by T. A. White
There was a good bet the Haldeel planned to use the quorum to find out how deep the rot within humanity went.
Only then would they excise the trespassers.
Raider's eyes met hers in a brief moment of understanding.
They could only hope Himoto’s faction was smart enough not to get caught up in this.
The moment was broken when Raider’s gaze drifted over her shoulder. Confusion gave way to a scowl before his focus snapped back to hers.
Kira glanced at the audience, wanting to know why he was suddenly looking at her like he planned to throttle her.
Odin wove through the crowd, his gaze fixed on the android. As if sensing her attention, he glanced up and smiled. That smile quickly disappeared as he caught sight of Raider.
Alarm registered in his expression before he dove back into the crowd.
"Same old Kira," Raider said, his tone scathing and practically dripping with derision. "I can't believe I let those videos twist my thinking."
Kira frowned. What was he talking about?
"This isn't the place, Raider," Jin said, dropping into Japanese in the hopes the rest of those present wouldn't know the language.
Raider's laugh was mocking. "According to you two, it's never the time and place."
"I know you're angry but not here," Kira said in Japanese.
She'd let him rage and yell all he wanted. Just in private, where certain things wouldn’t be in danger of slipping out.
Raider acted like he didn’t hear her. "That person is supposed to be dead."
Kira's gaze was steady, not betraying a flicker of her worry. "You want to do this now? In front of them?"
"This is the only time I can get the truth out of you,” Raider returned with a snarl. “It's funny. I used to think death permanent. Now, every time I turn around, someone else is coming back to life."
"You don't understand," Kira said.
Not that it was his fault. She'd kept many things to herself—even back then.
"I understand enough." His lip curled.
"You don't know when to quit, do you?" Jin said in disgust.
Raider snapped, pointing at Jin. "You be quiet, Tin Can."
"If only you could make me, Meatsack."
Kira inserted herself between the two of them. "Enough."
Raider sent a mocking look at Jin. "The Phoenix to the rescue once again."
"We'll see who needs rescuing, Meatsack," Jin snarled, edging around her.
Kira had known something like this was bound to happen sooner or later. Raider wasn't the type to let bygones be bygones.
In this, he and Kira were alike. When someone trespassed against them, they hit back twice as hard.
Odin being alive when Raider knew Kira had orders to kill him long ago was simply the flame that lit the bonfire.
Electricity shot from Jin to Raider, narrowly avoiding the human.
Raider sucked in an audible breath, rage filling his face.
"Crap," Kira muttered.
She needed to stop the coming confrontation. Otherwise, they’d destroy the private box. It had happened before.
If Kira saw Raider as a brother, the same could be said for Jin. Like brothers, the two had no trouble throwing down when the occasion called for it.
Kira stepped forward, hoping to halt the fight before it could go any further. She got a fist to the face for her trouble.
Pain lanced through her cheekbone as she staggered.
Raider and Jin froze.
Seconds later, Raider blanched as Jin rapidly backed away, putting as much distance between him and Kira as possible.
Kira ignored both of them, raising a hand to probe the spot where Raider's blow had landed.
"Kira," Raider started, holding up his hands.
Kira's smile would have been called sweet if not for the fact it appeared a little deranged and a lot bloodthirsty.
"You hit me," she said.
"It was an accident."
"This will be too," she informed him.
Raider's eyes widened as he cursed. He turned to run, but not fast enough.
Kira yanked him toward her. He shoved his hand against her face, trying to hold her at arm’s length.
Well then. If that's how he wanted to play it.
Kira twisted, sinking her teeth into his wrist.
"What did I say about the biting?" Raider screamed, grabbing a fistful of hair.
Kira's eyes smarted from the pinpricks of pain, but she refused to let go.
"I'll yank it out. I swear I will," Raider threatened.
Kira released him.
He'd do it. It wouldn't even be the first time.
Raider's shoulders relaxed.
He didn't think he was getting off that easy, did he?
Kira kicked him in the shin, feeling smug satisfaction at his answering howl.
"Damn it, Kira!"
"You're a million years too young to get away with punching me in the face," Kira shot back.
Raider knew what that meant. No mercy would be forthcoming. Not until she had her retribution.
Perhaps that's why he didn't waste time running and instead charged. He wrapped her in a bear hug, trapping her limbs.
"That's fine," he snapped. "I have a score to settle too."
Kira's grin was vicious. "Good. It seems we're on the same page."
She'd tried to be respectful, knowing her actions had hurt him.
But in the end, a knockdown, drag-out fight had always been the way they settled things.
"No regrets," she told him.
"Same to you."
With that said, Kira reared, slamming her head against his chin.
A muttered oath was her reward.
Jin circled them as they wrestled back and forth, stumbling into the wall.
Raider had the advantage, his arms pinning hers.
Not to be outdone, Kira planted a foot on the wall and shoved, sending them staggering back several steps.
"Yes, Kira! Knock the asshole out of that idiot," Jin crowed.
