Serpent's Lair (The Forgotten: Book 1)

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Serpent's Lair (The Forgotten: Book 1) Page 31

by Laura R Cole


  Layna stroked baby Phoenix’s face and sighed. So much for starting out her reign on a positive note. Telvani’s interference had caused even more destruction, and the people had suffered for her ill-placed trust. For every secret temple of the Order he had ‘found’ for her, there were two others that he covered up. The missing prisoners were all connected to him. He had been using her Knights as a breeding grounds for his new group he called the Faithful. And just when she had figured it all out, the attack had come, letting him run rampant in her name.

  She could only hope that the people had not been too poisoned against her, when she could hardly forgive herself. While looking through the mess that Telvani had left them with, they had come across a report of a border town called Hardonia being completely wiped out. Though the corpses of several apparent bandits had been found at the scene, and it was originally attributed to one of the many attacks by the outlaws on the other side of the tamed lands, this now appeared not to be the case. Worse, was that a group of riders under her flag had been reported to have rode in towards the town and back out again the same day.

  Unfortunately, this was the town that Natalya was from. When Layna had done some more digging, she found that Telvani had been the one to order the massacre in order to cover-up one of his Faithful’s bragging natures. Rather than have the surrounding towns gossiping about how the Queen’s men were collecting talents – the very thought that her name had been used in such a way made her sick to her stomach – he decided he’d rather have them all talking about how it was completed wiped out by raiding bandits so that it wouldn’t attract her attention.

  It would have attracted her attention either way and she mourned the loss of so many peoples’ lives so pointlessly. Breaking the news to Natalya had been one of the hardest things she’d ever had to do. The man who had traveled with her, Hunter, was not surprised by the revelation and the haunted look in his eyes when she had brought up the subject told her he knew more about it than he let on. She had tracked him down later and asked him about it before he had left, only to find he had witnessed the event first-hand. She had been mortified at the thoughts that he had assumed given that the men were wearing livery of the crown and that had been when she had really realized the extent of the damage that Telvani had caused. He had undermined her attempts to heal the country in one fell swoop. If only the attack had come moments later, after she had confronted him about his suspicious dealings.

  None of that mattered now, though. Now, their only concern could be putting the country back together once again. Gryffon’s ever-present optimism assured her that everything would be all right, but a similar outlook which she had witnessed in the girl Natalya seemed to have died with the news of her family’s demise, and she had little hope of salvaging her reputation among those who were directly affected by Telvani’s malevolence.

  She needed to start the country healing one person at a time. She made her way to the guest quarters that Natalya occupied and rapped softly on the door. The girl called out for her to enter, and she slipped inside, indicating to her guards the need for privacy.

  “Natalya,” she greeted the girl.

  “Your Majesty,” the young woman returned, giving her a quick curtsey.

  “As you know, I’ve sent people to clean up your hometown after the atrocities that Telvani committed there.” A wave of guilt passed over her at the pain in the girl’s eyes. “But I think it might do you some good to visit it yourself.”

  “How can I do that?” Natalya scoffed, but caught herself, “Your Majesty. I mean, how can I take the time to travel all the way there just to cry on their graves when my sister is still out there somewhere and may need my help? She’s all I have left anymore…”

  Layna ignored the girl’s harsh tones; she felt she deserved them. “I would like to transport you there with me to personally oversee the plans for rebuilding. I know nothing can ever replace the lives that were lost there, but there are many in surrounding areas that need our help as well, and we may have the opportunity to help those if you are willing.” There had been stragglers found in the surrounding areas of Hardonia whose houses had been destroyed, or their livelihoods ruined as a result of the destruction in the town. Layna would like to see these people aided to rebuild the town for their benefit. The dead had no more use of it, but she would do no such thing until Natalya made her peace with it.

  Layna could distinctly remember her own awful home-coming after finding out that her parents had been killed. There wasn’t much left, as a fiery explosion had wiped out any traces of their bodies or possessions. She couldn’t imagine the pain of a similar scene involving the girl’s entire town.

  “I would like that,” Natalya finally answered, much to Layna’s relief. She fervently hoped that the happy and optimistic girl this young woman had once been would heal enough to eventually shine through the pain once more.

  “I would also like to appoint you as the leader of a special expedition if you are willing,” Layna added. There had been several reports that had been found to have been altered in the Hall of Records which indicated that Telvani was involved. She wanted to have a group of the Knights – once they were properly assessed to ensure they were not one of the Faithful – look into the reports. She would also be amending all the Knights titles to include Phoenix’s name – the Knights of Phoenix – after reevaluating all the current Knights. They would all be personally interviewed by her and Gryffon so that there would be no mistake about whose side they were on. It would hopefully allay any fears that the people had concerning the nasty rumors that may be circulating about them due to Telvani’s Faithful, showing the people that they were taking the betrayal seriously and taking steps to correct it.

  “What kind of expedition?”

  “We have been working feverishly to uncover the plot which your sister was caught up in,” Layna began. The kidnapping of children, and of people in general, had been uncovered to reveal that it had been happening on a much grander scale than previously thought. Most of these abductions were people who would not be missed, else some sort of freak accident would occur to explain the disappearance, or a note be left telling people they had gone on holiday for a while. Most were much more secretive than the public abduction that Lord Morven had performed, ultimately resulting in Telvani’s choice to wipe out the town.

  She gathered her wandering thoughts and continued, “And though we have not been able to locate her yet, we have found several leads that need to be followed up on.”

  Natalya just waited, uncharacteristically quiet.

  “I also want you to know that while reports indicate that she may be being used in some sort of magical experiment – and I won’t lie to you; it probably involved blood-magic – every sign seems to point to the fact that she may still be alive. Most likely, he needed her simply for her talent.”

  Natalya nodded, her expression twitching at the mention of blood-magic, but the fierce determination in her eyes telling Layna that she at least had not given up on her sister.

  “If you are willing, I’d like to put you in charge of a unit of the Knights of Phoenix whose sole purpose will be finding your sister. Every resource available to me will be available to you.”

  Natalya did not hesitate. “Yes.”

  “Excellent,” Layna nodded once, “I will send in one of the aides in the next few days to go over the details with you. The Knights are currently being screened to make sure that they are all loyal to what is right and just before they will be ready to be sent out. In the meantime, are you up for a trip with me?”

  Natalya finally met her eyes, the sparkle of strength within them getting brighter. “Yes,” she said firmly, “I want to see it now.”

  “Very well,” Layna nodded and bowed her head to Natalya, a gesture she was sure she would be berated on if Amelia was to see her. She was constantly reminded that she needed to act like a Queen. She didn’t feel much like one
before the atrocities against this little girl, however. “If you would please prepare yourself the journey, I will meet you in the courtyard in one hour.”


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