Black Hearts Dance

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Black Hearts Dance Page 15

by Gerald Lopez

  “It did me too or I would’ve woken up on my own without Mrs. Carson shaking me awake,” Forrest said.

  I laughed at the thought of that. “Were you naked?”

  “I was, but I had a sheet over me.”

  “Lucky for you,” I said.

  “Not so lucky for Mrs. Carson,” Alex said.

  Forrest and I both looked at Alex.

  “For someone with the looks of an angel, you can be naughty,” Forrest said.

  “Hey, I’m always telling him he looks like an angel,” I said. “But, I’m still learning just how naughty he can be.”

  Alex chuckled.

  “We’re OK, right, guys,” Forrest said. “That whole thing we did was new to me.”

  “Me too,” I said.

  The two of us looked at Alex, who was silent.

  “I may have done that once or twice before… a long time ago,” Alex said. “There’s no need to talk about and analyze everything is there, detective… deputy.”

  “Actually there’s not,” I said. “I think I’m with not only a beautiful and sexy man but an intelligent one too.”

  “I will second that,” Forrest said. “I’ll also go back to my room so I can get ready.”

  “Will the guests be coming inside the main house?” I said.

  “No,” Forrest said. “Two friends of Rory will handle security at the front and two co-workers of mine will handle security at the back of the house. Everyone will be in the tents and garden and two very high-end Porta-Potty units have been set up for guests to use. Each of the units have three separate and completely enclosed stalls.”

  “Pretty fancy—I’ve seen those on TV,” I said. “But, feel free to use the bathroom in the main house instead of the Porta-Potty, Forrest.”

  “Forrest, spend the night if you want,” Alex said. “That invitation extends to anyone you might meet tonight and who you might want to stay with you for company.”

  “Thank you very much, both of you,” Forrest said. “I usually don’t get too lucky at these ‘pretty people parties’, but I appreciate the offer and I’ll definitely spend the night. Thanks again for that. I’ll see you two later.”

  I saw him to the door then let him out and waved bye.

  “He was serious about not getting lucky, wasn’t he?” Alex said.

  “Yeah,” I said.

  “My dick twitched just looking at him standing there,” Alex said.

  “Wow,” I said. “Hmm, clearly we both like the same type, but remember that twitching member of yours belongs to me.”

  “Understood, Sir,” Alex said, then chuckled.

  I ran to the bed, jumped on it and kissed Alex. “I love you, babe.”

  “I love you too, but I don’t exactly look similar to the deputy.”

  “To be honest, Alex, physically you’re not what I usually go for. But, when I saw the sun shining down on you the day we met, I thought I was looking at perfection in human form. There’s nothing at all I don’t like about you. And I find everything about you attractive. Even that little corner of your neck.” I kissed then bit his neck lightly. He chuckled and we rolled around in bed for a while before duty called.

  “We need to shower and start getting ready, Layton,” Alex said.

  “You’re more used to this sort of thing than I am,” I said. “What the hell do I even wear?”

  “I’ve already got that handled for you, don’t worry,” Alex said. “Just go clean up.”

  “You are bossy,” I said. “But, I like that—especially in bed.” I kissed him, but he pushed me back and I gave him my sad puppy dog face.

  “Aww, Layton, don’t look at me like that, you look so sad.”

  “Kiss me,” I said.

  “Didn’t you get enough earlier?”

  I gave him my ‘what the fuck did you just say’ look and he caught it.

  “Stupid question on my part, I know. If you’re really good, maybe after everything’s over with we can have a slow and quiet session just the two of us.

  “In that case, I’ll be very good and go clean up.” I headed to the bathroom, but turned around to get a last word in. “But, I’m only being good now, so I can be really, really bad later with you.”

  Chapter 24


  AFTER MY shower, I dried off, wrapped a towel around my waist, walked to Alex and hugged him.

  “It’s starting to sound like a party’s gonna be happening outside,” Alex said. “Let’s go to the other room and take a peek out the window, then I’ll come back here and shower.”

