The Wedding Hope: 5-hour read. Marriage of convenience, romantic suspense. (Colorado Billionaires Book 2)

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The Wedding Hope: 5-hour read. Marriage of convenience, romantic suspense. (Colorado Billionaires Book 2) Page 18

by Regina Duke

  Thor realized once he was in the shower that letting hot water pound against his tired muscles was not the thing to do if further partying was on the agenda. By the time he emerged from the shower and dried off, he was ready for bed. But he had promised to show Ashley the sights.

  He stared at his clothes hanging on the towel bar. He didn’t want to put them on again. But his overnight bag was somewhere in the suite, and he didn’t want to prance naked in front of Ashley. He wrapped a giant towel around his middle and peeked into the bedroom.

  He could see her reclining against the pillows on the bed. The Weather Channel cast a pale glow over the scene. He moved quietly to the folding closet doors in the wall by the TV. Their bags sat side by side, as Ashley said they would. He lifted his and headed back to the bathroom.

  On his way, he paused to check on Ashley.

  She was sound asleep. Her long dark hair fanned out over the creamy pillow and framed the face of an angel. In sleep, her features reposed in the unmarred perfection of a porcelain figurine.

  Thor smiled to himself. Just like the tiny porcelain figurine that had brought them together.

  He stood for a moment looking down at her. How could the sight of Ashley, fully clothed, stir him more than the scantily clad showgirls who had pranced around Tex’s table downstairs? He wanted to protect her from everything, from Britney Beth, from her ex-boyfriend, and from all the dangers that might be lurking ahead. He wanted to cradle her in his arms and know that she was his.

  He noticed her phone lying face up. He reached for it, to keep her from pushing it to the floor. When his thumb brushed the screen, it came to life. He stared, frowning, at the text. Then his heart lurched when he realized what she had been looking at.

  He lay the phone on the night table. Then he reached carefully across her and pulled the other half of the duvet over her sleeping form. There would be no party tonight. Not even sightseeing.

  He slipped into the bathroom. When he emerged again, he was wearing his pajamas. He checked on Ashley once more. Still sound asleep. He glanced at the bedside clock. Two fifteen a.m. He shook his head fondly. She had certainly had a long day. They both had.

  His bare feet made no sound on the thick bedroom carpet. The marble floor in the living area was smooth as glass. He checked behind cupboard doors and located extra blankets and pillows. He settled gladly on the sofa and pulled the blankets up under his chin. His life at that moment was the most peaceful he could recall in a long time. He smiled in the dark and drifted off to sleep.



  THOR’S FIRST WAKING THOUGHT WAS ABOUT how peaceful his night was. He’d fallen sound asleep without pills, without Rocky, and without nightmarish memories.

  His second waking thought was that people had no right to be pounding on hotel room doors first thing in the morning. He rolled off the sofa and padded barefoot to peek through the peephole.

  “Tex?” He fumbled with the deadbolt and opened the door. “Good morning. What’s up?”

  Tex Franklin was washed, brushed and ready for the day. He held out two styrofoam cups of coffee.

  “I thought you were a morning person, son.”

  Thor heard a blow dryer running in the bedroom. “What time is it?” He took the coffees and stared at them.

  “Nigh on to ten a.m. Half the day is gone already. Y’all get dressed and come on down stairs. Lulamae says we have things to do.”


  “She’s rarin’ to go. Now go on, you get a move on. Lulamae’s awaitin’. I’ll see you downstairs in twenty minutes.” Tex wiggled his fingers at Thor to urge him to get going, then pulled the door closed.

  Thor blinked down at the coffees in his hand. No mistaking that aroma. And sorely needed if he was going to be ready to go anywhere in twenty minutes. He aimed his body at the bedroom.


  As he entered the room, Ashley turned off the hair dryer. She looked every bit as ready to go as Tex did.

  “Good morning. Lulamae called me an hour ago. Look what she sent up. Isn’t it beautiful?”

  She was wearing a full-length silk-and-brocade white dress with matching white slippers.

  Thor’s mouth dropped open. When he could speak, he sputtered, “You’re, you’re, you’re beautiful.”

