T + R + I + A = M
Defy Your Limits
The Telekinesis Training Method
Sean McNamara
Copyright © 2017 by Sean McNamara
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronical or mechanical, including photo-copying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from Sean McNamara.
Cover Design, Interior and Photography by Sean McNamara
Mind Possible
First Edition
ISBN 978-0-692-83313-1
1. Metaphysics and Paranormal 2. New Age and Spirituality
3. Self-Help 4. Meditation
For Cierra.
1. Meet Your Coach
2. Motivation and Psychology in Telekinesis
3. Training Supplies and Recommendations
For Level One
For Levels Two, Three, and Four
Your clothing
Your appetite
Playing videos or music during a training session
4. Assumptions Which Impede Success
5. Level One
Arms and Hands
Testing distance
Applying the “Mind-Stopping Breath” technique for extra help
Transitioning to motionless hands
Gaining familiarity and control
Influence establishes confidence and destroys doubt
6. The Practitioner’s State of Mind
7. Introduction to the Preparatory Exercises
Energy Follows Attention
The Wall
The Refrigerator
The Mind-Stopping Breath
8. Exercise: Energy Follows Attention
A Brief Note on Healing Potential with this Exercise
9. Exercise: The Wall
10. Exercise: Spoonfuls
11. Exercise: The Refrigerator
12. Special Technique: The Mind-Stopping Breath
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
A complete cycle of breathing
How this technique affects the conceptual mind
Special opportunities by using this technique
13. Working with the Eyes
A note from the ancient spiritual practice “Togal”
14. Level Two
Using the glass container
Arms and Hands
Entrainment with the Object
Micro-movements, Harbingers of Success
Extending Your Relaxation Toward the Micro-Movements
Time Blurring and Sleep Visions
15. Troubleshooting
16. Mental Models and Basic Principles
Energy Follows Attention
Tension, Relaxation, and the Flow of Energy
Energy – What Are We Referring To?
Invisible Mechanism, Observable Effect
How Physical Perception Separates Us from Reality
Our Minds Are Not Entirely Our Own
We Have Two Minds
Energy Accumulates Over Time
Anomalies of Relationship
17. The Catch & The Lookaway
The Catch
The Lookaway
18. Recipe for Success
19. Level Three
20. Introduction to Level Four Training
21. Level Four, Stage One
A Note about Exhaustion
Summarizing Level Four, Stage One
22. Level Four, Stage Two
Repositioning your table and seating arrangement
Summarizing Level Four, Stage Two
Further indicators of entrainment at Level Four
23. Level Four, Stage Three (Final Stage)
24. Experiments Beyond Level Four
Two people, one object
Using other systems of energy work
Using other types of objects
Using a scale to measure your strength and grow from there
Moving two objects under the same container
Moving an organic object
Long-Distance Telekinesis
25. Other Objects for Experimentation
26. If You Doubt Your Own Experience
27. An Offering to Science and Spirit
28. Healing, Prayer, Blessing, and ADC
For Energy Healers
After-Death Communication
29. For fans of The Secret, The Law of Attraction, and the use of Vision Boards
30. Meditation and the Internal Arts
31. Telekinesis as its own Meditation
32. What to Know Before You Show
Potential to Advance Others’ Capabilities
Choosing Whom to Share This With
Personal Ethics and Demonstrating Telekinesis
The Difficulty in Video Recording and Showing Others
Personal Risks
33. Skeptics and Pseudo-Skeptics
34. It’s Only a Matter of Time…
35. Becoming More Contemplative
36. Universal Principles for Success in Life
The Universal Principles
37. We Are One
The Web Site, Video and Audio, Practitioner Survey, and the Question & Answer Section
Introduction to the Site, Finding the Page Links
Online Survey for Telekinesis Practitioners
Question & Answer Section
Recommended Resources
Public Online Videos
My deepest gratitude goes to my wife, Cierra. She has been a constant source of encouragement and humor from the first day I told her I wanted to learn to move an object from a distance. Her reminders to not believe my own doubts and to not be hard on myself helped me continue what seemed at times, the pursuit of fantasy. Cierra also contributed her energy in editing the book and helping it become what you see now.
