Energy Accumulates Over Time
In this style of telekinesis, it’s important to regard it as the accumulation of energy over a period of time. Telekinesis is not like sending a projectile across space and immediately causing movement upon impact. Rather, it’s like charging your cell phone.
The recharge is not an instant process. You need to leave it plugged in for a period of time before the battery absorbs the requisite amount of energy. At that point it will vibrate, ring, and display images for you.
Remembering this when working with the object will help you to be patient. You will understand that while it appears that nothing is happening, something crucial is happening, albeit invisibly. Take the attitude that every time you sit with the object and direct your attention and intention toward it, you’re charging that battery.
Your energy is imperceptibly heading toward the object over a period of time. At a certain point, without warning, you’ll discover that it’s charged enough because that is when the object will start to move.
This effect happens much quicker at Level Three than at Level Four. Each succeeding level will require more time than the preceding one. You already experienced this when going from Level One to Level Two.
You will notice a strange effect which relates to the analogy of the charged battery. This is something that you will experience after having been successful with at least Level Two for some time. Imagine now that you sit before your object as it rests inside the glass container. Your hands are in position, and after directing your A&I to the object for some time while using the breathing technique, the object begins to spin.
You continue producing the effect for a few minutes. Then it’s time to rest or go do something else. However, after you take your hands away and stop applying your mind toward it, it continues to turn.
It even continues to turn for many seconds or even a couple minutes. It behaves as if it’s dissipating the accumulated energy, but I can’t say for certain if that’s what’s happening. This can occur at any level, especially Level Four.
This is just one example of the sometimes illogical, spontaneous, and contradictory nature of the telekinetic effect. Sometimes with this stuff all we can say is, “I don’t know what’s happening, but it’s happening.”
We’ll discuss even stranger effects in the following pages.
Anomalies of Relationship
You will notice that once you have become proficient at Level Two and Three, it takes about the same amount of time for movement to begin – as long as you have been using the same piece of tin foil or paper for a long period of time.
This may sound strange, but you are establishing a relationship, a link, with the object during your training. Aside from the evidence by way of its reaction to your attention and intention, I don’t know of any other way to show you that you are in relationship with it.
However, there is an anomaly I should mention here, which you will undoubtedly notice yourself assuming that you are training on a regular basis.
This is something that will occur only after already having succeeded at moving the object. I noticed this a few weeks after my first movement. Sometimes, immediately upon walking into the room where the training area was set up, the object would begin to turn. It’s as if it already knew what I wanted to do with it, and began responding right away, even before I sat down in front of it.
There are variations of this anomaly. Sometimes, it was when I sat down in front of it and merely glanced at it that it would begin to turn.
In experiments with two separate objects, each in their own glass container, I would direct my attention to one, but out of distraction I would briefly glance at the other, and it would move instead of the originally intended object.
I refer to this effect as “sticky energy,” though I am inconclusive as to what is really happening here. I suspect that in the case of having two objects close to each other, the one I have spent more time with may be receiving the energy, thus “taking it away” from the other, even though I want the energy to go to the other.
In neuroscience, there’s the phrase, “Cells that fire together, wire together.” This expresses the fact that weak bonds between neurons will strengthen through repeated stimulation, increasing their efficiency. Perhaps something similar is happening here which allows one object to respond to the energy intended for another nearby.
17. The Catch & The Lookaway
There are two more “eye effects” I’d like to share before you continue to Level Three. They are both extremely subtle and can make the difference between micro-movements and complete motion at Levels Three and Four. Like everything else I’m introducing here, these are phenomena I discovered during my own development.
The Catch
Imagine sitting before the glass container now, and you’ve been applying yourself for thirty minutes without any signs of movement. Your body and mind have finally relaxed, and the noise in your head is no longer distracting you. Your A&I are steady.
Then suddenly your eyes perceive actual movement. But a split second later, your conceptual mind realizes what it’s seeing. Then the object stops. It only had time to move half a millimeter before freezing in place. Now you’re perplexed and frustrated. It felt like it was going to keep moving, why did it stop?
In that split second of movement, your heart pulsed a little quicker while a storm of thoughts and emotions erupted in your mind. Perhaps that’s what stopped it – the excitement caused bodily tension which immediately blocked the flow of energy, or broke the fragile connection.
Or was it something else?
