Ascension Of The Blood Throne

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Ascension Of The Blood Throne Page 8

by Mikel Wilson

  “Yes, they have taken lives, but have they done so for evil? Have they lost their humanity or their way, like you have, my Prince? Are you certain you fight for the right side?”

  Emily and Ayden stretched a hand over her goblet, and she cut open their wrists, allowing their blood flow. As she smelled the aroma of their blood, her grotesque figure revealed itself. Her old skin, jagged teeth, and larger than normal hands showed themselves, only hinting at what might lie under her cloak.

  “What are you?” Lillith asked.

  “An abomination, I have been called for centuries,” she hissed and walked around the fire, revealing her face and weirdly deformed body. She blew out like she might whistle, her breath revealing that she could manipulate fire like all giants. “I am the treaty between the giants and the vampires, daughter of both clans and exiled by both. Hated and ridiculed, I have lived here since the merger.... Now, the prince and princess come to me to ask about the sword, the one that was forged so many years ago.”

  “How do you know so much about us? We have never met,” Lillith asked, walking toward her.

  “Giants have telepathy and are telekinetic, and we can manipulate fire, but I can also see the future. I saw your birth, your separation, and your meeting before any of it happened. I also saw who will rule and the peace that you will bring to the realm now that the light side has now come into power.”

  “Which one of us shall rule?” Christian asked.

  “I shall not reveal the future to either of you, but I am proud to serve under you. Just be mindful of your surroundings and who you trust,” she instructed, looking around at all of them.

  “What do we call you, Miss,” Lillith asked.

  “My name is Morgan, Morgan le Fay.”

  Chapter Eight

  “I have what you are looking for,” Morgan stated, approaching Lillith and handing her an old map. "The map gives detailed directions to the sword, and the sword will show the true heir to the throne. Be safe, my lieges, and be mindful of the giants.”

  Christian and Lillith bowed to Morgan as they took their leave, but Captain Robert looked upon her with disdain as did the other giant slayers as they followed behind the prince and princess.

  The map took them down a lighted pathway that led to a dark corner of the forest where the smell of rotting flesh grew with each step. They all covered their faces, moving cautiously but quickly, hoping to get past the awful smell. Finally, where the smell was strongest, Robert pointed out that they were in the graveyard of the giants. Ayden and Emily were thrilled as they ran ahead, JH right on their heels.

  “What on earth are they looking for?” Mackinzie asked.

  “A dying giant,” Alisha answered. “Those two enjoy seeing a giant take its last breath.”

  “You think you know the giant slayers?” Robert demanded. “Maybe everything isn’t always what it seems.”

  They caught up and found Ayden and Emily kneeling beside an old giant, his breathing labored. The giant didn't have the strength to do much more than hiss at the sight of the vampires.

  He looked them over and whispered, “You’ve come to finish me? Do it quickly then, as I see my time is here.” As it’s gaze settled on Ayden and Emily, they grasped each other’s hands. Their eyes glowed a bright blue as the same color aura surrounded them and then the giant, engulfing him in blue flames.

  "What are they doing!?" Christian asked.

  The aura was strong, kicking up dust and whistling around them as the giant’s breathing became less labored. It got to its feet slowly as it regained its strength. “Thank you, young ones, you have saved my life.”

  Ayden and Emily smiled at each other as Lillith blurted, “Giant slayers? So, it's a front?”

  Robert bowed to the giant before patting his hand. “Tell King Timaeus that we have come, and we need to meet.”

  Lillith and Christian seemed confused, but Alisha burst into laughter.

  “Don’t you see?” their mother said when she caught her breath. “This is what has really been going on. You have been gaining the favor of the giants so you can take the throne as king.” Alisha accused as she looked at Robert.

  His mouth slowly curved into a smirk. “Human, you are too wise for your own good.”

  The giant slayers slowly surrounded Christian, Mackinzie, Lillith, and Alisha.

  “So, you accompanied us to kill us out here?” Christian asked, incredulous.

