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Revealed Page 12

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Very good.” One large, warm hand reached down to caress her hair and Lauren leaned into it, like a cat that wanted to be stroked. “We will have a human bonding ceremony—a wedding—if you like,” Xairn continued. “There we will exchange rings and vows of eternal love. But this is the mark of my people—the final mark of possession which I give you tonight. If you are willing to receive it.”

  Lauren shivered at the meaning in his deep voice. The final mark—the one that would make her his beyond the shadow of a doubt. She’d had her nipples pierced and his initial tattooed on her body. And just the week before, she’d gotten the hood of her clit pierced with a tiny silver ring as well—by a female technician, of course. Lauren didn’t want another man’s hands on her, especially in such an intimate place. Now there was only one mark of possession left—the most visible one of all.

  The collar.

  “I am willing, Master,” she said, looking up at him, letting the adoration and love shine in her eyes as she took in his tall, muscular body and red-on-black eyes. “More than willing—I am eager.”

  “Lauren…my Lauren.” He stroked her hair again, his voice filled with tenderness and love. “And I am eager to fasten it around your neck. To mark you as mine forever.”

  From behind his back, Xairn produced a slender black leather collar with a gleaming silver buckle. Dangling from the center of the collar was a single blood-red ruby, as large as her thumb. It was cut in a perfect square and it gleamed in the dim, romantic light cast by the small fire crackling in the fireplace.

  Lauren gasped when she saw it. “It…it’s beautiful.” She could see that once the collar was buckled in place, the ruby would nestle in the hollow of her throat perfectly. “But…why a square?”

  “Each side represents one of the four Scourge marks of possession.” He handled the ruby carefully, cupping it in his palm to show her. “It doesn’t have to be a ruby—traditionally any jewel will do. But I thought the blazing red would look lovely against your skin.”

  “I’m sure it will.” Lauren was already picturing the sparkling red stone against her creamy, mocha skin tones. It would look amazing. But she didn’t just want to wear the collar because of its gorgeous jewel—she wanted to wear it as a sign of her submission and her love for her man. As a public reminder of what they did when they were alone together in private.

  “I know you’re ready to wear it. But there is one final test.” Xairn placed the black leather collar carefully on the mantelpiece above the fireplace. There was, of course, no need for fireplaces on a spaceship. But since the Kindred catered to their women’s wishes as well as their needs, almost every suite had one.

  “A test?” Lauren frowned. “But I thought…I’ve taken all the marks now, haven’t I?”

  “You have. You have endured pain to show your love for me.” Xairn’s voice was slightly hoarse as he knelt on the rug, facing her.

  “No more than you endured for me,” Lauren murmured, tracing the raised letters of her name which were branded across his broad, bare chest.

  “I would endure that and much more to be with you always,” Xairn assured her softly. “But in order for you to wear the collar, I must link the other marks and then take you with them linked.”

  “Link them?” Lauren frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “I’ll show you.” From a pocket of his tight, black leather flight pants, Xairn produced a slim golden chain. “This is the first,” he said mysteriously. “Raise your arms.”

  Lauren did as he commanded and he fastened the chain around her hips. The tiny gold links felt cool against her skin and she couldn’t help noticing that the chain fell squarely in the center of the large capital X for Xairn she’d had inked on her skin even before he had bonded her to him.

  Before she could ask what was next, Xairn produced another chain, or rather, three chains all hooked together with a single gold ring at one end. “What’s that?” She frowned as he spread the three golden strands apart.

  “You’ll see.” The gold ring clipped to the chain he’d put around her hips, leaving the three strands dangling. Xairn took one of them and hooked a tiny clip on its end to the silver ring piercing her right nipple. He took a second strand and hooked it to the left. “Like this,” he murmured and plucked lightly at both golden chains which stretched in taut lines from her tight, berry dark nipples to the center ring at her naval.

  “Oh!” Lauren moaned softly as the slender gold chains pulled at her pierced nipples. God, if she’d had any idea piercing her intimate areas could make her so deliciously sensitive she would have done it years ago. But then, it wouldn’t have been as special. As pleasurable as it was, she was glad she’d had herself pierced just for Xairn.

