Dragon's Jaw

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Dragon's Jaw Page 33

by Stephen Coonts

  as POW, 192–193

  Meyerholt, William H., 31

  MiG-15 (North Vietnam), 17, 18

  MiG-17 (North Vietnam), 17–18, 19, 32

  Crusaders (US) and, 73

  information to strikers on, 161

  Soviets providing/design, 17–18

  US bombing restricted areas and, 109

  MiG fights (April 1965), 36–37

  MiG fights (May 1972), 233–238

  Military Exploit Order, 48

  Miller, Carl, 222, 223

  bridge attacks, 229

  Dragon’s Jaw attack (April 1972), 228

  Dragon’s Jaw attack (May 13, 1972), 238, 252

  Miller, Jay, 176, 177

  mining harbors/Operation Pocket Money (May 1972), 230–231

  mirror landing systems innovation, 69–71

  Mitchell, Billy, 244

  Monger, Jack, 154

  Moore, Bob, 99

  Moore, Joseph H., 135

  bomb shortage and, 124

  Carolina Moon and, 135

  Westmoreland and, 124

  Morgan, Hershel S., 32

  Morse, Wayne, 12

  Mugg, Rick, 223

  Mulligan, James, 194

  Munich Agreement (1938), 259

  Murray, J. V., 114

  Nation of Islam, 173

  National Security Complex, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 132


  aircraft experience (before 1964), 68

  Alpha strike/Alpha strike mix, 82–85

  antisubmarine warfare (ASW), 72

  “cats and dogs,” 78–79

  dividing missions, 72

  early missions against Dragon’s Jaw, 86

  Iron Hands, 54, 55, 56–57, 82, 91, 112, 151, 262

  planes (overview), 72–81

  renewal of air attacks (North Vietnam/1972), 221–222

  rescue squadron description, 249–250

  “sortie war” (with Air Force), 174–175

  statistics on sorties, 123

  transition to jets and, 68

  See also Air Force-Navy joint Dragon’s Jaw attack; aircraft carriers; Task Force 77 (Navy)

