The Mullinix Book 1: Ascension

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The Mullinix Book 1: Ascension Page 13

by Rodney Mountain

  Chapter 12 - Drinks in the Palace

  Massimaferro and Insegniferro sat in their common room in the palace, relaxing after what had been a long day for both of them. Several of the house staff were sitting in the room with them, serving drinks and being pleasant and relaxing companions for the two Mullinix.

  "It doesn’t look good, does it?" Marina asked Insegniferro.

  "No," Iggy sighed, sipping on a glass of milk, "Nothing we can do for him at this point."

  "Should we go sit with him?" Massimaferro wondered, downing his ale, "I mean…"

  "It would depress him and you," Mariana said, leaning against Massy’s left leg, "Julia is in there with him. That will probably be the best medicine for him."

  "I guess you’re right," Massy said, sighing, "Just doesn’t seem right is all."

  "Tali has had a long and fruitful life," Iggy said, "The one we should be feeling sorry for is sitting in one of the dorms down there."

  "Yeah," Massy nodded, "Tali’s torment is almost over. The new kid is just about to begin."

  "Have you decided?" Marina asked, curious as to who the newbie would be, "I mean…"

  "You’re looking forward to having someone nearer your own age," Iggy chuckled, "Instead of old fogies like me and Tali and Massy, who is old enough to be your father…"

  "I…" Marina said, trying to choose her words carefully, "Like older men…"

  Massy and Iggy both had a laugh at this. Marina was one of the youngest of the inner circle of the house staff, having just recently passed the age of twenty. She was indeed looking forward to having a Mullinix younger than herself, though she was sorry that Taliaferro had to die for this to happen.

  The inner circle was the portion of the staff that worked closest to the three Mullinix. They were the friends, companions, and often bedmates. Anything necessary to keep the Mullinix sane, really. They were also the only people who saw the Mullinix for what they were, flawed humans that need a friend. As a result, the house staff tend to be the only people with whom the Mullinix can let their hair down.

  "No need to pretend, Marina," Massy chuckled, "I’m sure I’d feel the same way in your case. It’ll be nice for you to have someone close to your own age to curl up with."

  "It won’t stop me from coming with you tonight if you like," Marina grinned, "Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to it but I do like being with you too."

  "Mm mmm," Mariana chuckled, "He’s mine tonight anyway."

  "I’m not going to fight it," Marina shrugged, "Not a night for celebrations anyway."

  "Definitely not," Iggy sighed, "But what can we do?"

  Massimaferro was just about to say something when one of the pages knocked on the door of the room. Marina, the closest to the door, stood up and went over to let the young man inside. He was out of breath after running as fast as he did.

  "What is it lad?" Massimaferro asked him, "Taliaferro?"

  "No Mullinix," the boy said, "Paulus and Roland have returned from the southlands. You said…"

  "Yes, yes," Insegniferro nodded emphatically, "Send them up here right away."

  "That was quick," Massy said, a worried look on his brow, "I thought that they were on their way to Cirrus City?"

  "They might have heard about Tali," Iggy said, "Decided they would do more good here. Cirrus has been a problem for twenty years anyway."

  "We need eyes and ears down there," Massy said, "You know that as well as I do."

  "If they’re back this soon it means they found out something they didn’t want to messenger to us," Iggy said, nodding, "We’ll find out in a minute."

  It was more like two minutes before the two men entered the room. The pair of men looked considerably different and neither one looked like what one would expect from a representative of the Mullinix. Paulus Tally was a smaller man, not physically dissimilar to Insegniferro. Roland Hoffs was a bit larger, though mostly around the stomach. The fact that Hoffs was Iggy’s year mate and Tally was Massy’s really made it even more improbable.

  "Not going to welcome us home, guys?" Paulus asked, grinning as he sat down, "You don’t look like you were expecting company."

  "We weren’t expecting you back this soon," Massy said, getting up to greet his old friend, "It’s good to see you though. It’s been a trying week."

  "We heard about Tali," Paulus said as he hugged Massy, "But that’s not why we’re here."

  "The Mavelans are massing an army," Roland said seriously, "I didn’t want people to start panicking yet, but we’re hearing reports of massive troop training on the other side of the border. Not substantiated yet, but we haven’t been down to Cirrus proper yet either."

  "Great," Iggy said, rubbing his head, "Just what we need is a war."

  "How is morale down there?" Massy asked, "Among the people and the troops?"

  "The citizens in the disputed areas are pissed," Paulus said, "There’s no easier way to say it. They’ll fight to the last man to avoid being ruled by the Mavelans again, but that is in the north edge. We heard about Tali before we could go all the way to Cirrus City."

  "The troops?" Massy asked.

  "They’ve been down there a while," Paulus said, "They probably hate the Mavelans almost as much as the people who were once ruled by them, but we need to spend some time in the area before we can judge for sure. I know there are still raids going on."

  "How long until we really have problems?" Iggy asked Roland, "And is there any chance of a political settlement?"

  "You know King Facie of the Mavelans," Roland said, "He took the defection as a personal insult. As long as that man lives there will be problems down there."

  "Anything that can’t be deferred for a month or two?" Iggy asked him, "Things are going to be slightly messy here for a bit with Tali…"

  "How bad is the old man?" Paulus asked, "Rumors are spreading fast and furious that he’s not going to be around long."

  "We’re rushing the selection process if that tells you anything," Massy sighed, "Tomorrow, day after maybe. The medico doesn’t give him any longer than that."

  "The old man has been ready to go for years," Roland sighed, taking a drink handed to him by Marina, "He was never the same once Roddy passed."

  "Roddy was pretty much the last of his contemporaries," Paulus reminded him, "I don’t think I’d care to last much longer than all my friends."

