
Home > Christian > Infected > Page 11
Infected Page 11

by Alana Terry

  Brian grabbed Kennedy by the collar of her shirt. The cold metal of his pistol pressed hard against her temple. “Don’t move,” he told Dominic. “I’ve got a gun to her head. You step inside, I shoot.”

  “It’s ok.” Dominic’s voice was reassuring. Calm.

  The door was open, but only slightly. Kennedy couldn’t see Dominic on the other side. She was afraid the second he poked his head around the corner, Brian would turn the gun on him and shoot. Her body was too terrified to even tremble.

  “Listen, Brian. My name’s Dominic. Dominic Martinez. I’m a chaplain. I’m not here to arrest you. I’m not here to get you into any sort of trouble. I just want to talk, maybe pray with you. You’re a man of prayer, aren’t you?”

  Kennedy held her breath. If anyone could talk down a psycho with a loaded gun aimed at her occipital lobe, Dominic was the man for the job.

  Brian didn’t respond.

  After a minute, Dominic continued. “Listen, we know about the explosives. We know you had hospital blueprints in your home. If you help me out, you can keep a lot of people from getting hurt. Good people, Brian. Can you help me?”

  “Why would I do that?” he snarled.

  Kennedy didn’t know if it was wishful thinking or not, but she thought she sensed him lessen his grip. If the stupid loveseat wasn’t in the way, she could run. As it was, she was pinned between the partially-opened door and the wall. Was this how she was going to die, with Dominic there on the other side, so close, so helpless?

  “You’re a good man, Brian. Lots of people know that. A man of faith. Everything you’re doing, you’re doing because you think it’s best for your son. And now I’m asking you to think about the other people, too. There’s a lot of scared folks in the ER, Brian. Some of them are kids. Same age as your little guy. I know you want them to be able to go home and spend a safe, peaceful night with their families, right? So I need you to tell me where the bomb is. If you help me, then all these innocent people don’t have to get hurt.”

  “You think the bomb’s in the ER?” he asked. His voice had lost its hardened edge. Were Dominic’s calm presence and softly spoken words actually working?

  “We found the blueprints of yours. But our teams have looked everywhere and we haven’t found it yet. So we’re hoping you can go ahead and tell us. It’d mean a lot to those scared boys and girls who just want to be safe.”

  “There’s no bomb in the ER.”

  Kennedy couldn’t be sure, but it sounded like a boast.

  “We know you were building something, Brian. Can you tell us what you were planning? I want to help you and your family. I really do. I’m not saying what that judge did was right. But if you go on like this, if you injure a bunch of innocent people, there’s no chance the legal system’s going to change its mind. You know that, right?”


  It wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be happening. Kennedy didn’t dare raise her hopes too high. Was Dominic actually about to convince Brian to give up the location of the explosive?

  “So where’s the bomb, Brian? We really want to take care of this so all these scared people can go home and be safe.”

  “It’s not in the ER,” he repeated.

  “Then where?”

  Brian loosened his hold. This time, Kennedy was sure of it.

  “Brian?” Dominic’s voice revealed a strain of tension. “Talk to me, buddy. What’s going on behind that door?”

  “Why don’t you come in here and find out?” The words themselves might have sounded ominous, but Brian’s tone was polite and subdued.

  Kennedy mentally begged Dominic not to listen. The minute he exposed himself, Brian could shoot.

  “Ok, I’m stepping into the conference room right now, all right?”

  Kennedy squinted, preparing to close her eyes so she wouldn’t have to watch her boyfriend getting murdered.

  “I’m keeping my hands up. I don’t have a gun or anything, ok? I’m nothing but the chaplain. Just here to talk. That’s all I want to do.”

  Kennedy’s legs nearly collapsed when Dominic walked slowly into the room and stood in front of them. His eyes flickered once to her then settled back on Brian.

  “Now listen to me. I’ve already said I don’t want to hurt you. I’m just here to get a little information, ok?”

