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Claire Page 6

by Lynda Behling

  "Wow." Claire breathed. "What do you have them do?" She asked.

  "They help me here, to serve food and entertain guests. They are quite popular." She turned to Claire. "They are very cute, aren't they?" She smiled. Claire nodded. "We'll have them finish setting up in here, let's have our dinner before the guests arrive." She said.

  Claire nodded again. "Let's go, Beast!" She exclaimed, grabbing his cloak as she ran past him. He followed her silently, at his own pace, though she continued to tug on his cloak.

  Chapter IV – Julius Mrs. Kennie smoothed the front of her clean, white chef's coat. She had just changed from her usual food-smeared apron. It was time to greet her guests. Claire peered around the door from the kitchens. The Main Hall was filled with people talking quietly. There was also the tinkling sound of someone's laughter every now and then.

  "Come on, get ready." Mrs. Kennie said to her waiters. They were all young men, dressed impeccably in black slacks, shiny black shoes, white shirts and black vests. Mrs. Kennie frowned at them. "Where are Juan and Henry?" She asked.

  "Sick, they said they had called earlier." One of the waiters replied.

  "Damn, I haven't checked my messages." Mrs. Kennie said. "We'll have to do without." She handed each waiter a heavy silver platter laden with food. She lifted two of them herself. The waiters began to exit the kitchens one at a time. Mrs. Kennie frowned. There was one small platter left, that held her homemade bread and rolls.

  Claire ran up. "I got it!" She said excitedly.

  Mrs. Kennie gave her a shrewd look. "Can you be a lady?" She asked.

  Claire had seen ladies in magazines. She nodded, curtsying. Then she hefted up the silver platter of bread. It was heavier than it looked, but she managed. She followed Mrs. Kennie out the door slowly.

  The waiters walked behind the long table, setting the platters down and bowing to the people seated at the smaller tables. Mrs. Kennie set her two platters down carefully and bowed as well. Claire set her platter down on the end and folded her hands together and bowed her head.

  There was much commotion and suddenly she was surrounded. A small group of women gathered around her, cooing and exclaiming. One or two touched her hair, gushing over it. They all told her how cute she was. Claire smiled shyly, and that set them off again. She admired their sparkling gowns and dresses, and the glittering jewelry they wore, but she didn't see much else. She looked up at Mrs. Kennie, who smiled down at her.

  "I absolutely adore her!" One older woman was saying to Mrs. Kennie. "She is just like one of your dolls, only a thousand times more adorable."

  "Why, thank you." Mrs. Kennie said politely. Just then a loud crack of thunder echoed outside. The hall fell silent. Thunder rumbled over their heads, followed by the soft tapping patter of rain. Everyone went back to talking. The group of women surrounding Claire made their way back to their tables to wait for their food.

  "People get their food two ways here." Mrs. Kennie explained to Claire while the waiters got busy. "The platters here are the buffet, where guests may come up and fill their plates with whatever they want." She gestured to the plates. Then she pointed to the full tables, where green squares of light flared to life on each one. "Or, they can order whatever they want on their menus and it will brought directly to their table. Most prefer the menu method, as the Upper Class rarely will get food for themselves." Mrs. Kennie smiled. "Though, there are some exceptions." She turned and Claire saw a small crowd of Upper Class gathered at one end of the table getting their own plates. They moved down the table in a line, selecting what they wished, while one waiter served it to them. The other three waiters were already heading in and out of the kitchen bearing plates to the tables. The two androids walked into the hall, bowed to the guests and began serving as well.

  A gentle laugh drifted down the buffet table to Claire. She peered around Mrs. Kennie to the other end. Two men were standing there, waiting for their turn, each holding a plate in his hands. One was tall and broad, with curly blond hair that was graying at the temples. He had a fierce look and tough face, with a strong nose, wide jaw and a large, bushy mustache. “It's a shame that Delilah couldn't be here.” He was saying.

