The Wedding Hope: 5-hour read. Marriage of convenience, romantic suspense. (Colorado Billionaires Book 2)

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The Wedding Hope: 5-hour read. Marriage of convenience, romantic suspense. (Colorado Billionaires Book 2) Page 15

by Regina Duke

  When she reached Thor Security, Karla and Minion were putting the finishing touches on their artwork. It was almost dark. Karla was cleaning up their paints. Minion was bouncing up and down, reviewing the photos they’d taken of their project.

  Thor pulled up behind her and hopped out of his vehicle to come to her door.

  Ashley offered him a tight-lipped smile. “The girls have finished the window.” She stepped down out of the SUV.

  Minion dashed over to them. “Look, look! We got all our pictures taken. Now all we have to do is make our presentation on the computer. I’m so excited. We’ll put Thor Security all over Facebook. Everyone will want to hire you.”

  Thor grinned at her. “That’s terrific.”

  Karla finished organizing her brushes and straightened up. “Our ride is on the way. Minion, let them see the photos.”

  Ashley wasn’t really in the mood, but the girls were so excited, she didn’t want to rain on their parade. She took the phone and viewed photo after photo. Minion had taken pictures from every angle, and included shots of the paints, details of the faces on the window, and some broader shots to put the work in context. One of them she had obviously taken from across the street. She got not only the Thor Security window and front door, but also the empty office next door and The Muffin Man on the corner. And standing against the wall, next to the door of The Muffin Man, was an eerily familiar figure.

  Ashley’s breath caught. “Thor, look at this.”

  Thor peered at the phone.

  Ashley tapped the figure. “I think that’s Wayne, my ex-boyfriend!”

  Thor took the phone and used his fingers to enlarge the image. Wayne was wiry and wearing black pants and a black turtleneck under a black down vest. One sleeve of the turtleneck was turned up a couple of inches to reveal a strip of white on his forearm.

  “Could be a bandage. If it is, we may have just found the guy who tried to snatch you in the parking lot.”


  THOR WAS SURPRISED WHEN HE had to unlock the door to the office.

  “Where did my mother and the other lady go?” he asked.

  Karla shrugged. “Your mother’s a nice lady. She likes our work. She said she left you a note on your desk. They left together, just a few minutes after you drove off.”

  Thor frowned. That sounded like trouble. He put on a smile for the girls. “When is the judging?”

  “Tomorrow afternoon,” said Minion. “This is so exciting! The winner’s window will be in the newspaper and stuff.”

  “And all over Facebook,” added Ashley.


  Thor waved Ashley inside as he said goodnight to the girls. “You want to wait inside for your ride?”

  “No, thanks,” said Karla. “I can see the limo coming now. See you tomorrow afternoon. Cross your fingers for us.”

  Once inside, Ashley said, “They are truly talented. The faces on our vampire avatars are stunning.”

  Thor was already at his desk. “Here’s mama’s note. She took her luggage over to the Cattleman’s Inn. Says she and Britney Beth were going to have dinner and she wanted to get a room there. She took Rocky with her.”

  “She doesn’t want to stay at the cabin?”

  “She’s probably tired from her trip,” said Thor.

  “Or maybe Britney Beth told her I used her jammies and she thinks they have cooties.”

  Thor laughed out loud. “How do you manage to come up with these silly ideas at the most stressful times?”

  Ashley shrugged. “Laugh or cry, I guess. I choose laughing.” She checked the thermostat but left her coat on.

  “Are you still cold? Turn up the heat.”

  “I think any room where Britney Beth has been is going to be chilly forever.”

  Thor waved her over to the sofa. “Come sit here a moment. There’s something you need to know about Britney Beth.”

  Ashley joined him, wondering if he was about to reveal the whole story about the tragedy in Texas. Her shoulder was pressed against Thor’s as he took a breath and began.

  “Britney Beth and I went to high school together.”

  “I know. She rubbed that in.”

