Breaking The Sinner (The Breaking Series Book 4)

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Breaking The Sinner (The Breaking Series Book 4) Page 14

by Ember Leigh

  Gen tugged out a square of crinkled paper from the back of her book. She’d found it in the trashcan by accident; she wasn’t sure what had whispered at her to inspect it, but she had. She unfolded it, smoothing it out on top of the hard cover of her book. “Cobra drew this and then threw it away the other night.”

  He’d drawn her: a jerky sketch of her sleeping on the couch. His thick, strong lines outlined her curled up figure on a half-finished couch. It was bare bones. Quick. The most beautiful thing she’d ever seen.

  “Damn,” Sophie said.

  Gen sighed, folding it back up. She planned to carry it around everywhere with her. Somehow, it made sense. “But whatever. It’s just experimentation with him. I mean, I’m certainly not marrying him. I could never.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “He’s not…” She stopped before she could say the words. Part of the community had been at the tip of her tongue. But what did that even mean anymore? She didn’t know if she was either. Not in the way she always had been.

  “What is it?”

  “He’s from the outside world,” she finally whispered. “I need to be with someone who believes in God. Someone from home.” She swallowed hard, looking up at Sophie. “Right?”

  Sophie sighed, looking wearier than she’d ever seen her. “I don’t know, hon. Only if you plan on going home, I guess.”

  Gen gnawed on her lip as she thought about this. Home had always felt like the ultimate destination. Where else could she go but back to her family? Her time in the real world served as experience. Born of curiosity. So why did she want to think about forever with Cobra? His world and her world—they were deeply incompatible.

  “Do you ever think about going home?”

  Sophie’s answer was as sharp as a knife blade. “Nope.”

  “Don’t you miss everyone? It’s been two months for me, and sometimes I can barely stand not seeing them every day.”

  Sophie stood suddenly and returned to the kitchen. She didn’t speak for so long that Gen thought she’d upset her with the question.

  “I do miss everyone. More than I fucking want to admit.” Sophie sighed tersely. “But how they live…it’s not right.”

  “But they’re family.”

  “And what does that mean?”

  The question made Gen’s mouth dry. “I don’t know what you’re asking me.” Still, it felt like a gut punch.

  “What does it matter if they’re family?” Sophie came back over to the couch, looking down at Gen. There was a fire in her eyes she didn’t normally see. “Does that mean we have to accept the abuse?”

  “I don’t know if I’d call it abuse—”

  “Fine. Maybe you’re not there yet.” Sophie waved a hand between them, like clearing the air. “But the thing is, I’m ten years out. My perspective is…different. And I’m never fucking going back.”

  “Not even to see your mom?”

  Sophie’s nostrils flared, but her stern expression didn’t waver. “Not even to see my mom.”

  The silence stretched so wide between them Gen’s ears started to ring. Finally, she asked, “What happened?”

  Sophie deflated then, as if the armor she’d been wearing had finally slid off. “Same thing that happened to you. I was born a curious woman with a brain.”

  Sophie squeezed Gen’s shoulder and went back into the kitchen. Another text came in while Gen thought.

  COBRA: I’m already on my way over.

  GEN: Well I guess that’s decided.

  COBRA: You don’t wanna see me?

  GEN: I never said that.

  COBRA: Playing hard to get.

  GEN: I’m not hard to get. I’m quite easy to get. You get me all the time.

  COBRA: :D :D :D :D :D :D

  Gen sank back into her book, A Cowboy’s Revenge, getting so lost in the breathy ascent toward oral sex that she barely noticed Sophie leave for work. The knock came on the door just as heroine Anna had unbridled hero Mitch’s stallion from his boxers. Gen slammed the book down, feeling somehow caught.

  Her pulse raced, and she stared at the door guiltily. Her panties were wet, and Cobra was about to be all over her.

  More than that, she wanted to see his stallion.

  Gen took a few cleansing breaths, glancing at herself in the mirror by the door—she hadn’t even brushed her hair today. She’d barely peeled herself off the couch. She mouthed ‘fudge,’ then remembered to mouth ‘fuck’ instead and pulled open the door.

