Let’s say a minute or two after moving to the other seat, the object slows down or stops. It is crucial that you remain relaxed and patient. Don’t let fear or doubt creep in and cause you to strain your mind. Remember to behave emotionally like a skeptic, not like a believer.
Simply draw in a lung-full of air and hold for a few seconds, then exhale slowly while gently extending your relaxation out to the object. If necessary, repeat this step several times, remaining peaceful throughout. It will eventually respond, verifying your connection.
Once you’re able to repeat that level of proficiency with regular success, move on to Stage Three of Level Four.
23. Level Four, Stage Three (Final Stage) [*]
You are now at the final stage, which is extraordinarily simple to describe. Here, the object and glass container are positioned as in Stage Two, on one end of the table. Begin by sitting down at the opposite end of the table, at least three or four feet away.
Apply everything you have already learned: the A&I, the Mind-Stopping Breath, keeping your body and mind relaxed, and expanding your sense of relaxation forward toward the object.
Keep this formula in mind:
T + R + I + A = M.
Time in Relaxation, Intention, and Attention produce Movement. A lack of any one of the causative factors will have a diminishing effect on how soon movement begins, as well as its speed.
The most important principle to keep in mind at this stage is that energy accumulates in the object over time, which you’ve already learned. Patience is crucial at Stage Three. Without it, you will default to straining with your mental energy, trying to force a reaction in the object. By now, you know that doesn’t work.
If you have stayed true to the instructions beginning with Level One, you will naturally be vigilant against straining and make any necessary correction as soon as it arises. However, we must acknowledge that every new experience can cause us to revert to old patterns.
Stage Three is the most daunting experiment of this entire training method. Trust the techniques that have already worked for you in previous levels.
Trust that with every minute that passes, energy is following your attention and by directing your intention, it’s finding its way into the object.
Be willing to sit at each session for thirty minutes or longer. You must give the energy time to connect with, and accumulate in, the object. Whether or not the object moves, repeat the Stage Three sessions several times per week until you succeed in actualizing the telekinetic effect with significant influence, thus completing your training.
To combat boredom and refresh your confidence, I suggest going back to the Level Two and Level Three exercises once in a while. They will remind you that you are truly capable of performing telekinesis. I mention this because even today when I’m struggling during an advanced level, I find myself wondering if any of it was ever real. People can really be their own worst enemies.
For some real fun, let yourself enjoy the simplicity of Level One. If you haven’t been back there in a while, you’ll surprise yourself by how much stronger your ability has become since you first started.
Once you feel rested and recharged, continue the Level Four, Stage Three training until you succeed.
Remember, all you have to do is not give up.
The feeling of accomplishment of the final stage of Level Four is indescribable. You are now able to have an experience that a great deal of people on this planet believe is utterly impossible. You have gone beyond the generally accepted limits of human ability.
After Level Four, your next question may be, “What’s next?”
To watch videos of Level Four, Stage Three, go to: http://www.defyyourlimitsbook.com/eta.html
24. Experiments Beyond Level Four
You’ve developed the ability to move an object with your mind from a distance. Adding creativity and exploration to your telekinesis practice can keep the topic fun and inspiring. It’s also a fantastic way to continually expand your belief system about what’s possible in your life.
Here are some ideas for you to try. If they don’t interest you, they may at least help you come up with some of your own.
Two people, one object[*]
Telekinesis can be more fun with a friend. You can try doing Level One, Two, Three, and even Four with someone else. It will become a source of new questions to ponder and explore, such as:
Which one of us is doing it, if not both?
Is either one of us preventing the movement?
How can we work together more successfully?
Using other systems of energy work
Do you practice Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Pranayama or other types of energy work? You could try some exercises that you’re already familiar with and combine them with the training method.
Using other types of objects
If you started with tin foil, can you develop your ability with paper? Or cardboard? What if you shaped the tinfoil or paper into a “psi wheel”?[*] What if you used a much bigger piece of tinfoil? How heavy an object can you move?
Using a scale to measure your strength and grow from there
Keep in mind that if you change to a different object which also seems to weigh very little, it might in fact be many times heavier than what you’ve been successful with already. For example, when I began experimenting with a beverage can, it felt very light to my hands, and not much heavier than a large piece of tinfoil.
After a long and slow journey with it, I decided to find out what I was really dealing with, and purchased an electronic scale. It turned out that the can weighed over 14 grams. In comparison, an average piece of tinfoil weighed 0.13 grams. The can was one hundred and seven times heavier than the tin foil.