Until the thinking mind picked up on the fact that you were influencing something from a distance, the rest of your overall being was perfectly fine with it. Your eyes let the scene enter, and your body seemed fine as well. No part of you was particularly responsive to the movement until your personality, your ego, caught up to what was happening.
When I have those moments, it feels as if my eyes stop their transmission of A&I and instead, freeze the object. That’s why I call this effect The Catch. The moving object got caught up in my ordinary expectation of reality, and my ego mind put a stop to the effect right then and there.
There is a deeply etched belief inside most of us that telekinesis is impossible, a fantasy. Could our ego be affecting reality as well, to prevent breaking any rules? Science has produced evidence that this could be the case.
Charles Tart, Ph.D. discusses “psi missing” in The End of Materialism[*]. He discusses this concept in the context of psi experiments using both believers and non-believers as test subjects.
In these experiments, the believers scored significantly above chance expectations, which indicated that they had some type of telepathic ability. How do you think the non-believers scored?
They would have been happy with an absence of positive hits, indicating no special influence or ability was taking place at all. This would prove their disbelief to be correct. But something else happened.
Instead, they scored extra badly. Their results were the inverse of the believers’, also exceeding chance expectations, but in the opposite direction. They had inadvertently used their telepathic ability to influence their results.
This not only shows that anyone can have a psychic influence, but that they can do so without being consciously aware of it.
When I feel my eyes catching the object’s movement and stopping it, it seems that a part of me is trying to put the brakes on. It’s my inner non-believer. Ironically, it’s using telekinesis, something it doesn’t believe in, to stop the movement.
This is an important consideration when showing telekinesis to a group of people, especially people who are doubtful of or even aggressive toward the notion of psi abilities. You might find yourself unable to do publicly what had become easy for you at home when you’re by yourself.
One of those observers might be catching the object and holding it still with their own mind. They won’t consciously know tha
t this is what they’re doing of course, because it’s their subconscious belief that is producing the effect and ruining your efforts. I have no doubt that several non-believers can unknowingly work in tandem to make sure nothing moves.
The Lookaway
The Lookaway was a phenomenon I accidentally produced during my own training. Eventually I used it to create a solution to the Catch.
Similar to the Refrigerator, the Lookaway is a method of distracting the mind and getting it out of the way so that the attention, intention, and energy can reach out and contact the object without any interference.
There were many times when after long periods of non-movement, I would carelessly look away from it and let my mind ponder other things while my hands and body stayed in place. Only then, in that moment of moving my eyes away from the object, would it begin to move.
I realized that mentally letting go is as important a concept in telekinesis as it is in conventional styles of meditation.
This effect also happened in those moments when I decided to take a break or quit for the day. In that moment of letting go, I released my expectations, hopes, and impatience. Simultaneous with that moment of release, my energy was freed to reach out and connect with the object, finally producing the sought-after movement.
I must admit, there’s an unnerving realization that the ego can’t really participate fully in telekinesis. It has its rules, and our deeper nature has its own. Fortunately, that’s exactly why we can use the Lookaway to resolve the Catch.
When you notice the object getting caught by your mind, just look away. Think of something else for a couple of seconds. Also, check your body for tension. Take a nice deep breath and let yourself melt as you forget about the whole project. Relax.
Wait a few moments, then look again. You might notice that it’s begun to turn. If it hasn’t yet, let your mind remain extremely soft while you gently engage the Mind-Stopping-Breath, just for one or two cycles. If necessary, re-adjust your hands. Then, let go.
18. Recipe for Success
Motivation is only one of several qualities you’ll need to progress all the way through Level Four. If you’ve clarified your motivation for learning telekinesis, that’ll serve as the foundation for the other desirable qualities, which I’ll describe below.
My Bachelor’s degree was in computer science, which required a minor in mathematics. I really dislike math. It doesn’t come naturally to me. My brain ached as I tried to understand the concepts, and I was regularly filled with anxiety whenever an exam was scheduled. My middle-of-the-road grades reflected that.
In my senior year, I took two semesters of astronomy in order to fulfill the science requirement to graduate. I fell in love with it. It showed me the beauty and perfection of the cosmos. It also involved a lot of math. Interestingly, I didn’t mind. I even liked it, and I willingly worked harder at it than I did for my other math classes. I was no longer driven by a sense of requirement.
I had become passionate about astronomy. The passion drove me to understand the material because I loved the topic, so I willingly pursued my studies, working harder than I normally would to absorb the material.
