Lost And Found In Blue (Iron Dogz MC Book 2)

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Lost And Found In Blue (Iron Dogz MC Book 2) Page 25

by René Van Dalen

  Look after them, brother. They are my world. He instructed silently.

  Why he did it? No idea. It just felt like the right thing to do.

  Leaving his old lady to sleep he made his way to the kitchen. His brothers were sitting at the small kitchen table with a beer each and their eyes were on him as he walked in, grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat down. Opening the beer he dropped the lid on the table and took a deep drink then set the cold bottle on the table in front of him.

  “Your old lady has a very nice setup here, Ice. I can see why she wouldn’t want to move to the clubhouse. Her kid has a fucking fantastic play area out there, she lives close to her folks and she doesn’t have far to travel to get to work and those big garages out there are a mechanic’s dream. You’re going to have a problem, boet.” (Brother) Spook took a sip of his beer.

  Ice nodded. “I know. If things were different I would have done the same thing Sparrow did. Move in and build a life right here. But our women and children have become targets in this fucked up war with the old bitch. They are no longer safe when they’re off club property.”

  Boots suddenly got up and started looking through drawers in the kitchen and then the lounge. He came back holding an exam pad, a pen and some colouring pencils. He must have raided Duncan’s stash.

  He sat down and immediately started writing.

  “What the hell are you doing, Boots?” Ice asked, totally confused by how his brother was acting.

  Pushing the exam pad to the middle of the table he pointed with the pen. “This is roughly what our property looks like.” He pointed to a small rectangle at the top. “This is the offices and shit next to the main road.” He tapped the much larger rectangle behind it. “This is the compound and the smaller circles over here are the houses already on the property. This one here is where Rider and Beast are staying, that one is Bulldog’s and the large one is Hawk’s place.”

  He drew a line from the top of the property that ended at the circle that represented Hawk’s house.

  “This is the access road onto the property.” Then he drew a line around the perimeter. “This is the road we use to patrol the fence. And this here is our back door.” He smiled at Ice’s sudden frown. “Not everyone knows about it but I’m not stupid, brother. I keep my eyes open at all times, my life and those of my brothers depend on it. So, as I was trying to explain. We have a huge fucking piece of ground to patrol and our defences aren’t strong enough to hold out a concerted effort to gain entry. Plus we’re low on manpower as we try to protect our women and children as they go about their lives. We need to build a true compound, brothers. We have to put up walls around the houses. Relocate those businesses we can here, we have more than enough space. We’re lucky, we’re surrounded by friendly neighbours, but what if they are forced to sell to an enemy of ours?”

  Ice and Spook looked at each other when they realised that their brother was pissed about something. They didn’t have to wait long to find out why he was so pissed off.

  “The property on the left of ours will be going on the market soon, old man Bekker’s kids don’t want the property and he’s too old to take care of it by himself. His kids want him to sell and divide the money between them now instead of waiting until he dies. Their plan is to stick him in an old age home, fucking bastards. I’ve been renting a cottage on his property since I started prospecting with the club and he’s a good friend. He promised to sell only to me or the club. And I want to take care of the old man until he passes, in his own fucking house, surrounded by his own stuff. Not some clinical fucking space that makes it easier for his kids to ignore him and never visit.”

  Spook drew the exam pad to him and frowned down at it. “Are you serious, brother? Getting our hands on the Bekker property would be fucking fantastic but it will add at least another 15 acres to the area we will have to protect. We’re sitting on 20 acres of wild veldt with minimal builds on it. It’s in our bylaws, keeping the land as pristine as possible. I think we need to re-think moving the businesses here. Ice’s old lady works on cars and bikes and that means oil and grease and chemicals, not something we want to have seeping into the water table. We need to keep the spring clear of that shit. What I do agree with is moving everyone onto the property. We can build totally green with very little impact on the environment. We’ve got duikertjies (small African antelope) and steenbokkies (small South African antelope) living in the rantjies (hills) already. I heard a jackal calling the other night, so we might have a pair living on the property. We build small, no big fucking spreads and we build clever. We build green and convert the other houses as we go along.”