I also want to thank my friend Autumn Moran for her constant encouragement. Our regular coffee chats were times for dreaming possibilities, brainstorming, and the first manifestations of ideas.
To my closest meditation students, who I also regard as dear friends, thank you for keeping an open mind when I decided to leave a well-worn path to explore strange trails instead.
The resource you are holding in your hands contains specific guidance for learning, practicing, and exploring telekinesis. By understanding and applying these instructions properly you will be able to move a small object enclosed within a glass container. You will do so while seated several feet away from it and without making any physical motion or contact with the object.
It will move through the combined effect of your mental intention and energetic connection, without the assistance of any outside physical influence. This is telekinesis.
I begin this book with the above statement in order to set clear expectations for the reader. It is most likely the case that you are reading this with a sincere interest in telekinesis, also known as psychokinesis or “mind over matter”. That is my hope, anyway, because this is how I imagine you while I write this. This is for future generations of aspiring practitioners, and I intend to clear a path for them and for you.
If you follow the path, you will reach the destination. You will reach a place of knowing beyond a doubt that you can move an object across a distance in space. The implications of this ability are profound, and we will discuss them as we go along.
The phrase “to clear a path” implies that the path is initially obscured, or overgrown. Some of our belief systems hide this path by preventing us from even considering new possibilities. There are other obstacles too. Doubt is a troublesome thorn bush, tempting us to turn around and go back to what we already know. Trip hazards such as unreasonable expectations, pride, and stress wait around each bend. Only the most persistent seekers would take the time to separate the weeds from the flowers and keep looking ahead without any outside help.
Another obstacle is the current lack of thoroughly written training material. This is not the case here. I am sharing everything I have learned during my own development. I taught myself to actualize these four levels of telekinesis to the point where I can repeat them with a great deal of consistency.
Rest assured that as your guide, I have personally been where you are going. I have encountered and overcome many of the challenges that you will face. The solutions I share with you will save you much time in your own development.
I won’t waste any time by defining telekinesis or giving you a history lesson about it since those are things you can easily learn elsewhere. This is first and foremost, a training manual.
Researchers with advanced degrees in physics, mathematics, and psychology have written books to compile, organize, and report the results of experiments done with practitioners who already know how to actualize the telekinetic effect. Their works are not designed to teach someone how to do it.
In contrast, the purpose of this book is specifically to do just that, to teach you how to do it. One of my hopes for this text is to teach more people how to do this so that they may be able to work in partnership with those researchers. Together we can help to promote greater social understanding of our natural human potential.
Everything I’m sharing throughout the book has a single purpose, to shape your mind. You will not only need to learn the telekinesis techniques; you’ll also need to adopt the attitude of a practitioner. Like athletes, actors, sales people, and artists, telekinesis practitioners must be committed to training. Intrinsic aspects of training include proper motivation, knowledge, and attitude.
I have been teaching meditation to individuals and groups for over a decade. I have led several retreat programs, and several hundred sessions for local students in my city, Denver, Colorado. I have also met individually with many students to hear their particular questions, challenges, and discoveries.
Because of that, I know firsthand how people successfully work with their own mind. I have also seen how they can become their own worst obstacle. I have seen these same aspects in myself. Based on that past experience, I have included relevant guidance here.
Telekinesis is a specific ability of consciousness and in a way, it is not separate from your whole experience of mind. Therefore, this is about shaping your whole mind, and there are important aspects of the way you think that need to be attended to during this training.
Compare an Olympic swimmer to a child. The child can learn how to move her arms and legs to execute the breast stroke. What sets the Olympian apart from the child?
She spends many hours each week in the water, refining her stroke. She also sleeps a minimum number of hours each night, and consumes the right quantity and combination of calories each day so that her body grows and recovers enough to become as powerful as possible.
She knows to surround herself with people who support her and believe in her, and to avoid anyone who might impact her psyche in a negative way. She has a coach who keeps her on schedule, who pushes her to do her best, and to cheer her on.
Her coach knows what challenges to expect beyond the horizon.
She may also have other mentors and counselors to help her reduce stress and maintain the optimistic, purposeful, and single-focused state of mind that can make the difference between a gold and a silver medal.
