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Claire Page 21

by Lynda Behling

*** Claire made her way back into her room. She picked up her fallen dresses and held each one up in front of her in the mirror. She frowned at her reflection. She turned to Beast, who was sitting by the window. "Which one is better?" She asked. "I have no opinion about the dresses." Beast answered, not looking away from the window.

  "Well, which one suits me better?" She rephrased her question.

  Beast turned his tawny gold eyes on her. "The black." He said, then went back to looking out the window.

  "Hmmm..." Claire mused, turning back to the mirror. She undressed and pulled on the black dress. It was soft velvet. A black lacy ribbon wrapped around her chest, a thin bow dangled from the front. The simple black skirt was full. Over her legs she wore thick white stockings.

  "Beast, have you ever seen the High Empress?" She asked him.

  His tawny eyes glittered. "Why do you ask?"

  Claire forced a casual shrug. "I wanted to know if she was pretty or not." She kept her voice carefully calm.

  "Of those that have seen her, they have likened her beauty to that of a goddess." Beast answered.

  "Oh." Claire said, she watched her skirt flare out as she spun idly. "She must be kind. She does so much, and all she wants in return is love."

  “The High Empress is not kind.” Beast said simply.

  Claire gave him a quizzical look. She stepped closer to him. “Then what is she?”

  Beast looked long into her face. “She is careful, and knows how to exploit what is given her. She is cunning, and knows how to get more of what she desires. She is intelligent, and knows how to use kindness and gentleness to her advantage.” He paused. “She does kind things, but she is not kind. She shows gentleness and compassion, but she is not gentle or

  compassionate. Those are warm emotions, and she cannot feel them. She is cold, as frozen as the heart of winter.”

  “If she's only pretending to be kind, how come everyone loves her so much?” Claire asked.

  "Love is powerful." Beast stated. “But it is not sensible.”

  She walked over to his place by the window. She looked out. From up here, they could see the Crystal Palace clearly. "Is it really?" She asked. “I've always seen it as a gentle feeling, something warm. I wouldn't think of it as powerful.”

  "Yes." Beast said. "For love, there are no depths a soul wouldn't sink to." He turned, looking at her. There was something about how he worded that

  "Have you ever loved someone?" Claire asked him.

  "Yes, a long time ago." He admitted.

  "What was it like?" She asked him.

  "I don't remember how it felt." Beast said. The he turned back to the view from the window.

  Claire reached a hand out to him, but withdrew it again. She watched him with sad, serious eyes. She could sense a great hurt within him. A huge gaping wound that had turned into a vacuum inside of him, sucking all of the life and feeling from him. She held her hand to her chest, feeling her heartbeat against it. She closed her eyes, listening to the rhythm.

  She opened her eyes slowly. Beast had no heartbeat. She had fallen asleep on his chest countless times. He would breathe for her if she asked, but he never made his heart beat. She wondered if he could. Maybe he had forgotten how.

  She turned away from him sadly. She wanted to do something for him, but she couldn't think what. She wanted to hear his heartbeat. One day she would remind him how to do it.

  Chapter XIII – Delilah "So, have you decided?" Julius asked Claire after they had finished dinner. They had eaten in the garden, under the blank, expansive, twilit sky. Claire had barely touched her vegetable soup that had been sent to the Manor from the Sword and the Rose just this morning. She sat in her chair, aimlessly stirring her spoon in her bowl.

  It wasn't until Julius repeated his question that she looked up. "Huh?" She asked in confusion.

  Julius looked amused. "I see your Deportment lessons are coming along."

  "I'm sorry, you asked me a question?" Claire said politely, folding her hands in her lap and looking at him expectantly.

  "I was asking about your birthday present, but your mind seems to be elsewhere. I don't think you've heard a word I've said in the last fifteen minutes." Julius placed his elbows on the table and leaned his chin on the backs of his white gloved hands. He looked more amused than upset. "Would you like to tell me what gives you that troubled look?"

  Claire hesitated, biting her bottom lip. "It's not anything serious. I was just wondering how to help a friend. If I could do anything to help."