  “No, my Prince, I could never shed royal blood, but my friends, the giants, may not have the same qualms. The fact that you have entered their territory without so much as asking may be seen as disrespectful.”

  “You planned this all along, didn’t you?” Lillith shouted.

  “Of course! I love it when a plan comes together.” Robert laughed as the giant slayers drew their swords, pointing at the four of them.

  Alisha drew her sword as did Christian. “I hope you know I will not go down without a fight,” Christian declared.

  Ayden and Emily jumped into the air and moved their hands in a circular motion as JH screamed for them to run. Whatever the siblings were doing caused the wind to pick up and dust to cover the area where they stood. As Christian, Alisha, and the others fled, the sound of giants’ wings could be heard in the distance. Robert and the other knights were forced to cover their eyes as the others escaped.

  Finally, far enough away to catch their breath, Ayden and Emily took a knee in front of Prince Christian and Lillith. “We swear our allegiance to the throne,” they vowed.

  JH smiled. “You didn't think I would let you guys die like that, did ya? I think I’ve proven myself by now.”

  Mackinzie laughed and punched her tall and goofy friend directly in the gut, causing him to wince in pain before joining her in relieved laughter. “I nearly had a panic attack back there!” she admitted.

  “Okay, so we have angry giants, Robert, and the other giant slayers after us? This isn't good, this is not good at all!” Christian worried.

  “You’re right about that,” Emily agreed. “There’s more to this than just Captain Robert wanting the throne. This was the wish of the Federation. They planned that you and your sister be killed. Your mother and the color of her skin was offensive to them. They said to make sure you were dead. That's when Ayden and I realized we weren’t treated as equals because our parents are mixed as well. Why does our skin matter? It shouldn't matter who you love, am I right?”

  “That’s not how the Federation sees it, but we will change their minds. Do you agree, Lillith?” Christian asked, a determined edge in his voice. “We must go before they find us. We still have the map; all we need is a chance to find the sword. According to Morgan, we aren’t that far from it.”

  They moved out, trying their best to move silently so as not to alert the giants or Robert. They finally arrived at a lake of lava, and right beyond it, a sword in a stone could be seen.

  On the other side of the island, an evening breeze blew from the east as two guards were quickly felled by arrows. Rachael led the hunters toward the castle as Fire and Ice ran ahead and rushed inside. Rachael and the others followed on their hills and began slaughtering every vampire they saw. As the rest of the castle became aware of intruders, more vampires came running and surrounded the slayers, but instead of striking fear or dread in the slayers, Rachael began laughing hysterically.

  “So, this is where you bloodsuckers originate?” She slid a grenade out of her belt and pulled the pin while screaming for her slayers to cover their eyes. The grenade exploded, giving off a massive ball of light as bright as the sun and instantly disintegrating the surrounding vampires. The slayers gained the upper hand and held it until the new brood along with several others arrived with swords, all of them pointing at the slayers.

  "Make a move, and we will drain you all dry!”

  The slayers all held up their hands in a sign of surrender and were swiftly taken before the Federation.

  “How did you enter Penumbra? Mortals cannot enter h
ere without help!”

  Rachael only grinned up at them.

  “You dare to defy us, human?”

  “No, just waiting for something,” Rachael retorted with a grin. She whistled, causing Fire and Ice to come running along with several other slayers, all standing behind the Federation with swords at their backs.

  The sorceress, Danielle, smiled as she moved her hands back and forth, removing the swords from some of the vampire warriors, then the leader of the Federation stood up, and using only his mind, turned a slayer's sword on him.

  "You actually thought your sorceress could be as strong as some who have lived a millennium? So bold and foolish, these mortals!" Giavace mocked.

  “Who said we were regular mortals?” Rachael queried, reaching her hand toward the sky and bringing it back filled with lightning. “I am the daughter of the king of slayers, Leonidas, and I have seen what has gone on in this Rising. There is a chance the dark side may rise again with you leading, so perhaps the shades should get involved!”