The path of developing one’s telekinetic ability is just like hers. We’ll take a look at what you currently believe is possible, and why you believe it. We’ll see what your body-mind connection is like. You will need to make choices regarding which people in your life, if any, you’ll share your telekinesis exploration with. We’ll also talk about scheduling a training regimen into your daily life and making specific time commitments.
I hope it’s becoming clear now that telekinesis isn’t just about a method. Your whole being is involved, and that implies
your sense of self, your sense of who you are. A person learning telekinesis is essentially changing their default view of self, as well as their view of reality. This is significant. For most of us, change is not only difficult, it invokes a subtle current of conflicting emotions.
You are wading into strange waters, and so it is the unknown that may provoke some hesitation. Let me tell you now that telekinesis is safe. There will be no mental or physical straining that could cause injury or illness of any kind, as long as you follow the guidance.
The method is safe because it relies on developing a sense of peace and relaxation within, so as to allow an expansion of subtle energy in the body. So, fear not. Everything I am sharing now is designed to instill one of the most important mental factors you’ll need to do this work, confidence.
Confidence will give you the energy to read all the material and, so informed, do the practices as prescribed. It will help you hang in there during those practice sessions when it seems like nothing is happening, and it’ll prevent you from giving up due to negative mental influences.
The first object of confidence we’ll address is for the training method and, by that association, confidence in me. The swimmer and coach in the analogy above have a trusting relationship, and trust has a way of helping a person hear what the other is saying.
I offer you the expectations below to keep in mind while using the training method.
In Level One, you will sit in front of a piece of tin foil delicately balanced on a needle, which we’ll call the object throughout this book. This object will be fully exposed to the environment, including your body’s energy. It may or may not move immediately for you. I know that if you have confidence in the instructions and in the instructor, as well as in yourself, you will persist long enough to move the object through the mobilization of your intention.
You might become able to influence the object at Level One the first time you try, or within a week if you work on it every day for twenty to thirty minutes at a time.
At Level Two, the object will be enclosed in a glass container, thus blocking it from the effect of air movement in the room. Glass is an insulator, and as such it also impedes any electrical effect, such as static. Your hands will gently rest against the sides of the container. If you are unable to move the object after a few attempts, it is your confidence and inspiration which will maintain your commitment to continue your training sessions until it does.
You can expect to work at Level Two between one and four weeks.
When success comes, doubt may arise. If you are like me, the doubt will come from the seemingly rational notion that your hands have heated the glass sufficiently to stimulate convection inside the container. This means that an increase in temperature of the glass contacting your hands has started a cycle of warming and cooling air inside, thus moving it with sufficient force to push the object.
To dispel this doubt, we move to Level Three, in which your hands no longer touch the glass. They will be distant enough from it to remove the possibility of heating it and creating air currents. More importantly, this will remove the previous doubt from your mind.
Level Three will command far more persistence than Level Two for most readers. Again, it will be up to your confidence and inspiration to keep training until you reach success. Level Three can ta
ke between one and three months. This will vary depending on how often and how long you train.
Level Four offers the kind of fulfillment that many of us were looking for when we first heard the word “telekinesis”. Maybe we didn’t know that specific word when we first saw the exaggerated idea of it in movies like Star Wars, E.T., and Harry Potter. My first exposure to the concept came through the 1940 animated movie Fantasia, starring Mickey Mouse as the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. In it, he magically takes command over an army of mops. I remember watching them magically dance and spin by Mickey’s intention and will.
Imagine yourself now, sitting at a long table. It is several weeks or months since you first read the page you’re looking at right now. You have remained steady in your training ever since then. At the far end of the table, at least three or four feet away, sits same object you moved in Levels One, Two, and Three.
There it rests, carefully balanced on the needle. The glass container protects it from the tiniest breeze. Its distance from you removes the possibility of temperature, static, or anything else causing the movement. No part of your body is touching the table. Your hands are of no use here, so they rest idly in your lap.
Imagine what great doubt might arise as you look across the empty space over the table’s length, expecting the movement you created in Levels One, Two, and Three, and seeing none.
Was I fooling myself?
Fortunately, your progress through the first three levels will have shown you that the instructions do work when you follow them well enough, as long as you dedicate the necessary amount of time to practice. At that future point, it’ll be your prior progress and acquired self-knowledge which will fuel your confidence and passion to go all the way.
Defy Your Limits Page 1