Ascension Of The Blood Throne

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Ascension Of The Blood Throne Page 10

by Mikel Wilson

  The crowd was utterly silent as Christian finished his tale, bringing them all up to speed and finishing with a promise. “So many things have gone wrong, but I swear, I shall be a better king than my father was.”

  Lillith then stepped forward, clearing her throat before addressing them. “I have lived in the world of man my entire life, never knowing there was anything else. It wasn't until I stepped onto the sands of Taldor that I understood that a part of me has been missing. My people, I promise to serve you with the grace and strength of a true queen. With my newfound power, you need no longer worry about war or sadness. We shall enter into a time of prosperity and peace. This I swear to you.”

  As both Christian and Lillith touched their swords together, a familiar looking white owl landed then took the form of the magician, Merlin.

  “Vampires, I served my king with all I was and led him as best I could toward the light, but he was stubborn and relished the darkness. You need not live like this; you have a choice. Once this battle is concluded, each of you ask yourself what type of existence do you want? One of darkness or one of light? It is your choice... Choose wisely.” As Merlin's words echoed throughout the coliseum, he transformed once again into a white owl and took flight.

  "Bravo, bravo!" Robert laughed heartily as he clapped. “Such a touching speech by all of you. Too bad that you’re no match for me, even together. Come quickly as death has prepared herself for you.”

  This was it, the moment Lillith had trained for, to take down a tyrant and free her people.

  Christian took a moment to speak to Mackinzie. “My darling, I do not know how this battle will end, but know that my heart and soul belongs to you. I must say that loving you has been the highlight of my existence even if it’s only been a short while. My father was a tyrant and did many things that I must fix. But with you at my side, I know I can be a good king.”

  Before he could say anything else, Mackinzie pressed her lips against his. His hands slid down to the small of her back and sliding them to her sides to grip her waist, he lifted her into the air. “My queen,” he said, then embraced Mackinzie with all the love he held in his heart. She laid her head against his chest, and he kissed her forehead a final time. Finally, he looked at his sister, who stood watching them approvingly.

  “Let’s finish this,” Lillith said.

  The steps leading to the altar were embossed in gold. As the heirs took those steps toward the awaiting tyrant, they whispered to each other.

  Robert, still waiting on them, pulled out his long broadsword and began wiping it off as he talked, hoping to place doubts into their hearts. "Many giants and humans have fallen by this sword, two more must fall, and my journey to the throne will at last be complete."

  Lillith’s anger went from a sizzle to a flat-out flame as they walked up the long stairway. Finally, they arrived at the top where a table was spread with a single chalice.

  “The challenge has been accepted,” Robert said with a smirk as a white hooded figure appeared.

  "Bow now,” Christian instructed Lillith.

  “The challenge has been accepted and will now begin. Only ten shall be allowed to witness this fight. Five of your men, Robert, and your five, Lillith and Christian,” the Prophet announced.

  Robert had already chosen his five, so everyone else left the coliseum. Mackinzie, JH, Ayden, and Emily stood opposite Robert’s witnesses.

  The Prophet laughed, his voice old and crumbling. “One more must be present,” he said, and with a snap of his fingers, their mother, Alisha appeared.

  Mackinzie stalked toward her, fists clenched when the Prophet stopped her with a command, “Stand down, child!” His eyes glowed red as thunder rumbled throughout the arena. “Dare not disrespect the challenge.”

  Alisha looked around at them and this hooded figure, confused and worried about Danielle. Then she looked at her timer, which read one hour until detonation, and a cold chill went down her spine.

  “Now,” the Prophet said. “Stand and be ready, this battle is to death.” Then, with a knowing smile, he clapped his hands together and ordered, “FIGHT!”

  Lillith ran toward Robert followed by Christian. As they reached him, she slid down as Christian went high with a sword strike that was blocked by Robert, who placed a well-timed kick to Christian’s gut. Lillith then went on the attack, swinging her sword back and forth and going for a thrust when Robert casually sidestepped the attack and punched her in the face.