  “I’ll bet she didn’t tell you she was a big party girl in school. She would drink anything, smoke anything, try anything, and her father would do his best to smooth everything over. I don’t know how many times Judge Beale called in favors to keep his daughter out of juvenile hall.”

  “Her father is a judge?”

  “Yes. And he has a lot of friends in high places. By the time we were seniors in high school, Judge Beale decided the only way to rein her in was to cut off her spending privileges. If she didn’t have cash, she couldn’t buy drugs or liquor, right?”

  Ashley made a face. “Gee, I don’t think he thought that one through very well. Teenage girls are very resourceful about certain things.”

  “Yeah, I know. Britney Beth considered it a challenge. Next thing you know, she’s wearing new clothes, showing up at house parties with cases of beer instead of six packs, and Lord knows what else. It didn’t take long for the Judge to get wind of it, and even less time before the chickens came home to roost.”

  “Said chickens being how she did it?”

  “Right. She was forging checks. Turns out, Britney Beth has a real artistic talent for copying people’s signatures. She did it in grade school all the time, to the point that they wouldn’t accept a written excuse for an absence from her. They insisted her mother come to the school in person any time she was ill.”

  Ashley shook her head. “And her parents didn’t see these behaviors as red flags?”

  “Oh, of course they did. They’ve been in family counseling since Britney Beth was eleven years old. Anyway, I found out about the forged check thing because she thought it was cool, and she wanted me to think she was cool. It’s kind of sad, really. No one would have considered her insecure or low on ego. She was a cheerleader in high school. She was part of the popular crowd. We even dated for a while. I was on the football team.”

  “Of course you were,” murmured Ashley.


  “Nothing. I just meant, you’re so athletic and all. And if she was a cheerleader, then she would naturally expect to date a football player.”

  “Exactly. But it didn’t last. Do you know how scary it is to date a girl whose mother is best friends with your mama?” He shuddered. “No way was I going to do anything that could get back to my parents.”

  Ashley sighed. “Then the note she gave me wasn’t from my mother?”


  “She took the original from the file and copied Julie’s handwriting to send me back there alone?”


  “Was she secretly hoping that I would be snatched away by whoever is following me around?”

  “Sadly, I think so. If you’re out of the picture, she figures I’ll be forced to marry somebody on Friday, and she will just put on that dress of hers and cue the organist.”

  “You make her sound pitiful. How could she be that dumb? No amount of family manipulation could force you to get married against your will, could it? I mean, I know you love your mother and all, but how could she think there’s the slightest chance of her plan working?”

  “She’s not the brightest light in the chandelier.”

  “Don’t try to make me feel sorry for her. She’s not a nice person, and you put up with way too much nonsense from her. What about the threats she keeps making to spill the beans about what really happened in Texas? And what did really happen in Texas?”

  Ashley could feel Thor tense up as she asked those questions, but she needed answers.


  Thor’s cell phone rang. He glanced at the caller I.D. “Excuse me, I have to take this call. My father told me they’d be trying to reach me.”

  Thor moved to his desk and began talking business.

  Ashley wandered into the back and freshened up in
the bathroom. By the time she emerged, Thor was off the phone and beaming. “Now that’s what I call a business opportunity. These old friends of my dad’s want me to come out to Vegas and talk business. I’m sorry about this, but I can’t say no to these guys.”

  Ashley brightened. “I’m not sorry. We’re going to Vegas!”

  Thor was surprised. “You want to go? It may be boring as hell.”

  “Vegas? Boring? Besides, don’t you dare think of leaving me behind. The thought of not spending another evening with Britney Beth is the best news I’ve had since I met you. Besides, I’m all creeped out about Wayne. I don’t want to hang out here without you. He’s actually in Eagle’s Toe.”

  Thor spread his hands. “Once again, your clothes are somewhere else.”

  Ashley smiled. “It turns out that I left one of my bags of new clothes in the SUV last night. If you can find me a small suitcase, I have clothes to put in it.”

