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Page 17

by Evangeline Anderson

  Panting and sweating, Y’dex turned to him. “Your…turn,” he said, and armed sweat off his pale forehead. “Let’s see you…top that, off-worlder.”

  Rast took a deep breath. “I’ll sure as hell try, you can bet your ass on that.” He looked briefly up at Nadiah and saw that she was sitting on the edge of her seat, twisting her fingers together anxiously. This one’s for you, sweetheart, he thought and then turned his attention to the massive stone.

  Taking a deep breath, he pictured himself wrapping his arms around its stony sides. The thought was so deep and the image so vivid he could almost feel the rough coldness of it against his arms, could almost touch its surface, his fingertips searching for a grip on its ungiving hide.

  Lift with your legs, not with your back, he thought irrelevantly, then he closed his eyes and pictured himself heaving the huge thing up into the air.

  It was immensely heavy and he could feel himself straining, feel the newfound muscles in his mind protesting against such treatment. But he was determined to do it. He ignored the silent pain which felt like a burning that started at the top of his head and ran down all the nerves in his body. He pressed on, imagining the feel of the monstrous stone in his arms rising higher and higher.

  There was an awed gasp from the spectators and Rast dared to open his eyes. What he saw almost made him lose his concentration—the stone was up in the air at least a foot and it was rotating there silently, like a giant pendant twirling on an invisible chain.

  Only the chain is my mind, Rast thought with cautious enthusiasm. I’m doing it—I’m actually doing I—”

  A scream directly above his head nearly caused him to drop the boulder but he held on tight and looked up instead.

  Hovering near the top of the high, vaulted ceiling, was Nadiah. She was at least three stories up but Rast could still see the terror in her dark blue eyes. Beside him, he heard a low, nasty laugh.

  “Which would you rather keep in the air, human?” Y’dex asked him. “The rock or the girl? Better decide—now!”

  Suddenly, Nadiah was falling, her piercing screams echoing against the rocky grotto walls.

  Rast had no time to think. He knew instinctively that he couldn’t hold the boulder up with his mind and catch Nadiah at the same time. He let the huge rock drop with a resounding thud and reached for her with his new muscle as though he was reaching for a fly ball. Yes, like a ball, he thought wildly. Running with the idea, he imagined catching her in a giant, cushy baseball mitt.

  To his unspeakable relief, Nadiah landed with a gasp in the invisible mitt he’d imagined when she was barely three feet from the ground. The impact seemed to knock the breath out of her but she didn’t appear to be seriously harmed in any way.

  Rast ran to her and took her in his arms, hugging her tight. Nadiah hugged him back, her slender frame shaking with sobs.

  “It’s okay, it’s okay. You’re safe now,” Rast soothed her. He stroked her long blonde hair and held her trembling form against him, trying to surround her with his body, to make her feel safe. “Are you all right?” he murmured after a moment.

  Nadiah seemed to make an effort to bring herself under control. Taking a deep breath, she pulled back from him and wiped her eyes. “I…I’m fine,” she whispered brokenly. “I just don’t…I’ve never liked heights. They frighten me.”

  “Anyone would be frightened after that.” Rast glared at Y’dex who was still smirking at him. “That’s it, buddy, you and I are gonna dance and this time I’m going to break more than your nose.”

  “Any challenger who physically attacks another challenger during the course of the blood challenge shall be summarily dismissed in defeat and cast out of the grotto into the wild lands above,” Magistrate Licklow intoned, obviously quoting from the official rules.

  “What?” Rast glared at him. “So it’s not against the rules for him to nearly murder an innocent girl but I can’t punch his lights out for doing it?”

  “Precisely.” The magistrate gave him a cruel smile that didn’t reach his bulging eyes. “And I’m afraid that Y’dex wins this challenge. He held the boulder aloft for thirty seconds while you, human, only managed twenty.”

  “What?” Rast was really getting angry now. “I had to drop it to catch Nadiah. And he knew I would.”

  “That doesn’t change the fact that he is the official winner.” The magistrate cleared his throat. “I declare the honorable Y’dex Licklow as the winner of the challenge of wills,” he announced loudly.

