The Mullinix Book 1: Ascension

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The Mullinix Book 1: Ascension Page 21

by Rodney Mountain

  Chapter 20 - Ascension

  Marina and Simon walked down the steps of the palace into the back of the stage area. This stage was used by any number of events in the empire, from the infrequent ascension ceremonies to the more common public punishments. It was also used for happier occasions, such as plays and musical concerts.

  "You ready for this, Copeland?" Simon asked him, "You are about to go public my man."

  "He’ll be fine," Marina said, "From what I hear it isn’t too bad."

  "You’re not the one being shoved out like a piece of meat," Copeland frowned, "I don’t even know what to do."

  "You aren’t supposed to," Marina said, "They know you haven’t had time to digest it. You don’t have to do a damned thing, in fact, the more confused you look the better."

  "Thanks," Copeland grumbled, "Where are you guys going?"

  "I’ll be in the front row," Marina promised, "They’re holding it for staff. Simon will be there too."

  "I’ll grab Miranda if I see her," Simon promised, "We’re rooting for you, old boy."

  "Like hell," Copeland chuckled, "Miranda will just be pleased that it isn’t her."

  "That too," Simon admitted.

  Insegniferro and Massimaferro walked through the door and Simon was shocked at just how normal they looked, despite the heavily ornate costumes they were wearing. They both looked a bit heavily loaded and neither one looked particularly happy, though they managed a smile to Copeland.

  "Don’t sweat this, Copeland," Insegniferro said, "We’ll do all the talking. We’ve both been through this before. Just stand there and look confused and follow our instructions."

  "That’s easy enough," Copeland said, "I’m scared shitless."

  "If you weren’t I’d be scared we chose badly," Iggy smiled, "Just enjoy the ride. This will be the least demanding thing you ever do as a Mullinix."

  "So what do I do next?" Copeland asked them, "I don’t have a clue."

  "Just stand here and watch," Massimaferro told him, "We’ll call you out, come get you if we need to. Just stand there and nod."

  "In other words," Simon grinned, "Just be yourself, man."

  "Exactly," Iggy grinned, "We’ll do all the talking. When this is over you’ll be the new apprentice and you will have a new name. Then the real training will begin."

  "After the parties end at least," Marina said, "Mariana told me about the one that happened for the last ascension."

  "Party?" Copeland asked, dreading it.

  "Relax," Massy said, "Just the house staff and a few select friends. Simon, if you want to join us you’ll be welcome."

  "Miranda too if she wants to join you," Iggy added, "I heard that you three were friends."

  "Just so long as I don’t have to eat at the service center I’m there," Simon grinned, "Thanks."

  "Better get to your seats," Iggy said, "I have to go out and be official."

  Marina and Simon departed, leaving a very depressed looking Copeland Steele behind. They slipped down into the front of the crowd. Marina found the house staff seats, bringing Simon with her. Simon kept his eyes peeled into the crowd, finally seeing Miranda about three rows back. Miranda saw him too and pushed forward.

  "Can we let her in?" Simon asked Marina, "She’s a friend too."

  "Sure," Marina nodded, "We’ve got the seats up here."

  Simon stood up and lifted the rope separating the front seats from the general public ones. Miranda slipped through quickly and hugged Simon. She looked worried, but she nodded at Marina.

  "Marina," Simon said, "This is Miranda, one of our classmates. Miranda, Marina here is part of the palace house staff."

  "So it is true," Miranda said, "They did choose Copeland."

  "He’s sitting in the back scared out of his mind," Marina nodded, offering a hand, "He’s not thrilled by it but he’s handling it ok."

  Miranda shook hands with Marina and looked up at the stage. She was mixed in her feelings, feeling glad that she didn’t have to go through what he was and sorry that he had to go through it either. She wondered just how close it had been when he was chosen.

  "It’ll be starting any minute," Marina said, "We’d best sit down and watch."

  Almost as if on cue the somber music started, a tune that all of them had heard before and never wanted to for it usually meant that someone had died. This time, instead of played by a solitary trumpeter like was the norm for funerals in the empire, it was played by a quartet of trombonists in a regal manner fitting the death of a respected Mullinix.

  Everyone in the audience bowed their heads as six uniformed guards carried Taliaferro’s coffin out onto the stage, led by Insegniferro and Massimaferro. Both wore somber looks on their faces, but didn’t show tears. They had a job to do and knew that it was important, not just for them but for the people of the empire. This display would be reported on in detail and caught in a photoplay and on a phonorecord for distribution all over the empire.

  The entire song was played, with the crowd watching and bowing their heads. Those old enough to remember Crianferro’s death remembered seeing the same thing back then. The younger people had heard of this and were watching. They knew that a changing of the guard was taking place and were riveted at the proceedings. Finally, as the music died down Insegniferro walked to the front of the stage, where he would be the first to speak.

