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Forever Friend Zoned

Page 14

by C. Morgan

  “When I came out of the locker room, like ten minutes after we just had sex, he was flirting with his boss. Fran looked like she was ready to mount him right there and he didn’t seem sad about it.”

  “Wow. What an asshole.”


  “You know what? We’ve been busting our ass for a month. We deserve a break. Let’s go out for some drinks. You’re going to put on something slinky and slap on some makeup.”

  “So are you.”

  “Damn straight I am. I’m going home to get ready. Take a cab because we are getting our drink on.”

  “Let’s hurry up. I need a drink.”

  She left my room and I headed for my closet. I dug around and pulled out a dress I had not worn in a good five years. With the weight gain, I did a lot less shopping. I didn’t really have anything sexy and slinky. My old wardrobe was calling to me. I was a little nervous to see if anything would fit. I put together an outfit and was feeling rather confident when I headed downstairs.

  “Alora!” my mother called out.

  I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room, where she was sitting with a book in hand. “Yes?”

  “That doesn’t look like a gym outfit.”

  “That’s because it isn’t.”

  “I thought this was your usual gym time.”

  “It is but not tonight.”

  She looked at my outfit and then looked at me. “How much weight have you lost?”

  “I don’t know and I don’t care. I’m going out with Sue tonight. We are going to drink and dance. I’ll be home late.”

  “Is that really a good idea? Alcohol is just empty calories. I doubt your trainer will be happy to know you are throwing away all your progress.”

  “I’m not throwing anything away,” I snapped. “And my trainer’s opinion doesn’t matter. I think the trainer is overrated. I’ll talk to Dad about how much he’s paying the people that work there. I have a feeling it’s too much.”

  “Alora, that isn’t nice. You’ve been making great progress. Why would you want to stop now?”

  “I’m not doing anything. I’m just going out. My cab is here. Goodnight, don’t wait up.”

  I left, feeling a little guilty for being so snarky, but I was sick of her questioning my weight. I was on my way to Sue’s house. She had texted a bit ago claiming a wardrobe emergency. I offered to bring her some dresses but she told me that was not needed.

  When I got to her house, she was wearing a robe. “You’re not dressed?”

  “You look so good!” she squealed.

  “Come on, let’s get you dressed.”

  “I can’t decide,” she complained.

  “What? You have choices?”

  She was grinning as we walked into her bedroom. “I have choices, but I don’t have courage.”

  “Why do you need courage?”

  She pulled a dress out of her closet. “This is option one.”

  I was surprised to see the black cocktail dress with a sequined top. “Sue, it’s gorgeous. When did you get that?”

  She laid it on the bed and pulled two more dresses from her closet. “I’ve bought these over the past few months. It was meant to inspire me to lose the weight, but it just didn’t work. Now that I feel a little better, I’m tempted to wear one.”

  “I like the black one.”

  “Don’t you think it shows too much skin?”

  “It doesn’t show too much. It’s got wide straps and it isn’t low cut.”

  “But my arms are not skinny and shapely. I don’t want to offend people. They don’t like to see a big girl showing a lot of skin.”

  “Fuck them. You show as much skin as you want. You’re gorgeous.”

  “Wear one,” she said.


  “Wear one. I’ll wear the black one if you wear one of the others.”

  “But I have a dress.”

  “That’s a safe dress. Come on, be brave with me. We worked our asses off this last month. We’ve made progress. I have two more.”

  I grimaced as I stared at the sexy cocktail dresses. I was drawn to the red one. I never wore red. It attracted too much attention. I didn’t like people looking at me. I was self-conscious and always found myself trying to hide when people looked my way.

  “I’ll do it,” I said with a sigh. “I’ll wear the red.”

  “Yes!” she shouted. “We are going to look amazing. Thank you. I know I have to do this on my own and I will, but it is so much better with you.”

  We got dressed. When she went into the bathroom to put on her makeup, I looked at myself in the mirror. It had been a long time since I’d worn anything so sexy. Even the dress I came over in was safe. It had three-quarter sleeves and no cleavage. The hem reached my knees. The red dress showed cleavage and was just below mid-thigh.

  “You look hot,” Sue said when she came out of the bathroom. “Absolutely amazing.”

  “Thank you. You look stunning.”

  “We did this together,” she said. “Look at us. We set a goal and we’re almost there.”

  “I can’t believe I’m wearing red and I really can’t believe I’m wearing a dress that looks like this. I mean, honestly, I don’t think I’ve worn anything this revealing since high school.”

  “We are going to hold our heads high. We are not going to let anyone look at us and make us feel less than deserving of these dresses.”

  “Damn straight. We are going to be the hottest chicks at the bar.”

  “Are we going to the new place on Monroe?” she asked.

  “Isn’t that what you said you wanted to do?”

  “Yes, but I’m nervous.”


  “Because it feels like it’s reserved for the beautiful people,” she said.

  I knew she struggled with her own self-esteem issues. We both did. We often flip-flopped. When I was down, she would take over as the cheerleader. When she was down, I would be the encouraging one.

  “We are some of the beautiful people,” I told her. “We go and we hold our heads high.”