  There were some angry murmurs from the stands which made Rast feel a little better. At least all the people of Tranq Prime weren’t corrupt—they knew injustice when they saw it. Unfortunately, the crowd’s reaction didn’t help him. He and Y’dex were now one to one with a single challenge left to decide the winner.

  The challenge of blood.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Are you ready for the challenge of blood?” Lydiah rubbed her shoulders comfortingly and Nadiah looked up at her friend gratefully.

  “I think so,” she said, trying to keep her voice from trembling. “I mean, I have to be, don’t I? If I’m not, I don’t have a chance of getting free and after what Y’dex just did…” She trailed off, shaking her head.

  “Did he truly lift you with his mind and let you drop?” Lydiah sounded upset but not surprised. “Havris said he did but I didn’t see it.”

  Nadiah nodded. “Yes. If Rast hadn’t dropped the boulder in order to catch me I would be dead now, I’m certain of it. He lost the challenge in order to save my life.” She shook her head. “I knew your brother hated me but I never thought he wanted to kill me.” Despite knowing what kind of male her intended was, the near death experience had still shaken her to the core.

  “I don’t think he wants to kill you so much as that he feels if he can’t have you, no one can.” Lydiah sounded thoughtful. “It was always that way when we were children too. If Mamam gave me a toy for my own to play with and I refused to hand it over to him, Y’dex would take it and break it. He used to say, ‘If I can’t have it, neither can you.’”

  “I am not some toy to be broken and cast aside,” Nadiah cried passionately. “I am a living female with feelings. And now more than ever I want to be free of him!”

  She could tell by the lifted heads in the audience that some of the spectators had caught her words, or at least the gist of them, but she didn’t care. Didn’t care if the whole of Tranq Prime knew how she felt—she was tired of being held in thrall to the blood bond, tired of being tied to a cruel and pitiless tyrant who cared so little for her life he would kill her out of spite. She just wanted to be free to do as she pleased with her life. Free to live it with Rast.

  Forget that, she told herself sternly. It’s not going to happen, even if you do break the blood bond and manage to survive being bondless. But she couldn’t help remembering the way he’d saved her from certain death and the look in his eyes when he held her close. The way his big, muscular body had seemed to surround her, making her feel safe as he soothed and comforted her. Oh, she thought desperately. I wish I didn’t love him so much—this would be so much easier if I didn’t!

  Then again, without her love for Rast, how would she ever find the strength to break free of Y’dex? I have to use my love, she thought, staring at the center of the challenge floor where Rast was waiting quietly for the new challenge to begin. And I have to cherish these final moments with him. One way or another, this is all we have left.

  “Do you have any idea how this will turn out?” Lydiah asked, breaking her train of thought. “I mean, you do have the Sight so I thought maybe—”

  Nadiah shook her head. “That’s not how it works. I can’t see things just because I want to.” She frowned. “In fact, I haven’t had a single vision or al’lei since I stepped foot back on Tranq Prime. It’s strange.”

  “Maybe the Goddess wants you to trust in her,” Lydiah said. “To have faith that she will see you through this trial no matter what occurs.”
  Nadiah sighed. “Yes, I think you’re right. Although it would be nice to know everything will work out well.”

  “It will,” Lydiah said soothingly. “They’re setting up a privacy curtain for your blood sharing,” she said, changing the subject. “I’m certain you’ll be glad to hear that.”

  “I am.” Despite herself, Nadiah felt a warm blush creeping into her cheeks. “I would not…wish for everyone in the grotto to witness such a private moment.”

  “Of course not.” Lydiah’s cheeks were pink too. “I cannot wait to share blood with Havris,” she admitted in a low voice. “He has promised that we will, even though we are already blood bonded.”

  “Will you still be allowed to bond with him permanently so that you can share your lives together?” Nadiah asked anxiously. “I mean, after the way you helped Rast during the challenge of wills, I was afraid your Mamam and Patro—”

  “Havris had promised to take me to the priestess for a private bonding ceremony as soon as the challenge is over.” Lydiah’s pretty face glowed with excitement. “I am not even to go back to my domicile. This very night we will seal the bond between us—when next you see me, my eyes will be a different color.”

