A Tale Of Doings

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A Tale Of Doings Page 55

by Philip Quense

  “Heard this seminar before, albeit less flowery,” the monk said.

  “That word-view seminar you spoke about, Donk?”

  “Yup. That’s the one. We debated for hours over the intricacies afterward.”

  The hostess continued, “Hedonism, commercialism, and individualism. Hedonism is our scientific understanding of pleasure.”

  The monk said the next line, word for word, so only his table could hear. “Commercialism is the socialistic understanding of satisfaction from owning the best things in the world.”

  Alejandra kept preaching, “Individualism in a spiritual sense constantly asks the question, ‘What do I get out of this?’ These three guiding isms are asked by our development teams every time we create entertainment, stories, thrills, and products. We put ourselves in our clients’ shoes and relentlessly ask what will give them the most pleasure and happiness. We ask what is the best thing we can offer our customers. And then we ask what is in it for them.” She smiled, and the crowd was awed by her insightfulness and presentation. “Our success is based on the ruthless relevance of the isms.”

  Everyone gave a low round of applause, hands beating a steady clap until she spoke again. “Makes so much sense,” a man in a silver sleeveless suit shouted.

  The hostess invited, “We want you to join us, invest with us, live and work with us, be caught doing success with us. We want you to begin a relationship with Orns.” She paused and waved her hands again as she came to the focal point of the stage. Lights shone upon her in ethereal support.

  All the guests were raptly following her movements and fixated on her words. She waved her hands high in the air. “Relationships are a key to Orns.” Fire shot out behind her once more. The fire sprayed over her and closer to David and the others.

  The guests aahed and blinked. The fire was green, gold, red, blue, and purple, and the guests were blinded for a moment. As David’s eyes focused again, he saw handsome men and gorgeous women strutting out in silver Orns suits and dresses from behind Alejandra. In her sultry, sensual voice, Alejandra continued, “Orns would like to give you a simple exposure to one of our relationship products. Our professional actors, each selected individually and specifically for your tastes and needs, are going to dance with you.”

  “By my manager, what’s dancing?” A woman two tables down asked loud enough for David to hear. He was curious as well.

  Before more guests spoke out, the hostess explained, “Dancing is one of the ancient gateway relationship activities from before the Brand Wars. A social activity of the free, and we invite you to drink deeply. I present to you dancing by Orns. We understand that some of you have never danced or paid for dancing before, but just follow along and let our experts show you.” She smiled. “Enjoy it. We want you to experience the intimacy of a relationship with Orns.”

  Forty or so actors swayed and sauntered sensually over to the guests, pulling them out onto the expanding floor. The stage retracted, and the band appeared again. A floor of dark-mahogany boards etched with age and rich contours appeared under the stage. Mellow bass drums rumbled through the room. The beat picked up speed and fullness. It came alive with electric guitars, saxophones, and trumpets jamming out a swaying tune. The actors moved close to their prospective customers and began spinning and twirling all around them and with them.

  A tall, dark, handsome man bowed politely in front of Gayle and smoothly swept her out to the dance floor. David already detested the man for no other motive than he was holding Gayle. His blood simmered in jealousy, like boiling water. He had to take a deep breath so his possessive anger wouldn’t activate his brand rage. His arm tingled a bit. The edge of the dance floor simmered with entrenched neon lights that pulsated with the beat of the live music. The lights above darkened, and the mood of the room shifted from dining to dancing. A stunning woman with long, curly brown hair and a delightful figure reached out a hand to David. He was awkward and stammering by the time she got him up and out onto the floor. He didn’t notice who she was at first as he stumbled on his own feet and looked over her shoulder instead at Doc Gus and Gayle.

  Stringed instruments and an assortment of light percussion sounds began to play out a four-count beat. The floor vibrated softly on every fourth beat, alive with music. Each of the actors whispered into their partners’ ears, “One, two, three, and pop.” David’s partner put her arms around him and gently guided him sideways and back to the counts, whispering for him to feel the music. He could feel the rhythm in her movement, and her hips made it easy to follow along. “One, two, three, and pop.” The closeness to her feminine body stimulated him and filled him simultaneously with excitement and nervousness.