  "Citizens," Insegniferro said in his loud teacher voice, "It is my sad duty today to report to you the death of our respected Mullinix-Elder, Taliaferro."

  "Man," Simon said, "They know how to put on a show."

  "Hush," Miranda and Marina said, almost in unison.

  "Taliaferro has been one of the longest serving Mullinix in history," Insegniferro continued, saying the obligatory words about his predecessor "And he has been a good one. I myself have learned a lot from him and will miss him terribly. Thankfully, he was not in too much pain at the end and his mind was clear until the last. We in the palace hope, as you on the street most likely do as well, that Taliaferro is in a better place."

  Everyone bowed their heads in respect to the fallen Mullinix. Even the irreverent Simon knew that this was a sad moment, holding his peace and looking solemnly at the procession.

  "As has happened before and will happen again," Insegniferro started, using nearly the same wording Taliaferro had during Crianferro’s funeral years before, "It is time for the Mantle of leadership to change. The tradition states that I, as the reigning Mullinix, must now step aside for another generation to take control. I will now fulfill that tradition honorably and with the satisfaction of having done the best I could for the Mullinix Empire during the years I have been its steward.

  "Massimaferro has been the apprentice now for over a quarter century. As many of you know, he has been taking on more and more of the practical aspects of ruling and is exceedingly qualified to take on the office. This is a position that is of utmost importance, as he will now be responsible for the empire itself. It is with great confidence that I now hand over the trappings of power to my apprentice, Massimaferro."

  "A mite wordy," Simon quipped, "But definitely powerful."

  "Yeah," Marina nodded, "Iggy can be eloquent when he wants to be."

  "Iggy?" Miranda asked.

  "That’s what we call him inside," Marina explained, "Massimaferro is Massy. I expect Copeland will become Medo before long."

  "Medo?" Simon and Miranda said almost in unison.

  "Medoferro," Marina told them, "That will be his Mullinix name."

  "Must be nice to be on the inside," Simon chuckled.

  "Especially without the baggage they carry," Miranda added.

  "It has some perks," Marina admitted, "Let’s see what happens next."

  On the stage Massimaferro came forward, carrying a neutral look on his face as two of the senior guards helped move the large hat setup from Insegniferro’s head over onto the new Mullinix. This tradition marked the official switch of power. Al
though he had been the de facto Mullinix for hours, Massimaferro now carried the full weight and rule of the office. He moved to the front to say a few words.

  "Thank you, fellow citizens," Massimaferro said, choosing his words carefully, "On this day of sadness we have to think about all the things that Taliaferro has contributed to this nation. However, we also have to think about the future as the empire will continue on past any of us. There are things to do, buildings to build and lives to lead.

  "Continuing this tradition is something we have thought long and hard about. It has been no secret that Taliaferro was aging and his passing was just a matter of time. Though we miss him now that he’s gone, it is important now not to live in the past but to create a new future. Part of this new future is to ensure that the Mullinix mantle will be passed to a properly trained individual in the future."

  "Enter Copeland…" Simon said quietly, getting an elbow from Miranda.

  "A lot of thought has gone into this selection," Massimaferro continued, "As always, we have taken many factors into account before choosing a new Mullinix-Apprentice. This young man is intelligent, has an analytical mind and knows when to ask an awkward question. He was chosen for sure, in fact, after a rather stunning question to Insegniferro during a question and answer session with Service Center students."

  "You mean a stupid question," Miranda chuckled, "So that was what got him the job."

  "You mean the sentence," Simon countered.

  "It won’t be that bad," Marina promised, "I’m sure he’ll come to like it…"

  "Copeland Steele," Massimaferro continued, "Would you please come out and join us on the stage!"

  Insegniferro led Copeland out on the stage and the boy looked terrified. He wasn’t sure what to do, so he just followed along blindly. At this point Massimaferro could have told him to bark like a dog or cluck like a chicken and he would have done it. Instead, Insegniferro simply brought him over to stand on the stage in between them. Insegniferro’s hand held on to his shoulder to give the boy some much needed stability.

  "This young man is going to be the future of the empire, and he is here to learn," Massimaferro said to the crowd and then turned to Copeland, "Now, my boy, you are here because you have been chosen to be the new Mullinix apprentice. Your duty will be to learn, to challenge, to ask questions and to prepare yourself to take my place when the time comes."

  Copeland gulped as he looked up at the large man. Massimaferro was imposing in size at the best of times. In his Mullinix regalia and speaking in a formal manner (a tone that was somewhere above normal speaking and below shouting) he was enough to scare the hell out of the smaller Mullinix. Insegniferro squeezed the young man’s shoulder and flashed him a small comforting smile.

  "Copeland," Massimaferro continued, trying hard not to laugh at the bullshit, "Do you accept the responsibility that you have been chosen for?"

