The only way to observe the entrainment of course is by its effect, by witnessing the motion of the object. It’s just like the wind. You can’t see it, but you know it’s there because the trees are swaying and the clouds are floating across the horizon. It is also like love, you can’t see it but you know its presence by how you feel inside, by your emotions and physical sensations. You must pay attention to yourself as much as to the object
There isn’t any single thing we could call “the telekinetic mechanism.” Perhaps it’s a culmination of physical and mental conditions in the practitioner which produces an observable effect in the object. We must take it further though, because it’s not just about us. We have to consider the conditions within the spatial distance, the environment, and of the object itself. Their conditions change too, since they are inherent aspects of the experiment.
Everything is connected; therefore everything is affected.
Are we actually parts of a greater whole? Different spiritual traditions say that this is so, and some scientists, those courageous enough to explore beyond the known world, are looking into it. Perhaps telekinesis and practitioners like you can become a helpful voice in those conversations.
Micro-movements, Harbingers of Success
Know that full movement is around the corner once you perceive micro-movements. There are two kinds.
The first kind occurs within your mind. I have to use the word “mind” loosely here, because we have the mind that receives sensory input from organs like our eyes, and there is the mind that translates that input into colorful images. Another part of our mind combines concepts like names, labels, opinions, and past experiences with the raw images.
One aspect of mind receives signals from our taste buds in the mouth and our chemoreceptors inside the nose. Another aspect evokes the raw taste of chocolate in our consciousness. The third aspect of mind starts churning out thoughts, like the words “chocolate” and “delicious.”
Please remember that I’m using mental models to share concepts with you throughout this training method. Biologists, neuroscientists, psychologists, and traditions like Buddhism have far more intricate explanations for how the arising of experience occurs in consciousness.
There are moments during a session when you will have been steadily looking at the unmoving object, and your inner image of the object will seem to move. It may or may not appear as a turn on the needle. It could just be a feeling of motion, but without seeing it. I frequently experience subtle, ultra-brief sensations of sinking, dizziness, or disorientation when this happens. The heaviness can occur in my head, chest, or belly.
Again, these sensations come and go very quickly, and it is only because of the quiet stillness of a telekinesis session that a person would even notice those shifts.
I’ve tried to record close-up video of the object while experiencing this internal micro-movement, because I haven’t been completely sure of what I was perceiving. Was it really moving, or was it just in my head?
After recording these sessions, I’d play the video on a large screen to verify the movement. Perplexed, I observed none. Why was I perceiving motion in my mind, while nothing was really moving out there? I came to theorize that a change in my consciousness was happening to lead the way for a change in my physical reality.
I regard this as evidence that belief, as an aspect of mind, does determine what’s possible and impossible in physical reality for an individual. The mental micro-movements hinted that I, with my belief, was changing.
This soon gave way to the second type of micro-movements, which are physically observable. These are undoubtable to my eyes. When I’ve asked Cierra to come and see if she observed the same thing I did, she has concurred. This was no longer just happening inside my head.
We could both see the object trembling and pivoting in almost imperceptible amounts.
The moment your eyes see the same subtle movement, your mind will suddenly perk up. The contrast with utter stillness will be great enough for you to notice. It’ll make you look twice. You may not believe your eyes at first, and the effect may subside, but you won’t forget what you think you saw.
You’ll keep an eye out for it to happen again, since this new experience will pique your curiosity. If your excitement and tension is too great in that moment, though, it might be a while before it happens again.
But if you can remain cool and relaxed, continuing the application of A&I, remembering to relax the body and use the Mind-Stopping Breath, the micro-movements will soon return.
Extending Your Relaxation Toward the Micro-Movements
Along with the instructions given above, this one can help you take advantage of the micro-movement phase. At this point, the object has received almost enough energy to really move. It’s trembling with it.
You can boost your influence by directing your sense of bodily relaxation toward the object. Take a few deep breaths first, and with each exhalation, feel your muscles soften and relax. This is a soothing, enjoyable sensation. Then, exhale again, this time relaxing toward the object, expanding that sense of relaxation out in front of you. This might seem like an unusual concept, but it’s easy to apply.
Imagine that your sitting next to a friend who is stressed out or sad. She’s breathing rapidly and you can see her face is taught with emotion. Her jaw is clenched and her shoulders are raised tightly toward her ears. You’re listening to her tell you an experience she just had which has obviously upset her.