  Doc Gus complained from behind David, “Does no one notice me here? Am I supposed to just watch everyone else? Typical. Forget about the guy that helps everyone. I’m a monk, not a celibate employee.”

  “Helping, or observing and recording?” David questioned smugly. His partner giggled at the jest as she turned him. She shifted her weight to the music.

  “I do help people! It’s my profession!”

  “Look behind you, robed one,” David’s partner said over his shoulder in a patronizing but silky voice. The hostess, Alejandra, personally came to scoop up the Mindmonk. Her ruby-red dress had silver thread accents that shimmered as the couple swirled away. David lost sight of the yellow robe as it blended into the swaying crowd of dancers. David’s partner pulled him back to the dance smoothly. “It seems your Mindmonk friend has met Madam Alejandra before.” The regal and shapely brunette let her curls fall over her features as she pressed closely to David, sidestepped, and moved him along with the dance. “Want to hear a secret?”

  David’s heart rate shot up as he realized how close he was to this beautiful woman. “Yes, please. That is, I don’t want to impose. If you want to tell me.”

  “Not used to talking to girls—nervous, are we? The secret won’t get you in trouble with Orns Security. It’s that Madam Alejandra never dances with customers. Your Mindmonk companion is the first I have ever heard of.” She smiled through her dangling brown twirls of hair and murmured, “Enjoy the dance. The music is beautiful, and you’ll rarely ever get to just dance in Xchange.” Her hips shifted with the beat. She showed him how to follow her body. The rhythm was sensual and mesmerizing.

  As she spoke, David had a clear sensation that she was familiar. Really familiar.

  Who is she? He racked his brain for a memory that was just out of his mental grasp.

  “One, two, three, and pop.”

  He swayed away from his partner to get a look at her face. Yes, he had seen this woman before. “Who are you? Did you work at Nnect during your career?” He paused. “Were you on a popular advertisement? I recognize you from somewhere.” The tickle of the lost memory grew into a pestering bother. Who is she?

  “I get that a lot.”

  Was she teasing? Did she know? he wondered.

  “Most guys tell me that I’m from their dreams, such things like that. Is that what you mean?” A glimmer of intrigue or maybe knowing filled her eyes and then was masked by her unreadable gaze. “I was bought by Orns when I was born. Just like Nnect bought you. The stock market chooses.”

  David attempted to pry from her a hint that would unlock his growing sense of déjà vu. He pressed deeper. “Do you normally work with the tours?”

  “No, I was shifted unexpectedly over here just to dance with you.”

  “Is that normal?”

  “Not normal, but then again not unheard of. The powers that be don’t move their chess pieces at random. What is special about you, David? Why was I picked?”

  “Nothing really,” David answered tentatively, and then he thought, I sure hope Orns isn’t aware of our illegal mission to find the slaves. I hope she isn’t a spy. But hope isn’t a strategy. He buried his fears momentarily to ask, “What were you told?”

  “I was told that I was compatible with you. I was assigned to the relationship division
of Orns for most of my life and was recently transferred to Medieval Storyworld’s acting group. I actually start training on one of the new projects tomorrow. The decision to make me come here tonight was unexpected.”

  “Relationship…so you were one of the relationship products before your change?” He smirked. “Do I have to pay?”

  “Relax, David. Stop moving so stiffly. This is not an inspection. My body will show you how to move. Lean into me—follow me.”

  When she said this, David gasped. “I’ve ‘danced’—not like this—with only two people in my life.” Understanding dawned on him. “By the stock, Bathsheba? I was in love with you.”

  She studied him, pausing from the dance. “I never was a dancing girl. I worked in the massage and role-playing divisions for a couple of years. Now I am an actor here.” She smiled. “I never tell anyone my real name. How do you know it?”