  Ice sat back and looked between the two and then grinned. “I’ve just been played, haven’t I? You two have been waiting to get one of us to sit still long enough to lay your plans out.”

  They both grinned. “With all the crap going down lately, Ice, we’ve been having heavy discussions during church. It wasn’t the right time to bring this up.” Spook smiled. “Jagger is on board and so are a few of the other brothers. We’ve only discussed this with a very small group of officers and lieutenants. Not with any of the other brothers. So it’s totally on the DL.”

  Ice drew the pad towards him and drew in a circle and both men frowned at him. “This is my land, Bounty gave it to me when I earned my patch. Kid has a piece as well. He wanted the three of us living close together and back then we didn’t get it. Now I do. He knew this shit was coming.” Ice sighed. “And we were too full of our own self-importance to pay attention to what he was trying to prepare us for. But we sure are paying fucking attention now.”

  Tapping the rough sketch Ice made a decision. “I want this drawn out properly. I want everything on it. A proper topographical map would be great. We need to pinpoint every single weak point and all our strong points. I want the neighbouring properties included. We’ll buy the Bekker property through one of our shell companies the same way we did the property on our north eastern border. And I know just how we’re going to play this.” Ice gave a sly smile.

  “We’re starting a private game reserve, at first we’ll only have small animals indigenous to this area, but it might change. We’ll see how it goes before we expand some more. I’ll get onto the licences we need and get the ball rolling. Boots, speak to old man Bekker and tell him it’s a go on the buy and he can stay on the property for his lifetime. Tell him it’s going to be part of the Iron Dogz Game Lodge.”

  Spook and Boots grinned but they both shook their heads.

  “Brother you need to take this to the table first. You can’t just do this without the go ahead of the full table.” Boots said.

  Ice laughed. “You let me worry about that, Boots. You just make sure old man Bekker is on board. We need to move on this before the fucking Maingardes buy the property. If that happens we’re fucked.”

  As he spoke he pulled his phone out and called Jagger. He answered almost immediately which meant the meeting had come to an end.

  “Ice, brother, what can I do for you?”

  “I’ve been talking to Boots and Spook about the property, brother. I’m in. I need you to pull in Spider and Ziggy and get on buying up all the property around us. Boots will talk to old man Bekker and set that buy in motion. I want all the properties around us, we’re going to need it. We’re starting a private game reserve, brother. It means no one will think twice about the security we set up. We’re protecting the game.”

  There was a short silence and then Jagger laughed and Ice could hear voices in the background wanting to know what was going on.

  “I’m in the office with Hawk and the other officers right now, brother. I’ll explain and we’ll get back to you.”

  “Make that quick, Jagger. If the Maingardes find out there are properties available on our borders they are going to move to buy them and then we are fucked.”

  “Fuck. I didn’t think about that. Just thought the fuckers were in Cape Town and not up here. You’re right. Let me get on this. Ta
lk to you later.”

  Ice dropped his phone back on the table and pulled the exam pad towards him again. This could work, this could really work, he thought.

  He smelt her before her arms came around him and hugged him from behind. Lifting his hands he clasped them over her crossed arms and hugged her to him.

  “What are you guys doing?”

  “You’ve only slept for about an hour, Blue. How are you feeling?” Ice twisted his head so he could look at her as she leant over his back.

  “I’m fine. If I sleep any longer I’m never going to sleep tonight. Is Duncan still with my mum?”

  “Yes he is. They’re baking cupcakes.” He would have loved to tell her he could wear her out so she could sleep, but now wasn’t the time for teasing.

  He felt her nod as she leant her head against his. “So, I’ll ask again. What are you guys doing?”

