An Over 60s Love Story (BWWM Billionaire Romance Book 1)

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An Over 60s Love Story (BWWM Billionaire Romance Book 1) Page 9

by BWWM Club

  As the party started winding down and guests started leaving, Rebecca wondered what she was supposed to do. As if he heard her thoughts, George took her hand and pulled her closer to him.

  “Want to see that dojo tonight?”

  She smiled at him, but she was uncertain. She was pretty sure that he wasn’t just talking about the dojo.


  “Oh, why play games? I want you to stay with me tonight. I want you tonight, Rebecca. Won’t you stay with me?”


  Rebecca didn’t know what to say, but she found that there was nothing she had to say, because he kissed her, softly. It wasn’t a long, lingering kiss, but it wasn’t abrupt, either. It was enough to make all the butterflies dance.

  “Yes,” she whispered. Her heart beat so fast in anticipation that she wondered if she could hold it inside herself.

  “Thank heavens. I’ve been wondering how long you would test me like this. Ah, Bethany – I believe you can handle the rest of this? Please let Gerald know that I’ll see him in the morning. I’d like to retire now, my dear.”

  Bethany smiled, and glanced at Rebecca a little uncertainly before smiling at her, too.

  “Of course. I’ll handle the rest of the guests, don’t worry about it.”

  “Thank you. This was a wonderful party, Bethany. I don’t usually enjoy these things, to be honest, but I enjoyed this one.”

  “I don’t think that had much to do with me. But thank you,” said Bethany, and this time, the smile she gave Rebecca was warm.

  “I do have something to show you,” said George, as he led Rebecca away from the ballroom.

  “I bet you do.”

  That startled a laugh from George.

  “No, really. I saw something the other day and it reminded me of you, so I bought it. I have it up here.”

  He held her hand and led her up the stairs, down a corridor, into what seemed like a study.

  “This is where I used to work. I’ve changed it a little. I’m trying to make this a place where I remind myself not to work.”

  “Oh. Oh, I love the paneling. I love the bookshelves. This is really… I love this.”

  “I’m glad you do. I hope you love this, too.”

  He walked to the desk, took out an envelope and handed it to her. Rebecca frowned as she opened it – and a brochure for a cruise fell out.

  “A cruise? What… what is this?”

  “It’s a cruise – a Mediterranean cruise. Of course, we could do it, just the two of us, on the yacht, but… Remember what you told me the other day?”

  She did remember – about how she and Roger had once planned to go on a cruise, but had ended up having to use the money to get Phyllis back on track, and how they had never regretted it.

  She should have known that George had been listening to every word. She shouldn’t be surprised that George had done something about it.

  “Go with me. Let’s do the clichéd thing and go on this cruise.”

  “I… George, this is… I don’t…”

  “I know. You can make up your mind whenever you’re ready but this leaves in three weeks.”


  “Think of it as going with one of your friends, if you like.”

  “But you’re not one of my friends.”

  “Then what am I?”

  He moved close to her, so close that she had to tilt her head up to look at him.

  “What am I, Rebecca?”

  “I... I don’t…”

  “You don’t what?”

  Her heart, it was beating so hard. The butterflies, they were so wild that she could hardly breathe.


  “I want you, Rebecca. I want you more than I thought I would ever want anybody again.”

  She sighed a little when he kissed her, so soft, so gentle, so tender. It was so easy to let go, to let herself lean against him, to welcome how his arms moved around her, how his hands stroked up and down her back.

  “I love your hair. I love how you look tonight. When I saw you tonight, I felt like the luckiest man on the planet.”

  “Oh,” she breathed, and he kissed her again, deeper this time, his teeth tugging at her lip until she sighed against him, moaning softly against his mouth.

  “My bedroom is right through that door. Spend the night with me. Sleep with me. Make love with me. Tell me you want me.”

  He wouldn’t push. She knew he wouldn’t.

  She wanted to. They both knew that she wanted to.

  What was the point of playing games? She was too old for them.

  “Yes,” she told him, and this time, when he kissed her, it was different. She tasted triumph on his lips, as he licked his tongue over her lips, over her teeth, along her mouth. He awakened things in her that she had ignored for so long.

  She wanted him, and the realization of how much she wanted him was a shock.

  “Come,” he told her, and he led her through the door, into the bedroom. He gave her a moment, as if he wasn’t sure if she’d want to back out. She answered the unasked question by stepping up to him, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him, long and sweet, telling him that she wanted him.

  “I want you. I want you to make love to me. This is what I want,” she told him, and she kissed him again, letting the urgency that she felt show, letting him feel it as she tugged at his jacket, pulling it off. She pulled at his tie, loosening it deftly, making him smile.

  “I like this side of you.”

  “Show me how much you like it,” she invited, and he took her hands in his, raised them to his lips and kissed each finger, lingeringly, until she shuddered.

  “I will. Let me show you, then.”

  He reached for the zip and pulled it down slowly, steadily, his fingertips trailing down exposed skin. She sighed when he pulled it off, leaving her in the interestingly engineered lacy teddy that Grace had said was perfect for that illusion of the nip and tuck.