  But as good as her nipples felt, she still felt a surge of uncertainty and nervousness when Xairn reached for the third and final golden chain and began to stretch it down to the tiny silver ring between her legs.

  “Xairn,” she whispered uncertainly. “I mean, Master, I’m still kind of…tender in that area. I haven’t had that piercing as long as the others.”

  “I know, Lauren.” He stopped what he was doing and stroked her cheek lightly with the back of his hand. “And I swear to be very, very careful. But this is part of it the ritual and I didn’t want to wait anymore. I’ll tell you what…” His hand dropped from her cheek and slid down her trembling abdomen to cup her pussy. “I’ll check your piercing before we proceed to make sure you’re ready. Would you like that?”

  As he spoke, one thick finger slipped between the swollen lips of her cunt and stroked delicately over the pierced hood of her clit.

  Lauren, who was already wet and hot from wanting him, moaned. “Che-check it?” she stuttered. “How? With your fingers?”

  “No.” Leaning forward, Xairn kissed her gently on the cheek and murmured in her ear, “With my tongue.” He kissed her again and his voice turned hard. “Now, up on the bed.”

  Lauren bit her lip in anticipation and nervousness as they got onto the vast king-sized bed together. Xairn didn’t have much Kindred blood in him but he had enough to give him the Kindred pleasure in going down. The only thing the huge warriors loved more than licking a woman between her legs was bonding her for all eternity—commitment issues weren’t usually a problem within the alien race.

  She started to lie on her back and spread her legs for her master, but Xairn shook his head. “Not that way. Like this.” He lay down with his head on a pillow near the headboard of the bed and then motioned for her to join him.

  Lauren frowned. “I’m not sure exactly how…”

  “Straddle me—my head.” Xairn beckoned her to come closer. “Then spread your legs wide and come down to ride my tongue.”

  The position sounded simple enough, although she’d never done it before. But Lauren couldn’t help thinking how vulnerable she would feel, how uncertain lowering herself down until he could reach her pussy with his tongue. “I…I don’t know,” she whispered, hesitating.

  Xairn’s red-on-black eyes grew stern. “Did I ask you what you wanted to do, Lauren?”

  She bit her lip, her pussy getting even wetter at his strict tone. “No,” she admitted.

  “No,” he echoed. “I told you what to do. And in the bedroom, I expect you to obey me without question. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” Lauren nodded. “I mean, yes, Master.”

  “Good.” He nodded and beckoned for her again. “Then come here.”

  Obediently, she came to him and straddled his face with her knees as he had commanded. “I’m here, Master,” she said, looking down to meet his eyes. “But I have to be honest—I don’t understand why you, uh, want me this way. Wouldn’t it be easier for you if I was lying on my back?”

  Xairn’s eyes softened a bit. “Easier for me, Lauren but not easier for you. This position is for your own protection—to keep me from hurting you.”

  She shook her head. “I still don’t understand.”

  “It’s like t
his,” he explained. “I’m going to start out slow and gentle, caressing your pussy and clit with the tip of my tongue, just barely tasting you. If it hurts, you can pull away. If it doesn’t, I’ll expect you to come further down, and give me deeper access to your pussy.” He arched an eyebrow at her. “Do you understand?”

  Laurens’ heart pounded in her chest. “Y…yes, Master,” she murmured softly.

  “Good.” He kissed her inner thigh, making her jump a little. “The let’s begin. Come down, Lauren. Let me taste you.”

  Disobedience wasn’t a choice unless she wanted to be spanked. And while part of her did, indeed, enjoy the slap of her master’s hand against her bare ass very much, right now Lauren simply wanted to do as he said. Gripping the headboard tightly in both hands, she started to lower herself.

  “Wait.” Xairn stopped her.

  ”Master?” she asked, wondering if he had changed his mind. But she needn’t have worried.

  “Come down to me,” he directed. “But first spread your pussy lips open. Let me see the inside of your cunt.”

