The Reigning and the Rule

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The Reigning and the Rule Page 13

by Calia Read

  My curiosity swells at the sound of this plantation. “I would love to hear more about it.”

  “Oh, the details are immeasurable. It would be tiresome to hear,” Oliver says.

  “You’d be surprised at what I find interesting,” I murmur cryptically. Crossing my arms, I tilt my head and narrow my eyes at Oliver. “Do you have any siblings?”

  “I’m an only child.”

  “Are your parents here?”

  “No. They’ll be arriving a week before the wedding,” Oliver replies.

  “How many girlfriends came before Nat?”

  “This is the first time I’ve been betrothed.”

  “I asked about girls. How many have you dated?”

  Oliver gives Nat a worried look. She shrugs, and he reluctantly gives me his attention. “None.”

  I arch a brow. “Sure about that? Took you a while to answer the question.”

  “Quite sure.”

  “What do you like to do in your spare time?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “In your spare time, what do you like to do?” I repeat, my voice patient.

  By this point, Oliver is looking at me as if I’ve grown three heads. His eyes veer to Livingston in a desperate plea for help, but Livingston holds his hands up, palms forward, and takes a small step back.

  Oliver finally answers me, this time reluctantly. “I suppose you could say in my spare time, I enjoy using my telescope.”

  “To watch people?”

  He recoils. “No. I look at the stars.”


  “I’m perplexed. I don’t understand your line of questions.”

  “Just trying to get to know you better.”

  “He’s not a criminal,” Livingston whispers into my ear. “I assure you, Étienne had him thoroughly investigated before he approved of the engagement.”

  At the sound of Étienne’s name, I flinch. For a few minutes, I forgot about him. Just then Scarlett walks up to our little circle, effectively knocking the wind out of my sails.

  Nat’s eyes widen, fill with worry, and glance in my direction before she embraces her friend. “I’m glad you could make it.”

  “Nothing would stop me from coming,” Scarlett replies sweetly. She finishes her sentence by shooting me a brief, meaningful expression. It’s so quick and fleeting that, at first, I think I’ve imagined it.

  Livingston and I glance at each other, and I know I’m not the only one who saw it. Annoyance causes my heart to pound. Walking into Belgrave, I wanted to flee as though I was a scared child being forced to sleep in a dark room, but now? Oh, now I was staying.

  Nothing makes me stronger than when someone underestimates me. It’s evident with Scarlett’s one look of distaste that she looked down on me and expected me to leave as soon as possible.

  A slow smile spread across my lips as I bluntly stared at Scarlett. She looked away and quickly scanned the room before she turned to Nat. “Where is Étienne?”

  “I’m unsure. Probably workin’,” Nat says with a smile. “I’m certain he’ll be here shortly.”

  Scarlett nods, and an awkward silence descends on the five of us. Oliver glances behind him as if he’s searching for his closest exit. I’m tempted to ask if I can join him.

  “Oh, there’s my brother,” Scarlett exclaims. She gestures to someone in the crowd.

  A man close to my age breaks free from the crowd. Scarlett wraps her fingers around his jacket and tugs him closer to us.

  “Serene, I’d like for you to meet my brother, Nicholas. Nicholas, this is Serene...Étienne’s ex-wife.”

  Curiously, I look him up and down while he does the same to me. Nicholas’s coal black hair and pale blue eyes are identical to his sister’s. His skin isn’t a pale white like Scarlett’s. He stands around six feet with a lean build. He has a relaxed, blasé energy about him. If I were a betting person, I would lay down a lot of money that Nicholas doesn’t have a stable job (if he does, he found it through his father) and has a substantial trust fund.

  From his hooded gaze, I get the feeling Nicholas’s lifestyle is similar to Livingston’s, though he isn’t as quite an unapologetic flirt.

  In another world, I’d be interested. If my heart wasn’t crushed by Étienne. If Nicholas wasn’t Scarlett’s brother.

  I give him a blunt nod. “What’s up?”

  He arches a brow. I wonder if this is the first time a woman has shown him little to no interest. “I’ve been waiting to meet Étienne’s infamous ex-wife.”