  Ashley blushed. “Thank you. She said it was easy to pick a gown that fit me, because of her second sight.”

  Thor looked down at his pajamas. “Guess I better get dressed.”

  “Lulamae says they have a jacket for you in the car.”

  Thor lifted one of the coffees. “I’m setting this here on the night table. I’m not coming near that dress with coffee in my hand. Er, does this outing include using that dress?”

  Ashley looked uncertain. “You’ve changed your mind, haven’t you?”

  “No! No, no, not at all. I’m just not awake yet. Did Lulamae tell you why we’re doing this today and not Friday?”

  “She said she had a dream.”

  “Oh.” It was a long syllable of comprehension.

  “And a phone call from Britney Beth at six a.m.”

  Thor lifted his face to heaven. “Please, God, just take me now.”

  Ashley spread her arms and gave an exaggerated shrug.

  Thor lowered his gaze and marveled at how lovely she was. “I’d better get some clothes on.” He tested the temperature of his coffee. “Perfect for drinking. Drape a towel over yourself to be on the safe side. Sometimes these cups dribble.”

  When they finally arrived downstairs, Carlyle was waiting for them.

  “Madame didn’t want you getting lost between the elevator and the car,” he said somberly.

  Considering the size of the Bellagio’s lobby and the various entrances and exits, it wasn’t a joke.

  The car turned out to be a stretch limo. Jackson was in front, riding shotgun. Tex opened the door for Ashley. It was Halloween, but the Las Vegas sun was painfully bright and the temperature was already eighty degrees.

  Tex waved an arm like a butler in an old movie. “Little lady, you look beautiful. Please, climb on in.”

  Lulamae was seated in the back of the limo. She reached for Ashley’s hand. “You two young people sit with me.”

  Ashley sat on one side of her, and Thor on the other.

  “Lulamae, are you going to tell us what’s going on?” asked Thor.

  “Yessirree! You two are getting married before you head back to Colorado. I thought Tex made that clear when he went up to tell you the car was ready. Do you have any objections to that?”

  “No, ma’am,” said Thor. “I was just wondering why you felt the urgency.”

  Lulamae counted off on her fingers. “One. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Two. Your parents will have the joy of seeing you walk down the aisle, but as your godparents, Tex and I feel we should get to see you get married, too. Three. Las Vegas weddings are fast and legal everywhere. And four, I got a crazy phone call from Britney Beth this morning. That girl is headed for a breakdown. When you go back, you may walk into a situation where everyone wants you two to wait because poor Britney Beth is not holding up emotionally.” Lulamae patted Ashley’s hand. “Did Thor tell you that Britney Beth’s mother is his mother’s best friend?”

  Ashley nodded.

  “So she would not want to do anything to distress the daughter of her best friend. And I know for a fact that Britney Beth has been on the phone to her mama during the night.”

  Thor cleared his throat. “Tex said you had a dream.”

  Lulamae made a dismissive noise. “Don’t pay him no mind. I have all sorts of dreams.”

  Thor wagged a finger in her direction. “Come on, Lulamae, you know you want to tell us.”

  Lulamae leaned back on the seat. “Very well. If you insist. I dreamed that a large shrieking bird came out of the sky and snatched Ashley away from you as you were standing at the altar.”

  Ashley’s brows rose. “I
admit, that doesn’t sound good.”

  Thor shook his head. “Darlin’, I don’t think there are any birds in Colorado big enough to carry off a grown woman.”

  Ashley said, “Probably not, if you’re thinking literally. But if it was a symbolic dream, the bird would represent something else.”

  Lulamae sat up straighter and her eyes shone with pleasure. “Exactly.”

  “It’s an omen, then?” Thor looked skeptical.

  “Could be,” said Ashley.

  “Well, omen or giant chicken hawk, it doesn’t matter. Ashley and I are happy to get married here with you and Tex. Aren’t we, Ashley?”

  Ashley beamed. “Oh, yes. And thank you for loaning me the dress.”

  “Not a loan, a gift,” said Lulamae. “And you’re right. The dream was symbolic.” She leaned sideways and whispered loudly enough for Thor to hear, “The bird’s face looked like Britney Beth.” She reached out and tapped Tex on the knee. “Give’em their surprise.”

