Taming My Rebel: A Dragon Shifter Romance

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Taming My Rebel: A Dragon Shifter Romance Page 23

by Sadie Sears

  My eyes snapped open as the flickering gossamer wisps of white light dimmed around us, and Chloe, Ash and the others all seemed to have frozen in place as they watched Mae and me.

  “Dude.” Ash spoke but immediately plunged a small dagger into a demon then spun around to continue his fight with another. Even when there were no more demons left, his chest heaved, and his empty fist tightened and released at his side with unspent energy.

  Chloe wrapped her arms around us, claiming Mae and me in a huge hug. “You did it,” she whispered, her eyes shining suspiciously. “And you’re beautiful again, too. Nice job.”

  I chuckled, surprised at the sense of freedom inside me. “You look dangerously close to tears, Chloe,” I teased her, but she shook her head.

  “Nuh-uh. Hard as nails pub owners don’t cry.” Then she glanced at the men still in the room and the oil slick of leftover demon on the floor. “Besides, I have too much to do here. I can’t waste time emoting.”

  I chuckled again, the sound louder and so much freer than usual without the weight on my chest. I lifted my hand and rubbed where the weight usually sat.

  “What’s wrong?” Mae’s brow immediately furrowed in concern.

  “I don’t know.” I hesitated. “Something’s missing.”

  Chloe barked out a laugh as she stepped away. “You mean like a demon? Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.”

  I chuckled again, still surprised with the ease at which I could do that. “We should go. Take your grandma somewhere safe.” I looked at Mae as an urge to claim her properly consumed me.

  As if reading my thoughts, her cheeks flushed pink.

  I bent toward her, murmuring so only she’d hear me. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to rip your clothes off in public.”

  She giggled but her breathing rate increased, pushing her breasts against my chest, and my cock stiffened painfully.

  I held her against me to hide my arousal, but when she wriggled a little, it didn’t help my situation.

  “What are we going to do with that, though?” Mae gestured quickly at Saul’s dragon, and I hesitated.

  I’d never seen a dead dragon, and I had no idea how we evaded discovery if we died in dragon form.

  “Surely he’ll shift back?” I voiced my statement as a question because I wasn’t sure at all. There was still a lot about this world I didn’t know, but I’d make it my mission to understand now that I’d brought Mae into it and defeated my demon.

  My family’s future was too important to leave to chance—because I had no doubt I’d have a family now that I held my mate in my arms.

  “Oh, he won’t.” Chloe spoke the words casually as she strode to the dragon and nudged her foot against his huge right wing where it hung askew toward the floor. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a desperate last act by a dragon, though—literally forcing his way back.”

  She bent toward him and seemed to count the scales at the base of his back, where it tapered into his tail. Then she took hold of the edge of one and tugged. Mae gasped as it slid easily from the tessellated grip of the others. As soon as she held it in her hands, Saul’s dragon began to disintegrate, falling softly to the floor in a pile of red ash.

  “Much better.” She handed the scale off to Keir. “Hold this for me. I’ll find a spot on the wall at the pub for it after we get this room cleaned up.” She looked at me, meaning heavy in her gaze. “Draven, you don’t need to be here for this part. I’m sure there are things you need to do?”

  I glanced at Mae who flushed again. “Oh, I’m sure there’s at least one thing I need to do,” I agreed.

  “Feel free to come and find me later if you have any questions.” Chloe offered us a quick wave before returning her focus to the men in the room. “Ash, see if you can scare up a broom. Keir, don’t drop that scale. It belongs on the wall of the fallen.”

  Keir glanced down, his scar seeming to deepen as he scowled.

  “Don’t be like that,” Chloe chastised him. “Saul was taken by his demon. Still fallen, even if less than noble. And his dragon fought for survival in the end—even if it was all in vain.”

  I nodded. But Saul had deserved everything Mae had dished out.

  “Ryo, Nox…” Chloe continued speaking, about to issue more commands, but I closed the front door behind us, missing the next instruction to the other dragons.