  “I paid to get a massage once. To experience one of the ‘in-person relationships.’ It was so awkward.” His cheeks turned red. “I asked if we could talk and then asked you your name. It felt more natural. Seemed…more right. Trying to get to know you,” he stammered. “Everything around me at the time seemed artificial.” He closed his eyes and remembered. “You didn’t laugh at me or mock me. You taught me a dance. Just two moves before I left. I was planning on coming back, and then I found out my storage unit neighbor had also been to see you. He was bragging about it. I could never go back. I hated him. He made fun of you, of me.”

  “Show me the dance step. If you remember it. I remember teaching one nice teen several years ago a dance that my best had friend taught me.”

  David showed her. A simple twirl, a step forward, a step back, a repeat turn, and a finish with a slow, tapering lean back. She smiled, recognition on her brow. “I remember you. By the stock, Orns monitors all visits and must have identified me as your only experience with this campus. When you appeared here tonight, they got me to come. I must be the only person you ever visited. Faithfulness and bashfulness are not traits you see often.”

  “I vowed never to do it again. It felt inauthentic and cheap of me to buy time with you. And if you knew this Uriah—he is a stock defect—then you would understand why I could never share anyone as wonderful as you with him. Or with anyone.”

  “Some of us feel disgusted by what we do. But we don’t have a choice.” He was pained to see her beautiful jaw clench. “That’s why I shifted to an acting division as soon as my manager allowed me to apply.”

  “Isn’t live acting in the Medieval Storyworld bubble dangerous? Human-doings die in there.”

  “The pay is better. It’s more dangerous for sure, but at least I can avoid all the relationship product shit. Excuse the term. An adventure is what I need.” She led him around another turn and spun in front of him.

  She leads with such ease. She makes me feel like I’m leading. He experienced validation.

  As she returned to his arms, she said, “Why are you really here, David? Are you back for a relationship?”

  “Is this Orns asking?”

  “This is the girl that told a bashful boy once upon a time her true name.”

  He trusted her. “I’m not looking for the product kind of relationship anymore. You know, I vowed never to go for love again after you.”

  “I appreciated that you didn’t buy your identity by abusing my dignity. I appreciated your respect.” She responded thoughtfully.

  “But I really like that Thrivan over there and am getting back into the relationship game.” He nodded toward Gayle in her blue gown as she swirled into view. “Also, life has taken a crazy spin for me. Trying to learn more about myself and fix some problems.”

  Bathsheba twirled again and said meaningfully, “There’s something special about you, David. Also, there is something going on that you are not telling me about.” He didn’t think he was important, but it felt good to hear her say it.

  The understanding bob of her head made him decide to say a bit more. His words rushed forth as if a dam inside of him had broken. He expected a brand punishment, but it didn’t happen. “I’ve been asking questions about Xchange. Pushing the boundaries a bit. Relearning history. Fighting with some managers. I never planned on coming back here.”

  “Sounds complex and a bit dangerous.”

  “Sometimes life puts hard choices in your path, I guess.”

  “I want to hear all about it once you get those answers, David. Will you come back and see me someday once you find what you’re looking for?”

  “Yes, of course.” She was lovely. He decided to try a compliment. “You know, you still look beautiful. More than I remember. You deserve the best you can have in everything. You were kind to me.”

  Just then, they spun and sidestepped past Gayle. She was stiff and awkward as the man she was with tugged her around and around. Bathsheba noticed David’s eyes find Gayle. Then he tripped over his feet, losing concentration.

  “You want to dance with her, don’t you?” she teased lightheartedly. She was very understanding. “Promise me you’ll come find me if you become a success in the world or find answers. Get me out.”

  “If you promise the same for me, Bathsheba? I might need the saving.”

  “OK, it’s a vow. Now, you should dance with her.”

  “Isn’t that against the rules? Is that even allowed?” David stammered. Despite his recent spurt of rebelliousness, he was a rule follower.

  “Of course it isn’t allowed. But maybe it’s the right thing to do. Remember: one, two, three, pop. Go back and forth, and make her feel beautiful. That is all there is to it. Don’t force it. Go lead, David.”

