Lost And Found In Blue (Iron Dogz MC Book 2)

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Lost And Found In Blue (Iron Dogz MC Book 2) Page 30

by René Van Dalen

  Crow followed Hawk down a passage wide enough for them to walk comfortably side by side. They passed several steel doors before they stopped before the one standing open. Spider and Beast stood on either side of the open door and Crow smiled behind her mask as she stepped into the room. Sin waited for them inside.

  A narrow stainless steel table was bolted to the floor in the middle of the room. The table was at the perfect height for Crow to work at comfortably. A narrow stainless steel shelf was bolted to the wall on the right hand side of the open door and held an array of instruments under a protective clear plastic cover. The entire room had been covered in black plastic sheeting. It whispered a welcome as Crow slowly walked towards the woman cable tied to the table. There would be no need to cut her clothes from her body as she was dressed in a bra and panties only. A black bra and panty set. Matching the room. Pretty.

  Spider brought in a chair and set it in place to the side of the wide-eyed but still silent woman.

  Crow sat down, crossed her legs and stared at the woman.

  “You should not be here. You belong to Doc Michaels.” The bitch said through tight lips.

  “You’re wrong.” Crow hissed. “I belong to no one. I go where I’m needed. And today I’m needed here.”

  “I’m not afraid of you. I’ve seen your work and I’ve been trained to withstand it. You won’t break me.” The stupid slut who had tried to kill Crow’s friends boasted.

  Crow leant forward and a creepy hissing laugh came from behind the black hood.

  “Dear piece of flesh, I don’t need to break you. You are already broken. I’m just going to open those wounds up, push my fingers inside then wriggle them about until you give me what I want.” Crow continued speaking in a low hiss. “You will give me anything and everything I want by the time I decide you’ve had enough of my tender care.”

  Getting up Crow walked to the covered table, lifted the cover and stroked a gloved finger over the instruments that were laid out. A large ungainly looking pair of shears sat at the one end. Picking them up Crow slowly walked back to the bitch and waved the shears in front of her face.

  “This little piece of equipment is usually used to sever fingers and toes, but not today. Today is a spa day. Your spa day. And I’ve decided you need a new hairstyle. Snip, snip, snip.”

  Shoving the slut’s head to the side so she couldn’t move Crow started cutting. Hair fell in clumps to the black plastic clad floor. The bitch screamed and moaned but Crow just gave another creepy laugh and kept snipping away until half her head was down to short stubble.

  Crow stepped back, cocked a head to the side and hissed. “That wasn’t so bad, now was it?”

  “You bastard! You crazy fucking bastard! The Maingardes are going to kill all of you for what you’re doing to me.” She screeched. “I’m never to be touched. Never.”

  Crow gave a soft evil chuckle and the men around the room joined in. “Bitch, they have no idea where you are. We made sure you disappeared and please, don’t take us for fools, your tracking device was removed long before you got here. You’re mine now, and I don’t relinquish what I’ve claimed as mine.”

  Handing the shears to Spider to put away Crow sat back down and just stared at her quarry as she lay panting with rage on the table.

  “You think cutting my hair will make me give in to you? It won’t. But you have to stop if you want my cooperation. Why are you doing this for them? They can’t give you what you need. We can. We can give you as many toys as you want. Let me go and I will get it for you. Anything you want, anyone you want you can have, even DC Michaels. I give you my word.”

  Crow gave a hissing little laugh. “How ignorant she is. DC has always been mine. Now you are mine.” Motioning to the men around the room Crow continued. “They are already mine.”

  Silence, absolute silence.

  “Someone gave you bad information, Emma Coetzee. Someone told you I play with humans like toys. They were wrong. I don’t like toys. And I don’t play. I gather information. Sometimes it’s easy, sometimes it’s not. You, I know, will not be easy. And that fills me with anticipation for the time we are going to spend together.”

  “Jesus.” Emma whispered.

  “Oh he’s nowhere near here, dearie. There’s only Crow and the boys. And they aren’t going to lift a hand to help you. Oh, by the way, River recovered fully and the babies are doing really well. Our boy Ice is very, very pleased.” Crow informed her with another creepy hissing laugh.

