The Inn At Pelican Beach

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The Inn At Pelican Beach Page 10

by Michele Gilcrest

  "Very soon. I found a renewed sense of passion after taking photos for the wedding. I'm definitely ready to dive back in and start building my client list."

  I was pleased to hear that Payton was now going to start focusing on her dreams.

  "Alright, get together, everyone. Let's get a group shot,” Payton said.

  "Oh, no, you don't. No candid photos of me showing all the weight I've gained. Let me put my sarong on." I was the more modest one of the group. The rest of them put on their beach hats, puckered their lips, and posed for the camera.

  Then Susan diverted her attention to Abby. “So Abby, I see you and Wyatt are still going strong after everything. I’m happy to see you guys are doing okay."

  "I'm not quite sure what you mean, Susan."

  "You know, the whole thing with the legal assistant."

  "I don't know what you're talking about. What whole thing?"

  Susan had everyone's full attention at this point. As the older and wiser one of the group, my internal antennas started to rise. Something about this conversation was heading in the wrong direction.

  "Never-mind. I'm sure I heard wrong,” Susan said.

  I noticed Rebecca appeared to be particularly amused by the look on Abby’s face. As if we didn’t already have a talk about how to treat your sisters. My motherly instinct made me want to snatch the smirk off her face.

  Susan repeated herself. “I’m sure I made a mistake, Abby. Forget about it. You know how people are with gossip."

  "Share, Susan. Clearly, you know something. You were confident enough to bring it up. What's the gossip all about?"

  "I heard that one of the new legal assistants was coming on real strong to Wyatt. There was something about the two of them having a fling. I just assumed you knew."

  "Checkmate,” Rebecca murmured.

  I didn’t have a problem stepping in and asking Rebecca to quit. And I felt even less remorse about giving Susan a piece of my mind.

  "For the love of all things good, Rebecca, please hush your mouth. And Susan, I’ve heard just about enough of this. Surely you could've approached this differently? What has gotten into you?" In that moment I felt like a darn referee.

  "No, Mom. Let her speak,” Abby said. “Where did you hear such a thing?"

  "Ross mentioned it, but again, Abby. It's all hearsay. I'm sorry. I made an assumption that you knew, and I was wrong."

  "Anything else I need to know?"

  "No. Abby, please. I'm sorry."

  "Yeah. Listen, you guys go ahead and enjoy the rest of the day. I'm heading back to the house."

  "Abby!" Payton pleaded, but it was no use. Clearly, Abby was angry.

  Susan packed her things and left as well. Somehow what was supposed to be a fun day turned sour very quickly.

  "Should we all just leave?" Payton asked.

  I knew now more than ever Abby needed her space. “No, we need to stay right here. The last thing Abby needs is an audience when she gets back to the house,” I said.

  "And Rebecca, I don't know what's gotten into you lately, but whatever it is, you need to fix it fast. Abby is your sister, not your enemy. Half the things you two bicker over isn't worth the time of day. But today, you crossed the line.”

  "I'll apologize to her, Mom.”



  We planned a nice afternoon to host the Millers at my parents’ house. I was on pins and needles as it was our first time having everyone under the same roof. My parents went out of their way to make sure we had everything, and Abby brought the kids over to entertain Emmie.

  "Sooo, this is a big day, how do you feel about Cole bringing his family over?" Abby asked.

  "I'm excited. For some reason, I'm a little nervous as well."

  "Why? There's no need to be nervous. You know, Mom and Dad adore Cole. Plus, it's not like you're in high school where you have to worry about your parents' approval.”

  "I know, but I still want everything to go smoothly. What if we run out of things to talk about? Or what if Emmie doesn't have a good time?"

  "Payton, stop. You're being ridiculous."

  "I know, but sometimes things start to change when a relationship gets serious."

  "Now we're getting down to the good stuff! So you consider yourselves to be serious?"

