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Revealed Page 33

by Evangeline Anderson

  “I’m sure he can’t dispute that now.” Nadiah smiled. “Not after you dived off a cliff for me.”

  Rast grinned. “Actually, now I don’t care what he thinks. What anybody thinks. Remember how I told you that I always follow my gut instinct and it never plays me wrong?”

  She nodded. “You said you trusted your intuition. Why?”

  “Because I had a feeling, back when we were coming home from Tranq Prime—a feeling like if I didn’t claim you then, that I might lose you. I ignored that feeling and look what happened—this whole mess with the crazy priestess could have been avoided if I’d just listened to my instinct.”

  “That’s true.” Nadiah nodded. “But you also never would have come to First World and learned your true identity. And you never would have gotten your wings either. That would have been a shame.” She ruffled his feathers again and Rast groaned with pleasure.

  “God, that feels amazing. I think it gets better every time you do it.”

  She laughed. “Good. I have a whole new way to touch you.”

  “And I want to touch you in a new way too,” Rast reminded her gently. He couldn’t keep the need out of his voice, the hunger he felt to touch her, to take her. “I need you, sweetheart,” he murmured, kissing the side of her neck again. “Need to be inside you.”

  Nadiah shivered with pleasure. “I want that too. In fact…Rast, can I tell you something?”

  “Anything,” he assured her. “Anything at all.”

  “All right, well, this might sound strange but now that I’m better I feel so…so…”

  Suddenly Rast knew exactly what she was feeling. It was as though, when they were touching her, the wings gave him powers of perception that extended from his own body directly into hers.

  “Hot?” he finished for her, raising an eyebrow. “Wet?”

  Nadiah blushed and nodded. “I know it’s not right. I was nearly dead just a few minutes ago but now…well, it’s like my entire body is tingling. And I need…I need…I don’t know what I need,” she ended in obvious frustration.

  “I do.” Rast gave her a lazy smile. “Will you let me give it to you? Will you let me change the color of your eyes?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “With all my heart, yes. Do…do you think we can do it like this? I mean, surrounded like this?” She indicated the protective way his wings still encircled them.

  “I’m sure we can. In fact, I want to.” Rast gave her a hungry look. “It feels right this way. It’s like I have you all to myself. Like we’re in our own private world.”

  “I feel that way too,” Nadiah murmured softly. Pressing forward, she rubbed her breasts against his bare chest.

  “God, sweetheart!” Rast groaned. He could feel the tight little buds of her nipples though the thin white material of her gown. It made him feel like he might explode if he didn’t take her soon.

  “I want you to change the color of my eyes,” she said. “I want to give myself to you completely.”

  “Good, because I can’t wait anymore” he growled and took her mouth in a ruthless, hungry kiss that made her moan and cling to him even tighter.

  Mine, he thought as he had so often before, but this time it was true. He was going to make it true and claim her properly. And Rast swore to himself that when he was finished, no one would ever be able to take the woman he loved away from him again.

  * * * * *

  Nadiah couldn’t wait to be naked with him. She shed the thin white robe and her blue sash tharp and tossed them away to land in the Healing Garden. Rast got rid of his jeans as well and then she sat in his lap and leaned back, enjoying the feel of his wings stroking her naked skin.

  Both of them groaned at the soft brush of feathers against flesh and Nadiah knew Rast was getting as much pleasure out of the contact as she was. It was as though some kind of current was running between them—a current of power and pleasure that built and grew stronger with each touch.

  Goddess, wonder if I could come like this? she thought as the feathers brushed the tight buds of her nipples and slipped softly between her legs. It seemed entirely likely that she could but she didn’t get a chance to find out. Because just then Rast’s big, warm hands replaced the feathers, caressing her breasts and cupping her hot pussy mound.

  Nadiah moaned as she felt two thick fingers spreading the lips of her pussy so he could stroke her slippery petals.

  “Mmm, you are wet, aren’t you my little numala?” he murmured hoarsely.

  Nadiah felt herself blushing, the hot blood rushing to her face. But there was no way she could deny it. “Yes,” she whispered. “I…I can’t help it.”

  “Don’t want you to help it. You think you’re wet enough to take me?” Reaching between them, he grasped his thick shaft and slowly, teasingly, rubbed the broad head against her open pussy.

  “Oh!” Nadiah gasped and threw back her head as his cock slipped hotly over her swollen clit. “I…yes, I think so,” she whispered.

  He shook his head and slowly withdrew his shaft. “If you’re not sure, you’re not ready.”

  “What? No, don’t stop!” Nadiah protested. “Please, if you’ll just—”

  He laughed softly. “Don’t worry sweetheart, I’m not stopping. I just need to spend a little time getting you ready.”

  “Oh?” Nadiah began to smile again. “And how…how are you going to do that?”

  “Like this.” Suddenly she was lying on her back on the ground, though she could barely feel the green and purple grass because of the soft, incandescent feathers that cushioned her body.

  “Is this okay?” she asked a little anxiously, indicating the wings. “I mean, does it hurt when I lie on them?”

