Lost And Found In Blue (Iron Dogz MC Book 2)

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Lost And Found In Blue (Iron Dogz MC Book 2) Page 22

by René Van Dalen

  But it wasn’t all he explained to me. Ice laid it all out.

  He finally settled the doubt that still troubled me. He explained his history with the bitch and then he made my heart fly.

  My Iceman made my heart fly by giving me his cock. I know, it might not seem important to most women, but to a bikers’ old lady it meant everything. Bikers loved their freedom, the freedom to ride, the freedom to be who they want to be, the freedom to fuck whoever the hell they wanted whenever they wanted even after taking an old lady.

  My old man just assured me I would never have to worry about him being unfaithful.

  His cock belonged to me and only me.

  Something still worried him but I would wait until we were home. Once we were in bed all cuddled up together I would get it out of him. We were together now and his worries were my worries, we were a team.

  As his old lady it was my job to help him carry the load of his responsibilities. And I would start tonight as I meant to go forward.

  Supporting my man. Loving our children and loving his club.



  Holding his old lady against his chest Ice drew in a deep breath, filling his lungs and head with her scent. His cock was rock hard but he ignored it. His woman wasn’t ready for him yet. There were still a few things to iron out before he could make love to her.

  And when he did she would not be walking away from him again. She would be staying.

  Her hand stroked over his naked chest and he couldn’t stop the shiver of reaction at her touch.

  “What’s wrong?” She said softly, her lips against his pec.

  Ice sighed. He knew he had to tell her but he was hesitant to break the peace he felt just holding her. But he wanted it over, behind them. So he drew in a deep breath and explained.

  “Before I tell you I need you to know that you’re safe, baby. I would never allow anything to touch you or our babies.”

  She nodded but her arm tightened around him. “Tell me.” She whispered.

  “We found an auction site on the dark net and they had photos of you and Rider’s girl.” He felt her go solid against his side and her breathing became rushed. “I don’t want you to worry, baby. We’ve got it under control. We passed it on to a member of the trafficking taskforce and they will shut it down and investigate the origin and hopefully make some arrests.”

  He tightened his arms around her. “But in the meantime I want to be sure you are as safe as we can possibly make you. You will have a security detail with you at all times, so will Duncan and your parents. And if it becomes necessary it would mean us having to move to the compound until the threat to you and the prawns have been eliminated.”

  Her voice was small with a tiny vibration in it. “What about my workshop? Can I still go to work? Will I be safe there? I don’t want anything to happen to our babies, Ice.”

  Ice pulled her on top of him and surrounded her with his arms and legs. “I won’t allow anything or anyone to touch you or our babies, my love. I promise you’ll be safe and so will our babies.”

  Pulling his one arm from around her he pushed her hair away from her face, hooking it behind her ear and looked into her beautiful blue eyes.

  “You can still go to work, Blue, but there will be brothers around you at all times. No one we haven’t vetted will be allowed near you at any time. Wrench will be with you as well, and I trust that boy, he’s got a very good head on his shoulders. But I want you to promise me that if I decide it’s too dangerous for you to continue working you won’t fight me. I need you to listen to my concerns and allow me to keep you and our children safe. Okay?”

  He stared into her eyes as he watched her consider his requests. Then she dropped her head and kissed him. Softly, so very softly.

  “Okay. I’ll do whatever you tell me to do because I know you’re doing it because you want to keep us safe.”

  Ice pulled her head down to him and kissed her and very quickly got lost in the taste and feel of his woman. It took everything in him to end the kiss. His hand was behind her head, his fingers threaded through her hair as he pulled her head back.

  “Easy, baby. I’m not starting anything with you right now. I want us to settle into who we are together before we take the next step.”

  His River moaned with frustration as she rubbed herself over his hard cock.

  “Blue, stop, stop. We’re not going there, not tonight. I fucking want you, you can feel how much, but we are going to sleep, just sleep.”