  We put on our robes and walked back to our old room, then looked out the window overlooking the yard and driveway. A white tent had been erected over the back courtyard with a narrow tent leading from it to the parking area. I wondered where all the guests would park, then remembered the empty field across the street from Carson Court. Surely, that’d be put into use tonight. The noise and commotion let me know there were people about even though the tents obscured them.

  “Let’s go back to the other room and finish getting ready,” I said.

  When we returned to the room we were currently using, Alex went to shower. He’d laid out my clothes for the evening on the bed while I’d been showering, but I hadn’t noticed them until now. God bless the man. There was a red tank top with my blue jeans and the new sandals Miss Lucy had bought me. Alex’s black jeans were there with his sheer, black, V-neck short-sleeved T-shirt and the sandals Miss Lucy had bought him which were the same as mine. The organization had gotten a deal buying the sandals in bulk. They were nice, black leather sandals, not dime-store flip-flops, so who was I to complain. I’d be comfortably dressed for tonight’s party, which definitely put me in a good mood. I walked to the dresser, put on my gel deodorant then opened the top drawer and took out a pair of underwear which I slipped into. When Alex came out of the bathroom I was lying back in bed.

  Alex walked over to me, then buried his head in the pouch of my briefs.

  “Stop that,” I said. “Unless you want to skip this party and stay in bed instead. Which I’d be up for, just so you know.”

  “I wish we could do that,” Alex said, then lowered my underwear and began sucking my cock. He gave the head of my cock a kiss then raised my underwear back up. “Why do I always feel so horny around you, Layton?”

  “You’re reacting to my constant state of arousal around you,” I said.

  He moved up on the bed, so we were face to face and we kissed passionately for several minutes.

  “You’re everything to me, Layton,” Alex said. “It scares me sometimes.”

  “Don’t be scared,” I said. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’ll always be here for you… in every way.”

  Alex got up from bed suddenly and spoke. “Is what I picked out for us to wear OK?”

  “Works for me,” I said. “Of course I’ll be lusting after you all night. I won’t know whether to look at your luscious nipples prominently displayed under your see-thru shirt or your extremely hot feet exposed in those sandals.”

  Alex chuckled. “The clothes are casual, but Elise told me to dress like we would if we were going to a gay nightclub.”

  “I don’t go to nightclubs unless it’s part of a case I’m working on,” I said. “You’re engaged to a homebody, babe.”

  “Good,” Alex said.

  “You’re probably the more experienced of the two of us at this society game… and other more interesting games,” I said, then got up from bed to get dressed.

  Alex chuckled again. “I hadn’t done a certain particular game since I was away in boarding school for a summer term in high school. I didn’t shock you too much, did I?”

  I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his bare waist as I spoke. “You surprised the hell out of me, but it turned me on more than I’d ever been turned on in my life.”

  “Really?” Alex said. “Was it because Forrest was involved?”

  “No,” I said in Alex’s ear. “I
t was because you took charge of the situation… and of me. You acted like you knew without any doubt that I was yours in every way that mattered. I could completely let go and just follow your commands and I can’t tell you how much I liked that.”

  “I guess it’s difficult always being the alpha male Marine,” Alex said.

  “No, not really,” I said, chewing on his neck. “But sometimes I like when you pound the hell out of me and when you exert your authority over me. Then I can let go and just be in the moment, enjoying every.” I nipped his ear. “And I do mean every second of having you deep inside me.”

  Alex turned around and kissed me hard. I returned the kiss and slipped my tongue in his mouth. God, I didn’t want to stop what we were doing to go to some party, but I didn’t want to let down Mrs. Carson so I pulled away from Alex.

  “If we start anything again, we won’t be making it downstairs,” I said.

  “Understood,” Alex said.

  ONCE WE”D dressed, we stood next to one another in front of the dresser mirror.

  “Layton, you are a magnificent creature,” Alex said, running his palms down the front of my snug tank top. “I love your big and strong body.”

