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Ragnarok Page 7

by Tim Korklewski

  If you increase a model’s Attack ST for a single Attack Type, make note of the weapon to which the increase applies. If your warrior ever swaps that weapon for a different one, they lose that ST increase until they equip a weapon with the same name. For example, if you decide to increase a warrior’s Throwing Dagger by +1 (making it ST 2) and then decide to discard the Throwing Dagger and pick up a Yew Bow, you lose the +1 ST. However, if your warrior ever equips Throwing Dagger again, it starts with ST 2, since you used an Improvement on the warrior’s Throwing Dagger Attack Type.

  You can only increase a warrior’s Stat (or Attack ST) by +1 per Improvement Phase. You may increase multiple Stats on your warrior at one time, to a maximum of three Stats per Improvement Phase. Each Stat or Attack ST Improvement a warrior receives increases their Rank by +1. For every 5 Ranks a model advances, its base HP increases by +1.


  Each God Power has a Godspark Cost associated with it. If you wish to improve your warrior’s use of the God Power, multiply the God Power’s current Godspark Cost by 5. This is the amount of Glory you need to Improve the God Power. Improving a God Power permanently lowers the God Power’s Godspark Cost by -1, making it cheaper to Improve each time you do so. You can Improve a single God Power up to three times during an Improvement Phase.

  If a God Power’s Godspark Cost ever reaches 0, you must Imprint a warrior with the God Power.


  When you Imprint a warrior with a God Power, the remaining warriors in your War Clan no longer have access to that specific God Power. You can only discover a God Power bound in this manner again through normal campaign play or on the Raid Table. If you do discover the God Power again, all warriors in your War Clan may use the God Power, as usual. However, the Imprinted warrior retains any perks and modifiers as the beneficiary of the Imprinted God Power.

  If you choose to Imprint a God Power that has a remaining Godspark Cost, you can still improve it. To do so, multiply the Godspark Cost by 3 instead of the normal 5 to determine how much Glory you must spend.

  There is no limit to the number of God Powers you can Imprint on a warrior; however, you cannot Imprint the same God Power on a warrior a second time.

  Imprinting a God Power allows you to increase your warrior’s God Power Boosts just as you would a Stat. It costs 20 Glory to permanently increase a Boost by one increment. For example, if you Imprint the God Power Ward of Truth on a warrior, you can spend 20 Glory to permanently increase the God Power’s range by 6”, making its permanent range 24” instead of the standard 18”. Alternatively, you could spend the 20 Glory to increase the God Power’s Aid by +1, making its permanent Aid (RS) (2) instead of the standard Aid (RS) (1).

  You can Improve the Boosts of a single, Imprinted God Power no more than three times per Improvement Phase. You may improve multiple Powers but a single Power cannot be improved more than three times per Phase.

  Recruiting New War Clan Warriors

  There are two parts to the Recruiting Phase: Hiring New Warriors and Hiring Encounter Models as Warriors.

  Regardless of which model type you recruit, your War Clan can never have more than 20 models at one time.


  This portion of the Recruiting Phase works the same way as building a new War Clan. You simply pay the Glory Cost for a new warrior just as you would during War Clan Creation.


  To recruit an encounter model, your War Clan must defeat one of its kind during a Scenario. You must earn the respect of the creatures in the Fractured Realms before they agree to follow you!

  If you defeated an encounter model in a previous Scenario, you must pay its Glory Cost to recruit it, just as you would if you were hiring a regular warrior model. Once you do so, any encounter model you recruit is no longer an encounter model. It is now a warrior in your War Clan and receives all the benefits of being a War Clan member. However, there are a few rules you must follow when recruiting encounter models as warriors:

  •You can improve the Stats of encounter model warriors in the same way as any other warrior.

  •Encounter model warriors can use God Powers and Improve any Attack Abilities they possess in the same way you would Improve any other Stat—by spending Glory equal to their current Rating multiplied by 10.

  •Unless they are Demimortals, encounter model warriors cannot use weapons or armor. They may gather such items during the Raid Phase, as usual, and add them to the War Clan’s Treasure Hall.

  •Apart from Demimortals, you can find the Glory Cost to hire an encounter model as a warrior listed in their entries in the Bestiary section.


  Animals cannot use Equipment or Usable Items, but you can equip them with Armor. An Animal cannot use God Powers, interact with Objective markers, or pick up Scenario markers or tokens of any kind until they have at least MN 1.


  Demimortals work like any regular warrior model—you purchase them without any starting Equipment. You can find their Stats and Glory Costs listed below.










  When you recruit Demimortals into your War Clan, you can obtain special Demimortal weaponry, usable by any warrior in your War Clan.