  “Oh, Lydiah!” Nadiah pressed her hand. “I’m so glad! Havris is truly a worthy male.”

  Lydiah nodded. “He is. And he says he won’t take a chance on losing me just because my family is angry at me.” She looked suddenly serious. “I just hope this last challenge goes well. I hope that by nightfall we will both be sealing our bonds to the males of our choice.”

  Nadiah shook her head. “You know that is not to be. Not for me, at least.”

  “You must tell him,” Lydiah urged. “Tell Rast what will happen if you have no one to anchor your soul to once your bond is broken.”

  “I won’t,” Nadiah said stubbornly. “And I want you to promise you won’t tell him either. I don’t want him to feel pressured into a relationship he doesn’t want.”

  Lydiah frowned mutinously. “Nadiah…”

  “Swear!” Nadiah crooked her pinky finger and held it out. “Heart and hearth, blood and bone, keep my secret as your own.”

  “That old promise we used when we were children? Oh, Nadiah…” Her old friend looked torn between laughter and tears. But at last she crooked her own pinky around Nadiah’s and repeated the words. “Heart and hearth, blood and bone, I’ll keep your secret as my own. There—are you satisfied?”

  “Yes.” Impulsively, Nadiah hugged her. “No matter what happens, always remember I love you, dear Lydiah. I will never forget our time together as girls and your kindness to me today.”

  “I love you too.” Lydiah hugged her back tightly. When they finally broke the embrace, both their cheeks were wet. “Now go,” Lydiah ordered, trying to smile through her tears. “You’re about to share blood with the male of your dreams. Make it count.”

  Nadiah lifted her chin. “I will.” If this is all I can have of the male I love, I will make the best and the most of it I can. I will take this sweet memory with me into the grave if necessary.

  Rising, she left her childhood friend behind and went to the small, circular curtain which had been erected in the center of the challenge floor. Beside it, Rast, Y’dex, and his father were standing in readiness, waiting for her. The spectators in the stands were silent, staring at the little tableau in breathless anticipation.

  “This is the beginning of the third and final challenge—the challenge of blood.” Magistrate Licklow spoke in a low voice, obviously embarrassed by the intimacy of the first part of the challenge. “Since Nadiah has already had her rightful fiancée’s blood at the age of six cycles, she will now take some of the challenger’s blood in order to form a tie to him. If the new connection proves strong enough to break the existing bond, she will be free to go.” The sneering look on his face made it clear he considered that highly unlikely. “If it is not, then she will be bonded this very night to Y’dex who may claim her as is his lawful right.”

  “It is also my lawful right to punish her for her insolence in putting us all through this in the first place,” Y’dex snarled, glaring at her. “I swear to you, my lovely, you’ll pay triple for every bit of humiliation I suffered today.”

  “You won’t touch her.” Rast’s voice was a low, menacing growl. “I’m taking her back with me.”

  “Only if you win the challenge which is very unlikely, off-worlder,” Magistrate Licklow interjected. “The bond between Nadiah and Y’dex was formed when they were children—it has had years to strengthen and grown. Now, let’s get this over with, shall we?”

  “I still think she should have to take some of my blood as well,” Y’dex protested. “She hasn’t had it since she was six cycles old.”

  “The bond between us is already strong enough,” Nadiah said bitterly. “Our parents saw to that. They gave you dominion over me but no more—I’m going to be free of you tonight, one way or another.”

  Y’dex gave her an unpleasant grin. “Keep telling yourself that, my lovely. We’ll see what happens when I twist the bond and pull you to me. You’ll come running like a pet on a leash.”

  At the promise of pain in his voice, Nadiah suddenly felt cold and shaken. She had been putting it to the back of her mind as much as she could but now she couldn’t help thinking, this is going to hurt. Hurt more than anything I’ve ever done or had done to me.

  “Nadiah?” Rast touched her elbow. “Are you all right? Don’t let him get to you—he’s full of hot air.”