  The other man, the laughing one, was shorter, thinner and younger. He had smooth pale skin and dark eyes. His features were gentle and handsome. His nose and mouth were both pleasantly shaped and went well with his long brown hair. It was let out and fell to just past his collar. It looked feathery soft. “I wouldn't call it a shame.” He answered.

  Claire found herself unable to look away from him. She watched as he slowly made his way down the table, talking to his companion the entire time. He wore an elegant black suit, with a sharp white ruffled shirt underneath. A black rose was pinned to his chest. Gold glinted on his left ear and she could see that his teeth were white and even when he smiled.

  As people arrived at her place at the table, they exclaimed over her red hair. She handed them a slice of bread or a roll absently. She barely noticed them. Her eyes were still on the man. Finally he and his companion arrived at Mrs. Kennie. They fell to talking with her, as Claire continued to stare.

  The young man seemed to feel her stare. He turned his head and his dark eyes settled on her. They glittered with interest. Claire's mouth went dry as dust and she tried to swallow without being obvious about it.

  The man stepped up in front of her, leaving his companion talking with Mrs. Kennie. "I do not believe I have had the pleasure of your acquaintance." he said to her, a small smile played across his lips.

  Claire stared at him dumbly. He seemed to be waiting for her to say something, but words had utterly failed her. "Could I know your name?" His smiled turned amused.

  "Claire." She croaked. She coughed lightly into her hand and tried again. "My name is Claire." she was pleased that her voice sounded almost normal.

  He waited again. "And your last name?" He prodded.

  "Uh, I don't have one." Claire admitted. "I'm an orphan."

  His expression turned to intrigue. "Your parents are no longer with you?"

  "They're dead." Claire said lamely. She knew she was being too blunt, but she couldn't explain herself eloquently like he could. Her hands fidgeted slightly, and she quickly put them behind her back.

  "Died in the war, most likely." It was the tall, blond man. His voice was deep and gruff, while the dark haired man's voice was deep, but light, nearly musical.

  "Ah yes." The dark-haired man said. "There have been more casualties lately."

  "It's good of you to put her up, Mary." The blond man said to Mrs. Kennie. "I doubt she has a unit left to her name. The Palace will have confiscated half and frozen any assets for the wartime effort." He seemed to glare at his companion.

  "War is not just about soldiers." The dark-haired man reminded his companion. "There are many aspects that have to be taken into account. There must be support within the city as well as on the front lines."

  They think I am noble born, Claire realized. She almost started fidgeting again. But they didn't seem to notice. They were too busy glaring at one another. "Soldier." The young man accused.

  "Politician." Scoffed the older man. After a moment, they both laughed.

  The young man turned back to Claire. "I know what it's like to lose one's parents. Remember them." He said to her. "Then, they won't be truly gone."

  Claire nodded, transfixed by him again. She saw movement from the corner of her eye, and turned. But, there was nothing there. Claire felt strange then, as if perhaps a shadow was missing. She wondered where Beast was.

  The man behind her was saying something to her. "Yes?" She asked, turning back to him.

  "Could I have a roll?" He asked her, amusement in his voice and his eyes.

  She held a roll out to him silently. He took it from her hand and turned to follow his companion, who was already heading for their table. "It's been an immense pleasure, hopefully we'll see each other again." He said to her as he departed.

  "Yes." Claire said s
oftly to herself, hopeful. She saw him turn his head back to her and wink.

  After the guests were all served, Mrs. Kennie stepped to a corner of the room and swept a pure white sheet off of a gorgeous black grand piano. She sat in the seat and began playing. Her chubby fingers flew over the keys lightly. She played a light melody. Claire smiled, listening. Then Mrs. Kennie stood and the two androids sat at the seat.

  The blond put one arm under the black haired one's. The black haired one reached over her partner's arm. Then they began to play. Their hands were so quick on the keys that Claire couldn't keep up.

  They played a fast and merry melody. It made Claire's feet itch to move just hearing it. Couples rose from the tables and began to dance in the open area in the center of the hall. They stepped lightly in a complicated pattern.

