Promise Me Heaven (Reapers MC: Ellsberg Chapter Book 3)

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Promise Me Heaven (Reapers MC: Ellsberg Chapter Book 3) Page 17

by Bijou Hunter

  I’ll be happy if the cunt dies a horrible death, but Stella will never be free. I see the same pain on my mother’s face sometimes when she remembers her shitty parents.

  But Mom built a great life with Pop despite her ugly childhood, and Stella will do the same with me. I’m as sure about this fact as I am that Stella is the only girl capable of winning my heart.



  Colt keeps his word to give me three days before the stress of meeting his family. We spend the first evening screwing around at the Lot House as he calls it. Fantastic sex takes up a lot of our time, but we also manage to watch “The Expendables” before he drives me back to the garage apartment.

  I sleep on the couch rather than wake up Rae and Kori. This arrangement quickly becomes our new norm.

  Each day, Colt drops by the apartment as soon as he gets up in the morning. We hang out until it’s time for me to go to work and then he drives me to the gas station. We text back and forth while apart. Finally, Colt picks me up, and we spend the evening together. Other women might want more personal space during the beginning of a relationship.

  That’s not me.

  I’ve spent most of my life lonely. I’ve chased after horrible people, just to be close to someone. I’ve screwed jerks. Put up with bullying from bitches. Longed for my cunt mother to unblock me on Facebook. I pathetically begged for attention from people I didn’t even like.

  Now an amazing man craves time with me. Why would I ever want a moment away from him? Colt injects fun into even the most tedious activities. He loves affection too. I can cuddle with him for hours without him getting squirrely and wanting distance. He really is a dream come true for an intimacy-starved girl like me.

  I wish I could remain in our bubble forever, but his family isn’t patient enough to stay away for three whole days.

  First, I’m visited during my Thursday shift by one of his sisters. The night before, Colt showed me pictures of them, but they look so similar. I suspect this one is MJ since she lives locally and has a daughter. While she doesn’t introduce herself, she does take forever to buy a soda from the little fridge. Her blonde daughter hands me a ten-dollar bill. When I count back the cash and say the word “five,” the little girl responses with an excited “Colt 45!” Her ruse now blown, MJ just shrugs and tells me goodbye.

  The next day, I’m visited by Colt’s mom.


  Farah doesn’t tell me who she is during her first purchase of a bag of peanuts. Having met Cooper, I assumed Colt was the spitting image of his father, but there’s some of Farah in his features too. I can’t put my finger on what they share in common, but I see the man I love on her face.

  Farah’s casually beautiful and owns Colt’s heart. He lights up whenever mentioning her. Now she stands in front of me.

  After buying her peanuts, she leaves without saying a word. I think to message Colt to let him know his mother pulled his sister’s move. Before I can get out my phone, Farah returns and sets a twenty on the counter and asks to fill up number 7.

  She looks at me for a long time, clearly wanting to speak. I stare at her and pray she leaves because I need more time to prepare the best version of me. The current version is overheated and suffering from untamed hair. Farah, meanwhile, looks perfect just like I assumed she would.

  “I...,” she says, trailing off. “People...”

  Staring into her eyes, I want so badly to say something smart or charming. Why can’t I channel some of Colt’s personality and confidence?

  Farah exhales softly before her words spill out. “I love my boy, and he loves you, and I want to love you too, but I understand you’re nervous meeting me. I was nervous meeting Cooper’s family, and I think I probably said a lot of dumb stuff that day. I can’t even remember because I was so nervous. You’ll probably say a lot of dumb stuff when we meet for real, but that’s okay. I don’t need you to always say the right thing. I only care that you’re good to my boy, and he’s crazy about you, but I think you already know that because Colton doesn’t hide his feelings well.”

  I finally regain the ability to blink and even manage to nod, but words aren’t happening.

  “So, when you’re ready, come over to our house and have dinner and say dumb stuff. I’ll say dumb stuff too. I can show you my horrible attempts at knitting, so you’ll know I’m not a perfect person looking down on everyone else.”

