Immortals Children Of The Gods

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Immortals Children Of The Gods Page 13

by M'tain Dubois

  Chapter 13

  As the two of them enter the forest Vasos can’t shake the feeling that someone is watching them.

  “Where is this gift supposed to be?” Questions Sander looking around cautiously.

  “Pan said that it would be right here when we entered the forest.” Replies Vasos looking around.

  “Maybe we’re too early.” States Sander.

  “Or running too late.” Retorts Vasos.

  Nearly jumping out of their boots from the roar that echoes through the forest the two of them stare in awe as a lion the size of an elephant comes bounding towards them. Its golden fur glitters here and there as sunlight penetrating the foliage strikes the lion from time to time.

  Answering the threat Vasos grabs Sander throwing him high up into the trees to safety, a moment later he sails through the air in a long jump towards the lion with his sword ready. Landing a few feet in front of it as the creature skids to a stop Vasos stands proud ready to fight to the death.

  “Come beast and meet your death!” He yells proudly.

  Shocking both Vasos and Sander the great Nemean Lion bows instead of attacking.

  “The gift!” Shouts Sander from the tree branch.

  “What?” Says Vasos clearly baffled still.

  “The gift from Pan to us remember he said…ahhh!” Stammers Sander suddenly losing his grip and falling hitting every branch on the way down.

  Quick as light the Nemean lion hops over Vasos in a single smooth motion landing under Sander just in time to catch him on its back.

  “Oh yeah, the gift from the wild, doesn’t get to much better than the legendary Nemean Lion does it?” Smiles Vasos sheathing his sword.

  “Didn’t your great, great grandfather Hercules kill it?” Inquires Sander with a raised eyebrow.

  “As a matter of fact he did, but of course like any monster it eventually comes back.”

  Turning towards him the lion emits a low deep growl.

  “I don’t think he likes that you’re related to Hercules or that you called him a monster.” Laughs Sander righting himself on its back.

  Confirming his comment the lion roars stepping a little closer to Vasos baring its fangs for a moment before bowing again.

  “I really don’t care what the hell he likes or doesn’t like.” He mutters under his breath climbing onto the back of the lion himself.

  “By the way before I forget or lose the nerve, I’d like to thank you for the way you protected me like that.”

  “Yeah well I’m getting kind of fond of you already; moreover I still owed you for saving me.” Half smiles Vasos without looking at him.

  “Oh I see, so it was just about paying me back mainly?”

  “Ah sure.” Frowns Vasos. “That and because we’re family and I like you.” He says lowering his voice during the last part.

  “Isn’t that sweet, I knew you had more to you than just the armored and angry soldier you are, there had to be some of your mother in your personality.”

  “Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness little cousin, yes I have a great expanse of empathy and love for those I care about and for humanity in general but never will that stop the drive I have to complete my responsibilities. If anything, the scornful side of love fuels me to do some pretty wicked things.”

  Feigning fear Sander shakes a little. “Scary, I’m trembling with fear. If you could possibly clear your vision and focus on the task at hand we can get moving.”

  “Ha, ha, tell your buddy here to take us to Mantinea.”

  Leaning down to the lions ear Sander speaks directly into its ear. “Speed us to Mantinea my friend as quickly as you can.”

  Promptly the lion shoots out of the forest running right through the pack of dancing kobaloi snatching one of them neatly in its jaws and swallowing it in one bite.

  Rapidly the lion travels across the lands of Arcadia running so fast the two young men struggle to hold on.

  “Finally we have begun the very quests that will have our names sung throughout the ages!” Shouts Vasos to Sander over the howl of the wind in their ears.

  “Wonderful, what surprises do you think the gods will have us along the way?” He replies.

  Out of nowhere a loud clang interrupts the conversation they’re having.

  Looking back at Sander in question at the sound Vasos wonders what he did to make it but when he looks at him Sander just shrugs in response.

  Again the sound echoes through the air a moment later the lion roars looking to the right while gaining speed. Following it’s gaze Vasos can barely see a shape traveling along side of them at a distance, as he watches trying to discern what it is three foot long spikes fly through the air hitting the side of the lion and bouncing off.