  He rolled her off him and back against his side. Pulling her into his chest he settled her head on his shoulder and curved his arm around her, settling his hand on her hip.

  “Can’t believe we’re not having hot sex right now.” She grumbled.

  Ice laughed softly and kissed her forehead.

  “The next time I take you, Blue, we will not be having sex. I will be making love to you and you had better be ready, baby. It’s going to be an all-night affair.”

  “Promises, promises.” She mumbled.

  Ice shook with silent laughter, he felt her relax against him as she slowly slipped into sleep.

  “I keep my promises, baby.” He whispered against her hair.

  Glancing over at the bedside table where the photo of a smiling Sparrow with his hands over River’s big belly still stood, Ice smiled. And he silently spoke to the smiling man.

  I love her, brother, and I love your son. I swear I will raise him as if he’s my own. I will make sure he knows the good man his father was. And I will make sure he stays close to his Sinner’s Sons family.

  Ice lay staring at the smiling man until his eyelids started to feel heavy and slid closed.

  He fell asleep holding his old lady knowing his brothers were watching over them, keeping them safe.

  After the early morning craziness of getting his new family ready for the day he dropped his boy with his grandparents and followed Blue to work. Traffic was light and they got to the workshop without any incidents. He parked next to her bakkie and escorted her inside, had a quick word with Wrench then kissed his old lady and left.

  But before he left he checked on the brothers outside and made sure they knew exactly what to be on the lookout for. A banged up black Beemer. Because of the church call out from Hawk his woman would be guarded by the Sinner’s Sons and Wrench today.

  While riding to the compound his mind was on the testing that was about to take place. Hawk had called in every single member who could possibly be the father of the kid. All the retired brothers would be taking the test along with those who had been patched brothers and prospects at the time the kid had been conceived.

  It was going to cause a tremendous amount of shit. But he and the other officers had their president’s back. They needed to find the biological father of the kid to try and uncover the reason why he had been targeted by Emma. Ice had a horrible suspicion he knew who it was but he was going to keep his mouth shut until the results came back.

  It was the why that was giving him the most trouble.

  Why had she done it? What did she have to gain?

  He still hadn’t come up with any answers when he pulled into the compound. Rows of gleaming bikes were parked in front of the clubhouse and brothers were standing around chatting as he rolled his bike back and parked next to Hawk’s ride.

  Setting his helmet on his seat he made his way inside, stopping to greet some of the brothers he hadn’t seen in a while. If it wasn’t for the shit they would be facing in church today it would have been a happy occasion. But he couldn’t lose sight of the reason why their president had called everyone in today.

  Ice walked through the common room and down to Hawk’s office. He knocked once and walked in. Hawk was sitting in his big ass chair with DC on his lap. Kid was in the chair in front of the desk and Ice sank down in the chair next to his.

  “Morning.” Ice said and included all of them in the greeting.

  The three all murmured their greetin
gs while watching him intently.


  “We were just wondering if you talked to River about moving in here.” DC said with a little smirk.

  That little smirk said she thought his woman had given him shit. Little did she know. His woman was the perfect old lady.

  “Yes, I did and she’s okay with it. Not happy, but she’ll do whatever is necessary to keep our kids safe. It helps that she had been with Sparrow for those few years. He made sure she felt comfortable with the life we live and taught her how to be the kind of old lady a biker needs.” Ice smiled at DC. “My old lady has my back and will do what I ask of her.”

  Kid leant over and punched him on the shoulder. “Fucking happy for you, brother.”

  Rubbing his shoulder Ice grinned. “Thanks brother.”

  He turned back to Hawk and DC. “Did you have a look outside, Boss?” His question wasn’t for his cousin, it was for his president.

  “No, not yet. I wanted to have my coffee in peace before I started thinking about the shit that’s going to go down today.” Hawk picked up his mug and sipped while DC frowned at Ice.

  He ignored the fact that she wasn’t happy with his answer because what was about to happen in church was too important. They needed to discuss it before Hawk faced their brothers.