  For a moment, she hesitated. Once he took that off…

  Well, she was fit for her age, but she knew that the women he had been linked with in the last few years, even if only in the press, were all young and firm.

  She looked at him, a little hesitantly, and saw no misgivings. He looked at her as if she was everything he wanted.


  “You’re beautiful, Rebecca.”

  He reached for her and kissed her again. He let her undo his buttons and push his shirt open. He let her spread her hands on his chest and feel how his heart was beating for her.

  He pulled her closer and she gasped as she felt how much he needed her. Oh, he really needed her.

  “I… Let me get out of this.”

  He smiled.

  “I… Could you turn the light off?”

  “It’s only the lamp on. I want to see you.”

  “Yes, but… But just for a minute.”

  He shrugged, obliged, and Rebecca tugged at the hooks behind her, struggling a little. There was a soft chuckle, and she felt hands helping her.


  “I was married for forty years. To the same woman. I know my way around these things,” he told her, and he undressed her all the way, his nimble fingers working at the hooks, peeling it off her, leaving her naked to him.

  The moonlight wasn’t bright, but the pale light didn’t help her hide. But she realized that she didn’t need to hide. He liked what he saw. He liked it a lot, she decided, from how the bulge in the crotch of his pants twitched a uncontrollably.

  Rebecca grinned.

  “Your turn,” she told him.

  “I helped you. It’s only fair for you to help me, don’t you think?”

  Rebecca laughed, but it was a breathless sound as she reached for him, as she undid the buckle of his belt, undid the button, pulled down the zip and pushed his trousers down, past his hips. His boxers didn’t do much to hide his need for her.

  Her heart hammered inside her as she slipped her fingers under the
elastic and pushed it down, lifted it out and over his erection, pulled it down, and he was as naked as she was. She realized that she had been a fool to worry about whether he would still want her if he saw her naked, because looking at him, she wanted him so much that she could hardly breathe. She couldn’t help it. She reached out, touched him, wrapped her fingers around his shaft and stroked him, making him gasp a little.


  His voice was hoarse. She liked hearing that.

  “It’s been a while but I think…”

  She pressed her lips to his tip, let her tongue swirl a swift circle around him, making him groan again. Oh, it had been so long, she’d nearly forgotten how much she had enjoyed…

  She took the head in her mouth and sucked softly, gently.

  Rebecca had never been as vocal in her enjoyment of sex as Grace had been, but she had enjoyed the pleasure of giving pleasure and taking it, and she had missed it, she’d realized. A part of her had been resigned to never feeling it again.

  How foolish she had been!

  She licked up and down his shaft before taking his head into her mouth and sucking again, doing it again and again until his hands were in her hair, pulling her closer, his groans louder, forming her name over and over again.

  “Stop. I need you. I need more.”

  She got to her feet, and he kissed her, long and hard, before cupping her breasts and teasing her nipples, until they were hard and throbbing. He lowered his mouth to her breast and used his mouth on her, making her whimper as if she couldn’t take it, but wanting more, so much more.

  “Don’t stop that. Don’t stop, please. Please…”

  He walked her back towards the bed, pushed her back onto it and kneeled between her legs.


  “My turn,” he told her, spreading her legs and burying his face between them. He licked her until she was quivering for him, her back arching as she reached desperately, eagerly, greedily for the pleasure she wanted.

  “Don’t stop. Don’t stop doing that,” she gasped, and he licked her, again and again, his mouth closing around her hard love button, his fingers playing with her gently, until she got the relief she wanted in a wild explosion of pleasure that made her cry out, over and over again.

  “Oh yes. Yes, you’re beautiful, you’re everything,” he told her as he moved over her, reached for something in the nightstand.

  She smiled when he opened the bottle, but he was about to squeeze it out onto his hand when she took it from him.

  “Let me,” she told him, still trembling. She squeezed a dollop of exotic scented lube in her hand, and she reached for him, wrapped her hand around his throbbing erection and stroked him, her fingers as slick as his manhood.

  “Rebecca, I… That feels too good. I want you. Let me be inside you.”

  She smiled at him and squeezed gently once more before lying back, giving him the invitation he’d asked for.

  He moved over her, kissed her softly as he guided himself inside her, going slowly, gently, until he moved into her. He drew back, rocked his hips gently again, and again, until he was all the way inside her, every motion sending waves of pleasure that had her gasping, pressing kisses to his neck, his shoulder, his face.

  “Tell me if anything doesn’t feel good,” he managed to tell her, his voice tight, his muscles tense.

  “It feels good. You feel so good inside me. Please, don’t stop. I don’t want you to stop.”

  He didn’t stop. He drew back and then pushed into her, still trying so hard to be gentle. But his need for her was beginning to drive him. Her hips rose to move with him, urging him on.

  She wouldn’t break.

  She wanted more.

  She wanted so much more.

  “Don’t be… Please. Harder. Please, George. I need… Please!”

  “God, yes,” he groaned as he drove into her harder, again, and again, encouraged by how her fingers gripped his hair, how her body moved with him.