  “Not at all.” He smiled. “It feels like…almost like I have another set of arms to hold you with. I like it.”

  “I like it too,” Nadiah confessed, arching her back and rubbing her shoulders against the feathers until he groaned.

  “That’s enough of that,” he murmured with mock sternness. “Now it’s my turn.” He was leaning over her, between her thighs as though he intended to make love to her then and there. But Nadiah thought he had a different idea.

  It turned out she was right.

  He began at her lips, taking her mouth in long, slow, hot kisses that made her moan and want more. But Rast was in no hurry. It seemed to take forever for him to lick a ticklish trail down to the hollow of her throat and then make his way to one of her aching nipples. By this time Nadiah was reminded of his preference to “take it slow.” She only hoped she wouldn’t go insane by the time he finally reached the area south of her navel.

  But Rast surprised her. He sucked both her nipples briefly, nipping them gently to make her squirm, and then began to lick a path down her trembling abdomen almost at once. Nadiah felt the power surge between them again as he split her thighs wide and rubbed his rough cheek against her pussy mound.

  “So good,” he groaned softly as he bathed in her scent and marked her with his own. “God, you smell so good, sweetheart. So hot and wet and ready for me.”

  “I am ready, please Rast…”

  She didn’t have to beg for long. Spreading her wide with his fingers, Rast flattened his tongue against her sensitive inner pussy and took a long, loving taste.

  Nadiah cried out and bucked up to meet him, reveling in the sensation of his hot mouth on her tender cunt.

  “Beautiful,” Rast murmured and kissed her pussy gently, almost as though he was kissing her mouth. “You have the most beautiful little virgin pussy, sweetheart. It’s so pink and innocent looking. But at the same time you’re all swollen and wet so I can tell what you need.”

  “What…what do I need?” Nadiah asked breathlessly.

  “Why, more kisses of course.” Looking up briefly he gave her a teasing smile, and then returned to the business at hand. This time he dropped tiny, soft kisses all over her mound and pussy lips before finally going back to her core.

  “Rast, please!” Nadiah begged.
Somehow she found her hands were buried in his hair, tugging with abandon as she tried to lead him back to the place she needed him most.

  “Patience, sweetheart,” he murmured, grinning. “Take it easy. Take it slow.”

  “No!” Nadiah wiggled her hips and moaned as he lapped her again, taking time to circle her clit with the tip of his tongue until she thought she was going to go mad. “No, I don’t want to wait anymore. I want you inside me now.”

  Rast gave her a teasing smile. “Your wish is my command.” Spreading her thighs even wider with his broad shoulders, he bent his head and Nadiah felt something hot and wet thrust into her slippery entrance.

  “Goddess, Rast!” she moaned as he thrust his tongue even deeper into her cunt. This wasn’t what she’d meant but it felt amazing just the same. She loved the feel of his tongue moving in and out of her, fucking her so deliciously. And it was evident Rast loved tasting her. He growled hungrily as she pressed against him, trying to get even deeper contact with his tongue. Nadiah felt his arms wind around her legs and his fingers gripped her thighs to hold her in place as he lapped and sucked and tonguefucked her until she could barely breathe.

  “Oh…oh please…please…” She couldn’t help begging, couldn’t help the low, broken moans that came from her throat. She was so open for him, so vulnerable and yet she wanted to give more, to bare her very soul to him as she was baring her body. She tugged at his hair with trembling fingers and bucked hard against his mouth, pressing up to meet the rhythm of his tongue inside her cunt. She was close, so close to coming but she needed something…something more.

  If only it was just a little harder…if only it could go a little deeper…

  As though sensing her need, Rast pulled back panting, and looked in her the eyes. “I think you’re ready now, sweetheart. As ready as I can make you, anyway. And you’re close, aren’t you? Close to coming?”

  Nadiah nodded. “So close. Please, Rast…”

  “I knew you were.” He licked her open pussy again and gave her a lazy smile when she moaned. “The only question is, do you want to finish with my tongue inside you…or my cock?”

  It was no contest. “Your…your cock,” Nadiah whispered. “Please. Your cock. I need you inside me so much, Rast. I swear I’m ready now.”

  “Yes, I think you are.” Sliding up the length of her body he kissed her mouth, giving her the sweet, salty taste of herself on his tongue. Then he wrapped his arms around her and sat up, bringing them back to where they’d been before with him sitting on his knees and Nadiah facing him in his lap.

  “You’re sure this is the way…the way you want to do it?” Nadiah asked uncertainly. “I thought maybe you’d want to be on…on top of me.”

  “Not the first time.” Rast shook his head. “I want to take this slow and easy and really be able to look into your eyes while we make love.”

  “Then, please, Rast. I can’t wait any longer,” Nadiah moaned softly. Her desire for him was so great that the urgency she felt to have him in her was almost painful.

  Rast seemed to sense it because he didn’t try to draw out the foreplay anymore. “All right then, sweetheart. Look down a minute.”