"Shut up, Tin Can. This is your fault," Raider shouted.
Around them, Kira was vaguely aware of Wren telling them to stop, but neither Kira nor Raider were in the mood to listen. This had been a long time coming.
Kira twisted in Raider's grip, stomping on his foot. Raider grunted.
But then, had she really expected anything else?
This was Raider after all. The only person who was nearly as muleheaded as Kira. They were a matched pair, each too ornery to get out of their own way sometimes.
Only—Kira had once considered Raider a brother. Like all good sisters, she knew every one of her brother's weaknesses.
She reached back, pinching his side then twisting.
Raider cursed again, his hold loosening.
Kira slithered free.
The next minutes passed in a blur. An honorable fight it was not, consisting mostly of open-handed slaps, pinching, hair pulling, and yes, biting.
Mostly on Kira's end.
"That is enough," Wren roared.
There was a loud clap and then an invisible hand forcibly shoved them away from each other.
They both lay where they landed as Wren glared, looking angrier than Kira had ever seen him.
"You're acting like children," Wren spat.
Over his shoulder Amila and Graydon's oshota looked like they were fighting to keep their composure, their shoulders shaking.
Kira pointed at Raider. "He started it."
Raider lunged for her.
Wren made a motion and Raider flew backward, landing on the floor again with a pained grunt.
Wren didn't say anything, simply regarding them with that intense stare that said he was inches from disposing of them to save himself time and headaches later on.
Raider sat up, looking the worse for wear. There were multiple scratches on his face, and blood oozed from his neck. His collar was ripped, and she thought she saw a sli
ght darkening around his eye where she'd elbowed him.
Judging by the minor aches and pains on her face and torso, she was guessing she looked about the same.
Now that the adrenaline from the fight was fading, she could feel the way her cheek and eye were beginning to swell. Chances were she'd have a nice shiner tomorrow.
To say nothing about her tender scalp. Her hair likely resembled a bird's nest from all the hair pulling.
"I don't care what problems you have with each other. This ends here," Wren said, sounding like he was reaching for his last shred of patience. "Settle this. Now."
Kira and Raider looked at each other, before squinting up at Wren.
"Not possible," Kira started at the same time Raider said, "Fine."
She stared at him in surprise. "Fine?"
Since when was Raider the type to listen when someone told him to drop it? Not even when they were friends could she get him to obey.
Raider's eyes narrowed as he spoke in Japanese. "I'm only going to ask this once. Lie to me, and we're done. For good this time."
His expression was serious. Something told her that he'd follow through on his threat.
She'd thought she'd braced for the pain and hurt that would come when he found out how much she'd kept from him. Turned out even she didn't anticipate the devastation that would follow.
No matter how angry he was or how fractured their relationship, she'd always held out some hope that they’d somehow find their way back to who they’d once been.
Now, however, she was beginning to realize how difficult of a task that really was.
Raider lowered his voice, still speaking in Japanese. "Is Sunshine alive?"
The moment stretched between them.
Kira knew Raider was already aware of the truth, but until she confirmed it verbally there would always be room for doubt in his mind.
Elise was too important to him to leave even the smallest thread of ambiguity over her fate. By confronting Kira directly like this, Raider could cut through all the bullshit and get to the heart of what mattered.
After what felt like an eternity, Kira jerked her chin in a nod, unable to force herself to speak the words aloud.
Raider rose from the floor, dusting off his pants.
"That's it?" Kira asked as he turned to go.
He slid her a look. "What else is there?"
She leaned on her hands. "Honestly, I thought you’d be a little angrier. Where's the ruthless asshole I know?"
When it came, Raider's smile was crooked and carried a little of her old friend. That smile reminded her of a time when she'd thought they'd always have each other's back. When nothing and no one could come between the three of them.
If Elise shared in some of the darkest parts of Kira's life, Raider was with her for some of the best.
"I remembered something."
Kira frowned, not sure she trusted this new, reasonable Raider.
"What's that?"
"You're not the person I'm truly angry with."
That wasn't the response she expected. The resentment that had been hiding beneath the surface was entirely gone.
Raider could hold a grudge like no one's business. That slap fight they'd had wasn't enough to clear the air and fix all their issues.
He should be angry. Furious even.
He wasn't.
Ignoring her confusion, Raider bent his arm, examining his wrist. "Did you have to bite me?"
"You know the rules," she said slowly, still trying to catch up with the sudden shift in his mood.
Raider dropped his arm. "Need help getting up?"
In answer, Kira climbed to her feet on her own, muffling an internal groan. By no means had it been a one-sided fight. He’d gotten in as many good hits as she had.
"That was an interesting display," Graydon remarked, observing them with a faint amusement.
"The Curs don't use closed fists to settle arguments," Raider answered when Kira remained silent. "At least not when outside a ring."
"Why?" Amila asked, looking intrigued.
"Because they're trained to kill people," Jin answered. "Killing family is forbidden."