  Brian didn’t answer.

  “I want us to trust each other, Brian. And right now, it’s hard for us to trust each other when you have that gun to an innocent girl’s head. See what I’m saying? What if you set it down for a minute? I don’t mean to take it from you. That’s not what I’m suggesting. I just think we all might be a little more comfortable if you put it back in its holster. What do you say about that?”

  “I think I’ll wait and see for myself and make sure you don’t have an army of SWAT team members behind you for backup.”

  “That’s ok with me. I can understand a smart guy like you wanting to be as cautious as possible. But tell me something. My friend you’ve got there, her name’s Kennedy. And I know you and I both would hate to see anything bad accidentally happen to her. So maybe what you can do is let her go, and then you and I can keep up our conversation.”

  Brian didn’t say anything, and he didn’t let go either. Kennedy stared at the clock. She had never experienced such long seconds in her life.

  Brian let out his breath. Kennedy thought she felt his body tremble just a little.

  Come on, Dominic. Keep him calm. No matter what it takes, you’ve got to keep him calm.

  “By the way, I’ve got a message from your wife,” Dominic said. “From Shannon. She wants you to know Timmy’s doing well. She said the side effects haven’t been too bad this round. There’s a chance I could ask and see if we could get you to talk to her on the phone. Would you like that? To talk to your wife?”

  “What do you want from me?” Brian shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

  “What I want is to know what you’ve done with the explosives you made. Is that something you think we can talk about now?”

  Kennedy felt Brian nod. The motion was so slight she was afraid at first she imagined it, but Dominic must have seen it too.

  “Good. Because the sooner you tell us about the explosives, the sooner this whole thing is over for all of us. What did you do with the bomb, Brian? Where did you put it?”

  Now Kennedy was sure Brian was trembling.

  “I’ll tell you, but first the girl gets behind me.”

  “Listen,” Dominic said, glancing once again at Kennedy. She couldn’t read his expression. “I’m really grateful you’re ready to talk about that bomb. Really grateful. But I want you to think about Kennedy for a minute. She’s been through a lot. She’s scared ...”

  “I’ll do it,” Kennedy interrupted. She was surprised at the forcefulness of her own voice. “I’ll do it,” she repeated. As long as Brian holstered that gun. As long as he remained calm. As long as he told Dominic where the bomb was, she didn’t care where she stood. Without waiting to hear any arguments, she stepped several paces back. She didn’t know why Brian wanted her behind him, but she was thankful to be free from his hold. She backed up until she was standing near the closet with the air vent.

  “Ok,” Dominic said. “I’m listening.”

  Kennedy was dizzy. Dizzy and weak. Her legs could hardly support her weight.

  Brian started to unbutton his shirt.

  “What are you doing?” Was that fear now in Dominic’s voice? That voice that had remained so calm and composed for so long? “Brian?” he asked again. His words were shaky.

  Brian took one arm out of his shirt sleeve and then the other. Kennedy could see it now, too. Could understand the tension in Dominic’s tone.

  “Here it is.” Brian pointed to the heavy vest strapped to his chest, covered in wires. “This is the bomb you’ve been looking for.”


  “Kennedy, I want you to get behind me.” It was the first time Dominic had
spoken directly to her since he entered the room.

  Brian shook his head. “No. She shouldn’t do that.”

  “Kennedy, do it.” Dominic’s voice was authoritative, no longer soothing and calm but laden with emotion. “Get behind me. Right now.”

  Brian aimed the gun at Dominic. “I said she shouldn’t do that.”

  “Now listen.” Dominic held out one hand in a conciliatory gesture. “She doesn’t have anything to do with any of this. She’s just a girl who was at the wrong place at the wrong time ...”

  His words echoed mirthlessly in Kennedy’s terrified mind. Wrong place at the wrong time. Yeah, story of her life.

  Dominic was staring at her again. Addressing her directly. “He’s not gonna shoot me, Kennedy. Now you come this way and get behind me.”