  "Either way," Massy said, "Tali has been a good man. I doubt we’d have turned out as well without him."

  "Here here," Roland said, raising his glass, "If he’s going to go, let’s just hope it’s painless."

  Everyone in the room raised their glasses and had a drink to Roland’s toast. Marina sighed, not having been around for something like this before. Massy hadn’t been there for the death, but he had been there for the reminiscing that occurred after Crianferro’s death. He put his hand on Marina’s shoulder and she put her hand over his.

  "So are you going to need your disguise again tomorrow?" Marina asked him, "Or are you going to just wait it out?"

  "Tali wants to watch the session," Iggy told them, "I think he wants to see the kids."

  "Looks like I get to make another appearance as Mr. Irons," Massy said, "I’m going to herd them through like cattle and do a Q&A with Iggy."

  "I’m actually looking forward to this," Iggy chuckled, "Seeing the kids will be much more fun than dealing with the cases I’m forwarded every day."

  "Sounds like a plan to me," Paulus chuckled, "So do we get to stick around for a bit or are you sending us out again?"

  "We’ve been leaning on you enough," Massimaferro said, "Stick around through the funerals and the like. I’m only going to send one of you down to Cirrus because I’ll probably have to send one of you on to Siraq to get ready for the negotiations up there before long."

  "Not to push you on it," Roland asked, "But I’m assuming that you’ll be taking one of his year mates for our position?"

  "Same way we did for y
ou and Paulus," Iggy shrugged, "We’ll let the boy make his choice. Probably be a month or two before we let either one out."

  "So who gets Siraq?" Paulus asked, "That’ll be a cush job comparatively."

  "I’ll flip you for it," Roland grinned, "Unless you two have a preference?"

  "No," Iggy chuckled, "You both can do the job."

  "Just to make it even, though," Massy suggested, "Whichever one of you goes to Siraq gets the rookie once the kid chooses him."

  "Fair enough," Paulus chuckled and pulled a coin out, "Iggy’s face is the winner."

  "For once," Massy laughed.

  Iggy tossed a dinner roll at the younger Mullinix. Massy caught it and dipped it in his drink, taking a bite. Paulus flipped the coin and he came up the loser, having to go to Cirrus. They both were glad that Roland and Paulus showed up before they had to make the choice. It was a piece of relaxation they all needed before the next day’s activities.

  "So what do we do tomorrow?" Paulus asked, "Need us for anything?"

  "Not really," Iggy shrugged, "Though if you want to be around to check out the newbies you can stick around."

  "I’ll hang around tonight," Paulus said, "Since everyone thinks it won’t be long."

  "I’m going to go see my wife," Roland said, "The kids will probably be home and I’m long overdue."

  "Ouch," Massy said, "I will say, that is one benefit of being a Mullinix. I can get laid without being married."

  "So can anyone else," Paulus reminded him, "You just have the advantage of not being legally able to get married."

  "Yes," Marina said, "But instead of one woman to yell at them they have to deal with all of us."

  "Either way, I need to at least see Sueta tonight," Roland told them, "She’s bound to hear that I’ve come back into town."

  "Don’t let me stop you," Iggy said, "Last thing I need is for that woman to come after me. I can handle brigands, bandits and ugly rulers from across the border. I think I’ll pass on taking the brunt of Sueta’s wrath."

  "Come on," Massy said to Paulus, "Since I know you have nowhere to go how bout we go have a few glasses of wine and catch up on what’s going on."

  "Sounds like a plan," Paulus smiled, "Provided some of these lovely ladies will join the conversation to keep it from becoming all work related."

  "How can we refuse an invitation like that," Mariana smiled, "I’ll find a decent bottle of wine."

  "I suppose I could find the body oil," Marina chuckled, "I’m sure you can talk and take a massage at the same time?"

  "If he can’t I’m sure he’ll make a valiant effort," Massimaferro laughed, "Thanks girls."

  Insegniferro watched the younger Mullinix and the rest of them leave the room. Roland stood up to walk off, but looked at Iggy and decided he’d better see how his old friend was before he left. He wasn’t in that big a hurry to see Sueta anyway.

  "So how are you handling it?" Roland asked Iggy, "You ready to be the senior?"

  "Not really," Iggy sighed, "I mean, I can’t wait to get the burden off my shoulders, but I don’t want to lose Tali either."

  "Everyone dies," Roland reminded him, "At least he’s getting to do it quietly surrounded by friends."

  "Could be worse," Iggy admitted, "Could go without warning like Crian did."

  "I don’t know," Roland grinned, "There’s something about going out with a smile on his face like he did with that little cookie…"

  "Edgar told you about that, eh?" Iggy said, referring to Crianferro’s personal representative, "What is Edgar doing nowadays?"

  "He’s playing the dirty old man in Taliaferro Village," Roland said, "I stopped by on the way back. He was sorry about Crian, but glad to be out of the business."

  "How about you?" Iggy asked him, "Do you want to retire from this god awful business?"

  "Not as much as you do," Roland laughed, "If I retired I’d have to go home with Sueta. I’d rather spend a week at the front lines while the Mavelans attack than spend that week with Sueta."

  "Why don’t you leave her for good then?" Iggy asked him, "You have a room here whenever you want it."

  "Not until the kids are all grown," Roland said, "Youngest is fourteen. Maybe in a few years I’ll go ahead and leave. Not yet, though."

  "Go see them then," Iggy said, "I’ll see you before chambers in the morning."

  "If I survive that long," Roland chuckled and stood up, "Later Iggy."

  Insegniferro chuckled and watched his friend walk off to a fate he’d consider worse than death. He picked up the files and looked at them again. He reread the contents again, feeling as sorry for the people in them as he did before. He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. It was going to be a long sleepless night, another one in a long string.


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