  Navy Crosses, 104, 118, 237

  Navy doctrine, 115, 116

  Navy Dragon’s Jaw attack (August 1965), 98–100

  as first Navy aircraft loss, 98

  SAM/crew ejection and capture, 99–100

  Navy Dragon’s Jaw attack (June 1965), 81, 86–91

  aerial warfare/air-to-air missiles, 90

  CAP station, 88

  MiGs and, 89–90, 91

  ROE and, 89

  Nguyen Can Coi, 21

  Nguyen Dang Tang, 21

  Nguyen-Hue Operation. See Easter Offensive/Operation Nguyen-Hue

  Nguyen Nhat Chieu, 89

  Nguyen Quoc Duyet, 142

  “Nguyen Toon” (“Colonel Tomb”), 237

  Nguyen Van Bay, 17, 163

  Nguyen Van Khuy, 139

  Nguyen Van Thieu (President Thieu), 201, 258–259, 260, 264, 265

  Nguyen Van Tien, 38

  Nguyen Xuan Dai, 129

  Nichols, John, 56

  Nickerson, William B., 117

  “Nixinger,” 199–200

  Nixon, Richard

  American foreign policy control and, 199–200

  “armed withdrawal” (Vietnam), 199, 202

  attacks on (1972), 260

  bombing North Vietnam (1972 to 1973), 260–264

  China relations and, 199, 202–203, 205, 206, 229, 230, 257

  China visit, 202–203, 205, 229, 257

  Fonda and, 191

  “law and order” movement and, 172

  mining harbors and, 230, 231

  North Vietnam airfields/MiGs and, 233n

  political background, 172, 199

  presidential election (1968), 185, 186

  promises to South Vietnam/end of war, 264

  reelection, 260

  Soviet relations and, 199, 206, 207

  Vietnam “negotiations” and, 201, 206

  Vietnam War and, 186, 199, 206–207, 218, 219, 230, 231, 233n, 258, 260–261, 264

  “Vietnamization” plan, 186, 218

  Watergate scandal/resignation, 264

  North Vietnam

  AAA defenses and, 106–107, 173–174

  areas off-limits to US airpower (Nixon) and, 203–204

  coastal plain description, 119

  cornering Nixon and, 260

  government/dictatorship, 24, 59–60, 188

  not counting deaths in, 169

  order on fighters/“Yankee air pirates” (May 1972), 233

  propaganda use, 4, 47–48, 50, 63, 91, 106–107, 111–112, 168, 190, 193, 262, 263

  reunification goal and, 2, 12–13

  route for China/Soviet Union military equipment, 173

  situation after Dragon’s Jaw destruction, 257

  South Vietnam attacks (1969), 202

  South Vietnam attacks/Easter Offensive (1972), 205–206

  tracers use/description, 119

  US relations with China/Soviet Union concerns and, 205

  nuclear weapons/war

  Air Force focus and, 36

  Cuban Missile Crisis, 5

  Eisenhower administration and, 5

  fears of Kennedy/Johnson administrations and, 6–7, 257, 265

  SALT I treaty and, 257

  situation in 1972 and, 257

  USS Enterprise and, 92–93, 107

  USS Long Beach and, 249–250

  World War II and, 267

  Obama, Barack, 190

  Ogle, Russ, 244–245

  Old North Bridge, Concord, 1

  Operation Desert Storm, 267

  Operation Freedom Train, 218

  Operation Nguyen-Hue. See Easter Offensive/Operation Nguyen-Hue

  Operation Pocket Money/mining harbors (May 1972), 230–231

  Operation Proud Deep Alpha, 204

  Oste, Sven, 166–167

  Page, Lou

  Dragon’s Jaw attack, 86, 88, 89, 90

  Phantom capabilities and, 88

  Pathet Lao, 4, 66

  Pave Knife, 211, 213–214, 215, 223, 238

  Pave Light (Zot), 213, 220, 223

  Paveway system, 211–216, 219–221

  Pearson, Richard D.

  Dragon’s Jaw attacks and, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42

  gunnery training, 36

  Peel, Robert

  Dragon’s Jaw attack, 61–62

  Fred/Dudley (brothers), 61

  as POW, 50, 62, 192

  tap code, 50

  Pensacola News Journal, 198

  Perotti, Reno, 211

  Peters, Colonel, 62

  Peters, Larry

  Dragon’s Jaw mission (April 21, 1972), 225, 226, 227

  Dragon’s Jaw mission (April 27, 1972), 229

  search-and-rescue/celebration, 227, 228

  Peters, Ralph, 267

  Pham Giay, 38, 46

  Pham Van Dong, 4

  Phantom F-4, description/capabilities, 14–15, 19, 72, 77–78, 82, 88

  Pinegar, Franklin, 227

  power plant/near Dragon’s Jaw attack, 150–153

  POWs (Americans), 190–198

  in China, 197–198

  Cuban torturers and, 190, 195

  deaths, 118, 157, 190, 194, 195

  enemy’s assets and, 192

  escapes, 81, 194

  faith and, 192, 193, 198

  group of eleven (communicators/resisters), 193–194

  Ho Chi Minh’s death and, 197

  individuals, 32–33, 50, 62, 63, 64, 65, 97, 129, 149, 156–157, 166

  information/interrogation, 190

  Linebacker II and, 263

  McCarthy and, 190–191

  Midway’s crew support, 197

  Morse Code/torture message and, 193

  prison names, 193

  release/support and, 197, 198, 264

  rescue squadrons and, 250

  rope torture, 195, 196

/>   Russian torturers, 190

  sense of humor and, 192, 194

  solitary confinement, 193–194, 198

  tap code and, 50, 194, 195

  torture, 157, 190, 191, 192, 193–194, 195, 196, 197, 198

  Vietnamese propaganda and, 190, 193

  Pribbenow, Merle, 106

  Project Aphrodite/dangers, 153

  Purvis, Pete, 175, 176–177

  Quaid, Commander Marvin, 151

  radio weapon guidance, 153, 209

  raft sinking at rescues, 116, 116n

  Ragland, Dayton, 141

  Ramage, Jig, 145, 147

  Rampant Raider (Gray), 151

  Rampant Raiders, 153–154, 154–156

  reconnaissance flights (US), x, 247

  Laos and (1964), 4, 81

  tracking bridge repairs and, 247

  Reed, Charles W., 63

  Reichardt, Richard

  military position/assignment, 58

  rescue of Lambert, 58

  Reider, Terry, 157

  Remers, Richard T., Carolina Moon/crews and, 134, 135, 136–137, 138, 140, 142

  Rever, Donald W., 178

  Richardson, David C., 145

  Dragon’s Jaw Bridge and, 145, 169–170

  Richelieu, Cardinal, 6n

  Rinder, Robert, 254

  Ringwood, Paul “Worm,” 247

  plane fire/ejection, 248–249

  reconnaissance (June 1972) mission, 247–248

  reconnaissance (October 1972) mission, 250

  rescue (“sharks”/porpoises), 249–250

  Risner, Robinson, 27

  continuing Dragon’s Jaw attacks, 63–64

  Dragon’s Jaw attack/Bullpup and, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33