  "Yes Mullinix," came Copeland’s weak reply.

  "Good," Massimaferro said, smiling and winking at the young man to break his tension a little, "You have been chosen for a large and imposing duty, but you will not be alone in this. You will have years to train and by the time you take on this duty you will be ready to do so. It is with sadness for my fallen colleague and the happiness of having a new one that I give you the name you will carry into the future, a name which will be spoken throughout the empire."

  Massimaferro looked out at the crowd, giving them a dramatic pause. Marina couldn’t help but chuckling a little while looking at Massy ham up in front of the crowd. Only a sharp jab from Miranda into Simon’s ribs kept him from heckling the ceremony, as they all knew it deserved it at this point.

  "Your name as a Mullinix will be Medoferro IV!" Massimaferro said, then regurgitated some history he had just looked up, "It is a name that has been carried with honor by three earlier Mullinix. Medoferro I, who ruled as Mullinix for eight years in the third century of the Empire as well as brought to fruition the first empire expansion. Medoferro II, who presided over the grand first millennial celebration during his 22-year reign. Also Medoferro III, who during his reign in the fourteenth century stopped the great Plague of Skolnik, and who’s massive planning extends to the medico system of this day."

  Massimaferro let the history lesson get through to the audience. Copeland, now Medoferro, let it terrify him because he thought that he had no way of living up to that type of predecessor. Insegniferro knew what the boy was feeling and leaned over to whisper something into his ear.

  "Don’t worry, Medoferro," Insegniferro whispered, "Everyone feels inferior during this. We’ll talk more later."

  "On this night, we respect the old and honor the new," Massimaferro continued, "So in a few minutes anyone who wants to pay respects to the passing Mullinix and the new one may proceed in an orderly manner across the stage. Please remember to follow the instructions from the guards controlling the procession and keep your comments brief, as we will be up here a long time."

  With that, Insegniferro and Massimaferro bowed towards the crowd, pretty much forcing Medoferro along with them. They then stood up and walked off the stage, going into that offstage area. Both Simon and Miranda up on her feet soon after they were gone, joining Marina as they walked towards the edge.

  "Let’s go see them in the back," Marina said, "We’ve probably got five minutes before the procession begins."

  "Procession?" Miranda asked, not being from the capital.

  "Always happens during a switch," Simon told her, "The three Mullinix have to stand there next to the coffin of the departing Mullinix and smile and make comments to the passing people for a few hours after the ceremony."

  "Sounds dreadful," Miranda shuddered, "I’m glad I got passed over."

  "You make it sound like hell," Marina chuckled, "Of course, I probably would have liked it. Which, of course, is why I was most likely never considered."

  The three of them slipped past security, with Marina’s pass covering them all. They found their way to the area where Massimaferro, Insegniferro and the still scared looking Medoferro were sitting. Marina smiled and walked over with Miranda and Simon in tow.

  "How are you feeling, Medoferro?" Marina asked him, "You look a little peaked."

  "Scared," Medoferro admitted, "More than a little confused."

  "We’ve been preparing for this for years," Iggy explained to him, "You’ve been coping with it for less than twelve hours. You did fine. Nobody looks their best up there."

  "Rabbit in the headlights is the average look," Massy told him, "You did fine."

  "What is this procession thing?" Medoferro asked them.

  "Something you’re going to have more fun doing than I would have," Miranda grinned, "I guess we know who is getting chosen now, huh?"

  "My own damn fool fault," Medoferro grunted, "I should have kept my mouth shut this morning."

  "You still had a good shot at it," Massimaferro chuckled, "I was pushing for you anyway."

  "Nothing against you, of course, Miranda," Iggy said, recognizing the girl.

  "Oh believe me," Miranda laughed, "I don’t care why I wasn’t chosen and I thank you for choosing him over me."

  "I swear I get no help here at all," Medoferro said, sighing, "So do we at least get to sit down for this part?"

  "Afraid not," Iggy said, "Just stand there and try to look wise."

  "And try not to be a wiseass to the citizens," Simon grinned, "I’ll do that for you in private."

  "That’s what whispers are for, Medo," Massy said, using what would become Medoferro’s nickname for the first time, "And we’ll all need a good laugh in a few hours."

  "I’m going to head back and see if they have gotten the party ready yet," Marina said, "Anything special you want me to see if they can make for you, Medo?"

  "Just have plenty of Alcohol," Medo chuckled nervously, "I’m going to need it."

  "Ok," Marina smiled, "I think I can manage that. Anything for either of you? Massy? Iggy?"

  "A normal spread will do nicely," Iggy said, "We’re all going to be tired when this is done."

  "We’d better get out there," Massy said, peeking out, "The crowd is getting rowdy."

  "Have fun," Simon said, clapping Medoferro on the shoulder, "See you in a few."


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