Claiming the Drakos Heir

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Claiming the Drakos Heir Page 12

by Jennifer Faye

  “I had my brother. He did his best to shield me. He stood up to my father when I wasn’t old enough to do it myself.”

  “I had no idea you and your brother were that close.”

  “We used to be. In fact, we used to play hide-and-seek out in the gardens. I was good at hiding. My brother, not so much. We used to have all sorts of adventures out there.”

  “And this place, it reminds you of those times?” She couldn’t help but ask. She’d noticed he spent a great amount of time either running errands or working in the gardens. If he kept working outside, she was pretty certain the entire grounds, and that was a massive amount of property, would end up being one enormous exotic garden.

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess. My brother inherited the controlling shares of the family business, while I inherited a much smaller share and this estate.”

  “I understand now why you think Seb should be raised here, but what about my sister’s wishes?” Andrina wasn’t here to speak for her herself and without a will, Popi had to do it. Because they might not have been blood relatives, but they were as close as two sisters could be. “She would want her son to know have a mother figure...someone who understands that families come in all shapes and sizes. His family will be different than most of his friends’, but his life will be filled with love that he can always count on.”

  Apollo nodded in agreement. “You are right. So, you think it is best for him to split time between here and Infinity Island?”

  She smiled, knowing she’d finally gotten through to him. And then she nodded.

  “Or you could stay here.”

  “Here?” The smile slipped from her face. Was he serious? “With you?”

  “That’s the general idea, but I can see you don’t like the idea.”

  “It’s just that my’s back on the island.” She loved Seb, but she loved her job too. She didn’t want to have to pick one over the other. And living here with Apollo, knowing the chemistry between them—it was a recipe for disaster.

  “Keep my offer in mind. This mansion is more than big enough for both of us.” He paused as though waiting for her to respond, but she didn’t know what to say. She’d been caught off guard. And so he continued. “Speaking of the mansion, I keep forgetting to tell you that I’ve started a household account in your name.”

  “My name?”

  He nodded. “It’s so you can set up the nursery any way you want. Feel free to paint, buy new drapes or whatever you want. If there isn’t enough, let me know.”

  He was now Seb’s financial guardian. Plus from what she’d gleaned about him on the internet, Apollo came with his own great wealth. Still, it felt weird to take money from him. She was used to standing on her own feet and paying her own way. She’d been doing that ever since she finished college. And she liked her independence.

  But then she realized the money, though under her control, wasn’t for her. It was for the baby. And the nursery really could use an overhaul. The white paint was now yellowing. There were some cracks. And the windows stuck when she tried to open them to let in some fresh air. They definitely needed to be replaced.

  “Thank you. The nursery could use some sprucing up. I’ll try not to spend much.”

  Apollo smiled at her, making her stomach flip. “You don’t have to worry about the money. Do what needs to be done. I’ll cover it.”

  She was used to living on a budget. Things in Apollo’s world—and now Seb’s—were a lot different. “I better get started with the plans. I want to make sure I have time to finish the room.”

  Soon she’d be returning to Infinity Island. She hoped they were able to repair all of the damage from the storm and make it as though it had never happened.

  The truth was that she wasn’t homesick for the island like she’d thought she’d be. In truth, she liked it here at Apollo’s home. And it had nothing to do with living in a mansion that was straight out of the movies. Or the fact that Apollo had insisted on employing a household staff the size of a small army—

  “I must be going.” He abruptly got to his feet. The smile had faded from his face. “I have a new shipment of plants arriving today.”

  “Are you creating your own exotic jungle?” She meant it to tease him, but it did nothing to soften the frown now pulling at his lips.

  “Perhaps.” And with that he walked away.

  She could tell it was killing him to stay here. And that saddened her. When they’d been on Infinity Island, he’d been happier, but now it was like a dark cloud was following him. It wasn’t good for him and it certainly wasn’t good for Seb to see Apollo so unhappy.

  And if Apollo was unhappy living at the estate, it meant when the baby was with her, Apollo would be off on another dangerous adventure. She told herself she was upset on behalf of the baby that would miss him, but she wasn’t that good of a liar. She would miss him too. And she worried that his body wasn’t healed enough and he would reinjure himself.

  While she pondered how or even if it was possible to fix this problem, she drank the last of her coffee and got to her feet. She had a room to make over. It was a task she welcomed. It would keep her from thinking about the sexy man with the eye-catching tattoo that wrapped around his sculpted bicep, and his deep, sexy voice that made her insides melt.

  * * *

  What had he been thinking?

  Two weeks later, the nursery was nearly finished. Popi was astonished at the amount of money Apollo had set aside to redo the room. Even with a rush order for new windows, doors, fixtures and paint, it had barely made a dent in the amount. She’d been about to return the remainder of the funds, but then she had a thought.

  What if she was to give the rest of the home a makeover?

  At first she’d dismissed the idea. As this wasn’t her home, it wasn’t up to her to redecorate. But something told her Apollo never would. It wasn’t his thing. He spent almost every waking hour outdoors.