  Nadiah looked and caught her breath at the erotic sight. Rast had grasped his shaft in one hand and positioned himself so that the broad head of his cock was poised just at the entrance to her wet channel.

  “On the count of three I want you to lower yourself down,” he told her softly. “Come down as fast or as slow as you want, just don’t hurt yourself. You’ve never done this before so it might feel a little tight.”

  “I don’t care about that.” Nadiah pressed against him, watching as the thick head of his cock began to slide into her open pussy. “Don’t care about anything but having you inside me.”

  “Hey.” Rast gave a hoarse sounding chuckle. “You’re supposed to wait for the count, remember?”

  “Then start counting,” Nadiah told him. “I need you in me.”

  “All right then, my eager little virgin,” he murmured. “One…two…”

  “Three,” Nadiah gasped and pressed down with her hips, taking half of his thick shaft inside herself in one swift motion.

  “God!” Rast’s deep voice was tight and his fingers dug into her ass reflexively.

  “Oh!” Nadiah gasped at the same time. For her part, she was feeling both pleasure and pain. It felt amazing to finally have Rast inside her, even if it was only halfway. But there was no denying the sharp, stretching feeling she got from having such a thick shaft lodged deep inside her.

  Rast must have seen the pain on her face because he looked at her anxiously. “You okay, sweetheart?”

  “Fine, just…give me a minute,” Nadiah gasped. She held perfectly still, concentrating on the feeling of his thick girth filling her. After a moment the pain receded leaving only the pleasure of having him inside her. “Better now,” she told him, smiling. “I, uh, guess maybe I shouldn’t have done that, huh?”

  “Maybe not.” Rast’s voice was slightly strangled. “You want me to pull out?” he asked. “We could—”

  “No.” Nadiah shook her head emphatically. “I want you inside me. I need you, Rast. I just…I’ll try to go slower for the, uh, second half.” They both looked down to where his thick shaft was impaling her, stretching the entrance to her pussy wide.

  Rast gave a low groan at the erotic sight. “Got that’s hot, sweetheart,” he murmured. “So fucking hot to see my cock stretching your sweet little pussy open like that.”

  “I like it too,” Nadiah admitted breathlessly. “But I’d like it better if…if you were all the way in.”

  “Come down, then.” Rast gave her a look of pure lust. “Come down all the way and let me fill you up.” He kissed her softly on the mouth. “But slowly, this time, all right? I want to watch while you take my cock all the way inside your pussy.”

  His hot words coupled with the gentle kiss made Nadiah feel like she was burning up inside. With a little moan, she braced herself on his shoulders and slowly let the tight muscles of her thighs relax.

  She wasn’t sure it would work, wasn’t sure he would be able to enter her if she wasn’t pressing down to force the issue. But Rast had done a damn good job preparing her and though she was tight, her pussy was incredibly wet and slick, ready and eager to finish the job she had started.

  Biting her bottom lip, she slowly relaxed and watched as the rest of Rast’s thick shaft disappeared inch by thick inch into her pussy. It was an incredibly hot sight but even better was the feeling of completion, of oneness she felt with him when the broad head pressed against the end of her channel to kiss the mouth of her womb.

  This is how he’ll do it, she thought, feeling her stomach flutter with anticipation. This is how he’ll change the color of my eyes.

  “You’re right, sweetheart,” he murmured and Nadiah realized she’d spoken the thought aloud. “But first we have a little business to attend to. First I need to fuck you.”

  The hot words and the way he looked at her when he spoke, his deep voice gravelly with desire, made Nadiah feel like she might go crazy if he didn’t fulfill his promise soon. “Then do it,” she whispered, wiggling her hips tauntingly. They both moaned at the delicious friction her action caused. “Do it because I want you to, Rast. Because I need you to.”

  “I need it too, sweetheart,” he admitted. “Are you ready? Nothing hurts?’

  “It feels amazing,” Nadiah admitted. “It doesn’t hurt at all. I just want more.”

  He grinned at her hungrily. “That’s good because ‘more’ is exactly what I’m going to give you.” Then, gripping her ass, he lifted her slowly until his thick shaft was almost all the way out of her. “Here we go, sweetheart. Hold on tight, it’s going to be a wild ride.”

  They both moaned as he slid back into her, pressing hard and deep to fill her to the core. He held still for a moment and Nadiah felt him throbbing inside her, stretching her even when he wasn’t moving. Then, when she didn’t
protest, he pulled out and thrust into her again, harder this time, as though the need to claim her completely had overcome him.

  Nadiah was overcome with need too. She moaned and gasped as he pounded up into her, pressing hard against the end of her channel with every thrust, building the pleasure that was growing inside her like an explosion waiting to happen—like a bomb waiting to go off. All around her body she could feel the feathers caressing her naked skin, teasing her nerve endings to even greater heights of pleasure, somehow forming a new, intense connection between herself and Rast she had never imagined was possible.

  “Oh, Goddess…Oh, Rast!” Closing her eyes, she gripped his broad shoulders hard and spread her thighs even wider, trying to be open enough for his deliciously hard fucking. “Feels so good…so right.”


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