  "Like, a friend from school?" Julius asked, deeply interested now. Claire barely talked about he school life with him. He was starting to think she had no friends.

  Claire hesitated again. "He's important to me."

  Julius raised an eyebrow. He? He carefully structured his face into a politely interested expression. "Do you know what troubles him?"

  Claire shook her head. "It's just a feeling I have. That something is missing."

  Julius thought for a moment. He couldn't offer her any practical advice on something so vague. Plus, he felt that she wasn't telling him all of the details. Still, she would try his best to give her some good advice. He was responsible for her growth and development, as he guardian. And his took his

  responsibilities seriously.

  "When I was younger,” He began. “my father always stressed the importance of making friends in school. He told me that the friends I made then, would stay with me when I was older. It is very important in this world to have contacts. People to connect to, who have the things you need. I would advise helping others out when you can. You will never know when you will need help one day yourself."

  He paused, looking into her eyes from across the table, making sure he got his point across. “If you do discover what troubles this young man, and you can help him, then I advise that you do. As long as you do not suffer unduly from it.”

  Claire nodded, feeling more troubled. She quelled it, forcing a smile. "Thank you Julius."

  Julius smiled back, glad that he could help. "Now, about your birthday present, you will be eleven years old in just two short months, and I think..." He trailed off as a commotion began by the patio door. He stood up to investigate.

  A shadow flew across the corner of Claire's vision. She turned. She watched the shadow fall silently into a corner of the patio, then up over the fence and down into the garden without even a whisper of sound. Claire smiled, and turned back to Julius.

  The commotion was apparently being caused by a woman standing by the patio door. Claire focused on her, interested. She had never seen a woman like this before. She had long curly black hair and sultry emerald eyes. She held a cigarette in one hand, the other was at her hip. Her clothes were the most eyecatching. She wore a long black dress that was tight over her large breasts and loose at her wide hips. Her waist was tiny, giving her body an hourglass shape.

  Claire had never seen a woman dress this way before. The maids at the Manor all wore identical long black and white dresses that started at the neck and ended at the ankle. This woman's dress was extremely low cut, showing off an impressive expanse of cleavage.

  The woman laughed, high and musical. She reached out and grabbed Julius, planting a kiss on each cheek. Julius just frowned at her. The woman whispered something to him. He replied dryly, and she threw her head back and laughed again. The woman's eyes traveled over Julius' shoulder and landed on Claire. They widened in delight. "Oh! Is this her? She is absolutely adorable!" She shrieked happily, walking quickly over. She wore shiny black heels that clicked on the patio's pave stones.

  Up close Claire could see that she was somewhat young, but wore heavy makeup around her eyes. Her slim hands were covered in black lace gloves. She ran two fingers through Claire's loose hair. "You must tell me where you got her." She said to Julius.

  Julius gave her a pained look, he had an expression on his face of having dealt with this woman's attitude many times before. "She's not a pet, Delilah. I didn't just run out
and pick her up at a shop." He turned to Claire. "Claire, meet my sister Delilah, the youngest of the Cantor family, after you of course." He smiled at her.

  Julius' sister? Claire was intrigued. She stood up and curtsied. "I am extremely pleased to meet you." She said politely.

  Delilah cupped Claire's face in both of her hands. "You are simply the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen." She told her ecstatically.

  Claire eyed the lit cigarette between Delilah's fingers that was now dangerously close to lighting her hair. "Uh... The pleasure is all mine..." She was afraid to move even the slightest, lest a few strands of hair touch the glowing embers.

  Julius placed a hand on his younger sister's shoulder. "Delilah, let us move to the study. So you can tell me the reason for your visit."

  Delilah released Claire, who exhaled in relief. "A splendid idea! I have so very many questions to ask." She looked over Claire one more time before allowing Julius to lead her away.

  Claire stood out alone on the patio and sighed.

  *** "So, whose is she?" Delilah asked as soon as the study door was closed.

  "What do you mean?" Julius asked. He walked over to the sidebar and poured a drink for himself and his sister.