  Cobra leaned against the door frame, his trademark look that hovered between disinterested and amused lingering on his face. But she caught the shiver of appreciation in his eyes as his gaze swept over her. Both his hands were behind his back.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “Hey.” Her pussy pulsed at the sight of him, probably made worse by the fact that she was desperate to know Anna and Mitch’s journey for herself. “You got here fast.”

  “It took me over a half hour,” he said.

  “Oh.” She cleared her throat, stepping aside to let him in. “I lost track of time. I’ve been reading.”

  Cobra stepped inside, paper crinkling as he did. He revealed what he’d been hiding behind his back: a small bunch of daisies wrapped in paper.

  Shyness flashed over his face—the first time she’d ever seen it on him. Her breath evaporated.

  “I got these for you,” he said, holding them out.

  “Cobra,” she said, so quietly she almost didn’t hear herself. She took the bunch of her favorite flowers from him delicately, trying to memorize everything. His big hand gripping the bouquet, nails bitten to the quick. That look on his face as he handed them over, equal parts worried and fascinated. “Thank you.”

  He shrugged. “You said they’re your fave.”

  She pushed up onto her tiptoes, planting a kiss on his cheek. That boyish grin came back.

  “Let me go put these in a vase,” she said, walking on dreamy legs toward the kitchen. This was certainly a first—and a surprise. Even though it had been on the list, spelled out for him clearly. Part of her thought that maybe he’d wanted to do it. List or not.

  As she ran water to fill the vase, Cobra wandered over to her nest of blankets and pillows on the couch. He reached for the book she’d left behind. “Where’s Sophie?”

  “Left for work already.” She arranged the yellow and white daisies once and then again. And then a third time.

  He nodded, turning the book over in his hands. Then he glanced up at her. “You readin’ this?”

  She’d forgotten about the romance novel. She must have looked at him with deer-in-headlight eyes. Pure mischief shone in his smile.

  “Huh.” He eased onto the couch, eyes stuck to the page. “Whoa.”

  “What is it?” She padded over to the couch, leaning over the back to read over his shoulder. He looked up at her.

  “It’s porn.”

  “No, it’s not.” She swatted at his shoulder. “It’s a love story.”

  “He ran his fingers up her thigh, swirling ever closer to her sweet womanhood.”

  “Hey, I’m not to that part yet!” Her cheeks flushed. “They’re about to have sex. She’s gonna see his stallion.”

  Cobra dropped the book and grabbed her wrists, giving her one expert tug that launched her over the back of the couch. She tumbled into his lap a moment later, giggling.

  “I have a stallion too, you know,” Cobra murmured into her ear. He reached for the book again, clearing his throat. “Mitch’s gravelly moan echoed through her like a coyote howl through the canyon.” He looked at her over the top of the pages. “Coyote howl?”

  She giggled as his free hand settled on the swell of her belly. A moment later, his fingers pressed beneath the hem. “They’re in the Wild West. It’s how they live.”

  “When you moan, it doesn’t echo like a coyote howl.”

  “I sure hope not.”

  “She arched her back, welcoming his thick, working fingers deeper inside her slick c
hannel.” His brows shot up. “Damn.”

  Gen bit her bottom lip, Cobra’s live reading affecting her more than she expected. She fidgeted on top of him. His gaze jerked downward.

  “This turnin’ you on, Red?”

  She rolled her lips inward, unsure how to ask if she could take their time together to the territory she so desperately craved. It was hard to imagine herself acting like Anna. Cobra’s hands had done all the dirty work a few days ago; she’d just been along for the ride.

  “Maybe,” she whispered.

  He pushed his fingers under the elastic waistband of her pajama shorts. Their gazes locked, question marks swirling in his eyes. Asking permission to go further. To do more of that delectable dirty work. She arched herself toward him. The silent yes. His fingers surged downward, over the fabric of her cotton panties.

  She inhaled sharply once his thick fingers brushed the damp fabric between her legs. Something primal washed over his face. The book fell aside.

  “Damn, Red.” His voice was throaty. Almost unhinged. “You’re so wet.”