  "I mean, he is coming over here to spend time with the family, Abby. I don't want to blow things out of proportion, but we've definitely been more exclusive lately. Cole is just an all-around nice guy, and I want things to go well. I love that he's all about family first, and I love how he encourages me to be my best."

  "That is nice. And I'm sure it doesn't hurt that he has his own business, he's not a ladies man, and he's easy on the eyes."

  "Those things are helpful."

  "You know what it is, Payton, you finally found yourself a grown man who's not playing around. He's long over the bachelor life, and he's mature. That's the key. Most of us have to wait for our men to grow up. It sounds like you found yourself a ready-made package."

  "I definitely feel the difference, but I don't want to get too far ahead of myself. We're just taking it one day at a time."

  "Oh, no, you don't."


  "You're trying to play it safe… ‘We're, just taking it one day at a time’.” Abby repeated my words.

  "You're not fooling me with that baloney, Payton. You've fallen head over heels for this guy. You didn't see it coming, and you just don't want to admit it. Rightfully so. I get it. You've already had one major heartbreak, and you're not looking for another. Just be honest about it because the rest of us can see right through the baloney."

  "Oh yeah… Well, You know what?"

  Abby placed her hand on her hip and presented a firm stance. "I'm listening."

  "You're right," I said, and stopped putting on a facade.

  "Okay. You agree with me?"

  "Yes, I agree. Not only are you right, but I feel better. I'm not nervous anymore."

  "Well, good. Glad to be of service."

  "The one thing I can say about the Matthews women is they sure aren't afraid to speak their mind. You being at the top of the list."

  "Amen! Wait. What did you just say?"

  "I said we are strong women sitting on top of the world."

  "I thought I heard something else, but I'm going to let you get away with it this time."

  "Hey Ab, I don't want to pry, but I was really concerned about you after that little incident with Susan. How did things turn out?"

  "You're not prying. The conversation did take an unexpected turn that day. I spoke to Wyatt after, and he was very straight forward with me. He said the new assistant really did come on strong for a while. He actually had to get HR involved so she would lay off. He was adamant that he went through the proper channels to handle it. He didn't get defensive or anything. He said he just didn't want to upset me with something that was already taken care of. He also called Ross to give him a piece of his mind."

  "Wow. That's an awkward position to be in."

  "I know you probably have your suspicions, and you're just being gracious not to say anything."

  "No, I don't. You know Wyatt better than anyone in this family. If you trust what he's telling you, then so do I. There was a big difference in my situation. Jack was defensive all the time. He would never open up and talk to me. His actions spoke louder than his words."

  Abby placed her hand over her heart and then blew a kiss to me.

  "Thanks, Sis."

  "You're welcome."

  "Now, let me go check on the kids before something crashes and breaks."

  "Love you, Abby."

  "Love you too, Payton."

  About three o'clock, Cole arrived with Emmie and his mother. Dad and I greeted them at the door.

  "There's my guy. Come on in and make yourself comfortable,” Dad said.

  "Mr. Matthews, I don't think you've had a chance to meet my mother, Alice Miller, and my daughter Emmie."
/>   "Hello, Mrs. Miller, and hello to the sweet young lady. I'm William Matthews, but my friends call me Will."

  "Nice to meet you, Mr. Will." Emmie extended her hand to Dad for a polite handshake.

  "Well, don't you have nice manners."

  "Yep, that's our Emmie. Don't be fooled by the ten-year-old appearance. She has the maturity of a grown-up."

  Emmie smiled proudly at her dad. Then the two of them came over to give me a hug.

  Mom joined us in the foyer. "Will, are you going to keep our guests standing in the foyer or let them inside?"

  She welcomed everyone into the living room and made instant friends with Cole's mother, Alice.

  "You have such a lovely home." Alice looked around.

  "Why, thank you. I wish I could take all of the credit, but it belongs to Cole."

  "Mrs. Matthews, you can't give me all the credit."

  "Oh, Cole, please call me Helen."