  I tightened my arm around Mae, keeping her close as she held the hand of her grandma.

  “You okay, Grandma?” She sounded concerned, but I glanced over her head at the feisty lady on her other side.

  “Wowwee, you bet I am. Did you see all those hot young men?” Her grandma fanned herself. “Almost makes an old lady want to take up romance novel writing.” She slid me a glance. “That said, I’m guessing I still have plenty of inspiration right here if I need to craft a fearless hero.”

  My cheeks heated, and Mae nudged her grandma gently. “Eyes off my man, Grandma. Maybe I need to get you home to your life art classes and poker nights sooner than I thought.” But she laughed.

  I cleared my throat. “Is it okay if I arrange the guestroom for you at my place? I’m a little too tired to drive into town.” I almost squeezed my eyes closed against the lie.

  Her grandma chuckled, the sound full of knowing. “I bet you both need a nap. I’ll find something to do to amuse myself in your house, I’m sure.”

  I sighed as a memory of the interior hit me. “Uh, it’s a bit of a mess right now.” I’d understated it, but I was pretty sure she’d understand after everything she’d just witnessed.

  I grinned to myself, after all, it could have been a lot worse. I dreaded to think how we’d left Saul’s house. There probably wasn’t a stick of usable furniture left in that huge living room. But Chloe was handling all of that. Chloe and her motley clean-up crew.

  I gripped Mae’s hand tighter as I walked toward the motorcycle I’d left out here earlier. Felt like a million years ago. Luckily, it wasn’t too far to push it to my house, and I was kind of looking forward to the walk.

  Either that, or the things that would have irritated me in the past no longer did. My dragon snorted gently at all of my introspection, and I grinned wider.



  Something had changed inside me. Like a new awareness or a new side of myself had been revealed.

  It’s me. Aro’s voice whispered inside my mind. We’re joined now.

  I barked a laugh of surprise.

  “What is it?” Draven looked at me, curiosity in his gaze.

  “Didn’t you hear that?”

  He shook his head and shrugged. Then he cocked his head as though listening to something, and a slow grin spread over his face. He leaned closer. “Apparently I’m a fool for not claiming you sooner,” he murmured as he squeezed my hand.

  He opened the door and ushered Grandma and me into his house. My gaze wandered to the stairs. Sex had always been an itch to scratch before, but now I couldn’t wait to have Draven inside me.

  I glanced at Grandma, and my face warmed when I found her already watching me. “Go and take your nap,” she said. “I can see that I’ve got enough to keep me busy down here for the next few hours.” Then she grimaced. “Maybe even a few days.”

  I leaned forward and kissed her soft cheek. “Thank you, Grandma.”

  “Oh, nonsense. I haven’t done anything.” But a proud smile took control of her lips.

  And we both knew she’d done everything.

  “Now go upstairs.” She switched her focus to Draven. “You look pretty beat, too.”

  He nodded but didn’t seem to be able to bring himself to voice a lie.

  I walked toward the stairs and began to climb them. So much had changed in just a few hours. I walked to the bedroom I’d slept in before and stopped at the doorway, looking in, remembering how I’d felt the very first time I walked in here. Scared and alone, but with that feeling of possibility like something great was about to happen. I couldn’t have guessed, thoug

  Draven put his hands on my hips and leaned in to kiss the side of my neck. “I thought you might like to see my room.”

  His deep voice drew a delicious shiver of anticipation from low in my belly, and I turned to face him. “If you like.” I shrugged and kept my voice deliberately casual.

  “I’d like it very much indeed.” He pressed another kiss to the side of my neck, his tongue darting out to touch my skin, and I sighed.

  I’d go anywhere with him. He didn’t even need to ask.

  He took my hand and walked the short distance down the hall to his room before throwing the door open. Then he bent slightly and lifted me into his arms, cradling me against his chest.

  “What are you doing?” I huffed a laugh of surprise as I got my first good look at his room.