  “Oh yes, that feels… That’s so good. Don’t stop. Don’t stop that,” she begged, and she begged more as he moved in and out of her again, and again, holding her close as their bodies grew slick with sweat. She held on to him, breathed him in as their hearts thundered against each other. He made love to her, holding her close, cherishing her with his body, giving her what she needed, taking what he needed.

  She held on to him and wrapped her arms around him, rocked against him, taking the pleasure she wanted from him. It grew in her, grew wilder, and wilder, until she felt it so close, again. Oh, God, again.

  “Don’t stop,” she demanded as her nails dug into his back, her teeth on his shoulders, and she took, greedy, free, as the pleasure coiled deep inside her, growing so big until she couldn’t contain it, until it exploded again, making her shudder as if she might break apart, but his arms held her together, held her safe, held her close.

  It was only then that he took what he needed, driving into her again, and again. She felt him get there, his body going still for one long, breathless moment, and he kissed her as he relaxed, his body trembling just as hers still was.

  They gasped for breath, worn out, more spent than they liked to admit, not wanting to move. Rebecca liked the weight of him on her. She was sorry when he pressed a soft kiss to her lips and rolled over. It felt like loss, until he pulled her close, spooned around her, and kissed her neck again.

  “Rebecca,” he whispered, as if to reassure her that he saw her. That he knew her.

  That he cherished her.

  Rebecca sighed, knowing whatever happened next, she would never regret that night. He had given her something special. She would always cherish that, and him.

  Chapter 9

  Rebecca woke up at dawn in an empty bed.

  She hadn't meant to spend the whole night there. She had meant to get up early and leave.

  Apparently, her early was still not as early as George's. She got out of bed, wondered what she was supposed to wear, and found that a robe had been laid out for her.


  She pulled it on, and now that she was up, decided to take a shower and see if she could fix her face up a little bit, and then maybe...

  What? What was the etiquette now? She hadn't done this in so long.


  There was no response. Shrugging, she showered, and found her purse. She had enough of the essentials to fix herself up a bit. Though judging by how George had been the night before, he didn't think she needed any fixing. Wasn't that something!

  At home, she would go outside, do her morning yoga, and then fix herself a light breakfast.

  Well, there was no reason not to do some of it. She wandered out, went up the stairs again, looking for the dojo. It seemed like the place to go if she wanted to get her morning workout in.

  She stopped by a window and saw that the sun was rising fast. It really was amazing how big the grounds were, and how beautifully landscaped. The garden was past the solarium, but there was so much more. There were even topiaries! It was...

  "Surveying your land a little too early, aren't you?"

  Rebecca nearly jumped out of her skin. She whirled around, a hand on her heart.

  "Oh! Gerald, I didn't realize you were here."

  "This is my home. Even if I've moved away and built another home, this will always be my home."

  Okay, so maybe there was some hostility here.

  "I'm sure it is. Why wouldn't it be? You grew up here. So many of your memories are here. I'm sure my daughter feels that way about my cottage, too."

  "It occurs to me that I don't know much about you. We haven't had a chance to talk."

  Rebecca smiled gently.

  "Of course. What would you like to know?"

  "What are you trying to do here?"

  Rebecca frowned.

  "Trying to find the dojo, actually. I was hoping to find something comfortable to wear and do some stretching. I do yoga. I started martial arts, too."

; "Trying to get in my father's good graces?"

  Rebecca held on to her temper.

  "I'm afraid not. I was trying to change my lifestyle after retiring. But it is nice that George is so experienced at it. He offered to show me a few things, even if he says he's not trained to instruct anybody."

  All right, she was babbling a bit. This young man had a way of looking at you that reminded her of her old schoolteacher, whom she had disliked very much indeed. She'd spent her entire career trying to be as unlike him as possible.

  "I see, so you're looking to be my father's... student. I didn't realize that this was supposed to be part of a student's duties."

  Rebecca's mouth fell open in shock.

  Why, that was...

  "Gerald, you're early."

  "I slept here. I suppose I'm still welcome to do that?"

  "Where's Bethany?"

  "She's home. I sent her home."

  Of course you did, thought Rebecca, and felt renewed sympathy for that lovely young woman.

  "Then we'll have our meeting now. Rebecca, I'm sorry, but I get up at dawn. Some habits simply cannot be broken, or so it seems. Would you like to go for a swim before breakfast? You will find something to wear there. And workout gear, and a yoga mat, in case you feel your routine is getting too broken."

  "Oh, that's very sweet of you. Thank you, I will do that."

  She turned away and was about to go down - she could see where the pool was from the window - when George grabbed her hand.

  "You're forgetting something."

  She looked up at him, surprised, and he kissed her, a soft kiss, a lazy kiss that promised that there was no hurry.

  "Oh," she whispered when he raised his head. She didn't look at Gerald.

  "Good morning. I'll finish this and join you for breakfast," he promised, and Rebecca smiled.

  She stopped smiling when she glanced at Gerald, as George turned away, and saw the look in his eyes. She was used to young people looking at her with some level of dislike in their eyes. Even a good teacher had to deal with that. Not everybody would like you, no matter what you did.

  But she had never seen such disdain in anybody eyes, not directed at her. She shivered a little, pulling the robe around her.

  What was wrong with him? What did he think she had done?


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