  Her kindness only makes me fear her more. A bitch’s rejection means nothing, but Farah’s disapproval will cut deep.

  But I can’t let her go without saying SOMETHING. If not for our benefit, I need to find my voice for Colt who desperately wants me to meet his family. His patience holds on by a thread, much like a kid only days away from Christmas.

  “Thank you, Missus Johansson,” I say in a choked voice.


  “Farah,” I repeat, forcing a smile to mimic hers.

  I know she wants to remain in my booth and talk. A big part of me wishes she would stay, but my dumb staring act doesn’t indicate my interest in her company.

  After Farah leaves the second time, I message Colt who responds with an eye roll emoji.

  “She’s beautiful,” I type, so he’ll know I’m not upset.

  The phone rings and I answer quickly since I’m technically not supposed to take calls.

  “Isn’t she, though?” he says in the warm voice I love. “Did she admit she created your stud muffin?”

  “Yes. She said she loved you.”

  “Of course, she does,” he says, and I imagine him smiling like a sweet kid in the same way he always does when his mom comes up. “Did you demand she leave you alone?”

  “Of course not. She was very nice, and she said she’ll show me her bad knitting.”

  “Oh, Lord, you have no idea.”

  “I’m ready to meet her for real. It feels silly to hide like a kid.”

  “Your silliness allows me to feel like a big, strong savior. Don’t knock what your softer side does for my ego.”

  Grinning, I love how Colt twists my failings into pluses. No other man could stick the landing with these attempts, but he’s special down to his core. I don’t know how I got blessed enough to catch his eye. I just pray I never lose his heart.


  Pop shows up unannounced at my office a few minutes before I need to leave to pick up Stella. He steps into the kitchen where Topher Mullen lost his miserable life. I bet my pop wishes he was the one to pull the trigger. He wasn’t, though, because business trumps all else these days. Capitalism 101, money matters most.

  “You did a good job fixing this shit up,” Pop says, despite having seen the place a handful of times since the reno.

  “Painting over the blood splatter made a huge difference.”

  Pop frowns at my comment, but he was going to give me grief no matter what I said. This visit has nothing to do with beefing up my confidence regarding décor. He’s here to bitch about Stella.

  “I plan to order food tomorrow at Gram’s house and have Mom come over to meet Stella, Rae, and Kori. You’re free to come along. No doubt MJ will.”

  “How are we going to handle this situation?” he asks, flipping a kitchen chair around and sitting across from me.

  “I need to go soon, so jump right to your point.”

  “Let’s say this girl and you make shit work, how will club events work? I assume she doesn’t want to let bygones be bygones with Rod.”

  “Neither do I, but I don’t have much a choice.”

  “So how do we fix shit?”

  Leaning my chair back until it rests against the wall, I size up my pop. “Imagine if Rod forced MJ to suck him off. What sort of fix would you have for that shit?”

  “You know how that would end.”

  “Well, Rae is family to me, and I want the same ending for her.”

  Pop’s beautiful eyes—which I inherited from him—flash angrily. “H
ere’s my problem. Not everyone believes Rod did anything wrong, and those people are pissed that he got beat down on the word of a stranger.”

  “What people?”

  “Eagle Eye’s old lady is bitching something fierce. Nora Leigh has a bunch of other women in a tizzy too.”

  “A tizzy, huh?”

  “Colton, for fuck’s sake.”

  His anger normally amuses me, but I find no humor in Rod’s continued existence. “If I were in charge, I’d make an example of anyone who fucked with me.”

  “It’s not that simple.”

  “Isn’t it?”

  “Word is you’re thinking of moving to Pema.”

  “Gram told you that, did she?” I ask, grinning at my grandmother’s gossipy nature. “Did she mention how it was her idea?”

  “A big part of leadership is building loyalty.”

  “By kissing ass?” Pop reacts to my words by gripping the back of the chair until the wood splits. Smirking, I mutter, “If you break it, you buy it.”