  "Want me to show you how it's done?" Mrs. Kennie asked over her shoulder. Claire nodded.

  Mrs. Kennie showed her the steps slowly, encouraging her as she caught on quickly. Claire smiled as she danced. She didn't have the flourish that some of the better dancers had, but she had the basics down, and she was having fun.

  Then the song ended and another one started. This one began slowly, tinkling, haunting. Claire watched as the dancers moved close, dancing together. Some were close together, their bodies touching.

  The tune that played was familiar to Claire, she began to hum as the song grew fuller, more notes interspersed with the tinkling ones. She mimicked a lady who was dancing with her partner nearby and lifted one hand into the air. She matched the correct curve of the arm, her hand closed over her invisible partner's. She lifted the corner of of her dress and slowly began turning in place.

  Her eyes were on her feet, stepping in rhythm slowly, carefully. The music swelled just then, other instruments beginning to play. Claire looked up and spotted Mrs. Kennie walking around the room. She would press a button on the wall and a glass cylinder would light up and more music would play. The light was many different soft colors, and reflected off of the glossy floor.

  As Claire was staring at the glassy cylinders, a white gloved hand covered hers. Her eyes widened as the dark haired man appeared from behind her and bowed before her. "I fear that if I do not ask you to dance, someone else will come along and whisk you away from me, and I shall never have the chance again." He smiled at her, his dark eyes glittered. "So, will you dance with me?"

  Claire nodded numbly. The man's smile broadened, she saw a glint of teeth. He held her hand as they stepped in time to the music. His way of dancing was different, the steps were more complicated, but she tried to keep up as best as she could. Then the music softened and the steps became easier.

  He spun her around gently as the song ended. He bowed before her again. "To the fairest sight here." He said, kissing her hand softly.

  Claire's body stiffened and her cheeks began to burn. Her eyes were wide. Words had left her and her heart was trying to strangle her. She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. Her cheeks were hot now.

  "Since I already know your name, let me offer you mine. Though you probably already know it." The man continued, seemingly unaware of her distress. "I am Julius Cantor, Regent to the High Empress." He presented a small white card to her. She took it from his white-gloved hand, looking down at the neat print that she could not read.

  She frowned in confusion. “What's a Regent?” She asked, looking back up at him.

  He tilted his head to one side, giving her a strange look. “You mean, you don't know me?” He asked in disbelief. “Not even from the news?”

  Claire shook her head. “I'm not allowed to watch the news. Mrs. Kennie says it's too violent.”

  He laughed lightly. “I don't think I have ever met anyone as strange as you.” He took the black rose from his lapel and removed the pin. He tucked the rose over her ear, behind the barrettes. Then he stood up and turned to go. He turned his head back to her. "I would like to know more about you. Do you mind if we see each other again?"

  Claire shook her head quickly. “No.”

  “Then, perhaps we shall see each other again. Soon.” He raised his hand in a small wave and was gone in the crowd.

  Claire held the card to her chest. Once she was able to use her legs she ran from the room.

  *** Julius watched her run into the kitchens and smiled softly. "Having fun?" A gruff and heavy voice asked beside him.

  Julius half turned to the speaker, but kept his eyes on the kitchen door. "Yes, brother. I am." His hands were in his pockets and he was leaning against the far wall casually.

  The tall blond man held out a crystal wine glass that was cut in the shape of a rose. He took it and sipped from it lightly, savoring the flavor.

  "I caught a glimpse of you dancing." His brother commented. His gaze was also on the kitchen door.

  "Oh?" Julius turned his eyes to his older brother. "Nothing wrong with that, is there?"

  Augustus shrugged. "I suppose not. Though there are not many partners that could keep up with you so... enthusiastically."

  Julius smiled. "No, there are not."

  There was a tense pause. Then "Julius..."

  "Yes, Augustus?" Julius asked, raising an eyebrow.

  "She's just a child..."