  It was a symphony of dark colors—dark wood furniture was matched with dark gray walls and black soft furnishings and bed covers. The room held Draven’s natural warm, smoky scent, but it was spiced with hints of leather. I took a deep breath and drew it into my chest.

  It was the only room untouched by his violence of the past days, probably saved because I’d never been in here.

  He lowered me carefully, so my feet touched the floor. “Hello,” he said softly as he cupped my left cheek.

  I leaned into his touch and laid my hand over his. “Hello,” I replied.

  His lips touched mine with infinite gentleness, and I pressed upward, greedy for his kiss. He pushed his other hand into my hair, letting strands twine between his fingers as he clutched it in a light grasp, and he groaned against my mouth as I pushed myself closer against him.

  He was hard against me, and the knowledge he wanted me excited me.

  He broke the kiss. “Of course I want you.”

  “What, how did you…? I didn’t say anything.”

  He furrowed his brow briefly. “I don’t know.” He shrugged. “But it doesn’t matter. I want you madly.” He kissed my cheek. “Completely.” He kissed my other cheek. “Totally.” He kissed my mouth before peppering my face and neck with kisses, and I giggled at the onslaught.

  Then he slowed down before returning his mouth to mine and taking his time as he slid his lips from the corner of my mouth until he gently probed his tongue into the confines and caressed the delicate skin inside. I moaned, and the sound galvanized him as he rested his hands over my butt and urged my hips forward until I pressed firmly against his hard-on. He ground a little against me, and I gasped.

  “Scratch that idea of want. I need you.” His whisper was hoarse and filled with that need, and I nodded as I tugged his T-shirt free from his jeans and slid my hands over his chest, the sprinkling of hair there tickling against my palms.

  His muscles flexed under my touch, and I laughed quietly, enjoying the effect I had on him.

  “Only you,” he murmured as he bent close for another kiss. There was a desperation in the way he kissed me, but he didn’t override his finesse, and I enjoyed the slightly wild note—like he could lose control at any moment over me.

  He tugged at my T-shirt, and I automatically held my arms up as it skimmed over my arms, and he threw it somewhere off the side. His own shirt quickly followed.

  He looked down, gazing at my breasts as they moved up and down with my breathing, and he opened his mouth like he might say something, but instead he skimmed his fingertips over the curve of my skin and toward the lace edge of my bra.

  I caught my breath at the reverence in his touch.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured softly, but he wasn’t talking to me. He appeared to be talking only to himself, and it was as if time had slowed for him as he seemed content to just draw shapes over my skin with his fingers, raising goosebumps where he touched.

  Then he bent toward me and kissed a line of fire along my collarbone before moving down my chest and flicking his tongue where he’d moved his fingers only moments before.

  Dropping lower, he pressed the flat of his tongue to the fabric of my bra over my nipple, and I pushed my fingers into his hair, holding him close as he teased me. His warm breath fanned over my skin and his fingers fumbled my bra clasp before the straps fell from my shoulders, and I was revealed to him.

  “Beautiful,” he said again, and cupped one of my breasts as he drew my nipple into his warm mouth before turning his attention to the other.

  I arched against him and closed my eyes, absorbing all of the delicious sensation filtering through me and my new closeness with Draven.

  He straightened and his gaze met mine. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” But it went beyond love. Somehow, we’d crossed from being complete strangers to being fated to each other, and now I couldn’t imagine one moment of my life without him.

  Never taking his gaze from mine, he unfastened my jeans before allowing them to drop to the floor. Then, nudging me gently backward, he walked me to the edge of the bed before throwing the comforter back and sitting me on the sheet-covered mattress.

  He dropped to the floor between my legs and kissed the inside of my knee before trailing his mouth up my thigh and pressing his nose almost right against my panties. I held my breath, but he groaned a satisfied sound before teasing them to one side and flicking his tongue over my clit. I gasped and lifted my butt from the bed, and Draven took advantage of my shift in position by using the moment to draw my panties down my legs and balling them up with my jeans and throwing them aside.