  Even from where she stood several feet away, Kennedy could feel the heat of Brian’s growing anger. Dominic was wrong. He wasn’t thinking clearly. All he was doing was making a crazy man strapped with explosives even more agitated.

  Shut up, Dominic. She wished telepathy really worked.

  “The girl stays where she is.” Brian’s voice trembled. Shakier than it had been throughout this entire engagement. Dominic didn’t know who he was dealing with. Didn’t know what this man was capable of.

  “Kennedy,” he barked again. “Come here and get behind me.”

  The hand that held Brian’s gun shook violently.

  Kennedy’s limbs refused to move. Her ears rushed with the sound of her pounding pulse.

  Dominic took a step forward. “Listen, Brian, I know you love your son. That’s what makes you such a good father for him.”

  Kennedy wondered how he could get the words out without wincing.

  “So what I want you to do right now is think about Timothy. Think about how much he needs you. This isn’t about his treatment anymore. This isn’t about what medicine he is or isn’t going to take. This is about your son needing to know his dad is one of the good guys. How is Timothy going to feel if he grows up and learns you killed yourself and a whole bunch of innocent people? How will that make Timothy feel?”

  “He won’t have a chance to grow up if I don’t do what I’ve got to do.” Brian’s voice trembled just as much as the gun in his hand, which was still aimed at Dominic’s chest.

  “Listen.” Dominic’s tone grew more authoritative as he spoke. “What you’re about to do, it’s not going to help your son at all. It’s just going to take away his father. What if Timothy learns how many other people you killed, too? What will he think about you then?”

  “He’ll think he had a father who did what he had to do when he was faced with an impossible test.”

  Kennedy’s lungs took in oxygen a few puny milliliters at a time.

  “You and I both know that’s not how he’s going to see it.” Dominic took a step forward. “So why don’t you put that gun down ...”

  “Not gonna happen.”

  “I really think you might want to ...” Dominic began.

  “I really think you might want to shut up.” Brian poised his finger on the trigger.

  Kennedy braced herself, her only hope that Brian was so distraught it would throw off his aim.

  “You don’t want to do this.” Dominic’s voice betrayed no fear. Kennedy wished he could lend her some of his confidence. He hadn’t looked at her in several minutes. It was as if he were in some sort of mental zone and was deliberately ignoring her. Maybe that made it easier for him. Pretend he was in a room with a nameless victim, an anonymous bystander, not his own girlfriend.

  Kennedy tried to control her breath. Please, God, don’t let him die.

  With his free hand, Brian pulled a cell phone out of his pocket. “I press one button, we all get blown to bits, got it?”

  Dominic nodded. “Ok. I hear you. I understand. Don’t you think you’ll feel better once you give that phone to me?” He reached his hand out and took a step forward.

  No! Kennedy wanted to yell the word, but she was afraid any sudden sound would startle Brian into detonating his explosive vest. She cringed. Tried to look away. Tried to brace herself for the fatal blast she knew was coming.

  “Get back.” Brian’s voice rose in pitch. Didn’t Dominic see how worked-up he was getting? How desperate?

  “Ok.” Dominic held up both hands. “All right. I’m sorry. I’ll stand here by the door. Will that make you feel better?”

  Kennedy imagined her body turning into a small ball. Like an armadillo that could wrap itself up in its own personal, bomb-proof armor. She thought about the closet behind her. If she could get to it, somehow get up to that crawl space ...

  But she couldn’t leave Dominic here. Not alone. Any sudden move would spell death for them both. She still wasn’t sure if Dominic was the man she was meant to spend the rest of her life with. Up until now, she’d figured she could take months or even years to figure that out. She certainly never expected them both to die together a few short months into their relationship at the hand of a deranged explosives engineer.

  Brian still held the cell phone in his hand. At least while he was focused on it, he wasn’t aiming the gun at Dominic’s chest, but that was only a small comfort considering the fact that if he detonated that bomb, Kennedy, Dominic, and anyone unfortunate enough to be in the proximity of the explosion would die.