  “Let me call my mother and tell her. I’m going to leave your new car with her, okay? I don’t want to leave it in a parking lot at the Pueblo airport.”

  “Fine with me,” said Ashley. “I’ll go out and fetch my shopping bag.”

  Thor was on the phone again when Ashley returned.

  “I knew you’d understand, mama. You have keys to the cabin. No, of course not. Stay wherever you want. The Inn is fine. They’ll let Rocky stay in the room with you. I’m going to bring you the keys to Ashley’s SUV and park it in the Cattleman’s Inn lot for you. I’ll call you when I get there. Do you have a ladies’ overnight bag that Ashley can use? She’s going with me. It’s spur of the moment, and our flight will be in Pueblo by 7:30. You don’t mind? You’re a treasure. See you in ten minutes.” He hung up.

  “I keep an emergency overnight bag in the back, and my mother’s going to lend you hers for the trip.”

  Ashley snuggled more deeply into her coat. She tried not to crinkle the brochure in her pocket. Should she tell Thor about it? If he thought checking it out was a bad idea, he might not let her come along. She decided to wait. Maybe she’d show him on the plane. Yes, that was a much better idea.

  Thor looked concerned. “Are you coming down with something? You haven’t taken that coat off at all.”

  “I feel okay. It’s just toasty. And I love the color.”

  “Okay, then. Let’s go.” He paused at the door to set the security device. He turned out the lights, and locked the door.

  When they got to the Inn, Polly and Rocky were already in the parking lot.

  “I have to meet my future daughter-in-law,” said Polly. She eyed Ashley under the white shine of the halogen lights. “My goodness, you are beautiful. I knew you would be, because Britney Beth has spent an entire meal trying to convince me otherwise. Are you a hugger?”

  Ashley smiled shyly. “I am for you.”

  Polly hugged her tight. “I can’t wait to get to know you. But I already like what I see, and even more important, I like your style. Thor Baby has to take a spur of the moment business trip and you are right there, ready to go, by his side. Here’s my overnight bag. I’ll see you both when you get back. Oh, I love the new car! Big enough for dog crates.”

  Thor put the overnight bag in the older SUV, then kissed his dog first and then his mother. “Thanks, mama. See you tomorrow.”

  Ashley climbed into the SUV. Thor got behind the wheel.

  As Thor pulled out of the parking lot, Ashley asked, “Where’s Britney Beth?”

  At that very moment, they heard a wail from behind them. In the side mirrors, they could see Britney Beth gesturing at the car. Polly was trying to calm her down.

  Thor picked up speed.

  Ashley smiled sweetly. “We are going to owe your mother big time for leaving Britney Beth in the dark.”



  “Taken care of,” said Thor.

  “Cool. Hotel rooms?”

  “Waiting for us.”

  “Wow. Who are these guys?”

  “Big time oil men investing in The Strip.”

  “This could be huge for you.”

  Thor nodded and grinned.

  Ashley slipped a hand into her coat pocket and touched the Vegas brochure. She started to tell Thor about it, but he was obviously consumed with his forthcoming business deal. She didn’t want to distract him. Besides, while he talked business she might have an opportunity to visit the hotel Julie had circled. If it was Julie who had circled it. The best part, though, was leaving Britney Beth in the cold parking lot at the Inn. She sat back and enjoyed the ride.

  Forty-five minutes later, Ashley was puzzled when Thor drove past the main entrance to the Pueblo air terminal.

  “I think you missed your turn.”

  “We’re not flying commercial.” He took a different turn and headed for a private terminal.

  “Do you own your own plane?”

  “I don’t. But when I need to get somewhere in a hurry I rent one.” He wagged his eyebrows at her playfully. “A little trick I learned from my daddy.”

  “But your mother flew commercial.”

  “She hates smaller jets. She says if the plane is going down, she wants at least two hundred and forty other people on board. She thinks it improves her chances of surviving a crash. Like God is less likely to take a whole plane full of people than he is a couple of individuals on a private plane.”