  “Well”—I gesture to myself—“here I am. Live and in color. And I take the infamous part as a compliment.”

  “Really?” Nicholas tilts his head to the side as curiosity lights his eyes. “Most people wouldn’t.”

  “I’m not most people,” I point out.

  A crooked grin graces Nicholas’s lips. “I’m beginning to see that.”

  Once again, his eyes trail up and down my body, this time more slowly. Awareness makes the hairs on my arms stand. It doesn’t hold a candle to the reactions I have when I’m near Étienne, but it’s something. And it makes me think I may be crushed but not broken.

  I may not see it now, but maybe, just maybe, there’s a chance I can move on from Étienne.

  Right then, Scarlett looks behind me. Her eyes widen seconds before her lips curve into a smile. I know without turning around that Étienne is in the room. I know because my heart is pounding like a drum as warmth spreads throughout my body. When I feel an imperceptible shake in my hands, I hide them behind my back and lace them together.

  To my right, I see the long, exaggerated shadow of his figure behind me. I hold my breath as I watch him stop behind me. There’s a healthy distance between us. However, I can’t help but think if I extend my hand out, my fingertips will graze his stomach.

  “Hello, everyone,” Étienne says.

  Greetings are thrown up around me like confetti. I stay perfectly silent and watch as his shadow places more distance between us. Within seconds, Étienne’s standing on the opposite side of Livingston.

  Out of all the men, he’s the tallest, allowing him the freedom to look at everyone. Including me. I can feel his gaze and look forward, trying to pretend I don’t notice.

  “My apologies for bein’ late. I had some business to attend to,” Étienne explains.

  Scarlett stares at him with wide eyes. “All that matters is you’re here now.”

  Oh, gag me.

  “Have I missed anything important?”

  “No, you are right on time. Scarlett introduced Nicholas to your ex-wife,” Livingston says meaningfully as he slings an arm around me and pulls me close.

  It occurs to me then that I haven’t explained the little white lie I blurted out in the park yesterday to Livingston. In fact, not even Nat knows. Meeting her gaze, I see a thousand questions in her eyes.

  Subtly, I shake my head. I can’t explain now, but I will later.

  “I must say I was bewildered when Scarlett came home and told me you had an ex-wife.” Nicholas glances at me. “How long have you been hiding her, Étienne?” he says teasingly.

  Étienne cast me a look before he answers Nicholas. I watch him innocently as he tries to explain himself out of this convoluted mess. “The marriage was several years ago and lasted briefly. Serene moved away shortly after.”

  “Forgive me for being blunt, but why didn’t you tell Scarlett or my father?” Nicholas asks.

  “Yes, why didn’t you?” I chime in.

  Étienne appears positively murderous. A muscle along his jawline tenses. “Because it was part of my past,” he says through gritted teeth.

  Nicholas slowly nods. I can tell he’s dying to ask more questions, but people in this era have impeccable manners embedded in their psyche. Especially in the South. They are never outwardly cruel. I quickly learned that was a major faux pas. Instead, insults and passive-aggressive digs were served with sweet smiles and artfully phrased words.

  “Well, I must
say, she is not what I expected at all,” Nicholas replies as he looks at me.

  I cross my arms and smile at him. “What did you expect?”

  Nicholas opens his mouth with a wide grin on his face when Étienne clears his throat, making everyone look his way.

  “I think it’s time to eat,” he blurts, though it comes out as a harsh order. A lady standing behind him jumps. Clasping a hand to her chest, she looks behind her and stares at him with shock.

  Like obedient puppies, most people adhere to his words. Part of me wants to start a revolt by standing in the middle of the room, and shouting, “Don’t listen to him! He’s a liar and will crush your heart!”

  I’m not good at handling my pain. I’m not good with heartache. For me, it’s the sort of pain that’s visceral and brings me to my knees. But I don’t want to give anyone at this party the satisfaction of seeing me break, let alone Étienne, so I quietly accept Livingston’s arm and watch as Étienne escorts Scarlett to the dining room. I watch her mouth move, and Étienne bend his head down to better hear her. Jealousy blossoms in my stomach and spreads throughout me like a poison.