  Bathsheba’s dark-brown eyes stared for a moment into his blue ones. Her long dark lashes shifted up in a serious manner. She wanted to know that he understood her request. “Goodbye for now, David.”

  “Thank you, Bathsheba. I won’t forget you.” He whispered the last part. He knew she would always be a part of him, motivating his desires and shaping the foundation of his relationships.

  She moved faster than he could believe possible, twirling and spinning and tugging him across the floor. She wrapped Gayle up in a guiding grip and then spun her into David’s arms. The man guiding Gayle freaked out, fuming and clutching in protestation. He stammered that she was his responsibility. But it was too late. Bathsheba silenced him with a sharp knee to his thigh, and the two workers danced away from David and Gayle. David saw them walk out a back door, talking heatedly under their breath.

  “It’s me to the rescue. You looked like you were having too much fun there!” David couldn’t believe his luck. He smiled genuinely. “May I have this dance, Gayle?”

  “That man was creeping me out.”

  “Worse than I normally do?”

  “Would you believe it possible.” She giggled. “If you can keep your hands where they belong, yes, I’ll dance with you.”

  “No promises.” He grinned foolishly.

  “In that case, David, only because you asked so nicely.” They spun around the floor. “And who was that woman? Why did she do that for you?”

  “An old friend. We just reconnected. She is very kind. I never thought there were good people at Orns.” One, two, three, and pop. “Strange how things work out. She asked us to come back for her if we ever figure out how to succeed and get free.”

  The couple swayed back and forth slowly over the dance floor, falling in love. Connection began to happen. They stumbled and stepped on each other’s feet, but it didn’t matter. The bachata music sensually filled the room, and the two awkward dancers talked quietly about the day and about the tours for tomorrow. The most significant thing that happened was David apologizing for the PPRE mess. And he meant it. He didn’t know how to ask for forgiveness he didn’t even understand, but he felt he needed to because she disliked PPRE so much.

  David loved being this close to Gayle, but he remembered Patrick’s advice. Her face. Look only at her face. And he tried. For the first time in his li
fe, he tried. And it worked. She enjoyed being with him. A small step. But a step in the right direction. David felt in his inner being that he made two steps tonight. First, something healed inside of him by talking to Bathsheba. And second, he was authentically connecting with Gayle. Well, it felt more genuine than anything up to this point. The night was turning into a true experience of beauty.

  The night ended all too soon, and they were handed their tour options and sent back to their sleeping quarters. When they got back to the room, all six rescuers sat out on the balcony and discussed insights from the day and their options for tomorrow. Gayle, who was brimming with curiosity about Tri-Coalition, asked Paul about his daughter-in-law. “Tell me about Tara. Tell me about your world.”

  He told her. He told her about the cities, the people, the schools, the families, the churches, and the freedom.

  “I want to go to this Tri-Coalition place where people are beings.”

  “Gayle, you cannot leave Xchange,” David said, laughing a bit at the impossibility.

  “Don’t look at me in shock.” She chastised David with a glare. “This sounds like what I have been looking for.” She surprised all of them with this desire. “Maybe an opportunity will open up.”

  Paul surprised them even more by saying yes. “Gayle, we’d love to take you with us and show you our way of living. You would find a home with us.”

  And then it was bedtime. Paul insisted that David sleep in the Mindmonk’s room so that Gayle would have her own room. She thanked the men and headed off to bed, the door locking behind her. David went to bed with his mind whirling with all that had transpired.

  Chapter 39

  Sweating It Out

  Bed robots hung like cocoons above their metallic, robotic bases as the morning light filtered into the guest room he shared with the Mindmonk. David wanted to get up early and get some time in the personal body-enhancing gym at the end of the hall from the suite. So he tiptoed across the room to avoid waking up the sleeping lump and slipped into the digital human accessorizing closet to pick out his workout gear. The closet display beeped a “good doing” as David efficiently swiped his way through the workout outfits available. He found a blue-and-gray top he liked with board shorts in white and red. The brown door under the display lit up green and opened with his outfit of choice. The closet provided exactly the correct dimensions for David.


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