LuckyBastard: A Cocky Hero World Novel

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LuckyBastard: A Cocky Hero World Novel Page 12

by Ryan, Kaylee

  “Good game, Number Eighteen.” She smiles up at me.

  “You ready?” I offer her my arm.

  “Ready? Where are we going?”

  “Date number sixteen.”

  She throws her head back and laughs. “What am I going to do with you, Barker?”

  “Keep me?” I bat my eyelashes all innocently. She’s not buying it, which makes us both laugh.

  “Where are you guys headed?” Aubrey asks.

  Emma looks up at me to answer. She’s not fighting this, and that gives me hope. “Whatever you want, babe.” Her eyes widen at the endearment, but she looks to Aubrey and answers.

  “Harvey’s. The burgers are amazing. You have to try them.” She looks back up at me. “I’ve been telling her about the burger we got there for weeks. Is that okay with you?”

  “Yeah. Harvey’s sounds good.”

  “We’ll meet you there,” Case says as he and Corey walk away. Not before Corey waves at Emma over his shoulder.

  With Emma on my arm, we make our way out to my SUV. “Did you drive?” I ask her.

  “No, Aubrey picked me up. She’s going to take me home.”

  “I’ll take you.”

  “I’m sure you’re tired after the game. It’s fine.”

  I open the door for her and wait for her to get settled before closing the door and racing around to my side. On instinct, I place my hand on her thigh as soon as we’re out of the parking lot. “I’m never too tired for you, Em.” I’ve not really been this open with her. I’ve been reserved these past few weeks, just spending time with her. Showing her it’s not a different woman every night. Just her. No more keeping things in. I’m making my move. I don’t care how long it takes to convince her that I’m in this for her.

  “Aw, Number Eighteen, you getting soft on me after the big win?” she teases.

  “Nah.” I glance over at her. “I’ve always been soft on you.” She’s quiet, so another quick glance shows me she’s staring out the window and her reflection shows me a smile on her kissable lips.

  Pulling into the back entrance of Harvey’s, I park next to Case, as Chance pulls in next to me. I rush to open Emma’s door, but she beats me to it. “I was going to get that.”

  “I know you’re counting this as number sixteen, but it’s not a date, Landon.”

  I stop and reach out, catching her arm, which causes her to stop as well. She turns to face me and I step closer. My hands cup her cheeks as I stare into her big green eyes. “Emma Deaton, will you have dinner with me?” I ask her.

  She swallows hard, and the green in her eyes grows even more vibrant. She blinks and the connection is lost. “We’re already here, you goof.” Her tone is teasing, but I can see it. The insecurity. I don’t know how to show her that she’s all I see. I guess I’m going to have to try harder. “Come on.” She pulls away from my arm, and begins to move toward the door. I follow her because well, I’ll follow Emma anywhere. Punching in the code, I hold the door open for her, Chance, and Aubrey.

  “The infamous Harvey’s,” Chance says, taking in the place.

  “Remind me to give you the code,” I tell him. “Harv’s cool, and this is team only in this back area and entrance. No fans, no cleat chasers. Just a place for us to hang and feel normal after practice or a game, even the off-season.”

  “That’s amazing,” Aubrey speaks up.

  “I’ve never been inside, but the food we had a couple of weeks ago was so good,” Emma declares.

  “Harv’s getting a couple of pitchers of beer going,” Case says as we reach the table he snagged us in the back.

  Case sits on one end of the table, Corey sits next to him on the side. Emma takes the seat next to Corey, leaving the other end for me, and Chance and Aubrey take the seats across from Emma and Corey. I’m next to her, but so is he, and he’s sitting closer. I hate this feeling, the one that tells me I could lose her. I’ve spent so much time trying to show her who I am that I could have waited too long and lose her. The thought has fire coursing through my veins. Anger at myself, and although wrong, at Corey for moving in on her. Can’t he see she’s mine? Surely, Case has told him to back off. Harvey drops off the beer, and I pour a glass, draining half of it at once.

  “You okay?” Emma leans in toward my end of the table.