  Dragon’s Jaw attack day two and, 34–35, 37

  ejection/capture, 64, 192

  McCarthy on, 190–191

  release, 197

  Ritchard, Steven, 237–238

  Rogers, William, 199

  Rolling Thunder, 123

  ending, 187

  flaws, 26

  POWs, 32–33

  study/conclusions (1965), 65–67

  summary/results, 187–188

  targets, 25, 26

  US halt/North Vietnam supplies and, 59–60

  Rolling Thunder/Dragon’s Jaw, 34–47

  AAA and, 30–31, 32, 35

  beginnings, 26–27

  bomb fuses and, 28, 30, 31

  briefing, 29

  Bullpup bombs/problems and, 27–29, 31, 33

  decreasing strike aircraft numbers, 60–62

  dive-bombing/problems, 28–29, 31

  flak suppressors and, 34

  losses summary (1965), 65

  MiGs ambush description, 39

  MiGs and, 37–40, 43–46

  Mission Nine Alpha description, 26–32

  North Vietnamese losses, 45–46

  planning, 26–27, 28–29

  reconnaissance photography and, 32–33

  results, 47–48

  rules of engagement (ROE), 29

  as target, 25, 26

  weather/winds and, 34, 35

  Rollins, David John (“Jack”), 164

  Dragon’s Jaw attack (May 1967), 164, 165, 166

  injuries/as POW, 166

  plane fire/ejection and landing, 165

  Rowen, Ron, LGB/target and, 219–221

  Rusk, Dean, 50

  Rutledge, Howie, 194

  Rutledge, Wes, 254

  Rutty, Edward, 104

  Sabre/Super Sabre F-100, 29–30

  Saddam Hussein/regime, 267

  Saigon fall/renaming, 265

  SALT I Treaty, 257

  Salter, Richard C., 12

  SAMs/North Vietnam

  Air Force/construction sites and, 53

  control description/changes, 52

  description/mechanism (SA-2), 52

  dummy SAMs and, 53

  effectiveness (summary), 57

  first site, 51

  increase in numbers, 20

  launch sites description, 53

  Soviets supplying, 52

  SAMs/North Vietnam US response

  anti-radiation missiles/costs (summary), 54–55

  cluster SAMs and, 54

  evading/maneuvers and timing, x–xii, 53–54

  Iron Hands and, 54, 55, 56–57, 82, 91, 112, 151, 262

  seeing SAMs and, 53–54

  Wild Weasels and, 54, 55, 56–57, 112, 160, 161, 221, 262

  Samuel, Wolfgang, 129

  Satrapa, Joseph (“Hoser”), 254

  photo reconnaissance (Dragon’s Jaw/October 6, 1972), 254–255

  Sayers, Sam

  Dragon’s Jaw attacks, 113, 114, 118, 122

  Hai Duong Bridge attack, 114

  Janet (wife), 117

  plane fire/ejection, 115–116

  rescue, 116–117

  SBD Dauntless dive bomber, 46

  Schaffert, Richard, 125, 168

  Schierman, Wesley, 27, 28–29

  Schirra, Wally, 69

  Schram, Dick, 146

  Schroeffel, T. A., 114

  Senaga, Kamejiro, 188

  Shane, Larry

  Dragon’s Jaw/April 1972 mission and, 225, 226

  Thaler and, 224–225

  Sharp, Grant, Jr.

  bomb shortages and, 124

  bombing responsibilities, 108

  Carolina Moon and, 135

  Sheets, Roger (“Blinky”), 230, 231

  Shepherd, Alan, 251

  Shepherd, Burt, 251

  Shields, John R., 137

  Shingledecker, Armon D., 140

  Shockley, Crawford (“Sock”), 225

  Shrike anti-radar missiles, 55, 56–57, 76, 107, 115, 128, 160, 210, 212, 262–263

  Shumaker, Bob, as POW/tap code, 50, 194

  Sidewinders description/capabilities, 14, 87–88

  Silver Star award, 58

  Skyhawk A-4, 46, 74, 79–80

  nuclear weapons and, 74, 80

  Skyknights, EF-10 and F3D, 126, 127

  importance of, 126

  name and, 126–127

  as night fighter, 126

  strike example/results, 127–129

  Skyraider, A-1, 46–47

  Skywarrior, A-3, 46, 78–79

  Smith, David L., 239, 240

  Smith, D.D.