  “What is that?” Queries Sander straining to make out what it is.

  “I don’t think I want to find out.” Answers Vasos drawing his sword.

  “I don’t think it’s going to give us much of a choice.”

  Gaining ground out in front of them the blurry spot turns towards them blocking their way, unable or unwilling to try and jump or dodged it the lion slows to a trot growling and heading towards the creature that they can now see clearly.

  “A manticore, you had to ask what problems we were going to have didn’t you?” Moans Vasos.

  “Like this is my fault.” Says Sander taking a drink of his flask.

  “That’s what I’m going with.” He says sliding off the lions back.

  “What’s your strategy oh wise one?”

  “I’m going to destroy that thing so we can keep going.” Vasos states walking towards the manticore while swinging his axe back and forth.

  “Ok, so question for you, after you’re dead do you think the gods will force me to continue with this quest thing?”

  Before Vasos can respond he has to dodge a barrage of spikes flying towards him, tensing the muscles in his legs Vasos plans to leap high into the air but already the lion is reacting to the threat landing in front of him taking the brunt of the spikes on its side.

  “Thanks.” Mutters Vasos looking up at Sander.

  Sander slides off the back himself landing next to Vasos. “It wasn’t my doing, apparently the lion likes you a little more than we thought.”


  “I’ll say, but be that as it may we still have the problem of the manticore that is now walking towards us.” Nods Sander in the direction of the manticore.

  “My power won’t affect it from here, will yours?”

  “At this distance not a chance.” Sighs Sander.

  “Hail little demigod treats, why don’t you come out and play with me? I promise I will finish you quickly, well except for the one called Vasos, Ares wants me to keep him alive for weeks eating him a little bit at a time.”

  “Sounds wonderful we’ll be out in just a second we just need a little more time to…put some spices on. We’d hate for you to have come all this way for a couple of bland demigods.” Yells Sander.

  “That’s your masterful proposal? To feed him?”

  “No you dolt, I’m just trying to buy us some time. Now let’s think, we have the nearly indestructible lion with us, your magic axe/sword thing, and my abilities to create vines, cause drunkenness, dance and insanity. Then there are your abilities to make people fall in love or whatever. So what can we do with all of that?”

  “I also have enhanced strength but I don’t know how much I can lift yet.”

  “Great, when we need a love struck arm wrestling contest won I’ll make sure your schedule is open.” Sander rolls his eyes sarcastically.

  “I never pictured you as a whiner Sander being the son of Dionysus, Vasos I can see it from being Aphrodite’s son.” Snickers Tyr appearing next to them leisurely petting the lion that begins purring.

  Sander stumbles backwards surprised at the appearance of this strange man but Vasos just sighs in annoyance.

  “You’re just as bad as Ares, what do you want Tyr?”

nbsp; “Watch your tone with me child I may not be your god of war but I am a god of war none the less.” He says pushing Vasos into the lion.

  Staring into the war gods eyes Vasos silently dares him to touch him again.

  Reading the look a sly smile crosses Tyr’s face. “There’s some of the fire I knew you had, after all you do have some of Hercules blood in your veins.”

  “Lord Tyr, forgive Vasos. Understandably he has issues with war gods. So what can we do for you?”

  “By order of the All father Odin, the young heroes, blah, blah, blah. will go on quests and receive help and be tested, blah, blah, blah. I bring another demigod to join the two of you, his name is Sevrrir demigod son of Heimdall and Digas mother of all lions.”

  “Joy, another mouth to feed.” Murmurs Vasos.

  “Your time is up demigods! I will wait no longer!” Roars the Manticore.

  Meeting the manticore in midair the Nemean lion fights as hard as it can tearing at the manticore all over causing its blood to stain the ground, but the manticore’s tail finally gets a luck shot blinding the lion by poking out its eyes and injecting it’s deadly venom into it. Slashing at the air wildly with its claws the lion roars in pain as the poison spreads through its body killing it slowly.

  “Is that the best you can do?” Questions the manticore with a laugh hobbling towards the group.

  “I’d advise you to rethink your position of fighting while I’m here creature. The chances of you surviving me are laudable.” Smiles Tyr as a giant sword appears in his hand.

