The Royal Beauty

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The Royal Beauty Page 5

by V Vee

  With those words she turned and marched away. Augustus stared after her, his jaw hanging open. He’d never seen Valerie so fierce and obstinate. A wave of admiration swept through him, and Augustus found himself giving her a smile with the curl of the left side of his lips. Though Valerie didn’t turn around to acknowledge him, he felt as though she could sense his… approval. His admiration. His… respect.

  Hmmm, it appears I have pegged many American women incorrectly.

  When he looked over to Alfie his younger brother was shaking his head. “Dude, what the gracvor is your problem?? Why would you poke the bear??”

  Augustus let out a loud laugh as he reached over to pat his brother on the shoulder. “I do believe, Alf, we have just discovered one of the reasons our eldest brother is so smitten with his wife. And why they have lasted as long as they have,” he said with a chuckle.

  Alfie turned his head and looked after Valerie who was now sitting in a chair at the top of the stairs, just outside of the palace doors, one of the servants must have brought out for her. He tilted his head to the side for just a moment before he looked back at Augustus, his eyes gleaming. “Oh yeah, Val’s definitely not simply a pretty face,” he agreed.

  “Indeed, she is not.”

  Augustus was prevented from saying anything else as one of the black town cars that were used by the royal family, complete with the royal crest on the side and with a golden griffin image at the front—the lion’s face opened in a roar, and its wings spread out majestically—drove up the drive. Augustus put a hand up to his chest briefly when his heart began to thunder wildly, as if trying to escape his body. His hands grew sweaty, while his mouth got dry. All of these contrasting reactions to a woman he’d only met the one time.

  “What do you think it is?” Alfie asked in a soft voice when the town car came to a stop in front of them.

  “Hmm?” Augustus hummed, impatient for the women to disembark. Okay, it was only one woman but, really, could anyone blame him for wanting to see her?

  “Why do you think we’re so anxious to see them again? Why are we desperate to speak to them? I’ve never felt this way about a Malvidencian woman, and yet, these American women have us so completely tied up in knots.”

  Augustus opened his mouth to reply, maybe to even deny his baby brother’s words that he was desperate or “tied up in knots” about Helen’s arrival, but then the driver walked around to open the back doors and Augustus got his first glimpse of Helen’s stockinged leg, foot embraced by a black stiletto. All thought left his mind as he dragged his gaze up her legs, her emerging frame, and…

  That beautiful face.

  “Fuck,” he breathed out.

  “Oh yeah, now I remember,” Alfie murmured next to him and Augustus merely nodded.

  Helen was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen in his life and her inner being matched the outer as well. She was stunning. Gorgeous. Amazing. Astonishing. Magnificent. Sexy. Seductive. Innocent. Attractive. All of those things mixed together, making up the most heavenly creature he’d ever had the pleasure of meeting.

  And that’s not an exaggeration.

  Chapter Six

  He watched as Augustus and Alfie walked over to greet Helen and Laeticia. He didn’t understand what the two women saw in the two princes. They were spoiled. Arrogant. Thought they were alphas. Thought they were untouchable. But no one was untouchable. He could get to any of them. He could kill them all and he’d been close too. While the shooting at the airport had caused a stir, only he and those close to him knew it was a distraction.

  Algerone had not been his intended target. Nor was his American wife or their American children. If push came to shove, he knew that Algerone would give it all up for his family. For his wife. His children. His love.

  Which is exactly what he planned on.

  One by one he would take out Algerone’s younger siblings and even his parents. Whether through death, blackmail—he thought of the letter he’d sent to Andreas and barely suppressed the grin that wanted to take over his face—financial ruin, scandal, or guilt, he would take out each member of the Smythe royal family until Algerone and his family were all that was left. Only then would he reveal himself, and Algerone would happily hand over the crown, the throne, and the kingdom to the true owner. To the real ruler. And he would return much of the land to the original inhabitants—the people of Waldakan, his people… well, partially—while ruling as he’d been destined to.

  He refocused his attention on the couples who were reuniting and inclined his head at Danorian who stood at attention at the doors of the palace. At the wink from the other man, he climbed into the town car and went to pull it into the garage.

  His plan would continue that very week.

  Enjoy your time with your beloved, Helen of Troy, Augustus, he thought, she doesn’t even realize she carries the source of your demise within her.

  Chapter Seven

  Helen looked up at the imposing figure of the Malvidencian palace and swallowed back the nervousness that rose up in her throat. While she’d traveled to many different countries thanks to her job and the clients she represented, this was the first time she’d ever been to a real, bonafide palace.

  Wow. No wonder Val wanted us to come visit her here.

  “Holy fucking shit,” Laeticia breathed next to her in the backseat. “This place is fucking swanky.” She shook her head. “Val has really come up.”

  Helen snorted. “She was already living in a mansion back home, Teesh. This may be a palace but she’s sharing it with her in-laws and a bunch of servants. I’m sure she and the kids prefer their old place.”

