A Fake Marriage Romance Collection

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A Fake Marriage Romance Collection Page 4

by Victorine E. Lieske

  Her skin tingled where he touched her, and she gazed up into his eyes. “Yep. We’re in love.”

  As the attention of the family drifted to other things, Madison tentatively took a nibble from the roast. At least that was decent. It was hard to mess up a roast, she supposed. The vegetables, on the other hand, were half frozen, and the side salad had a weird taste to it. She stuck with the meat, and pushed the rest of the food around her plate until everyone was done.

  After the dishes were scraped and in the dishwasher, everyone gathered back in the family room to watch Maxwell open his birthday gifts. Madison had not seen Jared with a gift, and she hoped he brought something. Her instinct told her he hadn’t, which would embarrass her. She sat next to Jared on the couch, hoping he had done something for his father’s birthday.

  Irene brought out a stack of brightly wrapped gifts. Jared reached into his pocket and placed an envelope on top. It turned out to be a gift card. Pretty lame, in Madison’s opinion, but at least he’d gotten something.

  After the gift unwrapping, Shelly pulled out a camera and announced, “Photo time! I have to get pictures of the two newly engaged couples.”

  She turned to Patricia and Zachary first, snapping some great pictures of them posing and goofing around. They made a wonderful couple. When they looked at each other, their eyes shone. Madison’s stomach tightened. She and Jared could never look like them. Surely everyone would see they were a fraud.

  Shelly turned the camera on them. “Your turn.” The camera clicked a couple of times, then she added, “Just act natural.”

  They sat on the couch, Jared’s back stiff, his hands folded in his lap. At least he plastered on a fake smile.

  “Relax a bit. You look like you’re posing for a mug shot. Jared, put your arm around your fiancée.” Shelly adjusted the camera settings and snapped a couple more photos.

  “That’s a little better. Now I want an action shot. Give her a kiss.”

  Madison looked up at Jared, and he leaned over and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

  Shelly laughed. “Oh, you can do better than that, hon. Kiss her like you mean it.”

  Jared shot Madison an apologetic look, which actually was quite sweet of him. She didn’t care if he kissed her. She was an actress, after all. Kissing on set was no big deal.

  He leaned in and brushed his lips over hers. A light, innocent gesture. At least that’s how it started out, until he deepened the kiss. Her heart raced and her mind went blank. Time slowed as the sensation of his soft lips touching hers sent ripples of pleasure across her skin. His hand cradled the back of her head, pulling her closer.

  The smell of his cologne mixed with his masculinity heightened her senses. Before she knew what she was doing her arms were around his neck, and she was kissing him back. Warmth spread through her as his gentle touch sent tingles down her spine.

  He pulled back, ending the kiss and staring at her, his eyebrows knit together. The room erupted in cat calls and hoots. Madison’s cheeks heated. She’d forgotten where they were.

  “Now that’s how it’s done.” Maxwell grinned.

  Madison could barely catch her breath. It was only a kiss, for heaven’s sake. How could she let herself get carried away? As an actress, she needed to focus. She mentally reprimanded herself.

  “You guys look so twitterpated with each other,” Patricia said, giggling. “Such a happy couple.”

  Jared turned away, frowning.

  Shelly packed up the camera, and Zachary looked at his watch. “It’s been fun, but I have an early day tomorrow. I’m afraid we must be heading out.”

  Jared stood. “It’s time we left as well.” He extended his hand to Madison, which she was grateful for as her knees were still wobbly, but when she looked up at him, anger flashed in his eyes.

  They said their goodbyes, and she suddenly felt nervous to be alone with him. He was acting like a caged lion, about to spring on her once they were alone. She sucked in a breath and stepped out into the evening, the sun already below the horizon.

  Chapter 5

  Jared stalked toward his car, Madison clicking behind him in her heels, trying to keep up. He was being rude, but he didn’t care.

  When he was sure no one could see them from the house he rounded on her. “What did you think you were doing in there?”