  “Yeah.” I give her a reassuring smile. “What are my chances of converting you to a Trojans fan?” I tease.

  “I don’t know.” She pretends to ponder the question. “I feel like I’m a traitor as it is. What if A.J. hears that I’m wearing a Landon Barker jersey?”

  “Fuck A.J.,” I say with absolutely no venom in my voice because it makes her smile.

  “He’s been my leading man since he was drafted to the Mavs four years ago.”

  “Ah, there’s the difference.”

  “The difference in what?” she asks, confused.

  “He’s just your leading man. I’m more than that.”

  “Oh, yeah, and what exactly does ‘more’ stand for?” She’s joking. This is what we do, but things are about to get real.

  I lean in close. Her eyes are dancing with humor, I’m sure ready to laugh at whatever it is she thinks I might be ready to say. I put joking aside and give her the real. “I want to be more than just your leading man, Emma. I want to be your everything.” She sucks in a breath, her eyes locked on mine so I keep going. “I want to be your leading man, your favorite quarterback, your shoulder to cry on, the first person you call when you’ve had a good or bad day. I want to be your cuddle buddy. I want to be the man to give you all of life’s pleasures.” Her eyes heat and my cock twitches. “And I want to be there for all the pain too. Everything, Emma. I want everything.”

  “You folks ready to order?” Harvey asks from beside me.

  “What are you getting, Em?” Aubrey asks from her spot across the table. She has no idea we just had a moment.

  “Uh, Landon, whatever you got me last time is fine,” she says softly.

  “This the girl you made stay in the car?” Harvey jokes.

  “I didn’t want you to steal my girl, old man,” I tease. “Harvey, this is my Emma. Emma, this is Harvey, the man who makes this place happen for us.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.” Emma smiles at him.

  “A cheeseburger deluxe and fries, and the same for me. Add a burger,” I tell him. He nods as he scratches down our order. “Oh, and add two waters to that.” I look over at Emma. “I know you like water with your meals.” It’s something that I’ve picked up on. No matter where we are, she always has to have water when she’s eating.

  “You caught that, did you?” she asks. The playfulness is back in her voice, but the look in her eyes tells me that she’s still reeling from my speech just a few moments ago.

  I wink at her and her cheeks turn just the slightest shade of pink. I’m bringing my A game, Emma Deaton. I hope you’re ready.

  Chapter 13


  I don’t know what’s happening. I have what feels like a thousand butterflies fluttering around in my stomach, and then there’s the ache between my thighs. Both feelings caused by one Landon Barker. He’s sitting in his chair sipping his beer as if he didn’t just tilt my world on its axis. He’s not the least bit affected by his confession.

  Lucky Bastard.

  He doesn’t have to sit here with our combined friends and pretend he’s not swooning over a speech I just made, or that he wants to tear my clothes from my body. He’s lucky all right, because I want to do just that. It’s wrong. We’re friends. But the way he looks at me… I can’t seem to be able to control it.

  “Excuse me,” I say, standing. Our food should arrive soon, and I need a minute. Just a few hundred seconds of time to get myself in check. I need to regroup.

  “You okay?” he asks, reaching out for me. His hand lands on my arm, and I have to shift my stance and rub my legs together to dull the ache he’s causing inside me.

  “Yeah, just need to run to the restroom.

  “The hallway by the bar. It’s private, just for this section of the bar, so no worries about lines or fans.”

  “Like fans are going to worry about little ole me,” I say teasingly, trying to get us back to the fun, flirty banter that I’ve learned to handle and it’s what I expect between us. Something passes in his eyes, but he doesn’t comment.

  “I’ll come with.” Aubrey stands and even though I needed some time to myself, I’m grateful. Maybe she can shed some light on what this is? Maybe I’m just reading too much into all of this.

  I don’t wait for her as I make my way down the hall. Pushing open the women’s bathroom door, I’m surprised to find it sparkling clean, and sigh in relief as I slump against the sink, trying to catch my breath.

  Why am I breathless?

  “Woah,” Aubrey says, coming into the bathroom. “What was that?” She fans herself with her hands as if she’s burning up.