  That little gem of information got some reaction. Emma screamed in rage, jerking against her bonds but she wasn’t going anywhere. Not for a very long time.

  “Now, let’s see what you can tell me about Jane Warne. Where is she?” Crow’s voice was no longer light and so strangely friendly. It was a deep dark menacing growl.

  Emma just shook her head in denial. Crow shrugged and pulled the knife from where it had been hidden in her boot.

  “I’m not entirely sure what I want to play today. Noughts and crosses or maybe I can draw a snakes and ladders grid on her belly…hmmm.” Crow tapped the knife against Emma’s bare quivering belly and stared down at her with black inhuman eyes.

  With a lightning fast move Crow leant forward and sliced a noughts and crosses grid on the thigh of the leg to the left below the gunshot wound. The bitch screamed. Crow ignored the screams.

  “Come on, Spidey, come play with me. I’m crosses, I’m always the crosses, and you’ll have to be the noughts.” Crow ignored the screaming and looked at Spider where he was leaning against the wall next to the door. He nodded, came forward and held out a hand for the knife.

  “Oh no, I can’t give you my knife. You have to use your own.” Crow drew the knife back and let the blood drip to the black plastic covered floor.

  Spider slipped his knife out with a grin and cut a circle in one corner of the grid. They played, ignoring the screams and when Crow won Spider insisted on a rematch. Which they played on the other thigh. This time above the gunshot wound. And again Crow won.

  “I’m bored.” Crow complained. “Oh, wait, I have a good idea. Let’s tattoo grids on her and we can all play. We’ve got lots of space.”

  “I’m in.” Beast growled from his place to the side of the bitch. “Me too, I’m in too.” Kid said from the other side. “Oh, yes, that should be fun.” Sin laughed.

  “Have you done tattoos before? If you don’t do it right it will form thick scarring.” Hawk said with a smile the bitch couldn’t see because he was behind her.

  Crow shrugged. “It can’t be that difficult. I’ve watched DC do it and it looks easy. Come on, let’s play with her skin. We can even use different colours. This is going to be so much fun.”

  “She’s on her way to the UK!” The bitch screamed.

  “Really? Why? What’s in the UK?” Crow asked as if totally disinterested.

  “The boss wants her to meet someone. I don’t know anything else.” The bitch said through clenched teeth.

  “Not enough. I want more. Tell me more.”

  “Fuck you. Fuck all of you.” Her screams rang through the room.

  “No thank you. Not sticking anything of mine in that snatch of yours.” Crow said with disgust.

  The men laughed hard and it pissed the bitch off even more. Exactly what Crow wanted.

  “Where’s the tattoo machine thing?” Crow snarled.

  Kid and Spider left the room and after a few minutes walked back in with a big black bag and a fold up stainless steel table. Spider set the table up at an angle to the one in the middle of the room and Kid laid the bag down on the far end. Without any hesitation he set up the tattoo machine as if he had done it thousands of times before. He carefully set out the small tubs of ink and set out the container of needles with the alcohol wipes right next to them. Spider had left while Kid was setting up and he came back with a small bowl of soapy water, a towel, and a razor and set it on the table as well.

  “You know, I’ve been thinking. I don’t think
I want to play games on her skin. I think I want to draw my patterns on her skin. Patterns that will show the world she belongs to me.” Crow said softly and the bitch moaned.

  “Don’t do this. Please don’t do this.” She begged.

  “Oh stop being such a baby. My patterns are pretty. It will look good on you.” Crow admonished as she wet the side of the bitch’s head. Emma started jerking her head from side to side. “Hold her for me.” Crow ordered.

  Kid and Beast immediately grabbed her head, shoved her left cheek to the table and held her in place. Crow made quick work of shaving the stubble, leaving her head smooth. And ready for the next step.