  “You telegraph your attacks, taking this throne will be an easier task than I thought!" Robert proclaimed as five of his giant slayers chanted his name.

  Lillith and Christian looked at each other. They had to come up with something, or they were going to be killed.

  Danielle, now alone, walked as silently as she could, hoping to find the castle. The darkness of the fog was creepy enough, but it was made worse as a tingle ran down her spine when a voice startled her, causing her to whirl around.

  “Lost, girl?” the creature asked. A tall, muscular black giant of a vampire stepped out of the fog.

  “No, I'm not lost, not at all,” Danielle responded, making her voice steady and clear to try to put fear into the monster that stood in front of her. The vampire walked closer to her, and she threw a beam of pure light at him. He darted out of the way of it and grabbed her arm.

  “Unhand me, beast!” she screamed at the top of her lungs just as the sky filled with fire.

  The vampire looked up and commented, “Those phoenixes are at it again. Now, as for you... I’ve watched you from afar and mean you no harm. I am actually quite smitten with you.”

  Danielle was not expecting that, and when she looked into his eyes, she saw a kindness. She quickly turned away, and said, “I am not to be with any man, or I shall lose my powers. That has always been my way, my oath.”

  “But what if you were to give yourself to someone who would cherish you? I have lived a long time, and I have been dreaming of you for so long. You must accept my proposal.”

  “You don't even know my name, sir,” she answered as he came closer to her face. She reached up to slap him, but his hand caught hers and kindly kissed it.

  “Of course, I know your name. I have dreamed of you for many years, Danielle. You were meant to be with me.”

  “Please don't do this to me,” Danielle sobbed. “I have a mission that I must complete. You bloodsuckers must be stopped!”

  “I won't force you to love me. I won't force you to even talk to me. I just had to meet you, to know that my mind wasn't tricking me, that you are, indeed, real.” He smiled then turned his back to her and began walking away.

  “Sir, please wait, will you lead me to the castle?”

  “Yes, of course I can,” he agreed with a boyish grin. “Oh, and before you ask, my name is Michael.”

  She blushed as she giggled a bit before thanking him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The battle raged on with neither side giving in. Lillith and Christian attacked with speed and precision against pure brute strength and skill.

  Christian was wearing down when he whispered, “I have an idea.” He threw his sword at Robert, who blocked it easily, but that left him open for Christian to kick him directly in his groin.

  Robert went to a knee, and Mackinzie and the others cheered. Christian then grabbed Roberts beard and began punching him again and again in the face as Lillith ran in and kicked him hard in the chest. Both of them began stomping on Robert, who was covering up his face until he grabbed Lillith’s leg and flung her into Christian, who fell. Robert slowly got back to his feet and wiped the trickle of blood that had run down his face.

  “Fighting dirty, are we?” Robert said with a laugh. “Okay, no more holding back.” He grabbed the top of his armor and removed it, revealing his bare hairy chest and six pack abs.

  “I thought he was fat!” Lillith said in shock.

  “Fooled you, eh? As my armor has done to many of the fallen who have faced me.” He threw do
wn his sword and with his finger, called them over.

  Christian laid down his sword as did Lillith.

  “You want hand to hand combat? I will give it to you,” Lillith threatened as she removed her coat, and they began circling.

  Alisha yelled to Lillith, “Aim for his weak spots! He has to have a weakness. Find it and exploit it!”

  Robert screamed back at her, “I'm going to eat you when this is over. I'm going to drain you dry then make you mine for all eternity.”

  "Eww!" Alisha shivered.

  Lillith attacked again, this time using her speed and attacking Robert’s legs and ribs. Robert then countered her attack with a punch to the gut. This time, Lillith was forced to take a knee, and he struck her in the face.