  My skin heated and prickled in awareness that I was completely laid bare in front of him.

  “But you’re still wearing clothes.” I made my protest in a quiet voice as I ran my foot over his denim-clad thigh, up to where I could see the bulge of his cock pressing against his pants.

  “All in good time.” Dark promise burned in his eyes, and I shivered, despite myself.

  He kissed my thigh again and nipped the sensitive skin gently with his teeth before soothing the tender bite with his tongue. I parted my thighs gradually, inviting him without words, and he responded, kissing higher and higher until his tongue touched my clit for a second time, and I dropped back against the rumpled comforter, bringing one foot to his shoulder to maximize his access to my body.

  Liquid fire ran through my veins, pooling low in my belly, and every caress of his tongue stoked my temperature higher.

  He stroked his tongue over me, slipping it inside me before probing higher and swirling it across me, flicking flames through my body. I sighed and tugged on his hair. He chuckled against me.

  “More?” he questioned in his deep seductive voice, and I hesitated. I couldn’t take much more.

  “No more,” I decided. “I want you inside me.”

  He lifted his head and looked at me along the length of my body. Then he raised one perfect eyebrow. “No more?”

  “Well.” I paused, my body still buzzing as he probed a lazy finger between my legs. “Not no more ever again.”

  When he laughed, I looked at him and stuck my tongue out before gasping as he zeroed in on my clit again.


  He didn’t need to hear more than that one word. My need for him literally dripped from it.

  He stood up and shucked his pants while I shifted positions on the bed, making myself comfortable against the mound of pillows.

  “Hello.” Draven pressed his face close to mine.

  My breath trapped in my chest at his beauty, fully restored. Maybe better than ever. “Hi,” I whispered.

  His hand took possession of my breast, cupping it, as his tongue took equal possession of my mouth, and I wriggled against him, eager for more. I worked my hand between us, moving my palm against his shaft, and he hissed out a breath.

  “Again,” he breathed.

  I smoothed my hand against him again, and he bit his lip.

  “You’re perfect.” His mouth descended on mine in another searing, claiming kiss.

  I was truly his, body and soul, but he was also mine.

  He pressed his fingers between m
y legs again and inhaled sharply. “So wet.”

  “Draven.” I sighed out his name and pushed my hips toward his touch.

  He moved quickly, positioning himself over me, the tip of his hard cock prodding against my entrance, then slid in without resistance. My body welcomed him as he stretched me and filled me up.

  He paused for a beat then began to move inside me, thrusting forward and filling me again and again as I pressed my fingers into his broad back and nipped at his lips and chin with my teeth.

  His jaw tensed, and his muscles strained as I stroked my hands over them. I met his every thrust as he stoked the desire in me, and my own muscles tensed and tightened. I drew my legs up as my breaths emerged as harsh pants, one after the other. Rapid fire.

  His name repeated as a chant through my head, and he tipped my head with his finger under my chin.

  “Yes?” He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

  “I’m close.” I gasped out the words as surprise at the sensations overtook me. Something had changed since the claiming.

  Something had changed and it was like we connected on every level—the two of us were one.

  He glanced at me and began to move against me faster, harder, and I pressed my teeth into my lip to keep from crying out. The tight feeling grew before it exploded inside me, falling away and soaring all at the same time, and Draven kissed me again, sucking my tongue into his mouth as I held my breath, prolonging my feeling of release.

  I tightened around him, and he drew away, gasping as his rhythm faltered as his hips jerked against me.

  Then he inhaled as he swept strands of hair from my cheeks.

  “Now you’re truly mine,” I whispered.

  “Now I’m truly yours,” he agreed, and it was as if the entire claiming ritual was complete. The magical and the physical.

  He kissed me again, raining soft kisses on my face as he teased me with extra nudges inside me until I chuckled and batted his chest, urging him away. He wrapped his arms around me instead and drew me close, folding the comforter over both of us as I curled against him, safe and warm and one with my mate.


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