The more passionate you feel about this work, the more persistent you will be with the training. This is important because for many people, telekinesis takes time. It took me somewhere around eight weeks to accomplish Level Two. That was at least forty hours of sitting in front of the object trying to make it move, and seeing nothing but absolute stillness. Does that sound obsessive? It’s not, it’s being persistent.
In the internet age, instant gratification has removed opportunities for people to develop persistence. Your persistence will grow naturally as long as you have the passion to see this through. The same goes for patience. If you are not a patient person, you will either give up quickly or your patience will grow through the course of accomplishing this training.
Persistent people are usually self-driven. This is important. After spending years watching my meditation students develop in their own way, I can say that it’s the ones who were self-driven who made the most discoveries and who reaped the greatest benefits from their meditation practice. The same will be true with you.
Integrity may seem like an unexpected quality for telekinesis, but we must acknowledge that people have a funny way of fooling themselves. We need to be more like scientists and less like magicians with this work, and to be honest with what we’re doing.
For example, at Level One, there isn’t a glass barrier between you and the object. The instructions state that your hands need to remain motionless, and distant enough from the object to minimize the effect of warm air moving the object.
At the end of your second or third session, when nothing had happened yet, strange little thoughts might have cropped up such as “Well, maybe I need to move my hands just a little to get the energy going.” Then the object will have wiggled and moved a little bit, and you may have been tempted to conclude that it really was some energy moving the object. You might have been ready to celebrate telekinetic success, but you didn’t because you could admit that you were just moving the air.
I will make it easy for you to stay in your integrity as you follow the training, because all you have to do is follow the instructions. If you deviate from the instructions, make sure your radar is set on high alert for self-deception.
The instructions do leave enough room for creativity, don’t worry. You need your creativity and problem solving skills for a couple of reasons. First, there might be limitless ways to learn and actualize telekinesis. What I’m teaching you here is my way, the way I learned based on my past experience. I don’t know everything, obviously. Since I’m passing everything I know on to you, you will learn faster than I did, which will give you more time to see new possibilities and consider other methods.
Second, I’m guiding you into your internal space. This includes your mental processes, and how your physical body feels. I’m using words to describe what I think is happening inside of you, but the fact is that you might use different words for the same experience. I may give an instruction that only partly describes an aspect of your mind, but for you to know what I’m talking about, you need to feel around inside of yourself to find that aspect.
How would you describe the color blue to someone who can’t see? This isn’t that extreme, but it touches on why you need to be broad minded when working with these instructions.
Do you care what other people think about you? Of course, we all do. Research shows that most of us make decisions based on environmental cues, including how you think people will react to you. When you go to a bookstore, do you feel a little uncomfortable when someone else sees what section you’re browsing? When you buy personal products at the grocery store, are you hyper aware of who’s standing in line next to you, or who the cashier is?
We all do that, and I think it’s because we know in our bones that our survival is a group effort. Not too long ago, if you were cast out of your community, it meant shame, loneliness, starvation and eventual death. That risk of rejection from our personal communities drives us all the time, even when we’re all alone in a room.
We’re all members of several communities. For example, you have your spouse or family, your coworkers, your religious group. We’re even vigilant of people’s opinions of us at the gym or salon.
If words like “rebel,” “marches to the beat of his or her own drum,” “introvert,” “artist,” or “independent” have ever been used to describe you, then you have little to concern yourself with in this arena. However, if you derive your identity from being “dependable,” “always was a good boy/girl,” or if you work in a role that depends on maintaining a status quo and not rocking the boat, then listen to the following advice.
Don’t tell anyone what you’re doing. Do not say one word because the look on someone’s face when you tell them you are trying to learn how to move something with your mind could be enough to shame you into stopping.
sp; People tend to ridicule and bully individuals who challenge their beliefs about the world. At the next office holiday party, the target for teasing could be you, the weirdo who believes mind over matter is real. That advice may irritate you because part of you sees the light in this work, and you want to add even more light to our world.
If that’s the case with you, I recommend you follow through with your training then, and become capable at repeating the effect at all four levels. Then, don’t just tell people, show them. You might also remind them that we have these things called cell phones, satellites, and microwaves, which they believe in yet probably have no idea how they actually work.
19. Level Three [*]
The difference between Level Two and Level Three is the position of the hands. All else remains the same. Instead of touching the glass with your hands, space them about a thumb’s length from the sides.
Defy Your Limits Page 10