That’s like being able to comfortably lift a 20-pound dumbbell, and then assuming I could lift a 2,000-pound barbell because it didn’t look that much heavier.
Similar to weight-lifting, I have experienced the gradual strengthening of my own telekinetic influence. Like exercise, my telekinetic effect depends on regular training. If I keep practicing, I slowly increase the weight that I’m able to effect. When I stop, it decreases. Sometimes after a long hiatus, it’s like starting all over from the beginning.
You could take the following approach with a scale. Weigh your object, and after becoming skilled with it cut out a bigger piece of tinfoil or paper. Or stack one piece on top of another, gently balancing them on the needle. Test yourself with cutting a can in half, or in quarters,[*] and seeing if you can move them at all. Track the increasing weight of your objects and see what you learn from doing that.
Larger objects move far easier without the use of a glass container since the flow of energy seems much less obstructed.
Moving two objects under the same container
What happens when you place your intention on two objects at the same time? Will they move simultaneously or independently? Is one more responsive than the other? Can you move one, make it stop, then move the other?[*]
Moving an organic object
What if an object has its own life force? Can it respond better than tin foil or paper? Can your energy connect easier to organic substances?
One day, Cierra trimmed a portion of a broad leaf because the tip had deteriorated. Out of curiosity, I balanced the cutting on a needle and found it to be unusually responsive.[**]
Long-Distance Telekinesis
Barbara Lyons is a skilled energy healer in Denver, Colorado. I’d visited her a couple of times for my own healing needs, and mentioned my telekinesis work to her. Because her healing modality is not limited by distance, she suggested a special experiment. She wanted to apply her skills to moving an object from several miles away.
Excited by her proposition, I set up the experiment in my home, which is six miles away from hers. We scheduled a time when the experiment would begin and end.
I set up my video cameras to record anything that happened during the experiment. The object was tinfoil. The setup was prot
ected by a glass container whose edges were sealed with masking tape to prevent external disturbance.
I stayed in another room during the experiment so that I wouldn’t accidentally influence the object. To help keep my attention off the object, Cierra and I enjoyed a nice dinner and talked about other things.
Meanwhile, Barbara spent that period applying her method to the object. The distance was the first challenge. Second, she hadn’t even seen the object. She just knew that there was a piece of tin foil in my living room waiting for her to influence it. She was working on the object the same way she treated her long-distance clients: blind.
I watched the video afterward, anxious to see movement, any kind of movement. I became elated after ten minutes when the object finally began a slow and steady swing. Movement and stillness alternated during the remainder of the recorded experiment, at the same time Barbara was intending it. I’m certain that it was her influence because there are countless times I’ve left an object untouched overnight or even longer without it moving at all.
Videos of the above-mentioned demonstrations are here: http://www.defyyourlimitsbook.com/theta.html
25. Other Objects for Experimentation
A quick search on the internet will show that people are exploring telekinesis with a wide variety of objects. Having learned how to use your attention and intention, you can apply your skill to anything you’d like.
The advantage of the kind of telekinesis you’ve learned in this training method is that it’s an isolatable experiment. The glass container prevents wind movement, and your ability to affect the speed and direction of the object gives evidence that the movement is being directed by your consciousness, not by some ambient physical force.
The disadvantages to the experiments below are that they are far less controlled, which leaves more room for doubt (either by the practitioner or by skeptics and pseudo-skeptics). They may also be far less repeatable which makes learning and development more difficult. Still, it doesn’t mean that they’re not legitimate. Therefore, you may find it worthwhile to explore these:
Hydrokinesis: The movement of water
An example of this would be to float a small object in a bowl of water and to move it by applying telekinesis to the water molecules that it’s floating on.
Electrokinesis: Affecting the flow of electricity
An example would be to cause a light bulb to flicker. Focus on interrupting the electrical flow either at the wall outlet or at the base of the bulb where the electricity contacts the filament in a standard bulb.
Another style of electrokinesis is to illuminate a bulb. A very small incandescent bulb or an LED bulb is typically used for this. The technique is to generate a flow of energy from one hand to the other, with the bulb in between the hands to close the loop of energy.[*]
Aerokinesis: The movement of ambient air
Some people practice this outdoors because they can track the wind movement by how it moves nearby trees, bushes, and leaves. Practiced indoors, you could try to influence the air in a room enough to swing a door.