  “I did a quick look around before I came in. As far as I could see everyone responded to the call in. Do we have enough tests for everyone?”

  “Yes.” Kid answered. “Ziggy and I made a run to his connection and got a box full of the shit. I hope like fuck the kid’s not mine. Don’t want that slut to be the mother of a child of mine.”

  “We all feel the same way, brother. But we also know it’s going to be one of us. And that means we suck it up and deal with it. I’m going to suggest to whoever turns out to be the biological father that he leave her where she is.” Hawk sighed heavily. “Feel fucking sorry for the kid.”

  Ice nodded then asked the question that had been bugging him. “Why did she do it? That’s what’s bugging me the most. Why? What did she have to gain? And why was the kid given to that specific couple? What if it had been a boy? Would she still have given the kid away?”

  DC pointed at him and nodded. “I see where you’re going with this. You’re wondering if the goal of the pregnancy was to have a boy. Because in a club boys are the legacy every brother leaves behind. They love their little princesses but their boys are the next generation, their legacy. It would have been a hell of a long shot, Ice. The kid is around seven now, right? How would a seven year old boy influence the club or the future of the club?”

  By the look in her eyes Ice knew she was starting to suspect what the reason might have been.

  “I don’t know, DC. I’m just as lost as everyone else. But I keep asking myself, why, what was her end game?”

  Kid shrugged. “Why do crazy bitches do the shit they do? No one knows. She’s crazy brother, maybe there’s no reason behind this at all. Maybe she thought it was one more way she could fuck with you. I think we should focus on why she had someone else’s kid and not yours. Why wasn’t it your sperm in her snatch?”

  “I know exactly why it wasn’t my sperm.” Ice said. “I was fucking anal about her taking the pill and using condoms. Checking the packaging and condoms before pulling them on every single time. It fucking freaked her out but I refused to back down. I didn’t want to have a kid that would end her studies.” Ice shrugged. “You can ask any of the bitches I fucked, I double wrapped with all of them. Wore condoms even for a blow job.”

  “Wow.” DC said softly then she turned and gave Hawk an evil grin. “I am now so very jealous of River. She got a virtually pristine cock while I got this one.” She gave a pretend grimace as she pointed down at Hawk’s cock.

  Ice and Kid burst out laughing when Hawk swung a laughing DC over his lap and delivered two sharp slaps to her ass. DC was laughing so hard she hung helplessly over Hawk’s thighs while he shook his head and laughed as well. Eventually she struggled back up and their brother settled her back in his lap.

  “Don’t ever talk about my cock like that again, little bird, or next time expect more than just two little taps.” Hawk threatened with a grin.

  DC wriggled on his lap and winked. “Promises, promises.”

  “Jesus. Enough of sexing each other up in front of us.” Kid grouched. “It’s time, Prez.”

  DC immediately hopped off Hawk’s lap and grabbed the empty coffee mugs on the desk.

  “Good luck, baby.” She leant over, kissed Hawk then walked out the office.

  “Let’s do this.” Hawk said with a sigh.

  Before going into the chapel Ice gave Sam the same instructions as before. Keep an eye on his phone and come get him if any urgent messages or calls came from River or Wrench.

  They were sitting at the table as the chapel slowly filled up. The prospects had brought in extra chairs but a few of the younger patches still had to give up their places to the older men. The doors were closed and Hawk opened the meeting with iron on iron. He slid a typed page over to Kahn who did a quick roll call then put the page into the back of the notebook on the table in front of him. Even though every word would be recorded Kahn was still going to take notes and add his observations. It was those observations that would come in handy later.

  Hawk sat in his big chair and looked around the room. “I want to thank all the retired brothers and nomads for coming in today. We haven’t had the entire brotherhood in a meeting in a very long time. And we all know when we do it’s hardly ever good news. Today it isn’t good news either. But it’s not all bad news. I have the great pleasure to congratulate Rider on the birth of his little girl yesterday. Brother, I said it yesterday and I’m saying it again today. You and your little family are a part of a bigger family, the Iron Dogz family, and the sooner you give your woman your patch the better. Congratulations, brother.”