  The human expression made her smile just a bit as she pictured Y’dex puffed up with air like a yarber toad during mating season. “I’m fine.” I won’t think about it. Won’t think about the pain. I don’t want it to ruin my time with Rast. She raised her chin and gave her intended one last, disdainful look before turning back to Rast. “Let’s go into the tent, shall we?”

  “Absolutely.” Taking her hand, he led the way.

  Inside the privacy of the small tent, she settled herself onto the tiny padded bench barely big enough for two and looked up at Rast. “Are you ready?”

  His eyes, which had been blazing with possessive rage at Y’dex just a moment before, were suddenly half-lidded with desire. “More than ready.” He produced a small silver ceremonial knife about as long as her palm. It was intricately carved with a curving blade. “Just tell me how you want to do it.”

  Nadiah bit her lip. “I’ve only shared blood once before and that was when I was a child, with Y’dex. Thank the Goddess they just had him bleed into a cup and made me drink it—at least I didn’t have to take it from his arm.” She clenched her fists. “I’d sooner eat a live mud worm than taste his blood again.”

  Rast made a face. “I wouldn’t be too quick to say that if I were you. Have you ever tasted one of those things? They’re not exactly fine dining.”

  Nadiah put a hand over his. “I saw the look on your face when you took the challenge. I know how distasteful it was to you.”

  “That’s all right, sweetheart.” He cupped her cheek gently. “Anything for you. I mean that.”

  Nadiah flushed with pleasure. “I know you do.” She looked down at her hands shyly. “I…I think we’d better get going. They probably won’t give us much time for this.”

  Rast sighed. “Unfortunately not. Okay, how does this go?”

  “I…I believe you cut your wrist and let me drink of you,” she murmured.

  He raised an eyebrow. “And that’s going to form a bond between us?”

  Nadiah nodded. “But it will be fresh and young and the bond I have with Y’dex is old and hardened. Sort of like the difference between a sapling and a fully mature tree.”

  “But if I’m the sapling and he’s the tree, how the hell—”

  She squeezed his hand. “Don’t be discouraged, Rast. Trees can rot away from the inside out and saplings can have more strength than you can imagine.”

  “I’m sure.” Rast smiled and squeezed her hand in return. “So that
means Y’dex and I are going to put you between us and do a psychic version of tug-of-war?”

  “If you mean that you will both be pulling on me, trying to draw me to you then yes, you’re right,” Nadiah said.

  He frowned. “But won’t that hurt you?”

  She took a deep breath. “It will be agonizing. But not nearly as painful as spending the rest of my days with Y’dex. So please, Rast, pull hard.”

  “I will,” he promised grimly. “But first I’ve got to get something to pull with.” Raising the tiny silver knife, he sliced firmly across the blue bracelet of veins that ran along the underside of his wrist.

  Nadiah bit her lip when she saw the rich crimson begin to flow from his skin. “Oh Rast, you shouldn’t have sliced so deep!”

  “Don’t worry about me.” His deep voice had taken on a soft, sensual tone that made her feel like her skin was prickling all over her body. “Just drink of me, Nadiah.” He held his bleeding wrist to her lips, his eyes half-lidded with lust again. “Drink deep.”

  Feeling hot and cold at the same time, Nadiah flattened her tongue and pressed it to the warm flow, lapping long and slow as she took his blood into herself. She’d expected the salty, metallic taste she remembered from the time she’d been forced to drink Y’dex’s blood but somehow, it wasn’t like that. The scarlet ribbon that flowed from Rast’s arm into her mouth tasted sweet and spicy and hot at the same time—as though he had fire wine flowing through his veins. It went to Nadiah’s head at once, as though she’d been drinking a rare and expensive liquor and made her feel warm and tingly all over.

  She drank for what seemed like a long time but Rast didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he stroked her hair and murmured encouragement, urging her to take more, to take as much as she needed. Somehow Nadiah found herself in his lap, with her mouth still locked to his wrist. If she’d had any doubt about how he felt about this, the hot hard lump of his cock pressing against her ass erased it. Rast wanted this as much as she did and he was getting just as much pleasure from the intimate act, if not more.


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