  The other slayers had no idea they were in the company of a master slayer, and they could only watch in amazement as Rachael seemed to wield lightning.

  “Do you think the Federation on Penumbra is so powerful that they dare to threaten a daughter of Leonidas? Shades aren’t exclusive to this world. I shall make dust of all of you, and perhaps a new Federation worthy of the name will rise up.” Lightning sparked from her eyes and radiated all over her body.

  The Federation was not afraid, believing that they could stand against her. Together, they used their powers of darkness to cover her in a thick smoke.

  Giavace laughed maniacally. "If your father only knew what you would be facing, he would have come rather than send one so inexperienced with our magic. Soon, the smoke will fill you with our power, and you will belong to us."

  Rachael waved her hand, and the smoke quickly dissipated. "Vampires," she said in disgust, shaking her head. She lifted her hand, and all three Federation members were lifted into the air. Holding them in place with her own magic, she threw her sword and beheaded each one, then watched as they turned to dust!

  The other vampires started running, looking for an escape, and Rachael couldn't help but smile as she watched Fire and Ice follow right on their heels. Before she could follow, Glory, a shade of this world, appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

  Glory moved toward Rachael, her womanly figure showing as her cloak moved against her. Her green eyes glowed with power as she addressed the slayer. “What is your purpose here? You are not from our plain, so why meddle in these affairs? What you have done may sway the balance.”

  “They were pure evil, there was no light in them. The Rising said the light is to come to power.”

  “You must allow each Elite to take their place, or I will stop you. Now, I order you not to meddle in their affairs again!” As Glory spoke, thunder rumbled.

  Rachael bowed head in deference to the shade’s words, and with a flash of light, she was gone. As soon as she was alone, Rachael whistled, and the other slayers joined her.

  “What happened to the Federation?”

  “Dead, all of them. Now, we must find Alisha before we destroy this place,” Rachael instructed. “Place the bomb and set the timer. Their time has come.”

  Chapter Nine

  In the forest, Christian and Lillith prepared to be tested to see which of them would be counted worthy of being the next in the line of the Elites. As the others watched, Christian and Lillith inched closer to the stone. The sound of a giant's footsteps could be heard, and the others urged them to hurry. Lillith was the first to touch the sword, but before she could do more than lay her hand on it, a wizard appeared.

  He bowed his head to the twins, then introduced himself. “I am Merlin, a sorcerer known in many realms. This sword was forged by the mystical flame of giants. Its power can raise fallen giants or kill any giant it touches, depending on the intention of the wielder. This sword's power can only be given to the one who is best for this realm. You are both heirs to the throne. Remember the mistakes of the past, so that a brighter future may come to pass. Rule with honor and truth. This is your chance to bring honor back to the name you carry,” Merlin explained before fading away.

  Hand still on the sword, Lillith pulled with all her might, but the sword wouldn't budge. Then, she stood on top of the rock, placing a foot on each side of the sword to brace herself and pulled. The sword still didn't budge.

  Mackinzie covered her mouth and whispered, "It's Christian."

  Lillith let go of the sword and stepped to the side, allowing Christian a chance to try his hand. He grabbed the sword and pulled, but just as when Lillith tried, it didn’t budge.

  “What sorcery is this? One of us has to be able to remove this sword!” he yelled.

  Unfortunately, it looked like their time was up. Timaeus now stood before them, laughing.

  “The ancient sword. You attempt to pull it out so we might be afraid of you?”

  “King Timaeus, we came only to find the rightful heir to the throne. We want no quarrel with you,” Christian explained.

  “Oh, I am sure you do not want to quarrel with me. The soon to be king, Robert, has promised us everything we need. Now, what to do with you two,” The giant pondered, walking back and forth, thinking.

  Mackinzie and the others seemed afraid of what was about to happen, but Ayden and Emily removed their helmets and stood before King Timaeus.