  She drew a shaky breath, needing more. Needing him. “I guess you came at the right time.”

  A laugh hefted out of him. His fingers made lazy circles over the crotch of her panties.

  “Cobra,” she started quietly. “I really want to…”

  “What is it?”

  She swallowed, willing the words to pass her lips. Suck your dick. It just seemed so crass. “I want to…” She jerked her gaze up to the ceiling, searching for resolve there. “Suck...”

  He groaned, his head falling back onto the couch. “You’re shitting me.”

  She sat up a little, confused by the sudden change of tone. “Wait, what did I say wrong?”

  He shook his head, shifting beneath her. A moment later, he popped to his feet, holding her like a bride about to be carried over the threshold.

  “You wanna suck my dick?” He asked, but it didn’t sound like he was really asking it. More like repeating it. Testing it for truthfulness. She giggled, clinging to him.


  “Well, fuck me.” He carried her down the hallway, pushing into her bedroom. She giggled.

  “No, I said sucking. Not…fucking.”

  He kicked the door shut behind him, letting her slide gently to her feet. “Good job. You didn’t say ‘fudging.’”

  She smoothed her palms against his chest. She might never tire of his rock-solid frame beneath her fingertips. “Why’d we come in here?”

  “Because I already know what you’d say,” he said, his gaze raking over her. “Sophie might come back. Too exposed in the living room.” He cupped her face between his warm palms, a smile stretching across his face. “In here, there’s no excuses.”

  Chapter 23

  A glorious moment of complete and utter contentment washed over her before being replaced with petrification.

  “How do I do this?”

  Cobra’s smile went halfcocked. The type of smirk that could send her to her knees. And maybe that’s what it was meant to do, for her first time sucking dick.

  “First, you get my pants off.” His sable eyes crinkled at the edges.

  “Well, duh.” She eyed the mesh workout shorts. She’d been fantasizing about this exact moment longer than she wanted to admit.

  He shoved the shorts down, his gaze sparking over her. She could feel him gobbling up her reactions, savoring them like a surprise gourmet dinner. The attention made her feel nervous but empowered. She liked that he was eager for her. But it also inspired adolescent-worthy mortification and second guessing.

  Because what if she couldn’t do it? What if he pushed her away, said he’d rather find someone else to do it? All the worst-case scenarios had been crowding the edges of her mind for weeks. Cobra was so experienced. Sure, he’d offered to help her get experience—but that didn’t mean she couldn’t fail so miserably that he’d turn down all future blowjobs.

  His cock pressed at the fabric of his briefs, tenting them in a way that she might never forget. Finally, the bulge beneath his pants was becoming real. She licked dry lips, slipping a finger beneath the waistband of his briefs.

  He tensed, and then he tore his shirt off. His masculinity rolled off him in waves, and she was drowning in it. She dragged her eyes up to find his gaze. Waiting. Devouring.

  “Do I have to get on my knees?”

  His nostrils flared. “If you want to.”

  She watched him for a moment before lowering herself, knees pressing into the carpet. She tilted her head to look up at him, bringing her mouth to the peak of cock mountain.

  He let a low hum, something that she took as a very good sign. Maybe she’d be a natural at this. Maybe he was already halfway to coming.

  Only one way to find out. She tugged the waistband of his briefs down, and his cock sprang free. Heavy and long, fatter than she’d ever imagined. As it bobbed, it slapped her on the chin.

  She gasped, and Cobra’s guttural laugh ripped through the room.

  “Careful, Genny.” His fingers combed through the top of her hair. Shivers skated over her forearms. She stared at it, drinking in the soft, musky scent. Small hairs framed the massive centerpiece. Her mouth parted.

  “I didn’t know you could slap someone with it.”

  “I can do a lot more than slap you with it,” he countered.

  Her cheeks flamed. “Now what?”

  “Put your mouth around my cock and have fun.”

  She swallowed, looking up at him again. “There’s no actual blowing, right?”

  He laughed again, but this time it sounded strained. Maybe so much time with her mouth hovering inches from his penis wasn’t as sexy as she imagined. “Right.”