"Unless they're trying to kill you," Raider and Kira said at the same time.
Neither looked at the other.
It felt strange to hear that sentiment established over a decade ago echoed in the here and now.
Kira's chin lowered as she sent a sidelong glance in Raider's direction, only to find him staring at her. They considered each other for long seconds.
Kira was the first to turn away. "I'm tired from all this excitement. I'll head back first."
No one tried to stop her as she left the room, Amila and Finn slipping out behind her. To her relief, they both kept their distance, careful not to intrude on Kira's privacy.
"Jin, check the ship's logs to see if any messages were sent," Kira murmured in a low voice.
"Just a hunch."
Raider had let something slip that she hadn't paid attention to in the moment. Now that she was thinking clearly again, she had time to follow up.
"Pay attention to my past logs," Kira added after a moment of consideration. "Particularly those in my hidden files.
Kira made it to the stadium floor. By now, officials had congregated around the android and the human controlling him.
With one last probing glance, she headed for the exit.
"You were right," Jin said at last. "Kira, all of your video messages meant for Raider were sent."
Kira closed her eyes. "Elena."
She was the only one who had the motive and knew all of Kira's passwords. Not even Odin would have been able to hack the system Jin created to send those videos out. Not without alerting them in the process.
"What are you going to do?" Jin asked.
"I'm going to have a chat with my niece."
THE NEXT AFTERNOON Kira held still as Auralyn tugged and pulled at the interlocking sections of armor currently being fitted to her body under Auralyn's supervision.
"You know you don't have to do this," Kira said for the third time. "My old armor works just as well."
Auralyn's hands paused as she pinned Kira with a hard stare. "I doubt that."
With that, Auralyn returned to fitting the armor, adjusting as needed in an impressive display of skill.
Armor like this cost a small fortune. Kira could easily see families treating it as a priceless heirloom to be passed down through the generations.
While a few notches below synth armor, it was nonetheless one of the most impressive pieces of technology Kira had ever seen—comparable to the old battle armor she wore during the war.
Only this armor weighed much less, and she could already tell it would be easier to move in.
Although lightweight, it still felt substantial.
If she crashed while wearing this, there was a good chance she'd survive.
Even if Kira had salvaged a thousand Tsavitee ships filled with priceless technology, she still wouldn't have been able to afford the arm of this armor.
Members of Roake had given Kira valuable gifts before—but none of this quality.
She couldn't understand it—and what Kira didn't understand generally left her feeling antsy.
Something no one wanted.
"You're not good at accepting gifts," Auralyn observed.
This wasn't a gift. This was a priceless treasure shoved at Kira whether she wanted it or not.
"Wren accepted you as his disciple. That means you're one of us now." Auralyn tapped a few buttons, watching as the armor elongated and then contracted.
"You're awfully quick to pass approval," Kira said unhappily.
"Not the trusting type, are you?"
Kira acknowledged the statement with a twitch of her eyebrows. "Not really. No."
"You'll have to learn."
Not likely.
There was a reason for the saying “not to
trust those who came bearing gifts.”
Reading Kira's rejection, Auralyn's gaze sharpened. "The connections between Tuann aren't so easily dissolved. No matter where you go in this life, you will always have a home with us."
"That's a lot of faith you're placing in me."
"You've already proven yourself." The significant look Auralyn cast over her shoulder at where Elena watched them with a bored expression left Kira with no doubt as to what she meant.
Kira didn’t have a chance to discuss boundaries with her niece last night. By the time she'd returned, Elena had already been asleep.
"Be very careful in whatever you say next," Kira warned.
Kira didn't care if Auralyn gifted her armor worth millions. She'd destroy the woman in a heartbeat if she thought she was a danger to Elena.
For the first time, the boredom in Auralyn's expression faded, leaving warmth and humor behind.
"You don't need to fear. She is ours, just as you are." Auralyn stepped back, nodding once to herself before turning to pack up the case she'd used to transport the armor.
Kira watched her go.
Auralyn paused at the door. "My sister would have been proud to know she had such a granddaughter." Auralyn finally looked at Kira. "And she would have given her life for the woman who protected her all these years."
Kira's lips parted as she caught Auralyn's meaning.
Auralyn inclined her chin. "I'm looking forward to seeing you race."
She stepped through the privacy screen before Kira could respond.
Elena lifted her head to watch her go. "What was that about?"
"It seems you have more living relatives than we thought."
"You mean that lady is related to me?"
"It's possible," Kira conceded, not wanting to get her niece's hopes up.
"What would she be?" Curiosity filled Elena's expression as she stared up at Kira.
"An aunt, maybe?"
Elena relaxed into her bored pose again. "I already have several of those."
True. Even if none of them shared blood with her.
"How about a grandpa?" Kira asked.
Elena perked up as her feet dropped to the floor. "I've never had one of those before. Who is it?"
"You’ll have to wait for that answer," Kira said, crossing the floor to her niece. "Instead, I want to discuss why you sent those videos to Raider."