  Noticing Tyr for the first time the manticore frowns hesitant to move forward. “I was told the gods were not allowed in interfere directly.”

  “Any immortal may fight if the cause is just or if they are attacked, the ancient laws do not forbid that.” He says flatly.

  “So what then do you purpose happen now? It would seem that we are at a standstill.”

  “Actually, have you met Sevrrir?” Questions Tyr. “He and his mother have quite a problem with you.”

  “Sevrrir.” He repeats spitting on the floor.

  Exploding from nowhere is a giant lion the size of a rhino that attacks the manticore ferociously for a moment before bounding over to the group changing form again into a lithe young demigod. He is five foot seven inches tall with golden brown hair and eyes, he has attractive features and a matching goatee the same color as his hair. Magically clothes appear on his body covering his nakedness. Strapped to his back is a massive axe glinting in the sun with a deadly sharp edge. His clothes are dust colored brown matching his boots, they are tight fitting but obviously allow for free movement.

  “So these are the Greek demigods huh? Not much to look at are they.”

  “Evidently you haven’t looked in the mirror lately.” Grunts Sander.

  “Say that to my face loser.” Growls Sevrrir stepping up to Sander.

  “Back off kitty.” Says Vasos pushing Sevrrir away. “We have more important things to deal with right now.”

  Shooting another dirty look at Tyr, Vasos runs towards the manticore with his axe raised above his head, in one swift motion he jumps throwing the axe with all of his might at its head, smiling the creature tries to dodge but finds he’s stuck in place. Without noticing it Sander wrapped thick vines around his legs entangling him completely.

  A look of fear crosses its face for a moment at the axe speeding towards it, then at the last second he moves his head just enough to dodge the weapon. “A good try but not good enough.”

  Staring at him quietly Vasos just waits with his hand raised in the air puzzling the manticore until it hears the weapons speeding through the air. Swiftly he turns just in time for the axe to split its human head in two pieces as it flies back to Vasos hand.

  “Hmm not bad, not bad at all. There may be hope for you yet, and what about you?” Questions Sevrrir looking back at Sander. “What is it you do?”

  “I drink.” He says flatly bringing his flask to his lips.

  “Useful I’m sure.”

  “As much as I’d love to watch you kids get along I have places to go and wars to fight, now you three play nice, good luck on surviving.” Interjects Tyr before disappearing.

  “War gods, yuck.” Spits Vasos walking back up to them.

  “Show some respect, he is a god.” Snarls Sevrrir with his hand turning into a claw.

  “When I want your opinion I’ll give it to you Sevrrir.” Snaps Vasos pushing past him to pick up his bag.

  “We’re not done Vasos!” Sevrrir yells turning Vasos around powerfully to face him.

  Forcefully Vasos grabs him by the throat lifting him up and then slams him into the ground head first, without hesitation he lifts him up over his head throwing him over twenty feet away. Breaking into a running jump Vasos lands a few feet away from him slamming his fist into the ground causing it to explode in a tidal wave of Earth that flows towards Sevrrir tossing his body into the air. Then before he can land Vasos kicks him sending him back to Sander’s feet.

  “Welcome to the flip side of love buddy, I should have warned you that Vasos has a bit of a temper.” Laughs Sander pouring some wine on Sevrrir’s face.

  Struggling to regain his footing Sevrrir desperately tries to force himself to a standing position, but Vasos is on him in a second tackling him to the ground.

  “Understand boy that I’m in charge here, these are my quests and I won’t take you or anyone else disrespecting me!” He yells in his face.

  “Understood.” He replies spitting out some blood onto the floor.

  “Good, from this point on we are united. We have more than enough enemies’ we do not need to fight among ourselves.” Vasos says sternly helping Sevrrir to his feet.

  “Great now that we’re all friends let’s get on our way this sun is killing me.” Moans Sander walking toward the city in the distance.

  Sevrrir looks at Vasos in question of how he can deal with him.

  “You’ll get used to him.” He answers the look.

  “Doubtful.” Answers Sevrrir beginning to walk.

  “Give it time, but aside from that we have ourselves some time before we get to the city so why don’t you tell me your story.”


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