  Picking up the tattoo machine it hummed to life in Crow’s hand. With no plan and no idea what the end result would look like Crow started drawing. The bitch’s screams were ignored as a screaming half human half crow face started to take shape. The face started on her temple and forehead, the face’s hair was a wild mess of strands as if a heavy wind was blowing. Several strands fell over her forehead and laced over her cheek to her jaw. As Crow drew and dabbed and drew and dabbed the screams became less and less and eventually it morphed into soft crying as the subject gave up fighting. Crow started shading, using reds and blacks and blues. Then stood back with a satisfied grunt.

  The tattoo was beautiful and horrifying at the same time. It covered the entire right side of her head and face. From the middle of her head down her neck and onto her back and shoulder.

  “You are mine now. No one will ever look at you and not know who you belong to.” Crow snarled viciously then bent and hissed in her ear. “Tell me a story, slave.”

  “Anything, anything you want, just stop, please stop.” The broken woman sobbed.

  “Who gives you your orders?”

  “Win…Winifred Maingarde.”

  “When did she recruit you?”

  “She didn’t, my dad…my dad convinced me to join their organisation when I was…when I was…thirteen.”

  “Hmm.” Crow hissed softly. “Why would a father hand his daughter over to someone like Winifred Maingarde?”

  Emma Coetzee’s voice strengthened slightly as she explained.

  “He wants more power. He said if I brought them the Iron Dogz he would have a bigger share of the power and so would I. But Bounty was difficult to convince. And the baby was a girl not a boy like they wanted. So Bounty had to die and we had to try again. Jane tried but failed to get pregnant. Now it’s too late, all the officers have to die.”

  Her voice changed and became an obsessed whine.

  “But not Gray, he is mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. River and her bastards will die soon and then he will be all mine. Always mine. Only mine”

  Crow dragged the cup of her bra down and slapped her hard on her naked breast and she went back to the soft sobbing.

  “How will she die?”

  A gasp, more sobs and then it came pouring out.

  “We have people everywhere. She was shot and bleeding a lot. If she’s in a hospital she’s as good as dead. My people will get to her, they will, I know they will. They have their orders if I fail. One little injection and it will all be over. No one will ever know. She will be dead and he’ll be mine. Only mine, always mine.”

  Crow looked up and frowned at Hawk. He pointed up at the cameras and Crow nodded. Satisfied that Ziggy was watching and River would be protected the Crow returned to the interrogation.

  “When did Jane join the organisation?”

  The bitch’s voice was small as she explained and she gave them a lot more than they were expecting. “She…she joined when she was eighteen. She wanted Hawk but he didn’t want her, not then. Everything she has done has been for the organisation. Now it’s time for her reward. A Harrison will marry her, and her children will be the next generation of the organisation.”

  “Has she left yet?”

  “I don’t know. She had some loose ends to tie up before she could leave.” The bitch whispered.

  “Loose ends? How many loose ends are we talking about?”

  The woman whimpered. “She has to find her dad. He’s going with her but no one has seen him for days. Her mother isn’t at home either.”

  “Jesus. Fucking, fucking hell.” Kid snarled.

  Crow held a hand up as he was about to move. “So Flash is a part of the takeover plans for the Iron Dogz?”

  “Yes. He’s been elected as the next president by the organisation.”

  Hawk laughed and shook his head. “This is so fucked up.” He growled.

  “So, does that mean Jane can’t leave until she finds Flash?” Crow asked in a soft hiss.

  “Yessss.” The answer came on a soft moan.

  “Good little slave. Very good. Let’s fix you up quick. It’s going to hurt a little but you’ll soon learn to live with the pain. Won’t you?” Crow said and stroked and hand down her arm.

  “Yes. Anything you want. Anything.”

  “When I’m not here Hawk Walker will be your handler. You will answer any and all questions he puts to you. Do you understand?” Crow said coldly.

  “Yes. Yes I understand.”

  “Good. Very good, slave.”

  The cup of her bra was roughly dragged back over her breast. And with calm efficiency Crow wrapped her wounds and coated the new tattoo in healing jell and closed it up. Reaching back into the black bag Crow drew out a little baggie with a capped syringe. Before any of them could move the syringe was out of the baggie, uncapped and the needle slid into their prisoner’s pulsing carotid artery.