  Laeticia snorted. “I wouldn’t.” She took the final sip of the glass of champagne she’d filled—and refilled three times—since they’d been picked up from the airport. “I wouldn’t mind spreading my legs and letting one of those princes knock me up a couple of times to get access to all of this.”

  Helen looked over at Laeticia in surprise. A sliver of jealousy shot through her. “You do mean you wouldn’t mind Prince Aelfraed knock you up, don’t you? Not any of the princes?”

  Laeticia shrugged then looked over at Helen, giving her a small smirk. “Either of them would work. I mean, yeah, I like Alfie. He’s fun, but…” she shook her head. “He’s not the one.”

  Helen frowned at her friend. While she would never judge any one—at least not out loud—she was disappointed in Laeticia’s words. Everyone in their little group of friends knew Laeticia was very sexually confident and free, they’d never had a problem with it, and had even encouraged her to go for it. Especially when Laeticia had revealed her painful past. But Helen had been sure that Alfie had been “it” for the older woman. She’d certainly made it seem that way.

  “You have a ‘one’?” Helen teased rather than mention her own worries that perhaps her best friend was misleading the youngest prince.

  Laeticia laughed loudly and set her glass back on the bar. She shrugged. “I certainly hope so. Else, why the fuck am I doing all of this?”

  Helen held back her words of caution and censure when she detected the sound of loneliness and yearning in Laeticia’s voice. There was something else going on here. Something she was missing when it came to her best friend, but before she could question it, they were coming to a stop directly in front of the palace. The circular driveway was long and surrounded by guards and pink trumpet trees, interspersed with hanging willows. While it had all been beautiful and spectacular, nothing was as amazing to look at as the tall, broad-shouldered, handsome man standing at the foot of the steps waiting for her.

  For them. Not her. She was nothing special. They had nothing special going on.

  Yeah. That’s what she meant.

  Just keep telling yourself that lie, her subconscious mocked.

  Ignoring the taunting tone of her conscience, as well as the memories which had surfaced of her parents’ lies to her, Helen opened the door and stepped out. She took a moment, sliding her eyes closed an
d lifting her face to the sunshine, to appreciate being alive and in such a gorgeous place, before she opened her eyes and found her gaze connecting with Augustus.

  Augustus who was heading directly for her.

  Her heart beat frantically in her chest and Helen had to stifle her sudden urge to check her appearance.

  Vanity, vanity. All is vanity.

  “You look amazing,” Augustus breathed, taking her hand in his and placing a kiss on the back of it.

  “Th-thank you,” Helen whispered.

  “I’m so glad you are here,” he told her, still holding onto her hand, his gaze not leaving hers.

  “Y-you are?” she asked aloud.

  Augustus nodded. “I missed you.”

  Helen offered him a small smile. “You barely know me,” she pointed out with a small chuckle.

  “I know enough.”

  “Enough for what?”

  Augustus stepped even closer, wrapping an arm around her waist, his other hand coming up to caress her cheek. “Enough to know you were made for me.”

  “Ohhh,” Helen breathed. She watched as Augustus lowered his head to kiss her, her own eyes sliding closed as she lifted her lips to accept it.

  “Hell. No!” Valerie’s protest cracked the air, causing Helen and Augustus to jump slightly away from each other.

  Helen’s face burned hotly with embarrassment, sure that her brown skin held a tinge of red beneath it. She peered around Augustus’ shoulder at her other best friend who was heading directly for them. Helen had always been in awe of Valerie. Her best friend who was beautiful, talented, intelligent, and independent—seemed to glow and shine even brighter when she was pregnant. If Helen hadn’t found out what she had from her own parents this past year, then perhaps she would have allowed herself a moment to fantasize about what it would feel like to be pregnant. But, she couldn’t.

  It’s too dangerous for you to think that way, she reminded herself.

  With that aide-mémoire, Helen stepped out of Augustus’ embrace and raced towards Valerie, not looking back over her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around the other woman, exclaiming over how beautiful she looked. She smiled at Laeticia when the other woman stepped up to join in on the reunion. Helen kept her attention focused on Valerie and off the man whose gaze she could feel heating up the back of her body, spreading that warmth until it rested deep in her center.

  “Come, ladies,” Valerie said with a wide grin. “We have much to discuss and catch up on.”

  “Hell yeah we do, but first, can a sista get like a mimosa, or a shot of whatever bougie wine you royals drink up in this shit?” Laeticia asked with a smile.

  Valerie laughed, even as Helen frowned at Laeticia’s desire to continue drinking so early in the day. “Girl, you know I got you,” Valerie replied with a wink, before taking both of their arms and leading them away.

  Helen tried not to glance back over her shoulder at the handsome prince as she followed Valerie into the palace, but she was helpless to do so. The look of admiration, desire and… lust, were almost enough to make her stumble, but it was the steely glint of determination and challenge that caused her to straighten her spine and follow her best friends inside without a backwards glance.