  “If there’s a line, you know they won’t let us in.”

  I grinned. “You forget who I am. I am not afraid to use my daddy’s name if that’s what it takes to get us in the door.”

  “You’re so bad.”

  “I get to namedrop if it gets us in.”

  “You know this place is going to be packed with eligible bachelors. Maybe I’ll meet the future Mr. Sue.”

  I groaned and shook my head. “The last thing I want to do is meet an eligible bachelor. I’m off of men. No more. I cannot take the bullshit. I don’t think a single one of them has a loyal bone in their body. It’s like they think they are on a merry-go-round. They hop off and on different women without a second thought.”

  “You know you can jump on that merry-go-round if you want,” she offered.

  “Nope. That is not what I want. I do not want to go getting naked with a bunch of guys. That is more people seeing me naked than I care to have.”

  We grabbed our purses and headed out to our waiting cab. “I think if you got naked with more men it wouldn’t be such an issue. You have to admit you enjoyed your little ride yesterday. Just think, you could have that all the time.”

  “Nope. Not for me. I’ll play all by myself. I don’t want the yo-yo. I don’t want to feel bad. I can’t do that anymore. I screwed up with Jeff but I’m not going to do it again. I have learned my lesson. I’m going to stay single until I meet my husband.”

  She looked over at me. “Uh, it’s going to be hard to meet your husband if you don’t get out there.”

  “I’m going to order one from Amazon.”

  “A husband?”

  “Yep. It’s only a matter of time before we can buy mail-order husbands. It’s long overdue. It will save a lot of trouble and pain.”

  “The trouble is part of the fun. I know I’m looking for some trouble.”

  “Promise me you won’t leav
e with anyone,” I said.

  “I can’t make that kind of promise,” she teased.

  When the cab stopped in front of the bar, I wasn’t surprised to see it was very busy. That same doubt almost froze me in the backseat. What if we were denied entry? What if they only wanted the pretty girls?

  Sue reached over and grabbed my hand. “Let’s do this. We are gorgeous. No one is going to kick us out.”

  I swallowed down the doubt and climbed out of the cab. It was busy, but we were early enough to avoid the bulk of the crowd. The nerves were slowly abating. I could do this. I was supposed to start living again. I wasn’t the damaged woman Todd left behind. I was strong and I was going to be confident. I was a work in progress, but I was getting there.

  Chapter 23


  I checked the time and knew I couldn’t hold up the class any longer. I kept expecting Sue and Alora to come in. Sue had been at the gym earlier and then disappeared. I had a feeling Alora told her about the pool room incident.

  It wasn’t what happened between us. It was what happened after the pool room. Fran’s fucking bullshit was going to ruin everything. It pissed me off that she could destroy something I’d been working so hard to get. Fran had never been quite so brazen. She was upping her game and I didn’t like it.

  Before, her flirting had been contained to the office or when no one else was around. I got the feeling she did it on purpose. She wanted everyone to think we were together or some shit. She was being catty, trying to sink her claws in. I was not going to put up with that shit.

  I needed to figure out what was more important. If I told Fran her advances were unwanted and harassment, she’d find another reason to fire me. If I lost my job, I wasn’t sure I would ever see Alora again. Our connection was tenuous. Until I could cement that friendship, I couldn’t risk not being around her.

  I had no worries I wouldn’t be able to get another job, but I liked the job I had. I had developed relationships with the other staff and I had several clients I really liked working with. I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t think I should have to leave because Fran couldn’t keep her damn hands to herself.

  “You look like you’ve been chewing glass,” Bunny said as she came to stand beside me.

  I shook my head. “It’s a shitty day. I think I would prefer chewing glass.”

  “How come she didn’t show up?”

  “Who?” I asked, trying to play dumb.

  “You know who. Do you think it’s about what happened yesterday?”

  “Yesterday?” I asked. My mouth was suddenly dry.

  “Yeah, whatever Fran was trying to do, it obviously upset Alora.”

  “I am not going to admit to anything, but did you talk to her at all?”

  “No. Sorry. Maybe if you told her Fran is just like that, she would understand.”

  “I don’t think so,” I said.

  “Because she is still struggling to accept herself and love herself and her body.”

  I was glad she said it. I didn’t want to. “She doesn’t see herself as beautiful.”

  “No, but she will with the right encouragement.”

  I saw the way she tried to hide herself. She didn’t appreciate her curves. She saw her curves as a bad thing. I thought they were great. I loved her supple breasts and the flair of her hips. Of course, she could be more toned, but I hated that she didn’t see that toning was nothing horrible.

  I couldn’t talk about Alora with Bunny. That was wrong. I was tempted but I wouldn’t do it. “I’m going to hit the shower,” I said.

  “It’s going to be okay.”

  “I hope so,” I said and headed for the locker room.

  I sat down on one of the benches and put my head in my hands. Yesterday, I had the perfect opportunity to tell her how beautiful she was. I could have told her how much I loved her full breasts. I could have told her I liked her body just the way it was. I hated that I’d missed my chance to boost her confidence.