  Weapon Type ST RN Attack Abilities Glory Cost Glory Resale Value

  Aelf Bow 3 30 45 9

  Dvergr Blade 0 ML Rapid Attack, Toxin (2) 45 9

  Dvergr Crossbow 2 18 Toxin (2) 50 10

  Dwarf Crossbow 3 24 Reload Stun (1) 45 9

  Froskiir Caustic Blades 0 ML Rapid Attack 25 5

  Gnome Dark Dart 0 6 Blind (3) 30 6

  Mykill War Axe 3 ML 15 3

  Svartaelf Jagged Blade 1 ML Blind (2), Deceptive 25 5

  Svartaelf Throwing Steel 0 12 Blind (2) 30 6

  Thrown Sharps 0 6 5 1


  In addition to recruiting new warriors, you may choose to disband any number of warriors at any time. You earn 15 Glory for every Rank a disbanded warrior possesses. If they have Items or Equipment you wish to keep, record them in the Treasure Hall portion of your War Clan Sheet. Any Improvements or Imprinted God Powers are lost. (It is up to you whether your Jarl is sending them naked and alone into the wilderness as punishment, retiring them to a seat of power and influence off the battlefield where they can help guide the War Clan, or sending them to the pits to train new recruits.)

  Purchasing Items and God Powers

  There are several points covered under Purchasing Items and God Powers: Purchasing Items, Selling Items, Equipping Warriors, and Purchasing God Powers.


  You may spend Glory to purchase any Usable Item, Equipment, or Magic Item; the Cost is listed on their respective Tables. Record any gear you purchase in the Treasure Hall portion of your War Clan Sheet.


  If you have excess Usable Items, Equipment, or Magic Items you no longer need, you may sell them for the Glory Resale Cost listed on their respective Tables.


  You can assign Equipment from the Treasure Hall to any warrior who can carry it. Swap gear between individual warriors, or swap gear between a warrior and the Treasure Hall. Remember to follow the basic rules when it comes to what warriors can carry.


  You can purchase God Powers in two ways: pay 50 Glory to gain a random God Power from the God Power Table (see Obtaining Initial God Powers), or spend 100 Glory to select the God Power you want to purchase. God Powers purchased in this manner start at their base Godspark Cost.


  The sagas players create in Ragnarok go far beyond mere confrontations on the battlefield and slaughtering as many models as
possible. Each game creates its own unique, narrative story that leads to great challenges and many variations for victory.

  Each game consists of a Scenario with a Major Victory Condition and a Minor Victory Condition, which all players either roll to determine or collectively choose to play, as well as a randomly generated pool of Secondary Objectives they can complete to further enhance their success.

  Players earn Victory Points (VP) by completing the Major or Minor Victory Condition requirements and the Secondary Objectives. When the game ends, the player with the highest total VP wins. The VP earned for completing Victory Conditions and Secondary Objectives are as follows:


  Completion Type Victory Points (VP) Earned

  Major Victory Condition 1 VP (in addition to the 3 VP for the Minor Victory Condition)

  Minor Victory Condition 3 VP

  Secondary Objectives 1 VP per completed Secondary Objective

  Each Scenario lasts a total of six Rounds. At the end of the sixth Round, tally all VP for each player and note which Secondary Objectives they completed. If there is no clear victor because of a tie for the highest VP, play a seventh Round. If there is still no clear victor at the end of the seventh Round, the game ends in a draw.

  Objective Markers

  Objective markers are represented by 40mm bases. Each player needs a minimum of two Objective markers, which are used in many Scenarios and for Secondary Objectives. Please refer to specific Scenarios for the rules regarding Objective markers in each Scenario.

  Feel free to model and paint your Objective markers to give an extra bit of detail and visual appeal to the battlefield. A good rule of thumb is to keep your Objective markers no more than 1” tall and make sure any modelling fits within the 40mm base. Overhanging details are not allowed; this keeps the borders of the bases clear and easily defined.

  Anatomy of a Scenario

  Each Scenario has a Name, Descriptor Text, Set-Up instructions, Scenario Rules, and Victory Conditions. Each of the following items has specific guidelines you must follow:

  •Set-Up: This section covers any specific Terrain Elements needed for the Scenario, guidelines for arranging the terrain on the battlefield, and any specific markers you must place or areas you must indicate on the battlefield. Additionally, Set-Up lays out the specifics for where you can place Objective markers and whether they have Terrain Element Keywords.

  •Scenario Rules: This section lists what you must do to achieve Victory in the Scenario, as well as any rules you must follow while doing so.

  •Victory Conditions: This section outlines what you need to do to achieve Minor and Major Victory Conditions.

  Determining Scenarios and Deployment

  You must determine Deployment Zones for each player before you choose (or randomly roll for) the Scenario. In a two-player game, one player rolls for deployment on the Deployment Type Table. In a multi-player game, use the Multi-Player Deployment Type.