  Loud howls erupted as Rider nodded and Hawk let it carry on for a few moments then he held up his hand. Silence fell again.

  “And as some of you already know, our brother Ice has a new old lady and she is pregnant with his twins. What some of you don’t know is that his old lady comes to us from the Sinner’s Sons MC and along with her comes her little boy, the son of Sparrow Martins.”

  There was a heavy silence in the room and some nods.

  “Now some of you will be wondering why I’m sharing this and I’ll tell you why. Sparrow died because he saw something he wasn’t supposed to see. He saw two women meeting with Winifred Maingarde and they killed him for it. Unfortunately for his killers he left behind clues. And on following those clues we, along with the Sinner’s Sons and Road Warriors, were able to identify his killers. Sparrow died five years ago, our troubles go further back than that but it is all linked. And those links are Jane Warne and Emma Coetzee.”

  Ice listened as his brother laid out the troubles the club was having with the Maingarde Organisation and how they found out Emma Coetzee was deep inside that organisation. He even revealed who her father was. And then he dropped the bomb.

  “About seven years ago someone in this room was drugged and raped by Emma Coetzee. The result was a little girl. We don’t know the reason behind it we just know that it was done. Today all of us will be taking a DNA test to find out who the father of that little girl is. And there’s no need to panic because your DNA will not be in any database the law or anyone else could access. I know some of you weren’t part of the club back then but to stop fingers from being pointed we will all do the fucking test.”

  The silence in the room was overwhelming. Shock and disbelief on every single face.

  Flash, Kid’s father, was the first to respond. “Hang on a minute here, are you saying my daughter and the girl who grew up in front of most of us is responsible for all the shit going down with the club today? I say bullshit.” He waggled a finger between the three of them sitting at the top of the table. “The three of you are blowing smoke up our asses and covering ea
ch other’s backs, like you’ve always done. I remember the day Emma came in here and accused that bastard of fucking around on her. He didn’t defend himself, just stood there when she ran out. Didn’t even try to follow her. Obviously the kid is his. No one else touched the poor girl. Now he’s trying to smear her reputation with these fucked up lies you three have cooked up. He should never have been voted into that fucking seat. He’s not worthy of that seat or this club.”

  Ice thought his dad was going to explode but he shook his head, silently asking him to stay quiet.

  “Are you done?” Hawk asked in a hard and ice cold voice. He didn’t give Flash a chance to answer.

  “Accusing your president of lying without proof is a punishable offence, Flash. Remember that. Ice has already submitted to a DNA test and he is not the father. We have proof your daughter, Jane Warne, and Emma Coetzee are working together. Would that be the reason you’re trying to point fingers at Ice, Flash? Are you trying to protect your daughter by diverting the suspicion to someone else? And if you’re doing it I have to wonder if you know more than what we do? I have to wonder if you have been in contact with Jane and against the bylaws of this club didn’t bring what she told you to your president. But more importantly, we have to wonder if you are now working with them against your brothers, against your club.”

  Flash opened his mouth to answer but Hawk didn’t give him a chance.

  Hawk leant forward and his voice was like a fucking arctic winter. “Shut up. You had your chance now it’s mine. Your daughter is a leech. Doesn’t give a fuck who gets hurt as long as she gets what she wants. And what she wants is power, just like you. She is the son you always wanted. She is your legacy, not Kid. Kid was the one you and your friends beat up mercilessly. Supposedly to make him a man. You’re an abusive coward, Flash. You will take the DNA test along with everyone else. We’ll know soon enough who the father of that child is. I’m putting my money on you, you fucking yellow bellied bastard. I fucking doubt she had to drug you at all. Bet it was all consensual. We all know how you like fucking the club sluts, the younger the better.”


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