  Tex pulled out a black velvet box.

  “You can have these sized later.”

  Thor took the box and opened it. Inside was a matching pair of gold bands.

  Lulamae added, “We know you’ll want to pick out your own, but you keep these as a remembrance of us.”

  Ashley was touched. “Oh, my. These look like gold.”

  “Twenty-four carat,” said Tex, like a man describing a car engine. “Just plain, but y’all can wear’em until you pick out something nicer.”

  Ashley leaned across the space between them and kissed Tex on the cheek. “Thank you.”

  The Las Vegas Marriage Bureau was organized chaos. The clerks and officials who worked there provided the organization. The dozens of couples at various stages of the process provided the chaos and a slightly circus atmosphere. Lulamae’s wheelchair opened a path wherever they went. Thor noted with pride that people’s gazes might start at the wheelchair, but they inevitably were drawn to Ashley. She was a vision of loveliness in that wedding gown.

  Everything went smoothly. When Thor, Ashley, Tex and Lulamae returned to the limo, Thor and Ashley were man and wife. Tex was wiping at his face with a large white handkerchief, complaining of allergies. Lulamae wept tears of joy without the excuses.

  “I know y’all will have a big emotional celebration later, but thank you so much for letting us share this part.”

  Ashley’s cheeks were flushed and her eyes glistened. “You’re welcome. It wasn’t like any ceremony I ever dreamed of having, but it was such a delight to feel like I had family there.”

  Once they were inside the limo again, Jackson loaded the chair into the trunk of the vehicle, then joined them in the back with a bottle of champagne. He popped the cork and produced glasses from a panel in the limo door.

  “Drink up,” said Tex. “No time to waste.”

  Ashley sipped her champagne. “We’re married now. I was hoping we could see the sights.”

  Tex and Lulamae exchanged meaningful glances.

  Thor stopped his glass halfway to his mouth and shifted his gaze from Tex to Lulamae and back again. “What now?”

  Tex’s eyes grew big and he turned to look out the window.

  Lulamae said, “Tex didn’t want me to tell you the whole dream. Let me just say that you two are flying back to Colorado right away. Carlyle has already picked up your luggage and taken it to the plane. And we’re on our way to the airport right now.”

  Thor reached out and closed his hand gently over Lulamae’s. “Are my parents okay?”

  “They’re fine,” said Lulamae. “But you should get back as soon as you can.”

  Tex spent the rest of the ride talking security systems with Thor.

  Jackson listened intently. Occasionally he asked a question.

  The limo rolled into a private parking area and on through a pair of guarded gates to the tarmac where Thor’s reserved jet awaited them.

  While the men shook hands all around, and the overnight bags were loaded onto the jet, Lulamae held Ashley back for a few moments of private conversation.

  “I just wanted to share a few more things with you, cherie.”

  Ashley nodded. “Okay.” She liked Lulamae very much, and trusted her instincts. She knew her opinion was colored by the fact that her father had great faith in prophetic dreams.

  Lulamae squeezed her hand. “In my dream, I saw you trying on clothes with an older lady with long gray hair.”

  Ashley nodded eagerly. “That’s right.”

  “That lady looms large in your future. And your secret talent will be the key that unlocks that relationship.”

  Ashley looked confused. “My secret talent?”

  Lulamae nodded. “Yes.” She closed her eyes for a moment. “Something you were ridiculed for. You turned away from it.” She opened her eyes. “Sorry, cherie. There’s so much noise here, the message can barely get through. But you give it some thought. It’s your secret talent, so I’m sure you’ll figure it out. You take care now. When you and Thor come down to Texas, I look forward to entertaining you properly.”

  As if on cue, Thor pulled the limo door open wide. “We’ve got to go right away,” he said. “The pilot says a big storm is brewing over Colorado.”


  ONCE THE JET WAS IN THE AIR, Ashley changed out of the wedding gown and slippers and back into her Colorado layers. She wore her black jeans from the day before, but donned a fresh thermal and a pink hooded sweatshirt that Mina had tossed onto her pile as an afterthought. She put her running shoes back on and stored the white slippers in her bag.