  "And you think that I am somehow not fully aware of that?" Julius asked, an edge creeped into his voice. His dark eyes sharpened.

  "I am only expressing my concern. I know how you treat women, brother." Augustus did indeed look concerned, but Julius knew it wasn't directed at him.

  His expression grew cold. "Brother, what makes you believe that this girl, this child, would be treated like a woman? Certainly you know me better than that." He took another sip of his wine and held the glass up to the light, inspecting the rose colored liquid inside. "Have you ever seen such exquisitely red hair?"

  Augustus sighed in defeat. He put a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Happy birthday, Julius." He said, his voice heavy and serious. Then he turned and walked away.

  Julius turned the glass slowly in the light. "Indeed."

  *** Claire stopped in the kitchens, just inside the doors. She pressed one burning cheek against the side of the cool metal counter, then the other.

  Slowly, her heart slowed it's frantic beating and she was able to breathe normally. She looked around the kitchen for a familiar shadow, but found it absent.

  Julius now pushed from her thoughts, she began to search for Beast. He wasn't in the kitchens or any of the rooms on the second floor. She climbed the stairs to the third floor.

  "Beast?" She called, looking in all the rooms. She turned a corner in the hall and came upon another set of stairs. The sound of the rain was clear and loud here.

  These stairs were smaller than the staircases. They were planted right in the middle of the hallway and came out of the ceiling. There was a dark lump at the bottom. She bent down and picked up Beast's cloak. She looked up through the ceiling as saw the night sky, covered in clouds. She climbed the damp stairs slowly.

  They let out onto the roof. She hadn't realized that there was an indoor exit to the roof before. Then again, it would have been difficult for Beast to exit from the Main Hall.

  It was raining hard and and her hair soon clung to her face. She spotted Beast standing in the rain. His head was raised up to the sky, his eyes were closed.

  She walked up to him, touching his side. "Beast?" He opened his eyes and looked down at her. "Yes?" She looked up at him with worried eyes. "What are you

  doing out here in the rain? You're getting all soaked." "I drink the rain." He said.

  "Oh." Claire said. She began to shiver in the cold. "Are

  you done? Can you come inside now?"

  "I am fine for now." He assented. He turned with her and

  they both walked back down the stairs.

  Once they were at the bottom, he lifted the bottom step up

  with one boot. She saw that he had hooked one boot in a large

  metal ring hanging from the bottom sta
ir. He pushed the entire

  staircase up and it folded into the ceiling. He tilted his body to

  the side a little and stretched his leg so that the stair snapped into

  place, then he turned his foot and set the lock. He pulled his foot

  from the ring and lowered it back to the floor, straightening up.

  Now she had an idea how he had unfolded the stairs in the first


  She rubbed the back of her hand over one eye sleepily.

  "Mrs. Kennie said I should get to bed by ten. What time is it?"

  She asked.

  "I have no way of knowing, without a clock." Beast

  answered. "It should be after ten by now though."

  Claire nodded. "Let's go to bed then." She gathered his

  cloak up off of the floor and headed down the hall. Beast

  followed her to her room. She shut the door and sat on her bed.

  The room was small, but cute. There was a window right next to

  the small bed.

  Beast stepped into the corner, facing away from Claire

  while she changed. Once she was done he settled on the floor.

  He lay down with his head and shoulders resting against a small

  cardboard box. Claire climbed down from her bed and walked

  over to him.

  "Can I ask you some questions?" She asked.

  "Only if you lay down and try to sleep." He said to her.

  She lay down on top of him. Her head lay on his chest and her

  legs curled up over his stomach. Her bare feet rested on his thigh. "This is not what I meant." He said.

  "How come you don't drink regular water?" She asked,

  ignoring his statement.

  "The water that comes into the city from the river has been

  over-processed to eliminate the radiation in it. Rainwater is pure,

  it nourishes me."

  "Is that all you eat?" She asked him.

  "I drink rainwater." He corrected her.


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