  Exhaling hard, he shakes his head. “You think I’m weak.”

  “I think you’re Michael Corleone trying to turn your business legit, but in the end, you need to fuck up all your enemies.”

  “Rod isn’t my enemy.”

  “But he’s mine.”

  “And there’s no way to change that?”

  “Again, if it was MJ or Lily or Audrey or one of the Rogers girls or anyone you cared about, would you ever forgive Rod?”

  “No, I wouldn’t.”

  “The way I see it might not be right. I’ve never been in charge, but I know that some people are replaceable. There’s nothing special about Rod. His father ain’t no prize either. If they died tomorrow, it wouldn’t affect business. Now if I were to lose Stella or you lost Mom, there’s no replacing them. That’s how I see the world. Who is worth protecting and who isn’t? Rod’s family mean shit to me. They never did anything worth remembering.”

  “So, you’d rule Pema through fear?”

  “Yes, and I’d show preferential treatment to Gunnar. If anyone had a problem with that, I’d hurt them until they saw things my way. Bikers don’t need hand-holding or sensitivity training. They need to know their fucking place in the world. Most of the Reapers bow to your will. If Rod’s mommy is running around bitching about you, I’d guess her man hasn’t explained the situation.”

  “Would you kill her too?” Pop asks, clearly thinking I’m naïve.

  “No, I don’t kill women. I’d ask Lily to do it. She killed Rudy not far from here, and I heard she threatened Dash’s bitch mom. I say we unleash her on Eagle Eye’s mouthy wife. I’ll handle Rod.”

  Pop surprises me by standing and saying, “We’ll see. A culling might be due.”

  “Gram said Pop-Pop killed a few guys when you were little because he didn’t like their attitude and wanted the remaining guys to feel special for not dying.”

  Laughing, Pop shakes his head. “He was hardcore.”

  “Good childhoods made you and me sentimental. Pop-Pop didn’t have that luxury.”

  “No, he didn’t,” Pop says and walks to the door. “It’s possible I don’t have that luxury either, but I’ve fooled myself into thinking I’m civilized.”

  “Well, you did go to law school.”

  “All the book learning made me think too much.”

  I follow him outside since Stella’s waiting. “For now, I won’t hunt down Rod or send Lily after Eagle Eye’s woman. I don’t have to agree with your way of running shit to respect how you’re the boss.”

  “That’s some solid ass kissing, Son.”

  “Thanks, Pa. So, will I see you tomorrow at Gram’s?”

  Pop studies my face, fighting with his frown. “I admit I didn’t want this girl to work out because it’s inconvenient for me. I also admit I’m still pissed Lily hooked up with a Mullen.”

  “Dash does make good-looking babies, though.”

  “That he does,” Pop says and throws his leg over his bike. “I’ll give Stella a fair shake. Your gram seems happy having those girls around, and I know she wouldn’t allow just anyone at the house.”

  “No, and they’re happy out there. Soon, though, Stella’s got to move in with me.”

  “Is this your way of saying you’re moving your girlfriend into my house?” he asks, starting the Harley.

  “No, it’s my way of saying I need to move out of your house and find a place for me and my future wife.”

  Pop nods knowingly at my comment. I’m finally ready to leave the nest. Moving out never felt worth the effort, but Stella’s changed everything. I’m ready to make a home for her and provide the family she desperately craves.


  I wake up in the Lot House with a serious case of “the sky is falling.” Should I wear my hair up or keep it loose? How much makeup is too much? How casual should my clothes be? Those are just my insane worries about my appearance. When I imagine having a conversation with Colt’s gorgeous parents and his beautiful sister, I can’t even catch my breath.

  “Wear your hair down to hide the hickey I’m about to give you,” he says when I’m frozen in the bathroom.

  “Don’t you dare.”

  Colt moves toward me, and I free a scream that he claims causes his balls to “un-drop.”

  “Well, I said no,” I giggle while he cups his crotch and talks his testicles out of hiding.