  “I love that I can put my arms so snuggly around your slender waist,” I said. “I’ve said it before, but it bears saying again. You are the most beautiful creation I’ve ever in my life laid eyes on and that will never ever change. No matter how many scantily clad men are downstairs, so stop being insecure.”

  “Am I that obvious?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Sorry,” Alex said. “You just look so good, those other guys will be lusting after you tonight.”

  “So. I only belong to one guy and that’s you. But if it’ll make you feel better, you’re more than welcome to stay by my side all night long. You can fight those other guys off me and tell ‘em I’m yours.” I chuckled.

  “Don’t laugh,” Alex said. “I think I’m going to do just that—stay by your side all night.”

  “Good,” I said. There was a knock on our door, then we heard a familiar voice.

  “It’s Mrs. Carson, are you men decent?”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Alex said.

  Mrs. Carson entered wearing a silky, floral print, pastel pink robe.

  “Hubba, hubba, don’t you two look good. What transformations from two good-looking boys to two hotties ready for a night on the town.” She chuckled.

  I took a good look at her. She wore gold glitter eyeshadow and shimmering red lipstick but the makeup was tasteful and well applied. The gold and crystal tipped extra long eyelashes were a bit over the top but fun.

  “Elise did a significantly better job on my makeup than Henrietta did for me yesterday.”

  “Yeah, and you look fantastic,” I said. “But you told Henrietta to overdo it so I wouldn’t recognize you right away.”

  “That’s true,” Mrs. Carson said.

  “I love the lashes, Mrs. Carson,” Alex said.

  “Thank you, Alex,” Mrs. Carson said. “Layton, your man looks good enough to eat, you’d better keep a watchful eye over him.”

  “Don’t worry about that,” I said. “I thought about putting a leash on him, but it turns out he’s the one that’ll be keeping a dominant eye on me.”

  “Oh, he’s the jealous type, huh?” Mrs. Carson said. “That always comes from a lack of confidence, you know. And Alex, from where I stand the only thing you’re lacking is confidence. Not many men can hold a candle to you or Layton.”

  “Not even Rory or Forrest?” I said.

  “Oh, well, yes there are those two but they’re old fixtures around here. Poor Forrest has no clue about the effect he has on other males,” Mrs. Carson said. “You’ll see what I mean tonight.”

  “Frankie and Jimmy are handsome too,” Alex said.

  “Darling,” Mrs. Carson said, “would I have any ugly people around me?”

  “Yes, you would,” I said. “You put on a good show, but you have a good heart and looks would never matter to you.”

  “To tell you the truth, I’m not sure I believe there are many ugly people,” Mrs. Carson said. “As long as their hearts are in the right place, then they’re beautiful. Ugliness comes from within just like beauty and that’s what I don’t like being around—that sort of ugliness. I’ve been around it before and it poisons everything in the atmosphere.”

  “That’s very true,” Alex said.

  “Mrs. Carson, was there something you needed or did you come to admire the beauty of me and my man,” I said, then smiled.

  “Well, I always believe in stopping to smell the roses and to admire handsome men,” Mrs. Carson said. “But I do have a couple questions for the two of you. Do you want me to make some sort of announcement about you buying Carson Court?”

  Alex looked at me, so I replied to the question. “If Alex agrees, then I think no announcement should be made tonight regarding that, it would take the focus away from your event.”

  “I agree,” Alex said. “What was the other question?”

  “Frankie told me that people have been asking him if this will be the last time Carson Court will be hosting The Glitter Ball,” Mrs. Carson said.

  “The Glitter Ball,” I said. “Cute name. How long have you hosted the ball?”

  “Since 1978.”

  “Wow!” Alex said. “That’s a long time. You can’t stop now. Make an announcement that Carson Court will be glad to continue to host The Glitter Ball for many years to come.”