  I didn’t even get to say good-bye to my parents. Kennedy’s body had stopped trembling. She leaned against the wall, unable to stand on her own. Unable to take in the horror that surrounded her. Her mind had wrapped itself up into some sort of emotional cocoon. She wasn’t scared. She couldn’t describe what it was she felt. Like her brain was filtering out the raw horror of the situation, only allowing tiny bits and pieces of realization to settle into her being a few seconds at a time. Even though she appreciated the mental numbness compared to the paralyzing weight of panic, she felt her body was too sluggish to know what to do if the chance came to react. Her body was maxed out on adrenaline. The fight or flight response wouldn’t work. Not right now. She’d sooner pass out from weakness than find a way to save herself.

  She had to get her mind more alert, but to do that, she had to admit the terror. Welcome the devastating horror that would crash through her psyche like the tsunami in Deep Impact if she let even the slightest trace of fear slip past her emotional barriers.

  Brian’s cell phone trembled in his hand. “You’re both my witnesses that I’m doing this for my son.”

  “There are other ways, you know.” Dominic took a step forward.

  Brian was so focused on his phone he didn’t seem to notice.

  “Your son can have a comfortable life. You’ll have other chances to show him how much you love him.”

  Brian shook his head. “This is my test. I can’t fail.”

  Dominic took another step. “I know you feel helpless. I know you feel desperate and lost. I would too. But blowing yourself up, that’s only going to create a lot more problems for your family, don’t you think?”

  “I don’t care.” He holstered his gun. Five minutes ago, the gesture would have brought a flood of relief crashing through Kennedy’s system. Now she realized how tame a single pistol looked compared to a homemade explosive vest.

  How far would the blast radius extend? How many people would die? How many more would be injured?

  How would the authorities tell her parents about Kennedy’s death?

  She’d never gotten the chance to introduce them to her boyfriend.

  A hollow chasm radiated out from the pit of her gut, ripping that emotional armor she’d erected into tiny shreds. She didn’t want to die. Didn’t want her last vision on earth to be Dominic’s calm face right before the two of them were blown apart by the force of a violent explosion.

  How did a detonation kill you exactly? Was it all the shrapnel slicing through your body’s vital organs? Or was it the energy itself? Would it be hot? Would she feel it at all? Would she even know she was about to die? Or would she si
mply blink and find herself in heaven? It was too late to wonder now. She’d find out soon enough. She’d expected so much more out of her life. Out of her relationship with Dominic.

  He’d never kissed her yet, at least not for real.

  She wasn’t ready to go.

  What about Willow? Her roommate was so new to the faith. Had so much growing to do. Kennedy wanted to be there for that. To witness God finish what he’d started in her.

  Dominic’s voice was tense but it didn’t quiver. “Listen to me, Brian. You’re going to feel a whole lot better when you give me that phone, all right?”

  “You want the phone, do you?” Brian’s tone was deathly calm.

  No! Kennedy’s whole spirit screamed out as Brian’s fingers tensed around his cell.

  “Kennedy, get down!”

  Dominic’s panicked cry was drowned out by the horrific eruption that burst in her ears and the terror that exploded all around her.


  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  Was she dead?

  “Vitals stabilizing.”

  “Pressure starting to rise.”

  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  Where was she?

  “Let’s get her transferred.”


  Her body swinging. Pain in her arm. She tried to speak but couldn’t.

  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  “Kennedy? Is your name Kennedy Stern? Can you hear me?”

  Why couldn’t she form any words?

  “You’re going to be ok. We’re taking good care of you.”

  Thank you, she tried to mouth. She was heavy. Her whole body was heavy. Her ears echoed with the screeches of terror. Was she even conscious?

  She couldn’t remember where she was. All she knew was she didn’t want to be here.

  God, I want to go home.

  A desperate prayer. Did he hear her? Did he see her?

  Was she all alone?






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