  “I don’t understand her logic, but I think it’s sweet that she has foibles. You make her sound like a hard-headed woman with an obsession.”

  Thor parked in the small lot and slipped his suede jacket on. “Not one obsession. Two. Her sons and her dogs. When Ulysses’ marriage failed, she turned all her energies on me. It’s daunting to say the least. Our little agreement will get her off my back.”

  Ashley felt another chill. “Glad to be of service.” She got out of the vehicle before Thor could come around.

  When he did, he carried their overnight bags, one in each hand. “Are you mad at me or something?”

  Ashley zipped up her coat. “No, not at all. Just thinking about business.” She flashed a tight smile. “Have you told your mother we don’t actually have a marriage license yet?”

  Thor looked like she’d just hit him with a hammer.

  Ashley laughed. “I’m sorry, but the look on your face was priceless. Come on. Let’s go make a big business deal so you’ll be richer than ever and Britney Beth will have even more reason to hate me.”

  “Do I detect sarcasm?”

  “It’s one of my many services.” Her expression softened. “You must be doing a lot better than your office suggests if you’re flying to Vegas to talk business.”

  Thor tilted his head to one side. “I guess I am. These fellows are old friends of the family, though. Does that count?”

  “Of course,” said Ashley. “That’s how the world works, isn’t it? You use your contacts to make progress, to introduce you to other people who need your services. Why shouldn’t you get work through your dad?

  “Thanks. Every now and then, I wonder if I’d be doing this well without him.”

  Ashley softened. “I’m sure you would. I’ve seen the relationships you’ve already built in Eagle’s Toe. As for your father, he loves you very much.” She peered up at him as he hefted their bags onto the small, luxury counter inside the private terminal. “And you love him back.”

  Thor smiled. “I adore my daddy. I’ll never be half the man he is. I just keep trying.”

  The woman behind the counter was gracious. “Mr. Garrison, so nice to see you again. Your jet is ready to go. Let me call someone to take you out.”

  Ashley began to enjoy herself. The mini bus that delivered them to the jet was appointed like a limousine. The jet itself was bigger than she expected, and a well groomed middle-aged man greeted them at the top of the stairs.

  Thor shook his hand. “Good to see you again, Warren. Who’s in the cockpit today?”

“Captain Fallon, sir. Please get comfortable. I’ll retrieve your bags.” He descended the steps to the tarmac.

  Ashley moved the length of the cabin, running her hand along the backs of the padded leather seating. “Is that a galley?”

  “Yes. We’ll have dinner in the air.”

  “I suppose it would be uncouth to ask what this costs,” said Ashley.

  Thor grinned. “Their brochures say you don’t have to be a gazillionaire to have a private jet at your disposal.”

  Ashley feigned shock and disappointment. “You’re not a gazillionaire? Well, that’s a deal breaker. Guess we have to tear up our agreement.”

  Thor stared at her for a moment.

  Then Ashley laughed, and he relaxed.

  “Don’t worry, Thor. Between your excellent body-guarding and that new SUV, I’ve already been compensated. The rest — having the opportunity to see Britney Beth’s face when you and I walk down the aisle — that’s just gravy.”

  “She is annoying, isn’t she?”

  “You are a master of understatement. Meanwhile, we have established that you are not a gazillionaire.”

  Thor chuckled. “Not yet. Would you like something before take-off?”

  Warren reappeared with their luggage and stowed it away. He secured the door.

  “Do get comfortable,” he said. “Your usual, Mr. Garrison?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Bourbon on the rocks, coming right up. And for the lady?”

  Ashley slipped out of her coat and let Warren take it. “I’d love a screwdriver.” She added for Thor’s benefit, “The orange juice makes me feel like it’s good for me.”

  Thor nodded. “Good. I’m glad you aren’t shocked and appalled by a little alcohol.”

  “I don’t drink very often,” said Ashley. “Along with my mother’s mental illness, I have some ugly memories of alcohol-induced fights between my parents. I guess I’m afraid I’ll turn into an ugly drunk.”


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