  That was my fault. I knew better and I ignored it. I was caught up with what I was feeling and didn’t think about making her feel good. I smiled at that thought. She’d definitely felt good. I felt her feel good.

  I got up and moved to get in the shower. I didn’t really need one but it seemed like a good way to wash away the blues I was feeling.

  I dressed and thought about what I was going to do for the night. “The same thing you do every fucking night.”

  I would go home and eat a boring meal in front of the TV all by myself. Then I would go to bed and think about all the mistakes I made with Alora. Then I would spend a fun-filled night running through various scenarios about what might happen if I did this or if I did that. “Good times, Jeff, good times.”

  When I walked out of the locker room, I went to get my usual shake and found Bunny sitting on a stool, both legs swinging as she stared at her phone. “You take a longer shower than a girl,” she said.

  “Don’t you have a client?”

  “Nope. Canceled. Again. I think I’m firing her. It’s sucking my time when I could have spent it with another client.”

  “I know the feeling.”

  “I know where your no-shows are,” she said with a smile.

  “What? Who?”

  “Alora and Sue.”

  “Did you call her?”

  “Nope, I was doing a little surfing on the Gram and stumbled across a post.”

  “You’re friends with Alora on social media?”

  “I told you we were friends.”

  “Where are they?”

  She grinned and pulled her phone against her chest. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “You just said you knew.”

  “They are at the bar,” she announced.

  I groaned and shook my head. “No shit?”

  She turned her phone to show me a picture of Sue and Alora. They were both dressed up, made up, and looking fabulous. They each had drinks in their hands and were smiling big. “They are living it up.”

  “I see that.”

  “Does that make you jealous?”

  I shrugged. “Why would it?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Gee, I don’t know.”

  “Are they celebrating something?” I asked. I didn’t want to press her for information but I was desperate to know everything I could.

  “They are at a new bar that just opened.”

  “Monroe Mixology?” I asked.

  “Yep, how did you know?”

  “One of my other clients was telling me about it. It’s supposed to be some swanky new place. You know, the type that appeals to the lawyers and doctors and corporate people.”

  “Ah,” she said, nodding. “An upscale meat market.”

  I frowned. “Why would you say that?”

  “Um, duh, because that’s where you go to find a wealthy sugar daddy. Hell, I think I might have to check the place out.”

  I really didn’t like the thought of that. I didn’t have a claim to her, but I wasn’t ready to give up any chance I might have. “I’m out of here,” I said.

  I couldn’t take any more. I wanted to go home and sulk. I had a bland chicken breast waiting for me.

  “You know, I’m really thirsty, like really, really thirsty and I have an outfit in my locker that would be suitable for grabbing a drink in.”

  She was driving at something. “Are you suggesting you’re going to go to the bar and spy on her?”

  “No, I’m suggesting we go get a drink. I would like to see what the new place is all about. You’re not doing anything, are you?”

  “I don’t know. If she thinks I’m chasing her, it’s not going to end well.” The stalking scenario came to life in my head. I did not want to go through that in real life.

  “If we just happen to run into them, it will look innocent.”

  I hesitated, not sure I wanted to risk her freaking out on me. “I’ll play it safe.”

  “Come on, you are not that big of a coward, are you?”r />
  “I’m not being a coward. I just don’t want to come on too strong. There is a lot of stuff that I need to deal with and being in a bar is not the ideal place.”

  She popped out her bottom lip. “Don’t make me go alone.”

  “I’m not dressed for a night at a bar.”

  “You’re wearing jeans. You’re a guy. That’s all you have to do.”

  I did want to talk to Alora. I wanted the chance to explain everything. I needed to tell her who I was and let her know the situation with Fran was all one-sided. I wanted nothing to do with the woman. She was the one coming on too strong. If Alora never came back to the gym, I would not get the chance to talk to her again. It wasn’t like I could go see her at home. Her father would never let me through the door.

  “Fine. I’ll go.”

  She squealed and hopped off her stool. “Give me five minutes and don’t you dare leave me.”

  She rushed off, leaving me to reconsider my decision. I wasn’t big on bars. It always led to a lot of guys trying to see who had the biggest dick. I hated the confrontations. I preferred to drink at home or not at all.

  “Ready!” Bunny said, rushing back out.

  She was wearing a simple black dress that accentuated her figure. She really was a pretty woman and sexy as hell, but not for me. I only had eyes for one woman.

  “Let’s do this.”

  “I’ll drive.”

  “My truck is here.”

  “And it will be here later. It will be a great excuse for you to say you don’t have a ride. I’ll ditch you if it will help.”

  I had no idea why she was trying to put me together with Alora, but I would take the help. I needed it. “Fine.”

  I followed her out to her tiny car. I suddenly had some serious misgiving about getting into the small car. I could fit her car into the bed of my truck. “We’re already late,” she said as she started the engine.

  She threw it into reverse and sped out of the parking lot. I reached for the oh shit handle. “Bunny, I like to drink without a straw. Do not put my face through the windshield.”

  “Relax,” she said and took a corner so hard I slammed my head into the side window. I worried I would have a concussion.

  “The bar isn’t going to close. We have a good six hours.”


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