  Christian rushed in to save her from more punishment, but he was grabbed by his hair and his face was slammed hard into the ground. Lillith grabbed Robert’s beard and jumped over his back, pulling chunks of his beard clear from his now reddened face. Fresh blood began streaming from the opened pores and fresh wounds. Lillith licked the blood from her hands, awakening her true vampiric state, and Christian’s instincts also became heightened at the smell of blood. Robert could do little more than scream in pain, holding his face with both hands.

  Christian jumped around Robert, his legs tight around the other man’s waist as attempted to bite Robert's neck! Robert put both hands on Christian’s face, attempting to stop the attack when Lillith struck from behind, sinking her teeth into his neck. He yelled out in pain, trying to pull her off with one hand, which freed Christian to bite into his neck as well.

  “Get off of me!” Robert yelled in agony as their grips became even stronger.

  As they both fed on Robert, he slumped to the ground, going into shock from the blood loss. Finally, the barely conscious Robert went completely limp.

  “Finish it, destroy him!” Alisha yelled.

  Lillith retrieved her sword as Christian rolled Robert from his stomach to his back.

  “It's over!” she said, slamming her sword into his neck, causing his head to fly through the air before landing in the upright position. His body slowly began sizzling as he burst into flames.

  The Prophet clapped his hands before proclaiming them the winners. “It is finished,” he said simply before disappearing.

  The giant slayers all took a knee before the prince and princess. “We offer you our loyalty, Your Highnesses.”

  Emily and Ayden stood in front of the giant slayers. “We are now your leaders. You will serve our king and queen with your life!” They all agreed, and JH and Mackinzie began laughing in relief.

  “We actually pulled it off!” Alisha smiled at her children before telling them she had to go. “This is not my home. I have raised you, Lillith, to be the strong woman you have become. And my little boy, Christian, I am so proud to see that you did not become the man you were groomed to be, instead, you became the man you were always meant to be.”

  Christian and Lillith both embraced her as they understood how hard it had to be. Being a slayer living amongst vampires just wouldn't work.

  Finally, Mackinzie asked, “What happened to the other slayers you were with, and why did you turn on us?”

  Lillith explained that it was all a trap for the slayers to be trapped in Taldor. Alisha had to protect her children with all she had.

  “I shall tell the council my job was completed. There is no more Taldor. You, my children, can now live in peace.”

  As Christian, Lillith, and Alisha embraced, Danielle entered the arena.

  “Alisha, the bomb is set to go off in twenty minutes!” Danielle cried.

  “Bomb? You planted a bomb, Mother? Why?” Lillith screamed at her mother.

  Alisha's face changed from the loving person they knew to a hard as stone stranger. I told you that you could now live-in peace. Not for how long. I am a slayer, and my job is to finish each and every one of you. Danielle, we must go!” Alisha yelled as she started to run.

  Lillith called for the twins to use their magic and find the bomb, then she turned to her brother. “Christian, we have to stop her!”

  “Let's go, Sister,” he responded, turning to follow his mother.

  As they ran, Michael grabbed Danielle’s hand. “Please, don't leave me. We are meant to be together forever. I offer my life to you,” he pleaded.

  Danielle didn’t get a chance to answer him; Alisha ran up behind him and placed a stake into his heart, causing him to turn to dust right in front of Danielle, who now held and handful of dust instead of Michael’s hand. She began to weep, and Alisha slapped her across the face.

  “We had a job to do, now straighten up, we have to go!” Alisha ran, holding Danielle’s hand as they ran toward the ship the slayers had arrived on. Finally, on the ship, they removed the rope just as Christian and Lillith arrived at the boat landing.

  “Goodbye, my children. I loved you,” Alisha said, blowing kisses to them when Christian angrily punched the ground.

  “She never loved us. She only wanted us to die.” Christian turned to Lillith and grabbed her hand. They took flight high into the air, landing on Alisha's vessel. “Oh, Mother, you weren't going to leave so soon, were you?” Christian asked.

  Lillith walked up to Alisha and punched her in the face, causing a battle to ensue. Lillith and Alisha traded blows, and Alisha got the upper hand.