  The hot, dirty words given in that harsh, commanding tone of voice made her even wetter. Slipping her hand between her thighs, Lauren spread her outer pussy lips with her middle and index fingers, baring herself completely for her master. Then, holding onto the headboard with the other hand for balance, she began to lower herself again.

  True to his word, Xairn was incredibly gentle. She shivered as she felt just the tip of his tongue inside her, outlining her slick petals slowly but never touching her center. The lengthy, ticklish exploration seemed to take forever and the more he avoided her clit, the more anxious Lauren was to have him there. But just as she thought she was going to go crazy, she felt his tongue slide inward to circle her throbbing button.

  “Xairn…” she whispered and gripped the headboard tighter as he traced the tiny silver ring piercing her hood. “Oh, Master…”

  “Does it hurt, Lauren?” he asked, using the mind link all males with Kindred blood develop with their bonded females.

  “No,” she answered aloud. “Not…not at all.”

  “Then come lower. Let me taste you more deeply.”

  Yielding to her master’s will, Lauren lowered herself more fully, giving him greater access to her open pussy. When she felt Xairn’s hot tongue flatten out against her slick, inner cunt she moaned in pleasure. And then he was lapping her hard, sucking and licking and teasing the tiny silver ring which sent shivers of pleasure to the tiny, hot bundle of nerves at her center.

  “Oh God…Oh Xairn…” she gasped, and found she was gripping his coal black hair with both hands and pressing down, trying to get as much contact between her sensitive pussy and his hot mouth as possible.

  Xairn seemed to welcome her loss of inhibition. Two strong hands gripped her hips as he guided her, urging her to ride him, to grind her pussy against his mouth while he serviced her with his tongue. The whole time while he lapped and sucked her eagerly, Lauren could hear him whispering through their link.

  “Goddess, love to eat your sweet pussy. So sweet and salty and perfect. Love the feel of you riding my tongue, letting me tonguefuck you from below like this…”

  “Xairn,” she gasped, gripping his hair tighter. “God, baby…Oh, I think I’m going to…I can’t hold back. Have to…have to come.”

  She felt a surge of pleasure through the link and the tip of his tongue flicked the silver ring that pierced her. With a gasp that might have been his name, she felt her orgasm finally hit, rushing over her like a warm wall of water, drowning her in Xairn’s intensity and love.

  “Oh…Oh, God,” she whispered, sliding to one side as the last tremor finally passed through her. She felt lightheaded, almost dizzy—but she put that off to the intensity of the experience. The feel of her man tasting her from below while she rode his face had been incredibly different and delicious. In fact, the only thing that could have made it better was penetration. She felt so empty inside.

  “We can fix that,” Xairn murmured and she realized he must have heard her thought through their link.

  “I’d like that,” Lauren murmured, rolling over on her side to face him. “Do you wish to take me now, Master? To fuck me?”

  “I am going to fuck you, long and hard and deep,” Xairn promised, his voice a low, possessive growl. “But first the last piercing must be linked. Do you feel ready to let that happen?”

  For an answer, Lauren lay on her back and spread her thighs. “Link me,” she said, nodding at the last slender golden chain still dangling free. “Link me and then put me in whatever position you want to fuck me, Master.”

  “Lauren.” Leaning down, Xairn kissed her long and deep, sharing her own taste on his tongue. Lauren kissed back eagerly, loving the sweetly intimate kiss and the promise of what was to come. Finally, he broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. “It is time,” he murmured and then, gently, he hooked the final golden chain in place.

  Lauren moved her hips experimentally and had to bite back a gasp as the gentle tugging sensation electrified her already over-sensitive clit. Xairn was watching her closely and he raised his eyebrows in a silent question.

  “It feels good,” Lauren assured him, moving her hips slightly again. “Oh. Intense but really, really good.” She looked at him. “So…what position do you wish me to assume, Master? How will you take me?”

  “I want you on your hands and knees for this.” Xairn stroked her side, urging her up. “And I’m only using my secondary shaft this time. I don’t know if you’re ready to have my thick primary shaft in your ass, even if you have been eating bonding fruit.”