  "Helen, I just established the framework. You decorated this place to make it feel as cozy as it does. I can't take the credit for that."

  "We could go back and forth all day, but I still say that the work you did was the inspiration for everything else."

  The voice of a little girl rose above the chatter of the adults. "Payton, look what I brought!”

  “Ooh, what a beautiful doll. I love her hairstyle.”

  I could hear Abby talking to Wyatt in the background. "And to think she was nervous earlier."

  Emmie’s doll was very well put together. I just knew her and my niece Maggie were going to be an instant hit.

  “Emmie, I have two very special people that I'd like to introduce you to if you want to come with me."


  She followed me over to the two children in the living room who were hiding behind their mother and pretending to be shy.

  "Maggie and Aidan, I want you to meet Emmie."

  Maggie stepped from behind her mother to say hi to Emmie. Aidan was still on the fence about meeting someone new.

  "Emmie, this is my niece Maggie and her brother Aidan who is over there behind his mom."

  "Hi, Maggie and Aidan. I brought my American Girl Doll, would you like to play with her?"

  "Sure." Maggie tossed caution to the wind and decided to go play.

  The girls were about four years apart in age, but Emmie was more of an old soul. She didn't seem to mind taking on the role of a big sister for the day.

  "Sorry, Abby. I had every intention of introducing you, but it looks like the girls were able to hit it off right away. Mr. Aidan, on the other hand…"

  I tickled my little nephew to pry him loose from his mother.

  "What's the shy act all about, bud?"

  He looked up at me with the most forgiving smile.

  "There's that cute smile. Get on over there and play with your sissy and Emmie."

  He took off like a lightning bolt to go show the girls his new sports car.

  After all the formal introductions were made, Wyatt cranked up the grill. The guys settled outdoors where they could man the food and watch sports on the big screen while the ladies hung out in the kitchen.

  "Payton, I just want you to know that your pictures were a hit with Christen and Jacob. They loved your work so much that Christen has already shared your business card with two other brides. You should be getting calls from them any day now." Alice seemed delighted to share the news.

  "That's wonderful. Thank you!"

  "You're welcome, but it doesn't stop there. Mrs. Donovan, a long time client of Cole's, was also there the evening of the wedding. She needs someone to do a photoshoot for her website. She owns a boutique in Naples. She said something about needing a few pictures of her latest summer collection."

  That named sounded familiar.

  “When she saw you at the wedding, she started asking me questions. I made sure I told her about your profession, and the rest, as they say, was history."

  "I can't thank you enough. It's my goal to start adding to my client list, and you certainly are helping me get off to a great start."

  "It's my pleasure. Stick with me. I know a lot of the ladies down at the church and the social clubs that would love to have you for one event or another."

  "Yes, Ma'am. You don't have to tell me twice."

  I let the women continue talking while I stepped outside to check on the guys. They were carrying on over their favorite football teams. Dad wouldn't hear of it. He was more of a baseball fan and didn't want anyone stealing his thunder.

  "I don't understand how you two are already on to football talk. For the love of the Gators and all Gators fans, can we save the football talk until at least next month?"

  It was fun watching them get all worked up over sports. Of course, being the new guy, Cole gave in.

  "Don't let him do it to you, Cole. Stand your ground.” Wyatt tried to get Cole back on his side.

  "That's what's wrong with the young folks today,” Dad said. “You don't have enough of an appreciation for…for… you know. I forgot what I was trying to say, but you know what I mean."

  He turned to Cole to further explain.

  "Cole, you're going to have to forgive me. Sometimes I'm forgetful."

  "Ah, no worries, Sir. You were probably about to get on us for not showing enough love for the Gators."

  "That's right."

  Wyatt winked at Cole. The family was growing accustomed to the new version of Dad, but it was still an adjustment.

  "Alright, we have burgers, hot dogs, and steak. I guess we better get the side fixings. I don't know about you, but I'm ready to eat!" Wyatt was the grandmaster of grilling and usually took on the responsibility whenever he wasn't working.