  Delilah drained her glass immediately and held it out for a refill. "Which of the little harlots that you keep around spawned her? Oh, I bet it was Veronica. She was especially pretty. Does red hair run in her family I wonder? It certainly doesn't on our side..." She pulled a fresh cigarette from a silver case and tapped it against her lip in thought. “You know, I don't believe I have ever actually seen a natural redhead...”

  Julius realized what she was implying and coughed into his drink, splattering a good deal of it. He set the glass down and grabbed his handkerchief. "Dear lord, Delilah, she's not mine!" He said, wiping the front of his shirt. "She's ten, when was I supposed to have fathered her?" He scowled, refilling her drink and handing it to her. “She's lived here nearly a year, and you pick now to come and grill me about her?”

  Delilah frowned as she accepted her drink. "Geez, you're awfully uptight. Haven't been getting any?" She teased. The look Julius gave her could have frozen mercury. She retreated a step, but there was a flicker of a mischievous smile on her lips. She was like a shark that had just scented blood.

  She drained her glass and looked at the ceiling, pretending to be in thought. "Come to think of it... I haven't seen any of your little girlfriends roaming around here." She leaned close to her brother, sniffing his collar. "You don't smell like cheap perfume either." She raised an eyebrow at him.

  Julius shrugged indifferently. "I haven't desired female company in some time." He said carefully, taking a seat behind his desk.

  "That doesn't make any sense. You've always been such a womanizer." Delilah frowning. "Unless..." She thought for a moment. Then her eyes went wide. "Does Augustus know?"

  Julius planted his face in his hands. He rubbed his temples. "Dammit, Delilah! I'm not gay!"

  Delilah's face fell. "Oh..." She paced the room once. "Then I really don't understand at all..." She paused, turning to him. Julius saw a look of dawning comprehension on her face and felt his stomach plummet. "It's the girl!" She crowed triumphantly, jabbing her cigarette hand in the direction of the patio. She walked up to him.

  Julius closed his eyes and calmed himself. "I have no idea what you are talking about." He said, rising from his chair.

  "I can't believe it, I'm right?" Delilah laughed gleefully.

  "No, no you are not. I don't know what you are getting at, but I am absolutely sure that whatever you are thinking, it is the wrong thing." Julius said firmly.

  She walked right up to him, her face inches from his. "I can see it right in your face." She said, awed. "Did you know that it's getting awfully red?"

  "Yes, because I am getting angry." Julius warned. "Only you could make me angry this quickly."

  "Pining after little girls now..." Delilah tsked. "That is sick, Julius, even for you." She smiled devilishly. "I like it."

  Julius closed his eyes as if in physical pain. "I am not having this conversation. Just, explain why you are here, or get out." He walked past her to the door.

  "Have you slept with her yet? Or are you saving her for a special occasion?" Delilah asked teasingly.

  Julius opened the door, giving her a dangerous look.

  Delilah sighed, disappointed. "Oh all right, I'll stop. It was so much fun, too." She walked up to him and straightened his tie and coat.

  "What do you want, Delilah?" Julius asked, a warning edge in his voice.

  She looked up at him through her thick, long eyelashes. "You know what I want." She said softly.

  Julius sighed in relief. "Money." He pulled away from her and walked behind the desk. He opened the top drawer and pulled out a stack of gold-colored cards.

  Delilah gave him an offended look. "How do you know that?" She demanded.

  "Because you always pull the come on when you're broke." He pulled out his red pen and signed the back of one of the cards. Then he tossed the card onto the desk. It slid towards his sister.

  She reached one black gloved hand out and picked up the card. She stuffed it into the front of her dress.

  "Good." Julius said. "Now you can go." He walked back to the door.

  Delilah tapped her still unlit cigarette against her bottom lip. "Actually..." She started.

  Julius paused, his hands clenching into fists. "No." He turned to her, glowering. "No, whatever you have in mind, no!" "I think I will stay here for a while." Delilah finished, ignoring him.

  "Absolutely not!" Julius exploded. "You don't live here anymore. I haven't even seen you in four years!"