  Lauren bit her lip, uncertain how to feel about that. On one hand, she loved the feeling of double penetration her man’s two shafts gave her. Because of their configuration, the primary shaft was the one that pierced her pussy when they were facing each other while the secondary shaft slid deep into her rosebud. It was a delicious sensation, being so filled in every possible way and Lauren never worried about being hurt because of the elastic qualities the bonding fruit gave her more intimate areas.

  Oh the other hand, it was going to be nice to be able to really concentrate on feeling his cock in her pussy. And he was right—even with bonding fruit taking his huge, thick primary shaft deep in her ass was a frightening idea.

  “Up,” Xairn demanded, and she realized she’d been thinking too long. “Up on your hands and knees and spread your legs for me.”

  Lauren scrambled onto her hands and knees at once, enjoying the feeling of vulnerability it gave her to get into such an exposed position. She loved belonging to her man in the bedroom, loved submitting to his orders and giving him her body in any way he pleased.

  “Beautiful,” Xairn murmured, running a large, warm hand up and down her bare back and over her ass. “So very beautiful and submissive. Now…arch your back.”

  Without thinking about it, Lauren obeyed at once. A moan of surprised pleasure was torn from her lips as the gesture tightened all three golden chains and tugged at all her piercings simultaneously. She started to relax her posture, wanting to ease the intensity of the feeling but Xairn stopped her.

  “Keep your back arched,” he commanded in that low, dominating voice she’d come to love. “And spread your thighs wider for your master’s cock.”

  “Yes, Master,” Lauren whispered submissively. Spreading her thighs even wider caused another tug on the chains and she couldn’t help moaning as she opened herself for him.

  “Such a good girl,” Xairn murmured, stroking her back in a long, sensuous caress. “Such a submissive female to open herself so wide for her master’s cock.”

  “Please, Master,” Lauren begged breathlessly. “Please, I ache for your cock. Please fill me up and make me yours.”

  “That is exactly what I plan to do.” As Xairn spoke, she felt him get into position behind her, his huge, muscular body looming over hers, his body heat climbing her spine like an open flame. There was a soft rustling sound of leat
her opening and she knew he was baring the thick club of his sex. “And when I fuck you,” he continued, the broad head of his secondary shaft nudging the entrance to her pussy. “And fill you with my cum, only then will I put the collar on you.”

  With all the pleasure and submission going on, Lauren had completely forgotten about the collar. Now she remembered it and what it stood for—her desire to give herself completely to Xairn to do with as he pleased. God, how she wanted to wear it! How she wanted to show how she felt, how much she loved him.

  “Yes, Master,” she moaned softly as she felt the head of his cock pierce her pussy entrance and begin to slide inside, stretching and opening her cunt channel. “Yes, please, fuck me…take me…make me completely yours.”

  His answer was a low groan and then a long, hard thrust deep inside her pussy. Lauren cried out in surprised pleasure as the abrupt movement tugged on her chains again. God, her clit and nipples were throbbing and it didn’t look likely they would stop any time soon. With every long, hard thrust into her body, Xairn tightened the chains, stimulating her to even higher and higher reaches of pleasure.

  “Master,” Lauren gasped, spreading her legs wider and gripping the bedspread hard. “Please, Master, please fuck me!”

  “I will fuck you, Lauren.” Xairn’s deep, growling voice was filled with promise. “Fuck you and come in you to make you mine. Mine always and forever. The only female who wears my collar and all the marks of my possession on her skin.”

  As he spoke, his tempo increased, his thick shaft thrusting harder and faster into her body, increasing the delicious friction between them until Lauren felt ready to scream. God it felt so good, so incredibly right to give herself to him this way. To open herself and let her master fill her with his cock and his cum. Speaking of which, she could feel her mate’s thick secondary shaft swelling within her and she knew it wouldn’t be long before she felt his hot essence bathing the mouth of her womb.

  “You’re right, Lauren. I’m going to come in you soon, come in your tight little pussy,” he murmured through the link. “But first I want to feel you coming all around me. Want to feel your sweet, soft pussy tremble around my cock.”


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