  But she could see how uncomfortable he was when he was inside. He’d frown at a portrait and then turn away. He’d avoid the study altogether. There were many rooms which he didn’t visit or would only step into for just a moment or two.

  As the idea took root, she just couldn’t dismiss it. If she could help Apollo get past his bad memories and not have them constantly pop up in his mind, she felt compelled to do it. What else could she do until Infinity Island was back up and running? She wasn’t used to having idle time.

  Organizing and creating visions was her job. Sure, she normally did it in the form of a wedding, but she was certain she could take those skills and create a home that didn’t make Apollo feel like running back to the Amazon as soon as he walked in the door. Or keep him outside digging up more and more of the grounds to create the biggest and most impressive garden in the region. People were starting to say that the gardens were going to rival the mansion in size and elaborateness. And Popi had to agree. The gardens were breathtaking.

  So, that evening at dinner, Popi brought up the subject of repainting and updating some of the other rooms with the extra money. Apollo gave her the go-ahead with his blessing.

  And so she started in a wing that Apollo didn’t visit. One room led to another room, putting portraits and decorative pieces in storage and replacing them with pieces more in line with Apollo’s tastes, from animal prints to foliage paintings. The paint on the wall was warmer, and accent walls with vibrant colors were done.

  A few weeks later, she’d completed a cosmetic makeover of the east wing of the mansion, but she wasn’t ready to show Apollo what she’d accomplished—not yet. She wanted to work on the study first.

  When the house phone rung, Popi rushed for it. But when she picked it up, Apollo spoke before she could. Popi remained quiet. She was expecting a call from the home-interiors store about some specialty wallpaper that she’d chosen to create a very special
accent wall in Apollo’s study. She waited to see if this was in fact the store calling.

  “Apollo, is that you?”

  There was a slight pause.


  “It’s me, buddy. I hadn’t heard from you in a while—”

  Popi was disappointed that the call wasn’t about the order, as they couldn’t progress with the study until she was certain the store could get enough of a particular wallpaper. Hopefully they would call soon. If she could get Apollo to relax in his home, maybe he wouldn’t be so eager to head out on his next adventure.

  Popi moved to hang up the phone when something caught her attention. The man, Matias, said, “ joining me on my next safari. And I’m just about to head out.”

  “A safari. I’ve always wanted to do that but never had the chance.”

  “Well, this is your chance.”

  “So it is.”

  That’s all Popi needed to hear. Her hand moved quickly to slam down the phone in frustration, but she stopped herself just before placing the phone on the receiver. Instead she hung up gently, all the while mulling over what she’d learned.

  So nothing they’d shared meant anything to him. He was just putting in time until what? The baby was comfortable with the household staff? Or was he going to ask her to watch Seb every time he got the urge for an adventure?

  The blood warmed in her veins. Sure, she’d love having the extra time with Seb, but the baby wasn’t a possession to be passed around at will. Eventually Seb would start asking questions. She was about to go momma bear on Apollo. He needed to be a devoted parent to Seb, not just a guardian of the child’s vast inheritance. If that was too much for Apollo to handle, then she would raise Seb on her own.

  And then there was the thing between them. The way he looked at her when he didn’t think she was paying attention and the way he flirted with her, it had to mean something, right? Or was she building up this relationship in her mind when in fact it was nothing to him? Something to pass the time? Or was it something more sinister? Was he trying to win her over so that she wouldn’t fight him for the baby?

  She immediately dismissed the idea. Apollo may not see a future for them, but he wasn’t devious. He was kind. And he was thoughtful. She’d never believe that he had an ulterior motive.

  Did that make her foolish? She hoped not. But she needed to stop concentrating so much on making this stone-cold mansion into a warm, inviting home and worry more about getting back to Infinity Island.

  She rushed downstairs to confront him, but as she searched room after room, she realized that she’d missed him. Seb shouldn’t be left with a nanny. He needed to live with her on Infinity Island, where there was an entire village of extended family and friends. She dialed the number of her attorney—the one who had handled things after her sister and brother-in-law’s deaths.

  Popi probably should have waited to phone until she’d calmed down. Maybe then she wouldn’t have had to pay the attorney’s steep fees to listen to her vent about Apollo, their messy situation and her concerns about him leaving the country.

  She didn’t want Apollo to leave. She thought that they were growing closer. But had she only seen what she wanted? Was Apollo the same carefree, free spirit he’d always been?


  HE NEEDED OUT of the house.

  The only problem was, he hadn’t wanted to walk out the door.

  Apollo’s car sped down the road. He never thought he would want to stay at the mansion. But it wasn’t the same place as when he was growing up. It was different now—now that Popi and Seb were there. The sound of laughter was now common around the house. And each morning all the drapes were pulled back, flooding the mansion with bright, rejuvenating sunshine.

  At first he’d started working on the neglected gardens as a way of getting out of the house, but now he had to force himself to go work on the project. He’d much rather stay inside and follow Popi around. But he knew that was a fool’s errand.