Instinctually, you begin breathing more slowly and softening your own muscles as you listen to her. You let your shoulders drop, loosen your neck and unclench your fists.
As you relax yourself this way, you mentally extend your relaxation toward her. As her friend, you want her to start feeling better too.
You intend your relaxation to make contact with her. You might not know how to really send the relaxation, but your intention is enough. After a minute or two, you notice her breathing slow down, her shoulders slacken, and her face soften.
You’ll want to treat the object the way you treated your friend in the scenario above.
Watching the micro-movements, cultivate that same kind of relaxation in your own body, as well as your mind. If you notice that you’ve been mentally trying too hard, or have slipped into trying to think it into moving, then let that effort go. You’ll notice a sense of ease and spaciousness in your mind when you do that. It’s an experience of simplicity.
Next, expand that feeling beyond your body, out in front of you. You could simply imagine that the relaxation is so expansive that it extends beyond your skin boundary, like a cloud passing through tiny openings in a membrane. When you do that, the micro-movement will blossom into a fully observable motion.
Time Blurring and Sleep Visions
I want to share a strange thing that happened in my own Level Two development before I succeeded at moving the object.
While applying my A&I, I would periodically imagine what it would look like if the object actually began turning. I would simply pretend. I wondered if doing this might somehow affect the present reality and cause a change.
I wouldn’t imagine anything extreme like the object spinning wildly or flying off the needle. Just a nudge or slight turn. While my eyes perceived only stillness, I visualized the future motion of the object in my mind’s eye. Then I would overlay the imagined scene onto the object in the present moment. I call this “time blurring.”[*]
Once in a while as I drifted off to sleep at night, this future-based image of the moving object would spontaneously appear again in my mind’s eye. Behind my closed lids I would watch the imaginary object turning steadily on the needle. It was similar to watching a memory, but with an added element. I could feel an almost physical sensation in my mind. It was as if I felt the actual motion of the object from within.
This spontaneous image would only last a few moments, a minute at most, and then I would continue on to the darkness of sleep. This is called “sleep shifting.
I believe the sleep shifting was a sign that I was finally changing my default model of reality. My subconscious mind was beginning to accept that I could actually move an object
without touching it and without the interference of heat, wind or anything else. My inner non-believer was getting tired of resisting, and my inner skeptic was prepared to collect new and unexpected data.
One evening, in the middle of the usual, no-motion training session, the object swung in a slow arc around the needle. It was just as it looked in pre-sleep visions.
Finally, success!
15. Troubleshooting
If, after you reach the stage of micro-movements, you remain stuck there for a few sessions, it will be fair to suspect there could be obstacles present which have nothing to do with your work.
One common obstacle is that over time, the tip of the needle has burrowed into the surface of the tinfoil or paper. The burrowing could have occurred during the micro-movements, or just by sitting on the needle and letting time do the rest. It’s nearly impossible to see the tiny indentation with the naked eye.
The telekinetic force we’re cultivating at these levels is simply too weak to prevail over the slightest friction. As you practice more and more, your ability will get stronger. But in the beginning, even the least resistance will be enough to confound you.
Luckily the solution is simple. Just reset the object on the needle. If you’re worried that the needle will find its way into the existing burrow, then throw it away and use a new piece of tinfoil or paper.
Another obstacle has to do with energy. By having your physical hands in the vicinity of the object, they help to extend your body’s energy field toward it. Your left hand will have a greater effect on the left side of the object while the same applies to the right hand and the right side.
If all other forces remain equal, then you may be accidentally holding the object in stasis. Even though the object and the environment are in contact with your energy, if the field is in a state of balance, then the object stays put where it is.
If you suspect this is the case, slowly pull your hands away from the glass, then replace them at a different angle to the object. For instance, move your left hand forward (further away from you) and pull your right hand back (closer to you). Relax your body and mind as if you were starting a new session, and continue applying your A&I. You may notice a new response from the object within a few moments.
The shift in hand position in relation to the object’s angle can create enough energetic dissonance or imbalance to influence the object unequally. This unbalanced stimulation then causes it to move.
The image on the next page shows the object “balanced” between the two equally positioned hands.
The image below shows how to adjust the hands to unbalance their influence on the object. Notice the hand on the left is pulled back closer to the body, and closer to that half of the object. The hand on the right is farther away from the body, and closer to the opposite half of the object.