  reconnaissance of Dragon’s Jaw, ix–xiii

  SAMs/tracers and, x–xiii

  Smith, George C., 30

  Smith, Homer

  Dragon’s Jaw Walleye attacks/scream, 154–156

  as POW/death, 157

  Smith, John C., and Dragon’s Jaw attack, 86, 87, 88–89, 90

  Smith, Leighton W., Jr. (“Snuffy”), 251–252

  Distinguished Flying Cross/citation, 255–256

  Dragon’s Jaw attack (October 6, 1972), 252–253, 255–256

  Dragon’s Jaw attacks (before October 6, 1972), 252

  Dragon’s Jaw damage confirmation, 253–254, 256

  post-Vietnam career, 256n

  Smith, Page, 251

  South Vietnam, 7, 173, 265

  South Vietnam/US

  ARVN/Vietnamese Marine Corps advisers and, 218

  during Kennedy administration, 7

  Easter Offensive and, 219

  fears following US withdrawal, 258–259

  Ford’s aid package and, 264–265

  helicopter rescue/Saigon, 265

  military personnel statistics (1964/1965), 13–14

  Southwick, Charles E. (“Ev”), 163

  capture/as POW, 166

  Dragon’s Jaw attack (May 1967), 163, 164–165, 166

  plane fire/ejection and landing, 165

  Soviet Union

  collapse, 266

  conflicts with China, 25

  Nixon administration/relations and, 199, 206, 207

  Russian torturers/American POWs, 190

  SALT I Treaty/US, 257

  Soviet Union/North Vietnam

  military equipment a
nd, 20, 22, 52, 171, 173

  route for supplies, 173

  supplies after Dragon’s Jaw destruction and, 257

  supporting communism and, 3, 13

  training/aircraft design, 17, 18, 123–124, 129

  Sparrows, 14, 87

  Sroka, Rich, 225

  Standard ARM (anti-radar missiles), 55, 76, 262–263

  steam catapults innovation, 71–72

  Stickney, Philip J., 140–141

  Stockdale, James, 96, 100, 102, 103, 106, 195

  attacks against secondary targets, 105–106

  attacks on Dragon’s Jaw, 103, 104–105

  Gulf of Tonkin incident and, 11, 11n

  ejection and capture, 106, 195

  speaking at Tailhook Convention, 100

  Stockdale, James, as POW

  breaking leg, 196

  disfiguring his face and, 193, 196

  Gulf of Tonkin incident and, 11n, 196, 197

  Stockdale, James, as POW (continued)

  other POWs and, 194, 195

  release/life after, 197

  suicide attempt and, 196–197

  torture, 196–197

  years held, 106

  Stolz, Larry G., shot-down/death, 204–205

  Storz, Ron, 194

  Stratofortresses, B-52, 261–262

  Stratotankers, 29

  Sullivan, Jerry, 233

  Sumner, Donald, 251

  Dragon’s Jaw attacks (October 6, 1972), 252, 253, 254

  Sunday Punchers

  attack on Ham Rong port facility and, 96–97

  Independence and, 95–96

  Super Sabre F-100, 29–30

  Taiwan and China, 202, 203

  Tanner, Nels, 194

  Task Force 77 (Navy), 81, 108

  aircraft carriers and, 150

  downed US plane and, 167

  Dragon’s Jaw attacks/other attacks and, 81, 108, 168

  “fragmenting” target list, 91

  responsibilities, 145

  Taylor, Jeremy (“Bear”)

  destroying downed plane (May 1967), 167–168

  downed Phantom/pilot’s death and, 149

  Dragon’s Jaw attack, 149–150

  Taylor, Maxwell, Kennedy administration, 6

  television weapon guidance, 153, 209. See also Walleye

  Tet ceasefire, 148, 150, 180

  Tet Offensive, 181–184

  Texas Instruments, 209, 211, 216

  Thaler, Bill, 224–225

  Dragon’s Jaw mission (April 1972), 225–227, 228

  Thanh Hoa Bridge. See Dragon’s Jaw Bridge

  Thieu, President (Nguyen Van Thieu), 201, 258–259, 260, 264, 265

  Thomas, Spence J., 32

  Thorsness, Leo, 56

  Thunderchief F-105, 14

  Time magazine, 27, 64

  Timm, Dwight, 233–234

  Tinsley, Richard J., 250

  Tomcat description, 78

  Tonkin Gulf incident. See Gulf of Tonkin incident

  Tran Chau Kinh, 21

  Tran Huy Han, 38–39

  Trenchard, Boom, 244

  Tritonal, 62

  Tromp, W. L., 118

  Tschudy, William M.

  attack on port facility, 96, 97

  plane damage/capture, 97


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