  Ice patted her hands. “We’re planning the future, baby. We’re thinking of starting a private game reserve.”

  “I didn’t realise you had such a big property. I like this idea. I like it very much.” Her chin was resting on his shoulder as she looked at the rough drawing. “Duncan would love living on a game reserve. Imagine the hikes we could take him on and with all the security we would need he could even wander around on his own when he’s older. Our kids would be safe. I like this idea.”

  Ice pulled her around and into his lap. “This is still in the planning stages, Blue. We still need Hawk and the other officers to sign off on our plan.”

  She frowned. “And if they don’t?”

  Spook answered her question. “If they say no then we form a consortium and we buy up the land anyway.”

  His woman nodded. “Cool, I’m in. I’ve got some money put away I can invest.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, baby. I don’t think Hawk will turn us down without researching the idea himself. It means this is going to take time.” Ice warned.

  “Okay, but he better not drag his feet or I’ll put DC on his ass.” His woman said with a grin.

  Ice looked at his brothers and they both shrugged.

  Not having old ladies in the inner circle of the club meant none of them knew how to react. Old ladies having a say in what happens to the club was new to all of them.

  It wasn’t a bad thing at all. What it meant was that a softer element had been brought into the inner circle. It made them all softer but at the same time it made them more aware and more protective of the women around them.

  His Blue was a blessing he hadn’t expected. He was thankful for her every single day.

  And he would protect her and their children with his life.



  Hawk lay on his back, his little bird draped across his chest fast asleep. He couldn’t sleep, there were too many things running through his head. Too many decisions he had to make that could cost one of his brothers their lives. It fucking sucked.

  And even worse, today he’d had to order a brother to be locked up because his loyalty was in question. How the fuck had that happened? No, actually, he knew how it had happened.

  For some reason Flash hated his son and used every single opportunity to belittle and abuse him. Even when Kid started prospecting with the club Flash and his fucking cronies targeted him. Hawk, Ice and the other prospects forced Bounty to take action. Why had his dad allowed the abuse of a prospect? Why did he allow Flash to do whatever the hell he wanted with very little consequences?

  When Hawk became the president of the Iron Dogz he had gone through their bylaws and rewrote some of them. With the support of his officers they changed the bylaws, made sure no prospect would ever again be subjected to the shit that had happened to Kid.

  He was worried about Kid. His friend was having a hard time dealing with the Jane and Flash situation. He would have a talk with him, and assure him he had the full support of his brothers.

  Right now though he was way more worried about River and Ice. Yes, they had tightened security around her but they all knew you could never be secure enough. And if things went wrong and Ice lost his Blue and their babies Hawk knew his cousin would go on a blind killing spree. Starting with Emma and ending with whoever got in his way.

  His cousin’s road name had nothing to do with who he was. It was a tease. As a prospect he slipped and fell while carrying too many bags of ice and nearly unmanned himself when all those bags crashed down on his dick. Hence his road name, Ice. But if anything happened to his Blue that name would become very appropriate.

  The latest news Ziggy had brought him hadn’t been good. After delivering her fucking threat Emma had disappeared. She hadn’t gone back to her mac-mansion and hadn’t gone to work either. Rick and his team had been unable to locate her as well. That wasn’t good at all. It meant they had no idea of her next move and Hawk had a crawling feeling in his gut it wasn’t going to be good at all.

  His gut told him Emma’s next move was going to be violent and River was going to be her target.

  And they still haven’t located Jane.

  Sighing he closed his eyes and tried to force himself to sleep. Or if not actual sleep maybe he could just rest.