Be cautious about overusing this corrective measure. You should avoid moving your hands every time you hit a period of stillness, which in the beginning will be most of the time. Every time you move your hands in hopes of causing an effect you risk disturbing your A&I and the flow of energy.
Be patient after you make the hand correction, give it several minutes. The object might still require more time to be affected by the altered flow of energy.
To watch the hand placement correction being done, go to: It is part of the video on Control, the third video on that page.
Another thing to remember is to keep your hands relaxed at all times. Do the hands below look relaxed or tense?
Obviously, they’re tense, and they’re revealing that the mind is also tense. You will note relaxed posture of the hands in the other photos throughout the book, and in the videos.
As in Level One, you can be confident that you have succeeded with Level Two when you can exhibit some control over the speed and direction of the object.
Since you are using a glass barrier, the doubt that this could be the effect air movement will diminish greatly. Yet because your hands are touching the glass, you might wonder if your hands are heating it, and therefore heating the air inside the container. This would cause convection, the movement of air caused by a cycle of heating and cooling. You might suspect that the convection is causing the object to behave like a ship’s sail, moving against the force of the air current.
This is the reason for developing your telekinesis to the point where you can change the direction and speed of the object. Simple air convection can’t do that, but your intention, relaxation, and application of the breathing technique can.
For example, with practice you’ll be able to make the object turn in one direction during a long inhalation, then to reverse the spin during the next exhalation. You’ll also be able to pause the movement while holding the breath at the top of the inhale. This shows that you are the controlling agent, not the presumed convection.
If the convection theory still bothers you, don’t worry. We’ll dismantle it with Level Three.
For an example of successful Level Two movement, visit
One you have succeeded with Level Two, then continue on to Level Three.
16. Mental Models and Basic Principles
In the beginning of the book I wrote that I felt directionless in my attempts to do telekinesis. As I continued my journey of trial and error, certain ideas became clear and stood out for their helpfulness. By sharing these ideas with you before you go further in your training, you will find your way to success much more easily. More importantly, you will be able to weather the inevitably long periods of stillness with patient confidence. This is especially important with Levels Three and Four. You have already been introduced to some of these, and I repeat them here because of their importance.
Also, taking these ideas into consideration ahead of time will reduce the noise in your head that will arise during a telekinesis training session.
Curiosity, philosophizing, and critical thinking are natural motions of the mind. They are necessary to our day to day activities. However, for our purposes it will be necessary to decrease that noise. Doing so will boost the force of your mental intention. The following ideas will answer future questions now, which is preferable to you turning those questions over in your mind during a session while you’re trying to move the object.
We could categorize the ideas below as mental models. They help to define the territory that we’re entering, and to set up rules of engagement. We need to be clear that these models are intended as theories to be explored and tested by their effects, and should not be confused with facts.
Some of these theories will seem to accord very closely with how we experience telekinesis and other phenomena. They will seem reliable. Because of that, we could also regard these models as working hypotheses. A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for why something happens the way it does. It is unproven, but functions as a starting point to experiment with and to get closer to explaining what’s really going on.
Our inner skeptic knows to not become attached to our working hypotheses. They are merely helpful tools. Once we find a better tool, we can discard the old one. This entire training method is a working hypothesis. It produces results, but future discoveries will surpass it. The ideas below are not meant to become dogma. They are a map, not the destination.
Energy Follows Attention
This is the most important principle in this telekinesis training method, energy follows attention. Memorize those three words and think of them often. This is an ancient idea found in meditative traditions across the planet. I learned it in my study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism[*]. In that tradition, feeling the subtle qualities of the interior body, then drawing energy to specific areas of it are key practices. Similar concepts are found in Tai Chi, Chi Kung an
d the Indian Yoga tradition, among others.
There are commonly known phrases that reflect this understanding. For example, “What you resist, persists” and “What you focus on, expands.” While meditators use this understanding to affect their bodies and minds, others use it to affect their careers, their relationships, and their connection with spirit.
When people, particularly young people who’ve watched a lot of science fiction movies, are introduced to telekinesis, many of them assume that they are supposed to somehow force energy out of their hands or out of their bodies and shoot it at the object.
This approach is putting the cart before the horse. Our method is much more simple. You simply need to place your attention on the object you’d like to affect. If the appropriate conditions of body and mind are present, the energy will naturally and effortlessly move to that object in its own way.
Defy Your Limits Page 8