn’t done.

  He didn’t have a condom with him, and he didn’t want to use it.

  Consequences be damned.

  The only thing he wanted was Anna. To feel her surrounding him.

  He turned her over again, lined his cock to her entrance, and filled her. The cheeks of her ass nestled against his pelvis, and he spread himself across her back, kissing her neck. Pushing her hair out of the way, he felt her tighten around him.

  Pulling out, he held onto her hip, keeping her in place and slowly rocked back and forth, going as deep as he could.

  She pushed back against him, pressing her ass to him, and sliding that cunt onto his length.

  He wanted to see her taking him.

  Lifting up, he brought her to her knees, keeping her head buried in the pillows. He held her ass open and stared at her pretty pussy opening up around his length.

  Pulling out, he drove in deep. He did this again, watching her take him. It was a pretty sight, and without the condom, he got to see her arousal spread all over his dick.

  When he couldn’t take the wait any longer, he held her in place and fucked her, making her take every single inch of his cock as he worked her, driving in as far as he could.

  “Yes, fuck yes,” he said.

  His arousal was getting closer, his need filling every single part of himself.

  There was no way he was pulling out of her tight heat.

  Slamming every inch of his cock inside her, he filled her up, driving in deep, and fucking her until he came, filling her cunt with more of his cum.

  He didn’t want to have a kid or be tied down, but it was so important to him to have her full of his cum, marking her as his.

  No other man had a right to her.

  She belonged to him now.

  He was staking his claim.

  Chapter Seven

  Cutting into her baked potato, Anna spread a small amount of hummus over the inside, giving it a little time to heat up.

  The last of the summer’s heat was upon them, and rather than eat lunch inside the ink parlor, Misty had come to take her out to dinner.

  Anna watched as Misty prepared her sandwich and finished up making her coffee. The snack bar was a nice addition, even if it was close to the diner. Every now and then, she saw a couple of the locals looking at the bar as if it was a menace. It offered healthy food alternatives, and she liked it. The salad beside her potato had olives, chili, zucchini, and lots of other vegetables.

  Her mouth watered, and she was so hungry.

  “I know you want to ask, so just ask,” Misty said.

  “You don’t have to sound so angry about it.�

  “There is nothing to be angry about. I have no reason to be.”

  “Right. You’re always like this. Pissy. It’s lunch time, and you look annoyed at me. Why?”

  “Because it was the best freaking date in my life, okay.”

  Anna paused and stared at her friend. “You’re angry at me because you had a really good time and you don’t like having a good time?”

  “No!” Misty groaned, flopping back in her chair. “Ugh.”

  “Let me get this straight, you’re mad at me because I sent you on a date with my boss, and you liked it.”


  “You know this is not making any sense to me.”

  “I know, but it makes perfect sense to me.”

  “Then explain it to me, oh great and wise one, because I’m coming up with nothing right now. You wanted a good date. What’s wrong with actually giving you a good date? I could have set you up with any number of assholes. Danny’s a good guy.”

  Misty sighed. “I know. He’s so sweet and thoughtful. First, he picked me up from my place. Don’t get me wrong, I was a little unsure about that. I wanted to meet him at the restaurant, but I’d already told him my address.”

  “Sounds about right.”

  “Then he had flowers. Beautiful red roses, a whole bouquet of them.”

  “Again, I’m loving this.” She took a bite of her salad and waited as Misty took her time.

  “He’d got us a table at this really nice Italian restaurant. They served the most amazing alfredo. It was really good. The food was right up there. I also caught sight of the prices, and they were not cheap.”

  “So now he’s an amazing guy with good food choices. I have yet to see the problem.” This time, she took a bite of her baked potato with hummus, and she loved it.

  “We talked all night long. He is so sweet, tender, and caring. I asked him about what he’s hoping for in the future and do you know what he said?”

  “Not a clue?”

  “He wants to have a nice house with a yard out back. Build a treehouse for his kids. He wants three kids, maybe four as he loves even numbers. To get married and settle down.”

  “Is this all bad? Have we reached the bad part?”

  “I want all of that as well.”


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