  Crow set the syringe down, and stuck a tiny plaster over the entrance wound. Emma Coetzee’s eyelids started to flutter and then slid closed.

  Her breaths evened out as she slipped into a drug induced sleep. She would be down for several hours. Crow had given her enough to keep her down for at least four hours.

  The men silently watched as Crow meticulously cleaned her equipment and slid it back into the black bag. Only once it was done did Hawk speak up.

  “Let’s get out of here and get you cleaned up.”

  Crow didn’t say a word, just gave a slight chin lift and walked out the door and after a last look at the drugged bitch on the table. Hawk walked out behind her.

  The four men left behind looked at each other and shrugged. With practised efficiency they snipped the cable ties, carried the bitch to her new accommodations and set her down on the bunk. The end of the long chain bolted to the wall was cuffed to her wrist, Beast shook out the blanket at the end of the bunk and covered her. They silently left the room, locking the heavy door behind them.

  Emma Coetzee would stay alive a little bit longer.

  There were more questions for her to answer.

  None of them felt any pity for the drugged woman behind the steel door. She deserved everything that was going to happen to her.

  Her actions bought her this outcome.

  Fifteen minutes later they were back in the clubhouse and heading to the bar. They sat on the stools at the far end of the bar and Chris immediately came to them.

  “What can I get you guys?” She asked with a smile, her eyes shifting to Beast and then away to Spider.

  “Four brandy shots and four beers please sweetheart.” Spider ordered without a reciprocating smile.

  She nodded and set them up then returned to serve at the other end of the bar.

  They silently drank. They were halfway through their beers when Beast spoke quietly.

  “We are never going to talk about that shit to anyone. It stays with us, for fucking ever.”

  “Agreed.” Sin muttered.

  “I agree.” Spider said with a sigh.

  “Agreed.” Kid growled. “Crow is ours to protect. From this day forward.”

  Nods and grunts of agreement followed his statement. Then Spider beckoned Chris over and set them up with more drinks.

  They drank quietly, each lost in their thoughts.



  Looking at his
old lady as she lay against the cushions stacked behind her back in the high hospital bed Ice had to smile. She was definitely feeling better and wanted to go home. This morning her doctor said he wanted her to stay one more day just to be certain.

  His Blue wasn’t happy about that decision.

  His phone started pinging insistently and Ice frowned as he slid it from the inside pocket of his kutte. Ziggy. What did he want? Ice quickly read the text.

  Possible threat against River inside the hospital. Allow no injections. Get her out. Now.

  What. The. Fuck.

  It didn’t take him long to arrange her discharge from the hospital. Nor did it take long to arrange for a safe place to stay until the threats against her were neutralised. They were moving into Hawk’s pool house where his woman and their children would be protected and safe.

  By the time they left the hospital several brothers had arrived to escort them to River’s home. His old lady had been very quiet since he showed her the text. She had a slight frown between her brows and some of the sparkle was missing from her blue eyes. Ice hated it.

  At her home he made her comfortable on the bed while he packed for both of them. River’s mum was packing for Duncan while their boykie packed his toys. The toy bag ended up being bigger than his bag of clothes.

  Packing took a while but at last they were on their way to the Iron Dogz property. The sparkle was still missing from his woman’s eyes.

  “Blue, sweetheart, it’s going to be okay. I’m not going to let anything happen to you or to Duncan, I swear it.”

  She smiled at him, the first real smile of the day. “I know you will, I don’t doubt it for a second. I just wish these people would go away and leave us alone.”

  Unfortunately Ice knew it wouldn’t happen. Not until the Maingarde Organisation was destroyed or Dominic Maingarde took over. And right now that was not going to happen.

  “Once we’re on the Iron Dogz property they won’t be able to get near you or Duncan. You will be safe, and our babies will be safe.” Ice took her cold hand and placed it on top of his thigh as he drove. Covering her hand with his he shared his warmth with her.


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