A note about the terms “hydrokinesis,” “electrokinesis,” and “aerokinesis.” These are misnomers because they lack
the word “tele.” In telekinesis, “tele” refers to the effect across a distance. “Kinesis” means movement. Therefore, telekinesis means movement from a distance, which is what makes it so interesting.
Technically speaking, “hydrokinesis” would only mean water movement. It would be more appropriate to call it hydro-telekinesis, the movement of water from a distance. This way, the psi aspect is reinserted into the term.
Popular terms like “hydrokinesis” will probably retain their common usage though.
26. If You Doubt Your Own Experience
If people’s comments make you doubt what you’ve seen with your own eyes over the last few months of training, remember the following:
You don’t need to defend “telekinesis.” It’s just an idea, nothing can hurt it, and justifying it isn’t your job.
You don’t have to convince yourself or anyone else that this is telekinesis. If all you can say is that you did something with your mind and body, and the object moved at the same time, and you don’t know why, that’s alright.
When anyone offers alternative explanations such as heat, static, earthquakes, etcetera, just remember that the object responded specifically to your breathing pattern. If you had the same experiences I did, there were times when you could make the object stop on command. Similarly, you could also reverse it on command.
If you’ve been working on this for as long as it took me to reach Level Four, then you’ve done at least two hundred training sessions. After all that time, you must know with certainty that when you use the techniques, the object responds with a high degree of dependability. Therefore, you know that this isn’t random. You’re not fooling yourself.
There were probably times during your training when you were steady and really applied yourself, and the object responded sooner and more sensitively to your intention. Then there were other times when you had taken a break, and upon starting again you realized you had sort of “lost it,” then had to start over or spend extra time to get back to where you left off.
This “use it or lose it” quality of telekinesis training is another indicator that your consciousness is the driving factor, not ordinary physical effects. Why would heat, static or anything else have a greater effect when you’ve been practicing a lot, and less of an effect when you haven’t been?
We could also ask, if heat, static, or anything else like that did respond to how much you’ve been training, wouldn’t that still give evidence for telekinesis and the interaction of consciousness with physical matter?
If someone were to ask you, “Then why hasn’t the government approached you about going to work for them?” you can reply that they don’t have a need for psychic tinfoil turners. It’s easier to just use your hands.
You can also remind them that during the Cold War both Russian and American military and intelligence departments invested money in the development of remote viewing, a type of ESP. On the American side, it was known by its declassified name, Stargate Project.
Today, private organizations and individuals use remote viewing for a variety of objectives ranging from aiding law enforcement in locating missing persons to helping investors profit in the Stock and Commodities markets. The point is that some governments and private organizations do take a serious interest in this subject matter.
A final recommendation. Whenever you read or hear someone’s opinion about telekinesis, find out who the author is and whether they’re a believer, non-believer, skeptic, or pseudo-skeptic. They are each writing their point of view, which they would have you accept as your own.
Be smart, use critical thinking, and always remember that it’s just as much about what they won’t tell as you as what they will. This applies to online resources like encyclopedias and science pages as well, they were all written by people with personal beliefs.
27. An Offering to Science and Spirit
Telekinesis sits at the intersection of science and spirituality. For the scientist, telekinesis is an easily observable phenomenon. Not only can we see it in action, but a practitioner can reproduce the effect. It can be measured, and it can be studied.
In the study of ESP and remote viewing, giving feedback means showing the subject the actual target they were trying to perceive from a distance using only their mind.
With ESP, feedback might look like immediately showing the subject the actual playing card whose suit and number they were trying to perceive.
In a remote viewing experiment, feedback is performed by taking the subject to the physical location where their target was located.
In both types of feedback, subjects can quickly discern if their intuition was right or not. This way they can learn what they’re doing right, and improve their ability.
For those learning telekinesis, it off
ers the advantage of immediate feedback. They can see whether or not they are having an effect on the object that very moment. If it moved, they were successful. If it didn’t, they weren’t.
In terms of spirituality, psi phenomena like telekinesis and ESP are evidence of our interconnectedness. These abilities also promote the idea that who we really are is more than what our eyes can see.
When our body dies, is it possible that some non-physical part of us continues on as an integral part of the universe, still capable of perceiving and transmitting information? Does that non-physical aspect give evidence for itself during a telekinesis experiment?
Defy Your Limits Page 12