  “What?” I play dumb, but even I can hear it in my voice that I know exactly what she’s talking about.

  “Did you hear him? He called you his Emma!”

  I nod. “Caught that, did you?”

  “Umm hmm.” She grins. “You two looked awful cozy with whispers over there. What was that about?”

  “Aubs, I— I don’t know,” I tell her honestly. Then I recap as much as my jumbled mind can remember of what he told me.

  “He’s in love with you.”

  “What? That’s absurd. We’ve known each other a month. He’s not in love with me.”

  “He’s falling then. Hard. I can see it in the way he looks at you. For the record, it’s the same way he’s always looked at you, just more… intense if I had to put a name to it.”

  “What am I going to do?”

  “I’m not sure what the issue is here, Emma.”

  “He’s this famous athlete, and I’m me. Emma, who helps run an animal shelter. He can have any woman that he wants, and he has had plenty.”

  “Maybe so, but how many has he been reported to have been with since you?”


  “One,” she says at the same time.

  My head whips up. “Who?” Is that jealousy that I feel?

  “You.” That’s right. Date eight I think it was, we picked up takeout and brought it back to his place. He convinced me he needed help with learning to use his air fryer. Turns out he doesn’t even own an air fryer. Anyway, I ran in to get the food, to try and keep the fans at bay, and I was photographed getting into his SUV. They didn’t get my face and the media doesn’t know who I am. At least not that we’re aware of.

  “Right,” I say when I break out of my memories to find her standing there staring at me with her hands on her hips.

  “What are you afraid of?” Her voice is softer this time.

  “He’s going to break my heart.”

  “First of all, you don’t know that. Second of all, when this”—she waves her hands wildly in the air—“whatever this is, is over, your heart is going to be broken.”

  I nod. “But if I let myself fall, it’s going to be so much worse.”

  “Oh, Em.” She comes to me and puts her arms around my shoulder, giving me a side hug. “You’ve already fallen. You just won’t admit it. Look at me and my cocky bastard. He’s famous, and I’m just me, running an animal shelter, and we make it work. He loves me. I love him. It’s that simple. It’s not about money or fame or anything else. It’s about the heart.”

  I give up on any pretenses to hide it and nod. “I know.”

  “See, that wasn’t so hard. Just let it happen. If it works out, great. If not, you won’t have the what-ifs. Trust me. I had two years of what-ifs and that’s not something you want to do. I had what-ifs and a broken heart. I would have much rather just had one of those. Take the chance. Go out there and show that bastard how lucky he is to have your attention and see where it leads you.”

  “Yeah. I mean, I don’t know if I’ll do it tonight, or here for that matter, but yeah. I’m going to do it. Thanks, Aubs.” I give her a hug. “Oh, Landon said he would give me a ride home.”

  “Perfect. You don’t have to do it here. Do it in the car, or at your place. Invite him in for a drink, or you know, invite him to stay.” She wags her eyebrows.

  “Too soon.” I laugh.

  “Is it?” She grabs my hand and tugs me toward the door. “Come on, before they think we ran away.” She leads us back to the table, dropping my hand just as we’re back in eye sight. I take my seat and try to catch up on the conversation between the men.

  Not a minute later, Harvey is delivering our food and I concentrate on that. These burgers are so damn good. I polish off my food in no time, just eating and listening to the conversations around me. I chime in where I see fit, all the while my mind is running through tonight. Do I ask him in? How do I tell him I’m ready for a real date? One I say yes to for no other reason than to just spend time with him.

  The next hour passes in a blur for me. In my head, I’m deciphering every look, every touch, every moment we’ve shared. I take part as I can, trying to act as though my head isn’t spinning and my heart isn’t racing. To be honest, day one, I wanted him. I just wouldn’t allow myself to voice it. I was so afraid of being just another notch that I held him at arm’s length, and my arms are tired. I can’t hold him back anymore, and I don’t want to. Aubrey is right. I would rather have a broken heart than what-ifs. Who knows, maybe some of his luck will rub off on me and the broken heart will never happen. Either way, I’m tired of pretending.