  She nodded, took a deep breath. “I learned that from A Cowboy’s Revenge.” Then she leaned forward, wrapped her lips around the tip of his penis. His cock. It was sexier when he said it, not that she’d said it out loud yet. She sucked hard and then pulled back. A smile waited for her, and something like patience.

  “Good. Now do that, like, fifty times.”

  “Fifty?” She ran her lips over the veiny head, feeling the strange swells and dips through her mouth. The tip looked more like an army helmet to her. Not at all what she expected. Cobra jolted, a small grunt escaping him. “Who has time for that?”

  His laugh came out weak this time. “Somehow, people find the time.”

  “Does this feel good?” She dragged her tongue under the swollen ridge of the cockhead. When she looked up at him, his eyes were focused on her so intensely it made her shrink back.

  Then suddenly his fingers tightened in her hair. She inhaled sharply. “I take that as a yes.”

  “Your mouth feels amazing, Genny.” His voice sounded different now, almost like it came from someone else. Some other side of him. Prickles of arousal crept through her, her pussy clenching. She wanted to be good at this. More than that, she wanted to make Cobra feel good.

  So she wrapped her lips around him again, taking the velvety length in her mouth deeper this time, then pulling back. She did this a few times until he groaned. Oh, God. He was bored. She pulled back again, looking up at him.

  “Is it horrible?”

  He expelled a curt laugh. “Nope. Give me your hand.”

  She offered up her hand, and he wrapped it around the base of his dick. “While you suck me off, move your hand like this.” He applied pressure around her hand, a reassuring guide in these choppy waters.

  She nodded. “I can do that.”

  He grunted, something swirling in his eyes she’d never seen before. Something dangerous, forbidden. The type of look that told her to stay away, if she knew what was good for her. “Then I’m gonna come like a rocket.”

  That seemed good. Very good.

  Gen tried out the new maneuver. Suck, try not to gag, tight grip, up and down. It felt awkward, but she did it a few times.

  “Careful with the teeth,” he said, his voice a husky whisper.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled from around his cock. She swallowed a surprise liquid. Was that her own saliva? She pulled back. The tip of Cobra’s dick was…leaking.

  “Um,” she began, running her tongue over her bottom lip, “Is this supposed to happen?”

  A chuckle. “Yes. It’s precum. Keep going.”

  She dove back into her task, finding a rhythm combined with repeating the steps in her head. His dick seemed to grow harder inside her mouth. Was that even possible? She was slobbering on an iron rod. He cupped the back of her head with both hands, flexing his hips against her as she bobbed up and down.

  This was getting serious. Soft grunts punctuated the bedroom air. Whatever she was doing, he liked it.

  “Red,” he said with that same off-in-outer-space voice, “do you wanna spit or swallow?”

  She furrowed her brow, the words clanking around strangely inside her head. She released him only so she could talk. “What do you—”

  “When I come.” His face was flushed, a hard edge to his voice. Urgency.

  She blinked, then realization spread through her, prickly hot and erotic. The semen part. “Uh. Swallow?”

  He grunted again, then his cock slid back inside her mouth. This time, he was rocking into her more forcefully, plunging himself deeper, reaching a part of her throat that had never been touched. She gripped his butt cheeks, keeping her mouth tight around the slick steel of his cock. His breath huffed as his thighs tensed; this was getting really serious.

  “Ohhh, Red.” His voice sounded like both a groan and a plea. “I’m coming.”

  And then the tidal wave hit. Hot, sticky fluid, coated her mouth, slid down her throat before she could even decide to swallow. She gagged a little but took it all anyway, her brain on high alert as Cobra pumped round after round into her mouth. The noises she made as she attempted to keep up were primal. More like someone gurgling to death.

  Cobra shuddered, fisting her hair and tilting her head back once the undammed waters had finished gushing. She coughed with the last bit of semen. Then swallowed. Done.

  When she looked up, Cobra smiled as if he knew a secret.

  “You didn’t tell me it would be like…that.” She swallowed another wave of salty-sweet backwash. Her eyes stung. She couldn’t decide if it was horrible or epic. Maybe both.


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