  “I want to ask what Scarlett ever did to you, but the answer is obvious,” Livingston murmurs.

  She took my beloved.

  It’s as though I’m a child in the sandbox and she just stole my precious pail. The one I’ve been using religiously. There are millions of buckets. Why does she have to take mine?

  “I can’t keep watchin’ them, Livingston,” I say out of the corner of my mouth. “My fist wants to meet Étienne’s face and then Sybil’s.”

  “Scarlett,” he corrects without missing a beat, “and I understand. I truly do. However, I think that would be very unwise. Do you want to know why?”

  I tip my hat back to get a better look at Livingston. “Why?”

  “While you’ve been festerin’ in your pain and plottin’ the death of Scarlett, I watched him step into the room, and he didn’t look for his fiancée. He searched for you, and he’s been lookin’ at you any chance he can get,” Livingston says as he escorts me to the dining room.

  I squeeze his arm, grateful for his attempt to cheer me up. It’s a small consolation but a consolation. And instead of running away like I want to, I stay.

  “Oh, and ex-wife?” he says out of the corner of his mouth.

  “Long story, but the short version is, when I saw him with her, he introduced me with his last name, so I said I was his ex-wife.”

  “She has a name,” Livingston observes.

  “Whatever. I saw them together, and it just spilled out of me. Étienne’s going along with it to save my ass.”

  Livingston laughs and shakes his head at me.


  “I know my brother, Serene. If he didn’t agree with somethin’, he wouldn’t remain quiet. There is a tremendous amount of anger and hurt swirlin’ between you two, but you must know he only protects the people he loves the most.”

  During lunch, I perfect the art of watching Étienne and Scarlett out of the corner of my eye without getting caught. Scarlett looks like a shy little mouse, afraid of her own shadow. However, I notice she speaks to Étienne often even though it’s hesitant. Their conversations are delicate dances whereas Étienne and I practically tackle each other with our words.

  Their conversations have to drive Étienne insane. He’s a blunt person who hates to mince words and likes everything in the open. How he hasn’t grabbed her by the shoulders, shook her, and yelled, “Out with it already!” is beyond me.

  Every chair at the dining room table is filled. Whoever arranged the seating made sure to place me between Nicholas and Livingston, and a reasonable distance away from Étienne. I want to believe it’s Nat, and if so, that was a smart yet devious move on her part.

  I’m not complaining. At least I don’t have a front row seat to the Scarlett and Étienne show. Fleeting glances are all I need.

  Between the many, many courses being served, Étienne stands. Instead of tapping a fork against the champagne glass, he looks across the room, like a king surveying his land, and waits for everyone to give him their full attention, which they inevitably do. His gaze snags on mine.

  Quickly, I look down at the contents of my glass.

  “I would like to make a toast to my dearest sister, Nathalie, and her fiancé, Oliver. May the two of you have a long and prosperous marriage.” He raises his glass and smiles at everyone.

  It’s a short speech, and not precisely the sweetest either, but Étienne is a man of few words. However, even with all the resentment I have for him, I can concede one detail: his loyalty and love for his siblings is unfailing. Especially when it comes to Nat.

  Livingston stands and gives a long speech that has everyone chuckling. Even Étienne smiles once or twice. The sight of that heart-stopping smirk makes my heart break even further.

  This. Is. Killing. Me.

  Another man stands. I’m so lost in my thoughts that I don’t hear him introduce himself. He drones on about how he met Oliver in college and wishes him all the happiness in the world before he sits down and the toasts are over.

  I’m tempted to down the contents of my drink in one swallow, but I hold back and pace myself.

  As I all but slam my glass back onto the table, a voice to my left clears. I arch a single brow and see Nicholas smiling at me.

  “Ms. Lacroix, what’s brought you to Charleston?”

  “There’s no need for formalities. Call me Serene.”

  Nicholas’s eyes widen. “All right. Serene it is.” He tilts his head. “Serene, what’s brought you to Charleston?”