  “The twins!” the giant exclaimed. “Why are you with these vampires?”

  “Because we are for the true heir to the throne. We have saved many of your brethren. Can you not allow us to see who is the true heir? We beg you, allow the two heirs to find their place.”

  Christian took a knee before Timaeus. “I, Christian, son of Alexander and true heir to the throne, have only one desire… Peace, including peace with the giants. Our quarrel has gone on long enough. Let us end this.”

  “End this? You vampires started this. We, giants, will meet and decide what we will do,” Timaeus announced before turning his back to them and walking away.

  Christian was still confused as to why neither one of them could remove the sword but was willing to take advantage of the reprieve from the giants to try to figure it out. The problem was that none of them had any real answers, and Merlin hadn’t offered much on that front either.

  Finally, Mackinzie stepped up and asked why Christian and Lillith didn’t try to pull it out together? Lillith and Christian looked at each other and smiled.

  “We are twins,” Lillith said, “I suppose it’s worth a try.”

  As both of their hands touched the sword, their auras glowed as one, and it was a brilliant green. The red stone turned green, and the sword started to slowly slide out of the stone. They continued pulling, and finally, the sword was free.

  Merlin, once again, appeared and announced, “The true Elite has been chosen as was predetermined from the beginning.” With his words, the one sword became two, one in each of their hands. Merlin smiled, and said, “One a bringer of death, the other a bringer of life. You are to rule together as your father and his brother were. The death that occurred so long ago did not have to happen, but your father was greedy. He wanted the throne at any cost and allowed the darkness to enter deep inside his soul. Do not follow in his steps and know that I shall watch over you and the swords.” Once again, Merlin simply faded away.

  Chapter Ten

  As Lillith and Christian held their swords in disbelief, two brown dragon engraved sheaths appeared on top of the swords.

  “It would seem you are to rule together, king and queen,” Alisha said as Ayden and Emily kneeled in front of them. JH followed suit, but before anyone else could speak, a pain hit both Lillith’s and Christian’s left hand.

  “That prick!” Christian cried, holding his hand as a tattoo slowly began appearing on the back of his and Lillith’s hands. “It’s Robert. He has issued a challenge.”

  “Challenge?” Lill
ith asked. “What kind of challenge.”

  “Robert has issued a challenge, which in our land is a sacred duel between one who believes they are worthy to take the throne and the one who currently sits on the throne. He has started the blood oath, and we have three days to make it to the coliseum where we must drink from the chalice and perform our duty: a fight to the death. The most powerful being in our realm, The Prophet, will be there, so we must win this battle! If we do not make it there in three days, the tattoo will reach our heart and we will die. So, we must move with haste and train so we’re ready. This is for our kingdom.”

  “Well, he doesn't know he will be facing us both,” Lillith offered.

  As Alisha listened to them, her slayer instincts took hold. “We have to move right now.”

  “Why, Mother?” Christian asked just as a giant who had been hunting stumbled upon them.

  He was an outcast, but that didn’t make him any less dangerous. He waved his hand, throwing balls of fire at them, but together, Ayden and Emily deflected the attacks. Alisha threw a dagger at the giant's face, but he moved to the right just in the nick of time while also blowing fire in her direction. Christian darted as fast as he could to move her from the oncoming attack, but she was dragged back by a giant white wolf before he could reach her.

  Rachael and the slayers had arrived. She looked at the giant and smiled as she pointed and said, “Leave.”

  Christian and Lillith unsheathed their swords, but Rachael only shook her head.

  “I warned you, giant!” Rachael screamed then jumped high in the air, turning a flip and burying her sword deep into the giant’s head.

  The giant fell, and Christian sliced at his head, dislodging Rachael’s blade, and the wound started to heal.

  “Oh no! My sword must be the giver of life,” he exclaimed.

  The now healed giant blew fire, hitting two of the slayers and burning them to a crisp. Their skin melted from their bodies, leaving only exposed bones before they hit the ground.


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