  Later on that evening, we gathered in the living room for a game of charades. Mom pretended to be an astronaut taking small steps for mankind. The others thought she was pretending to be a mummy among a host of other things. Nevertheless, they were still having a good time.

  Quite a few times, I laughed so hard I had to go to the bathroom. I saw Cole having just as much fun.

  I looked at Cole with a warm smile. “I don't think I'll forget this night for a long time to come."

  "That makes two of us. Who knew your mom was such an actress,” Cole said.

  "Seriously! I sure didn't."

  "You know, Payton, I could get use to this."

  "Me too… Do you think Emmie and your mom are enjoying themselves?"

  "Are you kidding? Mom took great pleasure in beating you in several rounds of Uno. Emmie, on the other hand, has become an instant big sister to your niece and nephew. Just look at her. She's over there pretending to be the teacher and they’re her students."

  "Ha, you're right. Abby would love to have Emmie around more often. This is the first time in a while the kids haven't tried to tear up the house."

  "Would you like to go for a little walk?"


  Cole and I excused ourselves from the game to step out back. The wind and the crashing waves were particularly rough as a storm was reported to be heading closer to town.

  "Do you hear that?" I asked.

  "The sound of the waves?"

  "Yes, it's my favorite sound. Growing up as a little girl, that sound used to soothe me until I fell asleep."

  "So, you've spent most of your life by the water?"

  Cole seemed intrigued by my life story. "I sure have. Until I went to Connecticut, that is. That was really my first experience with living more inland."

  "How did you like it?"

  "I didn't. Don't get me wrong. Connecticut is a beautiful state. I just wasn't used to the cold winters, and I missed being near the beach."

  "They have beaches in Connecticut, don't they?"

  "Yes, but it just wasn't the same."

  "I can imagine it was the total opposite from what you're accustomed to here in Florida."

  "Do you have your sites set on other places to live?" I asked Cole.

  "Not really. I think my wa
y of getting to see other places would have to be in the form of going on vacation. With Emmie, Mom, and the business, I can't really see myself picking up and leaving."

  "Makes sense. I honestly thought I would never leave. Life has a way of throwing surprises at you."

  "True. But now you're back."

  "Yes, and hopefully for good. Coming back to Pelican Beach was the best decision I ever made. I didn't realize how much I missed being around the family regularly."

  "Can I ask you a candid question?"

  "Go for it."

  "Do you ever see yourself getting married again someday?"

  "To the right one. Not repeating the same mistakes would be my biggest priority."

  Cole glanced over at me. He watched as my hair blew in the wind. He watched my lips as I spoke. He slowly turned toward me and pulled me near.

  Just then, the sound of the sliding glass door slid open in the background. Emmie stepped outside.

  “Dad, Mrs. Matthews wants to know if you and Payton want ice cream?” Emmie said.

  We relinquished our embrace.

  "Yes, Sweetheart. We're coming right now."

  When Emmie left, he slid his finger across my forehead.

  "I guess that's our cue."

  "Yes, you can't have a family gathering without dessert."

  Inside, mom prepared a buffet of toppings and different flavored ice cream for everyone to enjoy.

  "Everybody, dig in. There's plenty to go around."

  "Helen, you are spoiling us. We're going to have to walk all of this off later,” Cole said as he made his way around the table.

  "Oh, anything for the Millers. We're so happy you're here." She gave Cole a wink and smiled at me. I think it was safe to assume that she thought Cole was a keeper.

  "Mom, where's Rebecca?"

  "She said something about not wanting to be here without a date. I think she chose to bury herself in work instead."

  "What? That's crazy."

  "You know your sister. When she gets stuck on something, she has a hard time letting it go. In her mind, everyone coming today would be with their special someone. I don't know, Payton. Sometimes it's hard to get through to her."

  Alice tried to offer words of comfort.

  "I'm flying solo and having a great time. Someone should've called and encouraged her to come over."


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