The Mullinix Book 1: Ascension

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The Mullinix Book 1: Ascension Page 48

by Rodney Mountain

  Chapter 46 - Nessun Cucchiaio

  The rumblings from the crowd were audible from the outskirts of Nessun Cucchiaio as the vehicles slowed down to allow a controlled entry. Word of the impending Mullinix arrival had spread hours before and much faster than the men themselves actually traveled.

  "Good gods," Medoferro said as he saw the people, "I suppose this is a bad time to mention that I bloody hate crowds?"

  "Records state that there have been very few Mullinix who didn’t," Massimaferro chuckled, "Of which I am one, of course. Don’t sweat it though. We only have to go through this once per town. Basically we give the people a little show and they eat it up."

  "So half our job is simply to give people a show?" Medo said, "What a way to run an empire…"

  "It’s part of the principle of governing," Massimaferro said, "There are three ways to rule a nation. Care to hear them?"

  "Sure," Medo chuckled, "We’ve got some time before we get in there."

  "The first one is fear," Massy told him, "That’s how that idiot Facie down south stays in power. They’re so afraid of what he’ll do to them that they no longer try to get rid of him."

  "You’d think someone would try to kill him," Medo said, "Or have they?"

  "His security is good," Massy said, "Even better than ours. Has to be considering his people roundly hate his guts. He routinely survives about three or four attempts a year. We keep hoping one day they’ll be successful."

  "So what is the second way?" Medo wondered.

  "Hate," Massy said flat out, "That’s how Serenia’s government stays in power. You tow the line or you either die or face expulsion. It’s a sad place to live. They hate anyone or anything that is not like them. It’s why they don’t like us very much. We accept anyone and anything. The only reason they don’t fight with us is because we give them an outlet for getting rid of people they don’t like."

  "I’ve heard about that government," Medo nodded, "There’s a whole community in Skolnik of Serenian expatriates."

  "Most of it is true," Massy said, "Their people enjoy it though, so who is to judge. Just so long as they keep it within their borders, I’m not going to argue. Serenik and Hulkensuxor are both cities formed almost entirely of Serenian expatriates."

  "And the third way?" Medo wondered.

  "With the consent of the people," Massy smiled, "Which is the type of government we have. We serve the people, keep them safe and keep things in order. That is what most people want, freedom from worrying about their government. We let them live their lives and do what they wish to with them, only asking that they give the same thing that everyone does."

  "With some exceptions," Medo frowned, remembering how he was drafted.

  "Of course," Massy grinned, "The big thing is to be fair. No one person is better than anyone else. People also want a show. So we give them what they want. Something to be proud of and something to make them think they are a part of it all, even if a small one. So we make a showy entrance, make the people happy."

  "What do we get out of it?" Medo asked him, "Cause I hate this stuff…"

  "Usually the best food they have to offer," Massy grinned, "These trips, like most everything else, are steeped in tradition. The first day is always filled with ceremonies. Good food, good people and a few miserable speeches."

  "Do I have to speak?" Medo asked him.

  "Not tonight," Massy said, "You’re still new. You just get to sit back and watch."

  Watching is pretty much what Medoferro did as they entered into the city. Nessun Cucchiaio was a moderate size city, one of the older ones in the empire. Massimaferro ate up the crowd’s adulation, while Medoferro had a hard time just standing up and waving.

  "Look happy," Massy grinned, "This is the most fun you’ll ever have as a Mullinix."

  Medo shook his head and chuckled. He sincerely hoped not, as he didn’t find having thousands of eyeballs looking at them anymore fun than he would have being strung up by his toenails. He did his best to look like he was enjoying it, though he would rather have been anywhere else.

  The procession ended at the city center, with the vehicles pulling up in front of a city stage, not unlike the one in Mullinix Centre. Most cities in the empire had stages like this, for shows and public events. Massimaferro climbed onto the stage and offered Medoferro a hand in getting up there. The two Mullinix waved at the crowd as they walked onto the stage, to be joined by the Colonel who oversaw the city.

  "Ladies and Gentleman," Colonel Serim said, "I welcome you to a special day for Nessun Cucchiaio! A visit from not just Mullinix Massimaferro, but the new apprentice Mullinix Medoferro!"

  The crowd roared at this point, showing their approval of the trip. It was hard not to be caught up in the moment, the adulation was oozing from the people and Medoferro began to see what Massimaferro meant. When the crowd calmed down Colonel Serim went into a further speech that Medoferro did a pretty good job of tuning out.

  The young man let his eyes wander out over the crowd, looking at all the people who were staring at him. From the prettiest young women to the oldest men in the crowd, everyone out there knew him and looked up to him. He still felt overwhelmed, but was beginning to realize just how important this sort of thing was to them.

  "And now…" Serim said once he finished his speech, "I present, with all due diligence, Mullinix Massimaferro!"

  The crowd screamed again in approval. Massimaferro let the crowd scream and smiled at them. He pushed back his hair and took his position behind the podium, finally giving the crowd a gentle sign that he was ready to speak. Massimaferro worked them like the expert he was at it, this being the one part of being Mullinix he was actually good at. Once the crowd had quieted enough to be heard he began to speak.

  "Thank you for this warm welcome!" Massimaferro exclaimed loudly, "It is a wonderful feeling, being so warmly received by such a crowd! One thing I always feel when I come here is that I am in one of the vital organs of the empire!"

  The crowd erupted again, though Medoferro couldn’t quite understand why. Massimaferro wasn’t saying anything particularly groundbreaking or important, at least to Medoferro’s now admittedly jaded eye. Massimaferro waited for the crowd to calm down before continuing.

  "This Empire is not about one man or woman," Massimaferro said, deciding to go into a little speech, "While I feel humbled by your welcome, I feel it is my duty to remind you what it is that this nation is really about. It is about the ability to live without fear from injustice or intolerance. It is the ability to pursue your life without undue interference from this government."

  "Laying it on really thick," Medoferro mumbled, "Aren’t you?"

  "I want you to look around at the people standing around you," Massimaferro continued, ignoring Medo’s remark, "I am not what makes this nation great. It is those people you see around you. Your friends, your neighbors, your lovers, your competitors. It is all of you who do your small parts, small parts of the great whole."

  Medoferro watched the crowd as Massimaferro continued on in this vein. The young man thought that his boss’s speech was cheesy, but he couldn’t deny the effect it was having on the crowd that was watching them. Everyone, young and old, ate it up as if it was being directed straight at them.

  "I would like you to remember," Massimaferro said, going into his closing, "Everything you or I do will affect someone else. This nation works only because we all can work together. Whatever your differences with people are, work them out amicably so we can get on with what really matters. Building a better Mullinix Empire!"

  The crowd cheered Massimaferro in approval. The applause was deafening as people whistled, cheered and made as much noise as they could. Massimaferro knew that his speech was over and cued the band to start some music, completing the show for the people. Medoferro watched, almost in wonder, as people started dancing in the streets.

  "That’s one nice thing about this
city," Massimaferro told Medoferro, "The people are easy to please and love to dance…"

  "Am I going to be expected to make speeches like that?" Medo asked him quietly.

  "I do it because I can," Massy chuckled, his voice almost hidden by the noise, "Iggy can’t do more than say a few words. I figure you’ll probably be somewhere in between."

  "So what do we do now?" Medo wondered.

  "Kick back and dance," Massimaferro said, his body starting to move with the beat, "You only live once and only get to Nessun Cucchiaio once in a while."

  Medoferro smiled and started his jerky, uncoordinated dancing, joining with the crowd on stage. It turned out to be the highlight of the ceremony for him, with it being more fun than any other part of it.


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