  I woke up wrapped around my man and just lay there, with my head on his shoulder, breathing him in and tracing his gorgeous face with my eyes. I was glad I had woken up before the alarm was set to go off and had this time to just lie here peacefully and look at him. Asleep none of the strain that lately permanently sat around his eyes was there. His freaking long eyelashes were dark curves against his golden skin, and I kid you not, they were so long they touched his cheeks. His eyebrows were dark slashes against his golden skin, he had a long blade of a nose with a bump in it and I knew it meant it had been broken before. His lips were light pink and slightly open as he breathed soft and even. Those lips were surrounded by his dark, almost black beard. His hair was getting long and was bedhead messy and after having had my fingers in it I knew it was as soft as Duncan’s. My man had great hair, really great hair.

  I knew when he opened his eyes they would be sleepy and a mix of yellow and green, the most amazing colour I have ever seen. I was about to trace a finger over his high cheekbones when those lashes fluttered and his eyes slowly opened. He turned his head and looked at me and my insides melted at the warmth in those eyes.

  “I could feel you staring, Blue.” He rasped in his just-woken-up voice.

  I smiled. “I was just admiring my gorgeous man.”

  His arm tightened as he drew me closer then turned so that we were facing each other. His free hand reached over and dragged my hips into his then clasped my thigh and lifted my leg on top of his. His hard cock was suddenly right there, against my mound and I couldn’t stop the moan from escaping. He felt so damned good I pushed my hips into his, trying to get closer.

  Ice’s groan rumbled deep in his chest as he dropped his head to mine and softly rubbed his bearded cheek against mine.

  “Fuck. I want you so badly, Blue. But I promised myself I would give you time to get to know me before we take that step again. And, baby, you need to be sure if it’s what you want, because the next time I’m inside you I’m never leaving that pussy ever again.” Ice whispered in my ear. A whisper that caused a delighted shiver to run like lightning through my body.

  “I know what I want, Ice. If you don’t make love to me right now I’m going to be forced to take matters into my own hands. I want you and I want you now. Morning breath and all.” I hissed as I rubbed myself against him.

  He groaned as he grabbed my hip and ground his cock into my oh so needy pussy.

  “Make love to me, baby. Before Duncan wakes up and I have to go through another day without you inside me.” I begged softly. “And just think about this. No condom, I’m already pregnant, so no worries.”

  “Jesus, Blue. Don’t know if I can make love to you, I want you too much. It’s going to be fast and hard, baby.” He growled as he made quick
work of the tee I had worn to bed and pushed me on to my back.

  Ice came up over me and stared down at my boobs then dropped his head and kissed them, first the one then the other. “Your tits are bigger and your nipples darker, baby. So fucking beautiful I want to kiss, lick and bite them until they are covered in my marks.” He dropped his head again and this time he rubbed his beard over them, starting tingles that made me gasp. They were so sensitive the slightest touch had me arching my back.

  “Sensitive, my boobs are very sensitive now.” I gasped.

  Lifting his head he grinned. “Good to know. I’ll be careful. Going to suck on those beautiful nipples until you are ready to go out of your mind.” His hand slipped down, cupped my growing baby bump then carried on into my sleep shorts and slid over my mound. His hand widened my legs and then his hard strong hand covered my pussy and clasped me hard.

  “This wet little pussy is mine. Going to fuck it hard this morning but tonight I’m going to kiss it and lick it until my old lady writhes in pleasure. Then I’m going to slide inside and make love to her slowly, very slowly until she comes all over my cock.” He licked a path up my neck then softly closed his teeth over the hinge of my jaw before sliding his lips down to my mouth. His beard scraped over my sensitive skin and then his mouth found mine and all thought disappeared.

  All my senses were centered on the mouth and tongue and beard of the man who owned me. As he kissed me he yanked my sleep shorts down and I helped by kicking them off and opening my legs wide. Allowing him access to the weeping core of me. I needed him inside me so very badly.

  With a gasp I drew my head back. “Baby, I need you. Right now, inside me. Please.”

  The bastard just smiled and started to slide down my body. Kissing and licking his way around my boobs, sucking on my nipples until I felt like screaming my frustration. I felt his smile against my skin as he slid down further. Was he going to go down on me?


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