  Madison blinked, her eyes wide. “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t you play innocent with me. You were supposed to look like a crazy chick so my family would break us up. But instead, you…you do that! Now they think we’re twitterpated.”

  A laugh erupted from Madison, and she clamped her hand over her mouth.


  “Sorry, there’s just something about an angry CEO shouting the word twitterpated. I’ve got to add that to my ‘things I never thought I’d hear’ list.”

  He couldn’t think of a thing to say in response, so he unlocked his car and slid into the driver’s seat, huffing in exasperation. She was infuriating. Didn’t she realize the position she’d put him in? This was no time to joke.

  Madison climbed in the car.

  “Don’t expect to get paid. After what you pulled, you’re lucky I don’t file a restraining order.”

  “Hey, it’s not like it was all my fault. You were kissing me first.”

  “I was only trying to appease my aunt.”

  “Well, you appeased the socks right off me.”

  Jared stared at her. “What does that even mean?”

  “It means, stop kissing people like that unless you want to be kissed back. Now, drive.” She motioned toward the driveway.

  He narrowed his eyes, annoyed she was telling him what to do, but held his tongue. The engine roared to life and he pulled out onto the street.

  Obviously Madison sucked at being an actress. She couldn’t even play the simple part of a girlfriend. And her idea of trying to get his family to break them up was insane. He didn’t know why he went along with it in the first place. He’d handle this his own way, and hope his aunt wouldn’t be too hurt.

  “Tomorrow I’ll tell them we had a fight on the way home. Next week I can let them know we broke off the engagement.”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “Sounds like a plan.”

  When they pulled onto the interstate, he gunned it. The rush of speed made him feel better. He figured it was worth the risk of a ticket if he could make this disaster of an evening end sooner.

  Madison didn’t say anything. She continued to stare straight ahead out the window. Good. He’d rather sit in silence.

  He wove through the traffic, passing cars and trucks. The clock on his dashboard said it was seven fifteen. Less than three hours and he’d be home. Maybe he’d relax in his Jacuzzi before bed. After today, he deserved it.

  “You know, this whole thing wouldn’t have happened had you simply kept your word and tried to find me a job at your company.”

  He gaped at her. Was she serious? This was his fault? “Excuse me?”

  She flipped her hair over her shoulder. “If you hadn’t lied to me about maybe having a position—”

  “I didn’t lie. I said maybe, and I meant maybe. You’re the one who jumped to conclusions about my assistant.” He tried not to shout.

  “You wanted me to think that. You implied I would get a job if I pretended to be your girlfriend.”

  “Which you couldn’t even pull off,” he muttered.

  She turned to face him. “Oh, I pulled it off, all right. Your family thinks we’re great together. I think Patricia’s exact words were, ‘Such a happy couple.’”

  He scowled at her. “Don’t bring my family into this.”

  She paused, staring at him. “You’re a Taurus, aren’t you?”


  A smirk crossed her face. “When’s your birthday?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Oh. You’re one of those people.” He shot her a sideways glance. “That explains a lot.”

Let me guess. You were born in May. Maybe around the 5th?”

  She was eerily close, but he didn’t want to admit it. “I don’t believe in that baloney.”

  “Then just tell me.”


  “It’s May 5th, isn’t it?”

  He sighed. “May 7th.”

  “Ha! I knew it.” The smug expression on her face made him grimace.

  “Lucky guess.”

  Her blue eyes bored through him. “You’re stubborn, a classic Taurus trait. You’re a CEO of a successful company, which shows your determination to go after what you want and not stop until you get it. Your life is boring, but you don’t care because you like consistency and stability. You like the finer things in life, and you’re not afraid to go after what you want. All these things point to Taurus.”

  He snorted. “That could describe almost anyone who strives to achieve. Plenty of successful businesspeople weren’t born in May. Astrology is a bunch of hokum.”