  “You're tired, daughter. Perhaps, you should’ve sat this one out.” She laughed, placing a hard kick into Lillith’s sternum.

  Christian ran in wildly, angry tears flowing as he attacked only to receive a punch to the gut for his efforts.

  As Alisha pulled a stake from her back pocket, she kissed Christian’s head. “I brought you into this world, it's only fitting I take you out of it.”

  Lillith watched in horror as Alisha's hand came down... And stopped before striking Christian’s chest. Christian slowly opened his eyes to see a stake sticking out of Alisha's head.

  Danielle's eyes filled with tears as she fell to her knees. “You took someone away from me who loved me! I could never forgive you for that!”

  As Alisha fell to her knees, Lillith and Christian watched her breathing become labored.

  “Goodbye, Mother,” Lillith said before taking flight back to the shore.

  Christian asked Danielle if she would like to stay. “There is always room for someone like you here.”

  Danielle declined but whispered something into Christian’s ear before he took flight.

  As Danielle raised her arms and began chanting the words to her spell, the gateway opened up, allowing the vessel to pass into the human world.

  Christian ran to Lillith. “Danielle told me where the bomb was! We only have five minutes left before it explodes! Get everyone else to safety,” he directed as they ran back toward the castle. He ran inside, reached under the throne, and grabbed the bomb, then he took flight high into the sky with the bomb in hand, the timer slowly ticking away. Christian looked back at the shore to see his beloved Mackinzie watching him fly off. He thought the words I’m sorry, my love as she watched him.

  Mackinzie’s heart sank in her chest as she watched Christian. He made it to the water just as the bomb exploded! She covered her eyes as the sun bomb filled the sky with a brightness not seen on that side of Penumbra. Mackinzie was knocked out, only awakened by the sound of Lillith yelling her name. She couldn't see anything as the light from the bomb had caused her temporary blindness.

  "Where is Christian?" Lillith asked, and when Mackinzie told her what happened, she broke down in tears.

  Several days passed with the kingdom searching the sea for Christian to no avail. He was gone without a trace. Eventually, the new Federation suggested it was time for Lillith to be crowned.

  Lillith had gone through so much that she was beside herself with grief. JH, her friend, was there to comfort her, but Mackinzie could not be comforted. Taldor was safe and had its queen, but the throne that Christian was to take sat empty. Lillith had a
scended to the blood throne, but at what cost? As she took her seat, she looked over to her people, who chanted her name. This was not how she envisioned this moment. This just wasn’t right. Overcome with emotion, she let out a bloodcurdling scream, and the throne room went silent.

  In the quiet, the booming sound of giant feet could be heard loud and clear as they got closer and closer to the castle. King Timaeus walked in, and the vampires all looked at the giant with disdain until he kneeled down and placed something on the ground. Lillith knew it couldn’t be good that he was there, and she couldn’t help it, she put her face in her hands.

  Wet boots could be heard, walking up toward the throne. Curiosity got the better of her, and Lillith looked up to see what it was, and came face to face with Christian approaching the throne.

  "Started without me, Sister?" he asked with a laugh, holding up his ring. “Impervious to sunlight, remember?”

  He laughed again when Mackinzie heard his voice and ran straight at him, tackling him to the ground. Laying right there on the throne room floor, they kissed deeply.

  Lillith walked over to him and kicked him. "I knew you couldn't let me have the spotlight alone, you jerk." Then she smiled as he disengaged from Mackinzie, and they embraced.

  The palace erupted with clapping as Taldor now had its leaders. A King and a Queen.

  As they all laughed and celebrated Christian’s return, a familiar owl flew down and landed beside the throne. Merlin turned back into his true form and raised his hands, which turned the entire throne room white. He then pointed at Mackinzie, who was magically fitted with a beautiful wedding dress. Spinning himself in a circle, he pointed toward Christian, who was suddenly decked out in a beautiful white suit. He smiled as he spoke, “Let the wedding commence!”


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