  1D6 Roll Deployment Type

  1–2 Flank Deployment

  3–4 Standard Deployment

  5–6 Spearhead Deployment


  Draw an imaginary horizontal line down the middle of the table; the half closest to you is your battlefield portion. All models must be completely within 9” of either corner of your battlefield portion. You can deploy models in both corners if you choose.


  Draw an imaginary horizontal line down the middle of the table; the half closest to you is your battlefield portion. All models must be completely within 6” of the edge closest to you on your battlefield portion.


  Draw an imaginary horizontal line down the middle of the table; the half closest to you is your battlefield portion. All models must be completely within 9” of the midpoint of the edge closest to you on your battlefield portion.


  Each player is assigned a corner, or midpoint of a board edge if there are more than four players, to be their deployment area. All models must be completely within 9” of this point (corner or midpoint). See Deployment Type Map.

  Once you establish Deployment Type, choose one player to roll 1D6 and consult the Scenario Table to determine which Scenario to play. Alternatively, the players can simply agree to choose a Scenario they wish to play.


  1D6 Roll Scenario

  1 Hostile Takeover

  2 Bloody Contest

  3 Sudden Conflict

  4 The Dead Dragon’s Hoard

  5 Doorway to the Bifrost

  6 Rampage of Trolls

  Scenario 1: Hostile Takeover

  There are times when it is necessary to take that which does not belong to you. This is one of those times! You need your enemy’s lands to bolster your own. It is time for them to find a new place to dwell.


  After determining Deployment Zones, but before deployment, each player takes turns placing Objective markers on the battlefield until there are two Objective markers for each player. You cannot place Objective markers within 8” of a Deployment Zone or within 4” of a table edge or another Objective marker. Objective markers have the Keywords Heavy Cover and Wall (1).


  Divide the table into quarters. During the End Phase, add up the total Glory (the cost of your warriors) you have in each table quarter. Warriors do not count toward this total if they are within 6” of the table’s center point or if they are partially within another table quarter. You control a table quarter in which you have more total Glory (based upon the sum of your warriors within that quarter) than your opponent(s), and you gain one Territory Rite for each table quarter you control. Keep track of Territory Rites off to the side of the battlefield.



  Have more Territory Rites than your opponent(s) at the end of the game.


  Have more Territory Rites than your opponent(s) and at least three more Territory Rites than the player with the next highest total at the end of the game.

  Scenario 2: Bloody Contest

  Building a reputation as the champion of your War Clan brings great fame and admiration from your peers. This praise comes at a price, however, when an enemy War Clan’s own champion calls you out for being a coward. It is time to show them how you earned your legend. This battle is the final arbiter on who deserves the title of greatest champion!


  Ensure at least a 3” x 3” area in the middle of the battlefield is completely clear of terrain. This area is the Champion’s Stage. After determining Deployment Zones, but before deployment, each player takes turns placing Objective markers on the battlefield until there are two Objective markers for each player. You cannot place Objective markers within 8” of a Deployment Zone, within 4” of a table edge or another Objective marker, or within the Champion’s Stage. Objective markers in this Scenario are Size 2 and have the Keywords Impassable and Impaled (2).


  After determining Deployment Zones, but before deployment, each player chooses a friendly model as their Champion. You earn 1 Battle Praise for each warrior or encounter model your Champion kills outside a Deployment Zone. If your Champion kills an opposing Champion, they earn 4 Battle Praise instead of 1.

  If your Champion kills a warrior or encounter model within a Deployment Zone, they earn +1 additional Battle Praise. If your Champion kills a warrior or encounter model within the Champion’s Stage they earn +2 additional Battle Praise.

  If your Champion dies, the next closest friendly warrior model becomes your new Champion.



  End the game with more Battle Praise than your opponent(s).


  End the game with more Battle Praise than yo
ur opponent(s) and have at least 5 more Battle Praise than the next highest score.

  Scenario 3: Sudden Conflict

  There is something stirring in the land around you. You set forth to find out what could possibly be causing the wave of unease amongst your people. You stumble upon another War Clan and both of you are taken by surprise! Let no one survive this transgression!


  After determining Deployment Zones, but before deployment, each player takes turns placing Objective markers on the battlefield until there are two Objective markers for each player. You cannot place Objective markers within 8” of a Deployment Zone or within 4” of a table edge or another Objective marker. Objective markers are Size 2 and have the Keywords Blocks LOS, Impassable, and Heavy Cover.


  Each player may choose up to 5 Secondary Objectives to complete instead of the usual 3. If you did not roll 5 different Secondary Objectives for the Secondary Objective Pool, re-roll until you have at least 5 different Secondary Objectives. You cannot score VP from interacting with Objective markers during the first turn of the game.


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