  "You still have my rooms kept up, right?" Delilah said, blissfully not paying attention to anything he was saying. "I'll bet it's horribly dusty though. The maids are horrendous."

  "Just for tonight, Delilah." He warned, opening the door for her. "Father always spoiled you the most."

  "He's been gone for quite some time, it's your turn." Delilah said airily, walking through the doorway. She turned around on the other side, facing him. "Perhaps I'll even visit your rooms tonight, if you're lucky." She gave him a sly look.

  "Thank you for the warning. I'll make sure to bar the doors." He slammed the door in her face.

  Delilah smiled wickedly. She pulled a silver lighter from her purse and lit her cigarette. She turned and walked across the main hall.

  She found Claire on the other side of the hall, looking worried. "Is Julius angry about something?" she asked, concerned.

  "Oh, he's fine." Delilah closed the lighter and waved a hand dismissively. "I was just teasing him. It's so easy to do." Claire frowned. Delilah couldn't help but find her absolutely adorable. She held a hand out to her. Mercifully, the one not holding a cigarette. "How about you show me around? I haven't been here in years. We can talk about Julius if you like." She smiled kindly.

  Claire hesitated, then took her hand. "All right."

  Delilah led her down a hallway. "So, do you share rooms with Julius?" She asked with interest.

  Claire's frown deepened. Why would she and Julius share a room in a house this big? "No, he gave me the South Tower." She answered.

  "Oh, really?" Delilah raised an eyebrow. "The South Tower used to be our mother's." Delilah thought for a bit. How unusual. She filed that bit of information away for further reflection. "Hmm... Well, what do the two of you do together? Do you play any games?"

  Claire shook her head. "Not really. We did play chess a few times, but Julius hasn't asked me again since I keep winning. I don't really like games much anyway." She thought for a moment. "Julius is showing me how to shoot." She offered.

  Delilah raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

  Claire nodded. "I can hit a walnut sized target at thirty paces with a small energy gun." She said. "Julius says I have to wait till I am older before I can handle something bigger."

  "I'll bet." Delilah muttered under her breath. Claire gave her a c
onfused look. Delilah smiled down at her brightly. "So, how did you meet Julius?"

  Claire blushed, looking ahead. "I danced with him at a party." She answered.

  Delilah's laughed merrily. "I see. That's usually how it goes for Julius."

  Claire's blush deepened. "He's very kind, and handsome. I was an orphan and he adopted me. I'm going to school too. I go to R.S. 18. That was the same school Julius went to, right?" Delilah nodded. "Indeed. I went there as well." Claire smiled at her. Delilah found herself smiling back. Someone would have to be made of stone to not like this little darling. Perhaps Julius' interests were innocent. Didn't mean she couldn't still tease him though. "How are you liking school?" She asked.

  Claire frowned. "Well, I am really looking forward to Chemistry." She said finally. "But I hate Deportment."

  "I hated it to." Delilah admitted. "I had this awful old bat for my teacher. Mrs. Dorman."

  Claire stopped walking. "I have her!" She exclaimed.

  Delilah laughed shortly. "You have got to be kidding me." She said. "Are you sure it's the same woman? She must be a hundred years old by now."

  Claire leaned towards Delilah and whispered. "Some of the older students say she's at least a hundred and twenty."

  "Does she still yell at you if you don't bend your knees far enough while curtsying?”

  Claire gave Delilah a pained look and nodded. "She told me not to read books in class, because if I became too smart I would intimidate all the men and never find a husband." Claire rolled her eyes.

  Delilah laughed her high, musical laugh. "I like you." She said to Claire. Claire beamed back up at her.

  *** Delilah had followed Claire all the way to the South Tower, and Claire's rooms. Claire didn't mind so much, because Delilah was funny and easy to talk to. She opened the door to her sitting room. "Please, come in." She said, perhaps a little louder than was normal. Her eyes glanced at her bedroom door.

  Delilah laughed in delight when she saw Claire's sitting room. "It's an absolute wreck in here! Just like mine!"

  Claire scowled a little. "I don't let the maids come in and clean. I like my privacy."

  Delilah nodded. "I was the same way."


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