  “Nicely played, Blondie. Now put on that blue T-shirt that clings to your tatas and find some shoes so we can get going. That or get naked and let me reward my balls for dropping again.”

  “The blue shirt, you say?”

  Colt catches the hint and stops trying to undress me with his sexy eyes. Though later, I’ll be sure to make friends with his balls again.

  At Jodi’s house, I can barely function. Still, there’s no time to get tongue-tied when Colt’s family arrives. First, I officially meet Farah, MJ, Quaid, and Thisbe. Then to my surprise, more Johanssons show up.

  Colt’s youngest sister, Audrey, arrives with her giant husband. Cap manages to make Cooper and Colt look short. Before I can descend into absolute panic about them all arriving at one time, I’m distracted by the children yelling.

  “Colt 45!” Thisbe and Keith scream while pumping their little fists in the air.

  Colt smirks and nods at me. “Hell yeah, I taught them that.”

  I can’t help sharing his smile. He’s so proud of their chant.

  “He yells that at the dogs,” Audrey mutters at her brother. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome, Pip.”

  “Don’t call me that,” she growls, staring up at him.

  “Cap does.”

  “He earned the right.”

  Colt snorts. “Okay, whatever, slut.”

  His tiny sister punches him in the arm, causing him to fall dramatically against the wall. Audrey laughs at his behavior before hurrying after Keith who chases Thisbe onto the back deck where Kori sits.

  I think I might be able to disappear and watch them all goof-off, but then MJ walks straight to me.

  “I’m his sister,” she says.

  “I’m his girlfriend.”

  “He loves you. After so many other women, him picking you means you’re special.”

  “MJ,” Farah says and bumps her out of the way. “There weren’t that many.”

  I catch Cooper rolling his eyes, so I assume MJ is more correct than her mother.

  “I don’t care about those women. I only want Colt,” I babble because they’re all staring at me.

  “This is my husband, Quaid,” MJ says, tugging him closer. “He was a virgin when we met, and I was a big slut, but we made it work.”

  Cooper rolls his eyes again, but her silliness relaxes me. I nod at Quaid and smile at Cap.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t wait,” Farah says, pulling me away from MJ and the men. We walk toward the kitchen. “I’ve never seen Colton get hung up over a girl. Then he said I couldn’t meet you, and t
here you were trapped in your little gas station, and I couldn’t help myself.”

  “I’m glad you did. I would have been more scared today if you hadn’t.”

  “What are you scared of? Is it Cooper?” she asks, glancing back at her husband. “Trust me that he’s a teddy bear. He just acts gruff whenever Cap is around. I’ll explain why another time, but you can’t take it personally. He’ll warm up to you once he doesn’t think other men are looking.”

  Studying Cooper talking to Cap, I whisper, “Colt said his father can’t be tough with his daughters.”

  “No, he really can’t. Colton will be worse.”

  “Should I be calling him Colton?” I ask, realizing almost everyone else does.

  “You call him whatever you want. His club name is Colt 45. As you can tell, he very much enjoys when people scream it.”

  Farah’s demeanor is so soft and inviting that I feel dipped in warm honey. Despite her kindness, a part of me still wants to flee. Women reject me faster than men, but I can’t save myself when swimming in this comforting feeling.

  “Lily and Dash will be here soon,” Farah says casually.

  “I didn’t expect you all,” I reply in a dreamy voice.

  “Colton falling in love has been very exciting for us. We’ve been gossiping for days about meeting you. Once the girls heard MJ got to come, Audrey and Lily decided they had to do the same. They’re competitive.”

  “I’m not. Should I be?”

  “You be you,” Farah says, suddenly hugging me. “You’re who Colton fell in love with.”

  Is his mom sad Colton loves me? Does she wish he made a better choice? Or is she just sad that her little—six foot four—boy is growing up?

  “Colton mentioned kids,” Farah says, walking with me away from where Cap and Colt decide to push each other to see who cries first. I really want to see who wins, but the word “kids” draw my attention away from the men. “Don’t feel like you need to rush just because he wants to catch up with his sisters.”


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