  Popi was planning to leave the estate—leave him—just as soon as Infinity Island’s updates were completed. The closer the time for her departure came, the more he realized he didn’t want her to leave.

  He’d even considered giving her a reason to stay—with him. The only reason he’d resisted the urge was knowing he couldn’t give her what she wanted. Long-term relationships didn’t work out for him. Every one that he’d had ended in disaster. And he wouldn’t subject Seb to a broken home.

  Apollo slowed the car as he neared the bistrot where he was to meet up with Matias. He found a parking spot on the busy street and slipped his black Greek supercar into the spot.

  As he walked into the darkened bistrot, he realized he should have turned Matias down on the phone. His life had changed and his wings had been clipped.

  An image of Seb filled his mind. He knew that giving up his old nomadic ways was for the best. He loved Seb with all his heart. But sometimes he let himself imagine what his next adventure might entail—until his thoughts turned to holding Seb in his arms. Then Apollo knew he was right where he belonged—embarking on the most important adventure of his life.

  Matias waved from across the room.

  Apollo made his way to him, ordering a dark ale on his way. He took a seat across the table from a friend he’d made while trekking through Nepal. He’d met so many interesting people along his travels. In an effort to keep people from flocking to him because of his family’s fortune, he typically used his mother’s maiden name. Some would exchange information, along with a promise to keep in contact, but it was rare he would hear from anyone again. Matias was different.

  They had kept in contact over the past eight years. Like him, Matias’s family was influential in Madrid. It made it easy for them to open up to each other because neither wanted anything from the other. And along the way, they found they had a lot in common, like avoiding commitments, not living up to family expectations and enjoying the thrill of an adventure.

  “Hey, man.” Matias got to his feet. They clutched hands, pulled each other close and, with their free hands, clapped each other on the back. They quickly pulled apart. “It’s good to see you, man. I mean it’s really good to see you.”

  “Thanks. I’m surprised to see you in Athens.”

  “I’m just passing through. After I heard about your accident, I wanted to see that you’re truly in one piece.”

  They both sat down and a waitress brought their drinks. Apollo took a sip of the dark brew. “Yeah. That was a bad one. Doctors weren’t sure if I was going to make it or not.”

  “I would have been there for you if I had known about it.”

  Apollo shook off the idea. “There was nothing you could do. Nothing anyone could do. It just took time.”

  “And so you’ve decided to spend some time at home?”

  With reluctance, he told Matias about his brother’s death and the new baby. He skimmed over the subject of Popi. He wasn’t sure how to describe his relationship with her. Was that right? Did they have a relationship?

  His mind slipped back to the steamy kisses they’d shared. And they’d have shared so much more if not for her pregnancy. But did that equate to a relationship?

  Then again, they were sharing a home. And they were sharing a baby, not to mention the time they spent gardening together and the meals they shared. The more these facts piled up, the harder it got for him to stick his head in the sand and refuse to accept what was right in front of him.

  He was involved in a romantic relationship with Popi. And he was committed to being a full-time father to Seb.

  His heart stilled for a moment as the significance of this acknowledgment settled in his mind. But where did it go from here? Where did he want it to go? Would Popi stay at the estate with him if he asked her?

  “Hey.” Matias waved his hand in front of Apollo, gaining his attention. �
��Where’d you go?”

  “What?” He had no idea what Matias had been saying. That wasn’t like him. But this was a situation that he’d never been in before. “Sorry. I guess I just have a lot on my mind.”

  “It sounds like it. So, what’s her name?”

  Apollo frowned. “Why do you just assume it’s a woman?”

  “Because I know you. And there’s a look on your face—”

  “What look?”

  Matias smiled and shook his head. “Never mind.”

  “I do mind. What look?”

  “Like you’re a lovesick pup—”

  “I’m not!” The denial came so quick and so vehemently that even he didn’t believe it.

  Matias’s eyes widened as he held up his hands. “Hey, you asked.” He glanced down at the table. “So, back to the reason for my visit. How soon are you ready to set off on a new excursion? I’ve got guides set up for a walking safari. We’ll get up close and personal with the wildlife.”

  It was something that Apollo had never done. And it was something that he’d always wanted to do. But he’d never found it challenging enough. Until now, he’d always wanted to push himself to the edge. But with this last adventure, he’d gotten too close to the edge and it had cost him.

  The safari was exactly what he needed while his body continued to heal. But that would mean leaving Seb. That was something he couldn’t do. It was up to him to look after the little guy. And more than that—he’d miss Seb something awful.

  He shook his head. “I can’t, man.”

  “You mean because of your injuries?”

  “No. I mean I’m still not one hundred percent, but I have the baby now. I have to put him first. I owe that much to my brother.”

  But that wasn’t exactly the truth. His desire to stay here in Athens wasn’t born out of duty but rather out of desire. He wanted to stay home—to be there with Seb—and Popi. To share his life with them.

  Matias stared at him. “Is that the only reason holding you here?”


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