  Stick to your story, my mind reminds me. You’re Étienne’s ex-wife.

  “You haven’t spoken to your sister?” I ask evasively.

  “I have,” he confirms. “However, I believe it’s best to go straight to the source. Don’t you?”

  Is he protective of his sister or merely curious? I don’t know. But I enjoy Nicholas’ laidback approach.

  Wiping the corners of my mouth with my napkin, I face Nicholas. “I do,” I say. “So say what you need to say, Mr. Gould.”

  “There’s no need for formalities. Call me Nicholas,” he says cheekily.

  Having my own words tossed back at me causes a massive grin to break out across my face. I wag a finger at Nicholas. “Sense of humor. I like it. I think we’ll get along great.”

  “I certainly hope so.”

  Don’t break my heart, and everything will be fine, I think to myself.

  The thought is there and gone so quickly I barely have time to think it over. I notice Nicholas’s lips moving and realize he’s been talking and I have no idea what he’s said.

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  “I said it is interesting how my family has never heard of you,” Nicholas repeats.

  I shrug. “It depends on how you define interesting.”

  Nicholas gives me a crooked grin. “Most certainly you coming into Étienne’s life is considered interesting.”

  I crook my finger for Nicholas to come closer. Wisely, he does. When I lean in, I make eye contact with Étienne above Nicholas’s head. His brows slant low above his green eyes and his jaw clenches as he stares heatedly at me. I swallow loudly and ignore the rapid pounding of my heart while I whisper, “I’ve always been here. No one has ever looked hard enough.”

  As I back away, I break eye contact with Étienne and smile at Nicholas. “Did I answer your question?”

  He narrows his gaze. “I’m more confused than before the conversation.”

  “That’s all I have for you.”

  “That’s all, or all you have for now?”

  I take a long drink and mull over my answer. “All I have for now.”

  Nicholas nods. “Fair enough.”

  I think Scarlett’s brother is finished speaking to me, but he doesn’t shift away from me. In fact, he places his elbows on the table and leans in closer.

  “You wouldn’t happen to ride hor
ses very often would you?” When I glance at Livingston, I notice him giving Nicholas a curious look.

  Étienne pretends not to listen, but I see his shoulders tense. I smile at Nicholas and tilt my head to the side. “Oh, yes. Étienne and I used to ride quite frequently when we were married. In fact, we were so skilled in riding we’d go bareback all the time. Right, Étienne?” I smile at him innocently.

  Livingston suddenly chokes on his drink. The guest next to him starts slapping him on the back, asking if he’s okay.

  The table becomes deathly quiet. Étienne’s fist covers his mouth as he glares at me. The fire burning in his gaze could burn down this room.

  “This is war,” I mouth to him.

  Scarlett may seem sweet, but she’s not dumb. Like everyone else at the table, she picks up on my double entendre and narrows her eyes. I don’t care. Her future husband may be sitting next to her, but he’s staring at me. He’s picturing me and all the things we’ve done. And he may want to strangle me for what I’ve said, but he wants to fuck me, too. Étienne doesn’t want her like he wants me. And she knows that.

  The women at the table are scandalized by the remark. The men interested. Especially Nicholas.

  Étienne clears his throat and lowers his hand onto the table. Slowly, his gaze slides from mine as he faces the rest of the table. “Serene is a very skilled rider.”

  To hide my smirk, I take a sip of my champagne and ignore the whispers around me.

  “That’s wonderful to hear because soon we’re all going horseback riding around the Belgrave property,” Nicholas says.

  I freeze, my cup dangling midair. “Who is we exactly?”

  “Étienne, Scarlett, Livingston, Nathalie, and I.”

  “Is that so?” I shoot Livingston an accusing glare.

  Livingston shrugs.

  “Yes. And since you’re such an...accomplished rider, perhaps you’d like to join us.”

  Étienne quickly speaks up. “Oh, I’m not sure Serene would—”

  “I would love to,” I cut in. “But why Belgrave property? Haven’t you been here before?”

  “Yes. However, my brother and I were children when we visited Belgrave.”


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