  Mrs. Carson clapped and smiled. “You two have made an old woman very happy. I was always proud of having been able to do something for the gay community… and the lesbians too I suppose.” She laughed loudly. “The girls are alright, but you know how I love the boys.” She laughed again, then kissed my cheek and Alex’s cheek. “I don’t think parties are really either of you two’s cup of tea, so I appreciate what you’re doing. The money from tonight goes to a local shelter which provides emergency housing for teenagers who’ve been thrown out of their homes for being gay or people suffering from HIV who have no place to stay. The shelter also provides counseling free of charge.”

  “Then this is all for a good cause, so it’s alright,” I said.

  “That’s what the general used to say,” Mrs. Carson said. “Then he’d go downstairs, laugh it up, and have some drinks with the boys. He even twirled around the dance floor with a drag queen or two.” She turned to Alex. “That’s how a confident man acts, always sure of himself no matter what the circumstances. You’ll get there, I have no doubt of that.”

  “He definitely will,” I said. “He’s just going through a rough patch, but he’s got us here to see him through.”

  “Yes he does,” Mrs. Carson said. “Alex, I know a bit about what happened between you and your family. I’m not one to pry, but if you ever need a friendly grandmotherly type to talk to, I’m here. There are also a lot of good people in this area. Rory’s crazy, but someone you can always count on, Elise is a sweet girl who’d do anything to help someone in need, and Forrest is a surprise in a lot of ways. He’s someone who’s very good to talk to and he has a knack with people.”

  “Interesting, and good to know,” I said.

  “Thanks for the offer, Mrs. Carson,” Alex said. “It’s funny, when I think I’m over things, I suddenly feel so lost and insecure like I don’t know my place.”

  “Your place is with me—here or wherever I am,” I said.

  “Amen to that,” Mrs. Carson said. “What you’re feeling is to be expected after what you’ve been through with your family, but you hang onto Layton, or me… or even Elise, Rory, or Forrest if you need to. Just know and believe in your heart that when you feel weak there are others around you to help keep you going until you feel strong again.”

  Alex gave Mrs. Carson a hug and put his head on her shoulder then spoke after several seconds. “You make me feel like I’ve found a true family. It’s just scary sometimes. Look how my real family was.”
br />   Honey,” Mrs. Carson said, “that wasn’t your ‘real’ family. Just because you’re blood related doesn’t make you a real family. You and Layton have treated me better than my own daughter, who wanted to practically throw me out of my own home—presumably for my own sake, God bless the little bitch.” She wiped a tear away then laughed. “Oh Life is a crazy damn thing sometimes! The way it works out can be absolutely insane, but in the end it all does work out, you know.”

  “I found the love of my life when I least expected it,” I said.

  “So, did I,” Alex said. “And we’ve found a new home together… and a new family.”

  “All in only a day and a half!” Mrs. Carson said. “Woo-hoo! I think we deserve to go downstairs and party our tails off.”

  “I agree!” Alex said.

  “Good, then you two go downstairs and make sure everything looks glorious,” Mrs. Carson said. “I have to wait for my co-hostess Henrietta to get here so we can make our grand entrance together. She is dying to meet you two.”

  “The feeling is mutual,” I said.

  Mrs. Carson laughed loudly. “Life is definitely crazy sometimes! Alex, forget your troubles at least for tonight and have fun with Layton, who is head over heels in love with you.”

  “I’ll do that,” Alex said.

  Mrs. Carson got a funny look on her face as if she’d left us for a moment.

  “Is everything OK?” I said.

  “Something Shannon and I talked about just popped into my mind,” Mrs. Carson said. “Alex, are you feeling more insecure than the usual for everything you’ve been through?”

  “The weird thing is that sometimes I feel confident and happy to the point of talking with Layton about how hot Forrest is, then I feel strange,” Alex said. “Like these other emotions hit me from nowhere. Why do you ask? I thought you just said it was normal.”

  “I don’t want to scare either of you, but Shannon said she’s read that sometimes ghosts can impart their feelings onto people,” Mrs. Carson said. “Or they can bring out feelings in people that they normally feel but intensify them. For example if you already have feelings of insecurity that the ghost also has, then being in the same house can magnify those feelings in you.”


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