  Her friends didn’t even know what was going on, and when she told them she was sure they would have some choice words for her parents, care and concern for her, as well as advice filled with caution. It was what Helen needed. She needed to be cared for, and she needed to stay away from Augustus.

  No matter what her heart said.

  Chapter Eight

  Months Before

  Lady Taylor Weshian

  Taylor watched as he got dressed and, without looking back at her, left the room. She could still feel his hot, sticky cum dripping down her thighs. A part of her knew she should feel used. Ashamed.


  But as she plumbed the depths of her soul, she realized she felt… nothing. That’s what they had done to her. Those goddamn Smythes. They’d ripped every ounce of human emotion—sympathy, compassion, remorse—away from her. She was empty. She was devoid of feelings.

  She was resolute.

  She had a goal. A purpose. A reason to survive. To live. To keep fighting.

  And he was going to help her accomplish it.

  That throne belonged to her. And she would have it.

  She glanced over at Augustus Smythe. The second heir to the throne. He was no Crowned Prince Algerone, but he would do in a pinch.

  She slapped him and giggled when he did not respond. Reaching over she twisted his flat, brown nipples, smiling maniacally when he merely frowned at her ministrations, yet still did not wake. Looking over her shoulder, her eyes fell upon the sharp, mini-dagger which sat upon her nightstand. She could do it. Slit his throat right here, in her bed, with none the wiser.

  She picked up the weapon and examined its sharpened tip and edges. She leaned back over Augustus and ran the flat side against his torso, tracing her name in his flesh, without leaving a mark. When she nicked his stomach and his tanned skin began to bleed slightly, Taylor tilted her head to the side as she watched.




  And so, so, so turned on.

  Looking down at her own pale peach-toned body, Taylor spread her legs and ran the side of her dagger along the inside of her left thigh, hissing and moaning at the pain left in the weapon’s wake. She shivered and considered doing it again, only to stop when her father walked into the room. He looked at her naked body with an appreciative gaze before looking over at Augustus who slept on. Unaware of what was taking place around him.

  “It’s done then?” her father asked.

  Taylor nodded. “Yes, it is.”

  “And you’re sure you are pregnant?”

  Taylor bobbed her head in assurance once again. “Positive, Daddy.”

  She saw the way his blue eyes flared at her use of that name. Oh, she knew others would think her relationship with her father was disgusting. Taboo.


  And it was one of the main things she found so… delicious about the whole thing.

  “Good,” he said before inclining his head back at Augustus. “Well, make yourself comfortable, my future princess and future queen. The effects of the drug will wear off soon and you want to make sure you’re in position.”

  Taylor nodded and with a final glance at her nude form, her father left. Taylor sighed and glanced down at Augustus. Her lips twisted into an ugly sneer as she held the dagger up and poised above his heart. Her hands were calm. Steady. Controlled.


  And yet, she did not bring them down to plunge the dagger into his heart. She simply shook her head and shoved the weapon beneath her pillow.

  “One day, I will,” she promised the drugged man. He began to moan and stir, and Taylor hurriedly lay down on the bed, her head on his chest. She pulled the bedsheets over them. “One day soon I will kill you, and your entire family, Prince Augustus,” she murmured softly, as she closed her eyes.

  While her leg continued to bleed onto the pristine white sheets.

  Chapter Nine

  Present Day

  Augustus stared at Helen where she stood with Valerie and Laeticia on the other side of the sitting room talking. It seemed as if he were always watching her from across a room. Wanting. He was sick of it. He was ready to claim what was his.

  He’d just taken a step in her direction when Algerone walked into his path. Augustus released a sigh of frustration and watched as Helen smiled widely at something Valerie was saying. He glared at his younger brother who simply shook his head at him.

  “Nope. Sorry, little brother.” Algerone shrugged. “I have been given strict orders by zul ruĝa to prevent you from corrupting or tainting her friend and manager.”

  Augustus frowned, then glanced back over to the women. He grimaced when Valerie merely raised her champagne flute, filled with apple juice, in his dire
ction with a smug grin. Returning his attention to Algerone he groaned.

  “Come now, saghirr bruthrar,” he pleaded. “You would really cock-block this way?”

  Algerone let out a deep chuckle. He jerked his head in the direction of his wife and quirked an eyebrow. “To keep that woman happy after everything I put her through?” He nodded. “You bet your ass I would.” He patted Augustus on the back. “Just think of it this way, you have stated, more than once I might add, that you have no plans to marry. Not to appease our parents, nor to shackle yourself to one woman for the rest of your life.” He shrugged. “Valerie and I are merely saving you the hassle of making a mistake. If you continue to pursue Helen, she’s not going to be accepting of a one-night stand. She’s going to want the whole kit-n-caboodle. Marriage, kids, a suite in the palace with her husband… happily ever after. And you’re not open to giving that to her… right?”


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