  “Thor, this gown will be ruined if I put it in the luggage.”

  Warren came to the rescue. He produced a full length garment bag for the dress. “This should take care of it, ma’am.”

  Ashley returned to her seat, and spent a few minutes playing with the gold band on her finger. “What about these? If we wear them when we get back to Eagle’s Toe, everyone will know we got married already.”

  Thor cupped her hand in his. “I hate to take that off. It looks so good on you. But maybe we should get them sized so they don’t fall off accidentally.” He opened his palm. “I’ll tuck them in my pocket for now. How’s that?”

  Ashley nodded and slid the ring off her finger. She placed it in his hand, then felt a giggle building inside.

  “We are actually married. I can hardly believe it.” She schooled her face in a businesslike mask. “Thank goodness I have paid my bill in full.”

  Thor laughed. “You tease. But yes, according to our highly formal agreement, you have almost paid for my services.”

  Ashley blinked at him. “Almost? What do you mean, almost?”

  “Well, as I recall, your offer was to get my mother off my back. She’s still in Colorado, waiting for me to get married.”

  Ashley’s eyes sparkled, but she sniffed and tried to look miffed. “Picky, picky, picky. We’ll take care of that Friday, I guess, since she’s already planning a ceremony.”

  Thor twined his fingers with hers and smiled softly. “You are going to blow them away in that gown. I know intimacy isn’t part of our agreement, but do you think I could have a tiny kiss?”

  Ashley tilted her head and their lips met. The Vegas wedding hadn’t dampened the electricity between them at all.

  “If we want to change that stipulation,” she murmured, “do we have to redo the whole thing?”

  Thor’s voice was dreamy. “Probably. Another lunch at Il Vaccaro, too, so the waitress can witness the addendum.”

  “Gee, that’s too bad,” said Ashley. “I’m feeling very marital at the moment.”

  They kissed again.

  Warren cleared his throat.

  Ashley and Thor sat up straight, like school kids caught making out by the teacher.

  “So sorry, sir,” said Warren with a straight face. “Would you and Mrs. Garrison care for lunch?”

  Thor nodded. “That would be great. We’ll need our strength when we get back
to Eagle’s Toe.”

  The thought of the tangle of people that awaited them removed all thoughts of kissy face from Ashley’s mind.

  “Definitely,” she agreed. “We will most certainly need our strength.” The jet hit turbulence and dropped abruptly. Ashley screamed and grabbed for Thor.

  “It’s okay. We’re fine,” he said calmly. “I’ve flown through all kinds of weather on this plane. Don’t worry. We’re safe.”

  Ashley did not let go of his hand. “Sorry. I hate to sound like a wimp.”

  Thor made sure her seat belt was fastened and pulled her as close as he could. “Just hang on to me.”

  Ashley tried to smile. “If the plane breaks apart, you can carry me safely to the ground?”

  “Definitely. Haven’t you noticed the blue and red suit I wear under my clothes?”

  “I did wonder why you packed a red cape.”

  Thor chuckled. “Good girl. Don’t be afraid. Watch Warren. If he shows up in a parachute, we’ll panic, okay?”

  “Panic, hell. You hold him down and I’ll take the chute.”

  “That’s the spirit. Let’s take your mind off the weather. Tell me what you and Lulamae did last night.”

  Ashley retrieved the Las Vegas brochure and told Thor the whole story. Just as she finished, the pilot’s voice came over the intercom. “Just wanted to let you know, I’m going to skirt the storm as long as I can. It’s holding off over Pueblo, so I should be able to set us down without any difficulties. Captain out.”

  Ashley took a breath and forced herself to relax. “That was reassuring.”

  “See? What did I tell you? Would you like a drink?”

  “No, thanks. I’ve had more alcohol in the last twenty-four hours than I usually have in a year. Do you mind if I take a nap?”

  Thor patted his shoulder. “Good idea.”

  Ashley sighed and closed her eyes. True to his word, the pilot managed to keep the turbulence to a minimum, and she drifted off. She dreamed of flying through the clouds, carried over the fields and lakes by Thor Garrison, Super Husband. Her last waking thought was, “Oh, my goodness. We’re actually married.”


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