  “Emma,” Corey says, getting my attention.

  “Sorry,” I say sheepishly.

  “What do you think? You in?”

  “Uh, sure,” I say, realizing that everyone’s attention is on me. I’m sure it’s whatever plans they have after we leave here. Corey grins and nods like I just gave him a million dollars.

  “Right, well, we’re headed out, we have to pick up CJ.” Aubrey stands from the table. “Em, you need a ride home?” She looks from me to Corey and then over to Landon.

  “No, thanks. Landon said he would give me a ride.” We just talked about this so I don’t know why she’s asking.

  “I can take you home,” Corey pipes up from beside me.

  “That’s sweet, but Landon can take me.” I turn to look at Landon and his jaw is clenched. “Unless you have something else going on?” I ask him.

  “No. You’re coming with me.”

  Well, all right then. “Thanks anyway,” I tell Corey. He looks disappointed but doesn’t comment otherwise. Corey and Case decide to stay for another round, so we say our goodbyes and head out. Landon is quiet, giving all new meaning to the strong silent type. His body is still as he walks beside me with his hand on the small of my back. He opens the passenger door of his SUV for me, and waits until I’m strapped in to shut the door. I watch him as he jogs around the front of the SUV and slides in behind the wheel. His hands grip the wheel but he makes no move to start the car.


  He turns to look at me, his cerulean blue eyes dark with an emotion I can’t name. “Don’t go.”

  “Don’t go where?” I ask, confused.

  His jaw clenches. “Don’t go out with Corey.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Corey,” he says through gritted teeth. “You agreed to have dinner with him tomorrow night. You’re not going.”

  My hackles rise. “The hell I’m not.” I don’t know why I say it. I have no interest in going anywhere with Corey. But I’ll be damned if he thinks he can boss me around.

  “I mean it, Emma. You’re not going. Call him and tell him no.”

  “You’re being crazy. You can’t tell me what to do.” I’m seething now, and for no reason really. I’m overreacting, but so is he. I also know that if I would just come out and tell him he’s the one I want, this wouldn’t be happening. At least I don’t think it would be.

  “That’s because I am crazy!” he yells and t
hen goes silent. He’s breathing heavily, and when he speaks again, his tone is softer, yet still firm. “I’m fucking crazy about you, Emma. You’re mine. My girl, not his, and I can’t stand the thought of you going out with him.”

  I sit here in the passenger seat, my heart aflutter because he said the words. Not just in jest but with sincerity, and I know there is no way I can resist him. Hell, at this point, I don’t even want to. I just want him.


  “Please, I—” He stops as my acceptance registers with him. “Okay?”

  “Yeah. I won’t go out with him. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what I was agreeing to. I was too nervous about asking you inside when we got to my place to tell you I’m ready for that date. The real one.”

  “Emma.” He leans over the console and engulfs my face with his big hands. “Say it again.”

  “Landon Barker, will you go on a date with me? A real one?”

  He doesn’t answer, but instead, his lips press against mine. His tongue glides across my bottom lip and I open for him. He kisses me without reservation, and suddenly our argument is no more. The only thing between us now is passion, and some pent-up sexual frustration, at least on my end.

  My hands grip his shirt as I try to pull him closer. I groan when his lips fall away and he rests his forehead against mine. “We can’t do this here. I won’t risk someone seeing you.”

  “What is it you think we’re going to do, Barker?” I ask. I’m breathless from his kiss and giddy from this new development, so the teasing aspect of my question is seriously lacking. Not that either one of us mind.

  “I’d rather show you.” Sitting back in his seat, he buckles himself in and backs out of the parking lot. As soon as we’re on the road, he reaches over and laces his fingers through mine, placing our combined hands on his thigh while he drives. His grip is firm, yet comforting. Outside, I’m cool, calm, and collected now that I’ve caught my breath from his kisses. On the inside, I’m giddy like the sixteen-year-old me. I’m glad I let Aubrey talk some sense into me. After only one kiss, I know that anytime spent with him, even if it ends in a broken heart, is going to be worth it.


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