  Madison raised her chin defiantly. “You surround yourself with material things to fill the void in your life. You resent your father for his string of wives. You’re jealous of your half-brother because he got to grow up with his mother, the one thing you wish you had but didn’t as a child. Your father felt guilt over this and compensated by throwing money at you. Your aunt is the only mother figure you’ve had, so you cling to her approval.”

  Her words stung, hitting too close to home for him to admit. “You get all that from looking at the stars?”

  “No,” she said, her tone soft. “I got that from watching you. It’s written all over your face. You never got over your parents’ divorce.”

  She’d jumped to a wrong conclusion, and he grabbed onto it with both hands. “My mother died when I was a child.”

  The words hung between them, and her face flushed. “Oh.” Her gaze fell to her lap. “I’m sorry.”

  The silence stretched, until Jared couldn’t stand it anymore. “Don’t be,” he said quietly, feeling bad he’d used that against her. “It was a long time ago.”

  She fiddled with her hands. “I shouldn’t have said those things. Sometimes my mouth gets going and my brain hasn’t had time to put up a filter.”

  “Yeah, I noticed.”

  “Well, I’m filtering now, let me tell you, because this is not at all what I’d like to say.” Her cheeks were pink and she looked like she could bite the head off a boar.

  He laughed. He couldn’t help it. “You’re something else.”

  “Um, thanks?”

  They fell into a silence, which was all right with him. He flipped on the radio to his favorite station, and Mozart filled the car. The rest of the drive home passed quickly.

  As they neared her apartment, Madison wiped her cheek, the movement catching Jared’s attention. Tears streamed down her face.

  Instant guilt flooded him. Was she crying because of him? Sure, he’d been a bit rude to her earlier, but she had no reason to cry over it. “What’s the matter?”

  “It’s just…I…I don’t know how I’m going to pay my half of the rent. It’s due this week and without a job…” Her voice trailed off and she sniffed.

  Oh, sure. This was about the money. He pushed down his annoyance. “Look. I’m not paying you after what you pulled. All you had to do was to pretend to be my girlfriend and I would have given you a thousand dollars. You’re the one who screwed up.”

  She nodded. “I know. I can’t do anything right. I’m a failure. I can’t even get a job cleaning toilets.” She pulled out a tissue and blew her nose, her sobs growing louder.

  He searched for something consoling to say. “I’m sure you’re not a failure at everything. You just haven’t tried everything yet.”

  She wailed and covered her face with her hands.

  This was going downhill and fast. If she didn’t stop soon, he’d be forced to pull over, and that was the last thing he wanted. He was only moments away from getting the nutcase out of his car. “Look. You did go all the way to my father’s house with me.”

  She quieted down a bit and lifted her head to peer at him.

  “And you did eat my stepmother’s cooking.” He suppressed a smile, remembering her face when she took that huge spoonful of Irene’s special potatoes.

  Madison sniffed.

  “I guess, for your time, I could pay you half…”

  Another wail pierced the air and he succumbed. “All right, all right, I’ll pay you the full thousand dollars.”

  Big eyes stared at him from the passenger seat. “Really? You’d do that for me?”

  Anything to get her to shut up. He kept that comment to himself. “Yes. I’ll write you a check when we arrive.”

  His heart tugged as she wiped her nose. She really did look relieved. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing to pay her. He did promise, after all.

  He pulled up to her apartment complex and parked in a stall. After writing out the check, he handed it to her.

  She beamed, all trace of sadness gone. “Hey, thanks!” She snatched the check, opened the car door, and then chuckled. “And they said I couldn’t act.”

  Madison strutted up the sidewalk toward her apartment complex, feeling Jared’s stare burning on her back. She suppressed a grin. She’d gotten the best of him in the end. With the check clutched in one hand, and her satchel in the other, she sprinted up the steps. When she got to her door, she stole a glance at Jared. He still sat in his car, glowering.

  The jerk. He deserved to know the sting of disappointment. He’d heaped enough of it onto her tonight. But guilt wormed its way into her chest. She had to admit she’d taken her revenge on him too far. It was going to be awkward for him to undo the engagement lie.

  She pulled out her keys and let herself in. With a flick, she tossed her bag onto the couch, turned on the light, and shut the door with her foot. The smell of stale cigarette smoke permeated the apartment. She wrinkled her nose. How many times had she begged Carrie to make her boyfriend smoke outside? Yuck. At least they were out tonight, and she didn’t have to sit in the living room with them and pretend to care about motorcycles and football.

  Her heels were making her feet hurt. She kicked off her shoes as soon as she got into her bedroom, and changed into her oversized t-shirt and sweat pants. Hopefully, her lie wouldn’t cause too much conflict in Jared’s family. She didn’t like the idea of his sick aunt being too upset over it.

  The responsible thing would have been to go to bed. However, Madison had never been the responsible type, so she padded into the kitchen and made herself a sandwich. She hadn’t eaten much of Irene’s dinner, and now her stomach growled.

  As she sat at the small dinette munching on her ham and cheese, the image of Jared floated into her mind. Was she crazy to feel a little sad she wouldn’t be seeing him again? She giggled thinking of how he’d reacted when she announced their engagement. He sure had the ‘deer in the headlights’ face down pat.

  But he was egotistical and materialistic, not to mention a dirty rotten liar. She’d be insane to want to spend another minute with him. She balled up her napkin and tossed it into the trash on her way out. No, she’d be glad to never see the man again.

  She checked her email and her Facebook page. What to put for an update? Staring at the blank box for a couple of minutes didn’t give her any ideas. Finally she typed: Snagged a small acting job. Not a big deal, but it paid well. There. That was true, and didn’t make her look bad.

  After brushing her teeth, she crawled into bed. The sheets were freezing, and she pulled the blanket up over her shoulder. Her bedroom was the coldest room in the apartment. She’d even closed the vent, but no matter what, the air conditioning somehow pumped right onto her bed. But if she turned down the thermostat, the rest of the apartment boiled. Maybe she’d get an electric blanket. Seemed silly to use one in the summer, but she couldn’t stand the cold any longer.

  As she tried to relax, the memory of Jared’s kiss floated to the surface. The way he held her
close with his hand on the back of her head and his lips exploring hers had sent fire through her veins. Thinking about it warmed her. He could make millions running a kissing booth.

  But the kiss didn’t mean anything. She knew that. Just a part to play for his family.

  She rolled over and pounded her pillow. Best to forget him. No point in spending all night dwelling on the most fabulous kiss she’d ever had. It was over. Much better to go to sleep and forget all about Jared Jameson.

  She rolled to her other side, the sweet taste of Jared still on her lips. Dang.

  Maybe thinking about the kiss a little more wouldn’t hurt anything.

  Chapter 6

  The shrill ring of the phone startled Jared out of a deep sleep. He blinked his eyes, trying to see the clock. Six-thirty. Who would be calling him early on a Saturday? He fumbled on the nightstand, picked up the cordless and growled, “What is it?”

  “Jared. It’s Patricia.”

  The emotion in his cousin’s voice alarmed him, and he sat up in bed. She wouldn’t be calling this early if it wasn’t important. “What happened?”

  “It’s mom. She’s in the hospital.”

  Fully awake now, Jared hopped out of bed. “How bad is it?”

  “She collapsed last night…after you left.”

  “What? Why didn’t you call me?” Panic gripped his chest. He snatched a pair of pants from his closet and tugged them on over his boxer shorts.

  “They had to run some tests. I didn’t want to worry you until we knew.”

  “Knew what? What do you know? Tell me.”

  Silence filled the telephone line, and then a small sob. “She’s not good, Jared.”

  His head swam and a lump formed in his throat. “But she was doing better. What are you saying?”

  “They aren’t sure what happened. They think it’s her heart. They have nothing conclusive yet.”

  Jared swore under his breath.

  “She wants you and Madison to come.”


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